Dorm Room 1

Drom Room no.1

(Jung DaeHyun) (Kim KwangYeon)


We live on the top! Above all of you. To watch what you're doing.



Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun *hugs you back* i really missed you too~
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi *hugs back tightly* I've missed you
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun *hugs you*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi *smiles back softly*
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun *smiles*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi *pecks your cheek softly*
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun *nods*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi It's okay as long as you're here for me sometimes
*holds you close to me*
Don't just go away..
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun i feel that i'm not always there for you...
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi Really? Why do you just leave again then?
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun *shakes head*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Choi MinKi Yah, stay here!
*walks after you and hugs you from behind*
What's wrong?
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
*smiles* i-i j-just wanna say uhm... Hi~~
*looks down and walks away*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
*looks over at you two and blinks*
Huh? Rennie~?
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
Of course you would. But your kind of cleanness is like the biggest mess possible. *sighs but hugs you still back*
*but then hears a soft knock on the door*
Huh? Are you expecting someone? *blinks at you before letting go of you and walking over to the door, opening it*
*blinks* M-minki??
Choi MinKi - D_S 11 years ago
*knocks on the door*
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "I'd keep the room clean myself~ At least clean enough for MY standarts. You're a cleaning freak after all." Daehyun said and grinned brightly as he still hugged Kwangyeon tightly. "And shuush, okay, okay, I'll treat ya for dinner today if I have to. But still I like the idea of sharing a room with all of you~ We can ask the principal if we can have a bigger room one day then~!"
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun Kwangyeon chuckled. "Of course. Who would keep your room clean and neat if I wasn't there, mh?" The blue haired male asked, chuckling. "Two beds for four people? That's ... going to be such a fail to share a little room with three others." Kwangyeon answered chuckling as well. But he widened his eyes as he suddenly was hugged by the other. "It's okay I think. ... you just treat me for dinner tonight and then I'll forgive you~"
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon Daehyun blinked a bit. "You'd stay here with me after we've graduated from school then..?" He asked, tilting his head and looking at the other. "Well, we've two beds, that's enough for two couples, isn't it~?" He said with a grin, joking though. Then he hugged Kwangyeon out of the blue. "I'm sorry, I should have told you, you're my best friend after all.. You'd have understand it when I had said I don't want anyone else to know..."
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun Kwangyeon arched his brow. "No... not now. Not while we are students. But if you want to live up there forever they someday have to~" The younger said, chucklng. "Because I won't give you the room for nothing." With that said Kwangyeon stuck his tongue out at the other. "Mhh.. then you have to hide it more... since this boy really caused me almost to punch him into the face!"
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "Ren won't move into our room and your boyfriend won't either!" Daehyun said and looked at Kwangyeon but then he looked away, crossing his arms and nibbling on his lip a bit. "Why..? I don't know, I didn't tell anyone at all! It's not like I want to let people know I've a soft, sweet side to me except of you and him.." He mumbles silently.
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun "Because I guess someday your boyfriend want to move in with you... as well as mine does." Kwangyeon stated in a matter of fact like tone. "By the way! Why did I have to get to know about your relationship by this of the first row?" Kwangyeon looked at his roommate with arched brows. "He was laughing at me because I had no idea that you had a boyfriend!?"
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "Why four?" Daehyun blinked, kindly ignoring all the talking about him being a teacher from before. He tilted his head to the side slightly, looking at Kwangyeon a bit confused.
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun Kwangyeon sighed at that. "A bad example to learn from, huh?" He chuckled and shook his head. "But it would be a disadvantage for the ones who are in your class then. I mean someone from another class can laugh and learn and your students have to suffer?" At the other's question heshook his head. "I didn't mean it that way. Of course I like our rooftop room. But I do believe that we can't both live there forever~" Once again he sighed. "Or you want us four people to live in there"
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "I'd be a great teacher~! I'd be the 'bad example' for the teachers~" Daehyun said and grinned. "Kids always need a bad example to learn from~" Then he nodded and looked at Kwangyeon, his eyes sparkling softly. "And of course I like our rooftop room~ You don't like it?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun "You know that you had been one of those stupid humans as well?" Kwangyeon giggled softly at the other's words, shaking his heaad as he could have thought of such a reply. "You and teacher, yeah? You know that you have to be punctual and never sleep in lessons and such?" The blue haired male couldn't imagine his friend being a teacher but actually he never could have thought that angels and such really existed. "You like our rooftop room?"
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "I don't even wanna be a guardian angel for any of this stupid humans..." Daehyun growled silently, biting his lip lightly. "But... Becoming a teacher, especially here, would surely be nice, I'd be able to stay here forever and always live in this nice room on the top of the dormitory house~" Daehyun honestly had learned to love that room because for him that room held loads of amazing, good or -from all the times Kwangyeon had been mad at him- scary memories.
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
"Yes, the day when I move out." Daehyun seemed to think about ti longer so Kwangyeon kept on being silent. Only at the questinn he blinked a little confused. "Then we become either a teacher or... we do whatever we like~" The blue haired male thought for a little longer. "If you had been good at school you even can become a guardian angel~ and this means... you could go back to earth~" (leg ich jetzt einfach mal so fest XD)But other than that the slightly younger didn't know what to answer, actually never having thought about what would come after school.
Jung DaeHyun - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Kim KwangYeon "The day when you move out, huh?" Daehyun hummed silently, tilting his head to the side a bit at the thought. Actually he never had thought about the time at the school ending one day. "Kwangyeon... We're dead.. What happens to us when we graduate from school anyway...?" He asked silently, looking over at his friend then.
Kim KwangYeon - A_S [A] 11 years ago
@Jung DaeHyun "The biggest troublemaker, huh?" Kwangyeon couldn't agree with that. Even though a lot of classmates mentioned Daehyun being the troublemaker Kwangyeon only could laugh at that. Maybe it was because he had seen a lot of facades of the other already but still... to Kwangyeon Daehyun was nothing more than a big kid, refusing to listen to his 'parents'. "Hey. It will be the day when I moved out and I'm not able to see it~"


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-BabyElf_Fan 11 years ago
Sorry but hyukjae left~
It was fun though ^^
smeckshiduckunnir 11 years ago
Niel is leaving. Sowwie~ I have to many rps and i'm not the most active of little bunny rabbits OuO;; <3 i really had fun here though~
FoodBruh123 11 years ago
Key is leaving. Sorry too many rps.
FoodBruh123 11 years ago
What the hell is this?
baeriawarness 11 years ago
Jay Park
Password: What the hell is this?
GetYourFreakyOn 11 years ago
EXO / Band
What the hell is this?!
Back2School 11 years ago



Password: What the hell is this?
Egg_Puddi 11 years ago
What the hell is this?
loverz 11 years ago
Jaejoong is leaving.
AlwaysMine 11 years ago
Lee Donghae
Super Junior
What the hell is this?
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