The Kim Family

After the death of his wife Woobin is in need for a nanny for his three kids, hoping the extra help could bring back a little bit of normality into his life and who knows maybe something more.

Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [alright I finalyl got to this plot and did the other too]

When Joji saw the kids come down, he said " already washed and dressed." He then realized his mistake. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, "You guys didn't have to...I thought you'd all just get dressed after having breakfast. That was my mistake." That was when he heard Mina cry. He rushed upstairs to tend to her. "Aw, what's wrong?" he cooed, picking her up. As soon as he touched her, he felt it. She was wet. "Oh, you need a change." He took her and cleaned her and changed her and powdered her." He washed his hands and headed downstairs to put her in her high chair. He got her some baby food to eat. He then looked at the kids. "Hey, don't eat your pancake like that," he scolded, "Don't just pick up the whole cake with the fork." He noticed on of the kids was cutting the pancakes just fine, but the other insisted on eating them by holding the whole pancake on the fork and dripping syrup all on the table. He went and helped the other cut his food and wiped up the mess on the table.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller (Then I will RP as the kids while Woobin is at work.)

After the alarm rang it was a lot of fighting and murmuring about who would get into the bathroom first and who had the right to wake up the baby. After everything was finally in order and as always Liam got the upper hand, they heard the new nanny call for them. Suddenly there was a new hectic going around. Five minutes would never be enough to get ready and down stairs so now that they had a time limit suddenly, they were pulling towards the same direction. Quickly and with a lot of sound they finished in the bathroom and put on their cloth running and stubbing down the stairs.
“Morning.” Was called through the house while Hope and Liam sat down at the table. Just a few minutes later Mina started screaming loud and with no sign of stopping any time soon. With their sisters screams as background Liam and Hope started to eat their breakfast.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [you can rp as the kids if you want to]
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller () how you want to do it? Skip the times when Woobin is working or have him be at work while I reply as the kids or just have me write woobin’s part and you write the kids and Joji?
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin {sorry I thought I did this one as well]

Joji was surprised when he had saw the other had began working on breakfast already that morning. Joji had awoken and washed up and went downstairs. He grinned. Well, his new boss was nice if he already did all this. Joji began finishing up the breakfast. He already set it all nicely on the table and served the plates. "Alright," he nodded, talking to Woobin. Joji watched him leave and waived him off as he left. "Wow," he said, shocked that the other could ride a motorcycle. He smirked. He couldn't help it. Motorcycles were pretty y.

It had been a while. The children hadn't come yet. "Hey, kids!" he called up the stairs, "It' breakfast time! I expect all of you to be down in five minutes!" he called up the stairs.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller Getting up really early and preparing most of the breakfast preparations he left them on the counter in the kitchen then he woke up the two kids that had to go to school smiling when he saw Joji the kitchen finishing breakfast perorations. “The kids are up they should be down soon if not call them I have to leave for work I’m sorry but the driver knows when and where to take the kids he can take you to your place after I’m sure there are things you would want from your place.” Woobin gave the other a bright smile before grabbing his keys putting on the leather jacket he wore whenever he was riding his motorcycle grabbing the helmet and leaving for work. Woobin had a second car but now that they had a nanny, he was going to give the car to him for his own use since the driver was mostly busy with the children.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [that's fine. I didn't mind at all. We all need a break sometimes. Plus I got emotional stuff going, so I know how it is. Hopefully rping can be a form of therapy for me rn]

Joji couldn't help it. His jaw dropped at the sight of the room. He had never seen anything like it. Not only did he get his own bathroom and everything, but it was so big! And well decorated, too! His eyes sparkled. "To my liking? This one room is nicer than any place I've ever lived!" He then blushed, now knowing he had admitted that out loud. "Well, I mean...heh." He shrugged and chuckled uncomfortably. He then nodded as he listened to all the plans for the next day. "Will do," he said, "Goodnight, Mr. Kim." He bowed and then closed the door and locked it after the other was gone. He listened to the footsteps and once the other sounded far away, he let out a little squeal and dove on the bed like a kid. He made snow, or rather sheet, angels on the bedding, grinning like an idiot and enjoying the comfort. Wow. He never felt so luxurious in his life. He soon got ready for bed and fell asleep. He woke up early to make sure his bed was made and the room was orderly and then he went to the kitchen to make breakfast for all of them before the kids were taken to school.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller With a bright smile he went up the stairs to show Joji his room it was close to the kid’s rooms but it had its own bathroom and dressing room so it felt more like a little apartment he could close the door and get his privacy if needed. “This will be your room I hope it’s to your liking. Tomorrow morning, I will take the kids to school the youngest will sleep till around 8 normally. I will be back from work after 3 the kids will be back from school around 12. The driver can take you to your place when ever you have time to get some more stuff the dressing room has some cloth but I can understand if you want your own stuff here so fell free to make yourself as comfortable as possible.” With those words he wished Joji a good night since he had to get up early the next morning.

(Well I finally got some time for myself I really running on fumes…. I will be quicker with replies from now on tho I do have exams in about a month so I might not be able to reply right away but quicker)
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [i hope you're doing well]
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller ()getting better~~
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [yeah sure I just wanted to see if you're okay]
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller ()can I have a week or so because I'm deciding whether I'm leaving rpr or not
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [hey are you okay?]
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin Joji smiled. It was a good thing the other was so understanding. Most people thought a man who was caring was strange. Thought he was gay, which he was, but why assume? Most others thought it even more strange that a man wanted to be around...children. Joji shivered at the thought. How disgusting to be thought of in such a way. To have people you have never met assume you have the evilest of intentions. Ugh. Well, at least Mr. Kim seemed different. After all, most families that accepted Joji found he was literally the best person in the world they could have chosen for the job. He nodded. "Okay, sure. I'd love to see it." He went along with the other.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller Listening he nods his head smiling open at the boy. “I get that I never was a sports fan and always into music now I made it my life while my class mates went off playing sports in college and got some low payed job.” He said shrugging his shoulders. People where different and it was a good thing and now, he finally had someone to help him with the children. Finishing everything and clean up he decided to call it an early night. “Let me show you the room you are going to stay in.”

(Sorry for taking forever I was swaped with and drama and work but now I'm free I will reply more frequently I promise)
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin "It's fine," he assured the other, "I love children and I love helping others. It's what I care about." He sighed. "I...uh, actually am not too good at manly things like most guys my age. I was always more interested in keeping things tidy and taking care of others and being a general nurturer instead. Children are my life and I like to help people. It's really the only thing I know, so I am an expert in it."
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller "Nap time." Woobin said with a chuckle. "Mina is the only child that would need a nap and she is the only that seems allergic to naps so put her down after lunch and maybe she actually sleeps otherwise she will just fall asleep while playing so having an eye on that would be good." Worried that talking about her would make Mina wake up he gives the baby monitor a careful look happy when she is sleeping peacefully in her crib. "I do hope you will manage well I'm really in need of help and the agency reassured me that your see the best. So I will relay on you a lot." He said finishing his food happy that he finally got something to eat without the trouble of three children around.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin George thought. It seemed easy enough. "Do you have clothes the need dry cleaning?" he asked, "I can be the one to take them to the dry cleaners and back, Also, when is snack and nap time?" He sat there still jotting notes. There wasn't anything to worry about, these children seemed easy enough to handle, and plus their dd, by the sound of it, would be helping alot. So George wouldn't be on his own. Usually parents just dumped the kids on him completely. And even worse, some parents didn't even have schedules. At least with this family, George wasn't going to have to start from scratch. "I can assure you this will be fine," he said, "I am more than confident in my abilities with this."
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller "Not as much run off. She likes to get herself and others in trouble so with a big garden there are a lot of places she can get herself hurt." He explained. Hope was the kind of kid that was always covered on bruises and cuts. "She is adventurous yes but more than the she loves to climb on anything high enough to look dangerous so keeping her at a safe height is the difficult part." Taking some time to think about it since the last few weeks weren't normal so routine was difficult. "School for Hope and Liam... The driver is taking them but their need lunch money or packed lunches. Their class schedule should be on the fridge but they mostly get up at the same time every morning around 6. Hope just started school so for her homework isn't much. Careful with Liam he comes home from school late and the skips homework so make sure he does his homework. And for Mina she has some playdates with friends of my wife they help out when they can and make sure Mina has good friends even at a young age so I will give them your contact information to schedule playdates." He nod thinking about what else was important. "They have after school activities but the driver is taking them most of the time since I can drive myself to work." Loooking around to think he takes a sip of his wine and eat his food. "We don't have pets and as for errands. Depending on my work I take over breakfast and dinner lunch would be your responsibility as well as groceries. Take Hope if you go to the store she loves getting the stuff you need and since she just started learning to read it is good practice for her to try and find somethings." His eyes were unfocused with a proud smile on his face thinking about the little girl. "Other then that when I'm out in tour you will have to make all three meals. If you need help in the kitchen ask Liam he want to learn cooking at the moment so he will help a lot whenever he can." With a lady nod he smiled. "Anything else I forgot?"
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin Joji kept taking notes. He looked up to the other. "oh? Does she like to run off?" he asked. He dealt with children like that before. Nothing he couldn't handle. "She's probably very adventurous then." He chuckled. "I was the same way." He thought before asking. "Anything I need to know about the family routine? Also, pet care and chores, as well as what errands I am needing to run."
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller Smiling when he sees that the guy is taking everything in and even asking questions and taking notes. “Allergies? Not really. We never had trouble with food and other things, so it should be ok. Though the baby has trouble with some formula milk so stick to the brand we have if you buy new one.” He said after thinking about it for a short while. The kids never got a full allergy test so it could always be that they had some exotic allergies but the standard once where all safe. “Other than that. Careful with Hope she is a sneaky one so when you let them paly outside keep an I on her.” He chuckles softly thinking about his daughter.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin Joji was always a good listener, so he picked up on everything the other stated the first time. However, to get to know the family better, and to seem interested, George asked questions. It's always good to ask questions about a new job. He had also brought a pad and pen to take notes. It may look weird, but it was what worked. "So, do the children have any allergies I need to know about?" he asked.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller Seeing that reaction and the swing in mood about the whole drinking thing Woobin tilled his head a little but didn’t ask anything further since it was George’s personal problem and it looked like he had it under control so it wasn’t anything that concerned him.
With a chuckle he put the wine the food and the glass down. “It is but I don’t play much I used to play with my buddies but between three kids you don’t have that much time to throw parties anymore and my wife never liked the game.” He said siting down at the couch too filling the wine glass before getting his plate. “Make yourself comfortable.” He smiled at Joji before slowly eating his food while talking about his family and the house, explaining stuff and giving a overview of what George had to do.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin Joji felt his cheeks heat up and turn a twinge of pink. "I...I don't drink anymore, sorry," he replied softly, looking away. He was haunted by his past with alcohol and no longer wanted to ever so much as touch it. George didn't want to come off as suspicious, so he quickly readjusted his mood. He went to get the monitor and followed the other. He did as told and put the monitor on the pool table. "Must be nice having your own in-home pool table," he comment, chuckling. He sat on the couch. He wasn't too sure right now. This was going to be like an interview, so he had to be professional. However, he didn't want to come off as too stuffy. He was unsure what to do.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller [Ok the make sure you are ok see you around soon]
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [nah just a day b/c I miss rping and I know I kept you waiting]
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller [You sure you don't want the week I would understand. And of cause you can have the day~]
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [actually, nevermind. I'm not going to take another full week. Just give me one mor day please]
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller [Sure take the time you need. My condolence.]
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [one more extra week please? we just experienced a death in our family]


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Hey I'm back from my haitus.
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
As both calvin and Joji please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can I have a week hiatus please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can you change the face to Calvin Lee please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Applied Calvin V
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Is it alright if I get accepted back as Joji? I'm sorry I've just been getting bullied on this site so I kinda got upset and over reacted. Then I got to thinking and realised I made a huge mistake.
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
so just to understand this is essientally you pick a muse and then that muse can have whatever story with whoever?
PureWildness 6 years ago
Is this place still active at all?
supertuna 9 years ago
i'm sorry bby but nana left.
Im going to start busy and left more chara soon TT
-silHOEette 9 years ago
baekhyun left
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