Matthew's office

Matthew's Office

The place he goes to work and a place where he can retire, knock before entering.

Christian Yu β‡Έ Mattie's 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim "You and I both know the answer to that," he counters evenly, courting that same coquettish smirk despite the intrigue piquing at the other's urgency. Matthew has never been the patient sort but then again, that's what balances them. Overwritten are the rules of interaction and reaction when it pertains to these two... They carve loopholes with their lingering gazes and breathe addendums in the heated whispers they meld into one another's skin. It's how they operate, how they sustain whatever it is they have. So it isn't all that much of a surprise to Christian when he finds himself at the mercy of the other's fevered kiss within the span of an instant. He could almost chortle--- God, this man could never cease to be so adorable.

His response is immediate, sturdy arms sweeping around the chiseled torso of the other to pin him tightly against him. He takes the fleeting moment he's got to adore the curve of his lower back just before it dips to meet that tight and supple, swollen thighs. Matthew is perfection in a tweed suit, no doubt, and Christian has no qualms about marveling every inch of him.

His palms scoop themselves beneathe the other's buttocks, squeezing those pliant cheeks only once before pressing Matthew deeper into his hold. With the leverage he garners out of it, he lifts the vampire up and coils his thighs around his waist only to amble them both back toward Matthew's desk. His lips set to work stealing breaths he's sure his companion doesn't need, tongue sliding against that plump lower lip to demand entry. But when he (reluctantly) deposits the other atop the desk's furnishing, Christian stoops to press him back against the cherrywood surface and languidly grinds his hips down. Their clothed groin mingle wickedly, tracing the the valleys of their hips and outlining every heated curve of their twitching manhoods.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim The human was anything but oblivious to the gaze and it only fueled his confidence and caused his lips to form a smirk before he bit down on his bottom lip, arching his back a bit as if looking for more contact. "You do know that I would have to leave this comfortable seat if you want me to remove my pants." Hyunggu knew that he would have to get up at one point if he wanted to go that far but that didn't mean that he could have some fun while teasing the vampire. "Do you really want me to do that?"
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Christian Yu "Don't leave," Matthew said suddenly almost jumping out of his seat, what stopped him was the feel of a warm delicate hand against his nape. Chills of apprehension shot down his spine as he allowed his body to be pulled closer. "Does there have to be a reason for you to come here?"

He played with the idea that there was no real reason for his message but there was no denying just how his body reacted as the closeness shared between him and the devilish young man. The vampire felt as if he was in deep, maybe too deep but the captivating games, smiles and just the excitement of not knowing what's to happen next just pulled him in with all the potential promises whatever they maybe.

'Get to the point Prince' rang into his ears the little pet name made him smile, he never admitted to liking it but there was always something about it that just let him allow it to keep happening, the words were like a sweet alluring invitation, he took it as soon as his words were finished wasting no time to close the gap his lips finally capturing Christian's and of course he fell easily. Hook, line and sinker.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu Matthew was quite a patient man but at the current time he wasn't, his eyes drifted over Hyunggu's torso. The vampire smiled and just leaned forward now slipping his fangs just about the young male's left he didn't do it to drink just to cause a little pain and pleasure, he wanted to give more than some cheeky kisses and bites, he was feeling extra generous and in the mood for something he normally wouldn't go for. "Well I want to see you in your most vulnerable form,"
Christian Yu β‡Έ Mattie's 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim At the back of his mind, Christian likes to pretend that he doesn't notice the amusement stitched so meticulously upon the other's features. He's read Matthew before, known the man for his moments of sadism--- hell, at times they were rival to his own--- but if anything, it only drove the human... Encouragement, in some respects, to keep it together and refrain from divulging in the vampire's jests. It was a reason, among the many, that the two were always at odds.

"Then I'll be taking my leave if that's all this is," he quips with such ease that the urge to smirk nearly overcomes him. Languid strides pinch the distance between them both until Christian can make out the faint crinkles stretching out from the other's eyes. Roads less traveled that he's certain his own gaze has embarked on all too often. "Unless you wanna get to the point? You and I both know time's an investment."

He disregards the irony of his words--- notably to a vampire, no less--- by ridding them both of the lingering space with a stretch of his arm. Christian's large palm overtakes the curve of his companion's neck as he draws him nearer, fingers laced like a crown against the tender flesh of his nape. He refuses to meet him midstride, simply summoning the male within a breath's faintest distance. The flesh there, as always, so lightly chilled... A brisk reminder of just who--- WHAT--- he's dealing with.

"Get to the point, Prince, while you have me."
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Christian Yu Matthew had no idea why he had called upon Christian, he hadn't realised he had up until the message had been sent, distraction has been clear and distance has been a clear factor of his constant back and forth swim with business and restless enjoyment.

Usually he liked to say he held himself to ne unbiased around humans, making sure to not favour one over the other and treating them with respect even if they were slaves. He was not like his father but of course he was quick to habe a looming favourite one that specifically pulled him into situations and scenarios he as a vampire next expected to be pulled into.

Upon seeing Christian he gave a welcoming smile he had been originally sitting at his desk but once the younger male slipped into the room his body reacted differently, the hair on the back of his neck rose his eyes flying over the frame of this human. Once he watched him walk and make comfort in the velveteen beauty of the expensive materialistic item but he could care less of the furniture but the person on it. He stood and decided giving join him, a smirk placed itself on his features but strategically he left a seat of space between them relaxing against the fabric he sighed as if he was was relaxing.

"Would it be bad if I wanted to take my time Christian?" His tone found a light playful air to it, he was trying to hide his elevated mood but even he knew the latter would know he was far too obvious about how he felt especially when he was graced with Christian's presence.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim The other pulled back almost too soon because the human liked the sensation of being bitten but the smile he saw told him that something even better was about to follow. “I definitely can manage that, why are you even asking? You should already know that I am famous for being either a brat or being way too eager.” Hyunggu almost purred and grabbed the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it up and over his head to expose his upper body.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu Matthew pulled back from the young males neck, he lapped at the wound until it healed, the vampire enjoyed the sweet and supple taste, he couldnt help but smile he could tell the human was craving the attention and frankly he was as well. "I want to see you Hyunggu, think you can manage that?" He pulled at the beautiful locks of the younger male more than happy to keep going
Christian Yu β‡Έ Mattie's 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim The nameplate greets him like an embittered friend.

It's brandished in gold and laced with just enough refinery for anyone to know it belongs to someone important--- or rather, someone who believes himself to be. Christian isn't even going to pretend as if he doesn't know why he's been called here. He's made to visit Matthew's place at least once per week, but this occasion marks are surprising one. It's unexpected, though not entirely unwanted, so Christian harbors no means of ducking out. Despite his blatant displeasure for the "masters" he serves, he's got a soft spot for this one. It's ironic, after all, being that Matthew is nothing less than the head hancho of this twisted blood circus but his title hasn't a thing to do with Christian's demeanor.

He doesn't waste time knocking. Never has. Instead, he cracks open the door just enough to slip languidly through the threshold and into the office space. He knows this place well enough by now, but he busies his gaze with the velveteen couches and threadbare coverings and cherrywood floorboards.

"You rang? I have to say, I was in the middle of something, so I hope this is fast."
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim Hyunggu only had to wait for a few seconds before he felt the bite that made him wince slightly at first because it still hurt but then had him relaxing, practically melting into the older man's arms holding him tight. Knowing that the other wasn't desperately needing blood but still bit him showed that the human was in a way wanted while doing his job and it filled him with pride while he felt his blood slowly leaving his body, drop by drop. There was a faint moan slipping past his slightly parted lips as he realized how close they were. Chest against chest and hips so close that the younger had to roll his against the other's in an attempt to feel even better, his mind getting cloudy and sounds spilling more frequently and louder.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu Matthew's breath danced along the expanse of the human's neck, there was no real temperature to it, not hot or cold it clear it was not something he needed to do but did because of habit. The vampire was wating for the permission, yeah he could had instantly wentnin without asking but then he wouldn't have known if the other was for it or not, he knew that it could bring pain but there was also an undeniable pleasure that was there as well. Matthew dipped his head, pausing just a second for his teeth to pincer into the flesh the blood pouring into his mouth, his grip tightened in an iron hold it clear he had no intention of letting go anytime soon, he pulled the young male flush against his chest only to drink slow and small mouthfuls of the delicious Crimson gold.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim Hearing this earned the vampire a soft chuckle, arms wrapping around the other's neck and fingers playing with the hair on the back of his head. “I think it's obvious what I want, isn't it? “ Hyunggu's body shivered at the slight touch and he found himself tilt his head to one side, giving better access and practically asking for a bite which always made things more interesting. “Why don't you get a taste first though,hm? I wouldn't mind one bit.”
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu His hands brushed up against the younger male's hips, taking in his frame, his almost innocent beauty even if it was far from what was the case. "Instead of what I want, what do you want?" Matthew's lips turned into a smirk, he leaned forward his lips brushing against the latter's neck the sharp fangs teasing against the skin but not puncturing just yet, he was teasing both himself and Hyunggu. He wanted to indulge fully and that meant patience.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim The man seemed to know how to play along and Hyunggu couldn't deny that he liked it. He didn't mind waiting as long as he got his attention and that's exactly what he's receiving. “Oh I will find out sooner or later.. preferably sooner.” With those words being said, the young human jumped down from the surface just to get comfortable on the vampire's lap soon after. “What do you want me to do next now that I'm so close. What do you want, hm?” Hyunggu didn't want to sit still and slightly moved his hips, curious about the other's reaction.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu "Well that's for me to know and you to find out isn't it," Matthew spoke amused at his bottom lip a burning trickle against his throats that all knowing need his eyes having a light glow of red, it was clear what he wanted and he was excited "first why don't you sit in my lap? Move in closer to me Hyunggu" he was more than willing to jump into this round and cycle of games, Matthew was one who encouraged play like this especially with humans, the vampire liked giving them just a little bit of power.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim The human placed a hand on his chest and acted like he didn't expect this kind of answer. “I'm like a savior? How nice of you to say that.” Hyunggu replied and placed both hands on the edge of the desk, leaning forward and tilting his head. “What if I told you that you're right? What would you do to change that hmmm?” he almost purred those words, feeling like the other was going to agree sooner than he thought, and let his tongue peek out to run across his bottom lip.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu Mathew hid the surprise, he hadn't had much interaction around this young man but boldness was something he definitely found alluring. "Paperwork is boring, glad to see you came at the right time, like a saviour" Matthew laughed picking fun his sharp fangs coming out to play in the mix, "a break sounds lovely, tell me did you come here because you felt lonely?" The vampire's grin widened, he couldn't help it not when the human was practically throwing himself at him.
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim Hyunggu wasted no time when he heard those two words telling him that he could enter and opened the door carefully which was a contrast to his knocking earlier. He might see some trouble but he knew when he had to behave at least a little bit. The human was fast to walk over to the table where he pushed the sheets of paper aside and sat down on it comfortably with a grin on his face. “You know.. I'm a little bit bored and no one has time for me.. can you change that please? Doing paperwork must be boring for you too and I'm sure that a short break is needed, don't you think so too?” The human was subtly hinting and hoped that the vampire would get it or else he might have to be more obvious which was no fun.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
@Kang Hyunggu He Loosened his tie in frustration, the paperwork not something Matthew lived for but there had to be order, his fingers twitched against the oak desk, he was wishing for a distraction hoping someone would come to his office and that was where his prays were answered hearing the supple knocks his head shifted to look towards the door. "Come in," Matthew's voice was smooth and had a welcoming vibe, alluring in its on way as he encouraged the young male's entrance. He watched the door open and the male who he was curious about entered, Matthew knew who he was and a smile encased his lips "How can I help you?"
Kang Hyunggu 6 years ago
@Matthew Kim Another boring day and Hyunggu was sick of being ignored. All he wanted was some attention and someone to talk to but everyone else seemed to be busy with something. The human was never able to handle boredom on his own or being ignored because he was someone you always want to spend time with in his opinion. So how come that it was different this time? It wasn't even the first time it happened, much to his disappointment. Not knowing any other solution, the slave walked to the door leading to the office of the house owner, banging against the wood impatiently. Maybe the one who owned the room would know how to appreciate Hyunggu's presence.
Matthew Kim [A] 6 years ago
>C H E C K E D<


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--wow-- 6 years ago
I should leave
rantani 6 years ago
can you add and reserve yang woohyuk please?
TaeKook 6 years ago
Chanyeol is leaving,Im cutting down on non-active RP
ELFminnie 6 years ago
Ahn Jaehyun has left
hwaranni 6 years ago
sorry, but jinyoung left.
motionless 6 years ago
Taemin left
6838f0e33851067f376d 6 years ago
A+R Yune Sugihara for me please? Thanks!
puthylips 6 years ago
add and reserve shin, or lee, hoseok of monsta x please?
ybakura 6 years ago
Baekhyun's leaving
baeyzico 6 years ago
Can I reserve Oh Sehun from EXO please?
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