The Apartment Complex;

Fatherhood is a challenge in it self. Unexpected becoming a father with no intention to take responsibility is a whole other Story.

Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [It's fine. I've been busy as hell too. In fact, I'm on smi hiatus now so, ima just reply to one of thse til I get home

Calvin held back a chuckle that almost came out when the child told him they should clean. "Oh, so you're a little man now, huh?" he asked teasingly. He reached to help Jacob off the chair. "Alright, we'll clean it," he said, "Just gimme a minute." He went and retrned with trashbags and gloves. "Here," he said handing the other the gloves as he put on a pair on himself "Let's get started." He started throwin the trash away, and soon also began organizing things and actually bothering to hang his clothes, too. The one thin he refused to do was make te bed. He believed you're going to get back into it later anyway, so why bother? He dd, however, pull the blankets on top so it at least looked a bit better.

"Okay," said Calvin after a few hours, "We are pretty much almost done. Phew. We did alot, and it's almost noon, and I'm hungry. Let's take a lunch break, alright?" He went to help Jacob take the gloves off. "Anything you wanna eat?" He led him to the kitchen to help him wash up in the sink.
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (Sorry for taking my sweet time with this)
Jakob slowly nod his head. “When Mom is watching I can use her Laptop but I don’t play much and don’t really like it.” He explained a little awkward since he didn’t really know the words to use. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it was more the fact that what he was allowed to do was boring compared to the games he could play with his friends outside running around and exploring new fantasy worlds. With his dads help he finally started to get the game but like before it just wasn’t as much fun to him and now that he was settling down and starting to have time to think about it he missed his friends and he missed playing outside with them but since he just meet his dad and he seems to enjoy the computer games he played along trying to look good for his father. “Then we should clean.” Jakob said like it was a matter of fact looking around. It was normal to clean after oneself he learned that in kindergarten and school and at home it was the same so why would he not state a fact. For Jakob it was normal that every evening before dinner and bedtime he would clean up the mess his made during the day under his mother’s supervision. With the mouse still in hand his attention was already somewhere else so of cause without him doing anything he lost the game pretty quickly. After loosing he let go of the mouse looking around the room and the towards his father confused and lost at what to do next.
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay Calvin hadn't known what Jacob had meant. Most kids, even little ones, liked electronic stuff nowadays. Heck, he'd even seen toddlers with their own smartphones before. And even thought Calvin knew next to nothing about toddlers or even how to guess the age of a child, he knew that was a bit too much. But, kids these days were brought up on technology and stuff and loved it, so he assumed Jacob had been the same. He watched as Jacob played and noticed by the way he navigated, he was having a bit of trouble. Maybe he had never used a computer before? "Have you ever used a computer before?" he asked, "At home or at school?" He then looked to the little boy. "Well, you can use mine anytime you want as long as I'm not using it for work. And I have to be here with you when you use it. Click on that." He said, pointing at the screen, helping the boy out with the game. "While you're here, pretty much everything that's here is yours to use, you just have to ask, okay?" He watched the boy play some more. "You know, I built this computer myself," he stated. It was true, he made the hard drive from scratch, which was why it wasn't exactly the prettiest looking thing in the world. Calvin then looked around, and it was almost like he had known what Jacob had thought earlier. "Oh, the place is a mess, I know. I'm just messy. It's no big deal." He sighed. "I'll clean it...eventually."
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [it's fine. I don't mind you taking your time. I only ask you how you're doing or poke you because I am checking on you and I do not know your life, so I'm not sure what you're going through. I don't mind waiting for replies at all. You come first over an rp]
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Joji Miller () I’m sorry for taking my time I’m in a really bad place and have been for the last few weeks I’m trying to move forward so but I’m sorry for not doing replies

A little confused by the mans sudden excitement wondering about why he was so happy to hear him ask about games he just nod his head not even sure what video games where since he used to play boardgames with his mother or on the play ground with the other kids. But he was happy to see his father excited, so he went along letting him pull him to the room. Looking around the room Jakob wondered where the games where while also getting scared his mother would scold him for the mess since apparently it was now his room too. He had never shared a room so he wasn’t sure if there was a rule about not getting scolded if the mess wasn’t his. When all the lights were blinking and shining Jakob eyes opened wide in astonishment, he never had seen so much blinking and shining colourful lights before. Realizing that he was sitting at the Man’s computer he started worrying even more. His mother never allowed him to play with the computer. With a confused look he took the mouse that was pushed towards him slowly figuring out both the game and the mouse wondering if this was really ok.
Joji Miller 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay Calvin didn't understand every thing Jacob said, but he was sure it wasn't too important, so he too, just nodded. He didn't even notice the boy's hand at first and when he did, he didn't know what it was out for. He didn't know what Jacob wanted. Then it was asked. Calvin lit up immediately. "You mean video games, right?" asked Calvin. He assumed so, after all, this was a young boy right? He chuckled and stood. "Come with me," he said, now taking the hand Jacob had put out. Now the kid was speaking his language. Calvin led the boy to his very dark room. he the light to reveal a very messy room, way too messy to be that of an adult man, but it was. This was the only usable bedroom Calvin had and it only had one bed, so he figured maybe'd he'd share with Jacob? After all, he did have a double bed, so... "My room," Calvin explained, "Or I guess, Our Room, for now." He shrugged and gave the boy a half-smile. He led him to his gaming pc and turned it on. It had a light up keyboard for night gameplay. "I play on this." Because Jacob was so small, he went to a kiddie gaming site and put on some math games. He pulled out the chair and lifted Jacob into it, since it sat so high up. "here," he said, nudging the mouse to him.
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee Jacob stepped back when his dad took the suitcase. His dad. It was still wired for him to think that but it made him proud finally he was one of those kids at kindergarten that had a dad that could say I will call my dad if someone bullied him finally, he would fit in. But then again one look at his dad and he wasn’t sure he didn’t look like other dads not like the superhero he made him out to be in his mind but he was his dad, right? So, shouldn’t it be all right? With those thoughts he quietly timed followed his dad inside. Carefully climbing onto the couch when it was offered to him. “I’m 5.” He answered showing it with his hand proud of himself for doing so a happy grin on his face. “I’m in the bear class. I love it.” He tried to answers the questions even if it wasn’t exactly what was asked, he really did his best. “Dad” He repeated again looking up at the man who was his dad starting today hope in his eyes but fear just as much while his small hand reached for the big hand of his dad needing something to hold on to in this new un known environment even if he was a strong boy like his mommy told him every day he was scared and needed protection in the situation and the only person he could get that from was the man called his dad so he reached out to him grabbing his hand. With his eyes going bigger he listened to his words not understanding all of it but nodding to look grown up. There was one question burning inside him one that he just couldn’t bring himself to ask. When will my mom be back? But he just couldn’t push the question to the back more and more he hectically thought of something else anything else that wouldn’t make him cry and look weak. “Can I play games?” He asked eyes big in hope since it was the one thing that always made him happy and picked him up but it was also the one thing his mom hated to see the most and always told him not to do or only for a short time.
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay The word "dad" was so foreign to him now. Calvin never even used the word to describe his own father anymore, so it was like he didn't even hear it when the little boy said i at first. Calvin wasn't good at speaking to people face to face. It was so much easier when hiding behind a computer. But years of internet addiction didn't prepare him for any of this. He sighed, and put the envelope to carry under his arm. He didn't say anything to the little boy, just reached and took the suitcase for him. "Yeah," he finally muttered to the little boy, not understanding why he even asked. Shouldn't it be obvious? He took the suitcase to the living room and just sat it in the middle of the floor. He'd get to it later. He sat on the sofa and patted the spot next to him for Jacob to sit. Calvin lazily just tossed the envelope to the side, thinking he'd look at it in a little bit. "So, how old are you?" he asked, wanting to see how much the boy knew. Was he at that age where he could tell others about himself? "Do you go to school? Do you like it?" He thought. Maybe the best way to get the ball rolling was to e more social himself. "So, your mom says I'm your dad...I'm sorry I didn't know about it earlier...I guess," he said, after all, did he even know for sure? "So, I'm 21 years old. That probably sounds old to you, huh? Well, it's not. Umm..." He shifted a bit. What to say? "I'm a grown up person, so I don't go to school anymore. But I have a job. But, my job is here at home, so I get to go to work in my pjs, as you can see," he said, gesturing to the sleeping clothes he was still wearing. "So, uh...that's it. Did you have any questions?"
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee Jacob was fascinated by the male hand in his maybe he was imagining it but if felt different that another guys hand before was this was having a dad was like? “Dad…” He quietly said trying the word out thinking it felt weird he ever only had called out for his mother. She was now handing Calvin a envelop apparently everything about Jacob was in there then leaned down to pick up her son giving him a kiss nuzzling him to her saying a proper goodbye before walking away. Left alone and in fear Jacob looked up at the only other person there with him waiting for some guidance or help or anything. But he was a strong boy he had promised his mother to be so with a soft sniff he wiped a single tear from his cheek proud of himself that he didn’t cry and looked up at his father. “Dad.” He tried again this time addressing him looking at the suitcase with his stuff in that his mother left behind. With a really expression if high concentration he walked over there thinking long and heard about what other kids say to their dad and about what his kindergarten teacher taught him about manner. Making a decision he looked up trying to grab the suitcase. “Can I come in?” He asks trying to pull the suitcase along but failing at it.
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [oh gosh this was so good!]

Calvin couldn't help it. He had a look on his face that just..stayed he was being told everything. This was so weird. One minute, he's just a dude that hides in the house and games all the time, the next he's being told he's apparently a parent. He was, in a way, looking at the boy as if he were some sort of creature, like not even an actual person. Well, it wasn't his intention, it was just that Calvin had always been overly-expressive and dramatic in his gestures and facial expressions. Calvin had the ability to make minor annoyances look like horrific world ending events, if you went on his facial expressions. He was what the generation that came after him would probably call "extra." Not to mention, he had to admit, he was nervous a bit. This was supposed to be his son, and Calvin wasn't "dad like" at all. Calvin was usually the type to not care about anything, so the fact his heart was beating a bit faster than usual was odd to him. "Alright, when you get back, we're doing the test to see how legit this is," he told the woman. He then looked to the boy. Calvin was an idiot when it came to guessing ages, and was always way off, but maybe that was because he, himself, was an adult man that still looked to be in high school (and if he looked less grumpy, moisturized better, and shaved the little hairs off his chin he grew out in an attempt to look "manly"...he could maybe even pass for a really tall 11 or 12 year old. Well, maybe to someone who needed glasses.) He had no idea how old the kid was, but was surprised that he knew how to do greetings so young. Calvin took his hand, it felt so oddly soft and small, almost like a doll hand, and shook it gently. "Uh...Ca-" he stopped. Who was he now? Calvin? or Dad? "Y-you can call me dad, or daddy, or whatever, I guess...I dunno." He shrugged. He then looked to the mom. "Is he allergic to anything? I have to change him?" He completely ignored Jacob holding his arms out to him.
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee Still hiding behind his mother Jacob was holding on to her leg not wanting to stay with that angry wired man. His mother explained to that man that he was Jacobs father without any doubt and if he wanted to check he could take a DNA test or what ever he wanted. With that said his mother push him towards the man and without anything to hide behind Jacob looked up at the man scared but taking all his courage to put out a hand. “Jacob” He said proud of himself that he managed to introduce himself to his father. Somehow it was cool to have a father at least that’s what all the other kids in kindergarten told him like how their dad would carry them on their shoulders and du stuff like that. Jakob never experienced that before since he never had a Father but that would apparently change now. So, with fear in his heart but courage in his body he carefully extended his hands towards his dad demanding to get picked up but still scared.
[post deleted by owner]
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay When Calvin had heard a familiar voice outside the door, he opened it to see a face he hadn't seen in a very long time. "Hey," he said to the familiar woman, someone he once dated. Of course, then at the time, they were teenagers, 16 year olds. Of course, his vision drifted to the little boy hiding behind her. He arched a brow. "Uh...hello," he said to the boy, waiving at him. "Wait, what?" he asked, "No way. do you know for sure he's mine? Sure, we used to fool around in the past, but...I mean, shouldn't I have proof?" He sighed. He didn't want to babysit. He had things to attend to. "Well, why can't someone else do it?" "I'm not looking after a kid that I don't know...fine. Fine, fine. I'll look after him. But only a few days. And if he messes with my uploading schedule, you're getting an earful when you come back. "
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Kim Woobin [that's okay. I don't mind waiting. I know life can get busy haha.]
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee Getting pulled out the elevator and to a door he held on to his mom’s hand scared a little since it was an unknown environment. Hiding behind his Mom Jacob looked around curios but to scared to look around. The door bell rang and the door opened his mom looks tensed talking to the boy telling him that he had to look after Jacob for a few days. Getting pushed forward and towards the guy he looked up seeing the face of the man his mom had called his dad. A little careful and scared he held on to his mother’s pants not wanting to say with a total Stanger.
Kim Woobin [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (Hey sorry for taking forever to reply the reply is done and written on my laptop but I didn't get to post it yet but I promise I will tonight when I get home from classes)
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [okay cool I don't mind that, I was just checking to see if you were ok with it]

21 year old Calvin yawned tiredly. It was morning, but he was just heading to bed. He had been working on one of his videos all night and this one had taken extra long. That, plus his sleeping schedule was already a hot mess to begin with. This was a man who could be up 32 hours straight, and then sleep 17 hours, then start all over again. He had done it before a couple of times. Not that it was anything to be proud of. He was already in his pjs, as he was lazy and always rolled around them in the house. In fact, this particular set of sleeping clothes...well, he might have been wearing them for 2 days straight...or three. Who was counting? As the video rendered on his computer, he went to the bathroom and then crawled into the bed. He had originally planned to just nap a little, wake up to upload the video online, then continue to sleep. However, his "little nap" ended up being until the next morning. He lay in bed, snoring away, until he heard the sound of his buzzer going off. He awoke and groaned. "..." He went to the buzzer and pushed the button. "Yeah?" he said tiredly. He had no idea who to expect.
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (Just put them what ever age you like I will match what you have in mind)
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [okay I'm trying to get the math right...because Calvin was supposed to be 23 at oldest. Unless you don't mind pretending?]
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (Hmm between 10 and 14 Maybe? Idk could be younger)
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [wait, how old is Jacob?]
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (nah it's fine I think~~)
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [oh i didn't know if you wanted to decide on anything first before we got started]
Jacob Tremblay [A] 5 years ago
@Calvin Lee (thought you would put up a starter)
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [should we get ready?]
Calvin Lee 5 years ago
@Jacob Tremblay [thank you it looks so good!]


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Hey I'm back from my haitus.
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
As both calvin and Joji please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can I have a week hiatus please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can you change the face to Calvin Lee please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Applied Calvin V
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Is it alright if I get accepted back as Joji? I'm sorry I've just been getting bullied on this site so I kinda got upset and over reacted. Then I got to thinking and realised I made a huge mistake.
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
so just to understand this is essientally you pick a muse and then that muse can have whatever story with whoever?
PureWildness 6 years ago
Is this place still active at all?
supertuna 9 years ago
i'm sorry bby but nana left.
Im going to start busy and left more chara soon TT
-silHOEette 9 years ago
baekhyun left
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