❝I'm that boy from Canada.❞
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me
✱ profile credits to changmean and ❤ 珈琲愛 layoutshop
Hey everyone! I'm changmean at your service!
This is my sample layout, just so you guys know what types of layouts I make.
However, you're very free and welcome to use this as your layout!
Just leave the credits as they are -I'll really appreciate that!
And use the RAW PASTE DATA!