@lee sangyoon We're just not legally married is all ;;
Far as we're concerned, we've been married since February of 2017; it's just not legalized with the ceremony and stuff.
>_< Ima cross you off the invitation list.
But for real, issokie o/
@uke yutaka you dint get married but you keep getting knocked up?
get it together taka \\ono
but honestly i swear you were on here !! im sure i remember lookin for pictures and stuff w oo ps w oo ps
@lee sangyoon You forgot me wow I'm sad ;;
okno but yeah >_<
Anywayyyyyyy, we've been dating since July 10th, 2016 and have been engaged since January 28th, 2017.
Wow it's been almost two years and we still haven't gotten married and I'm pregnant with our third child tf???