Room Request
If you would like to request a house or a new room to rp in just tag admin when you comment.
If you request a house please pick out the pictures for it. If you don't want to pick out the pictures then a admin can do it, but understand I am busy. And I'm not going to go all out I will only find a basic bedroom, kitchen, livingroom and bathroom. Thats it. If you pick the pictures you can have as many pictures as you want.
If you want to request a work place, Like Jung's Trade just let me know. I'll make you a group set up like Jungs Trade so you can have a office space and whatnot. Please supply pictures or I will find something basic af.
If you want to request a new rp room, like a mall or bar, just let me know. If you have a pic you want to use let me know or I'll find one.