Vice Principal's office



vp Kim heechul & lee hyukjae's office

You'll find Kim Heechul and/or Lee Hyukjae here!

Come get your dorm numbers here! Let us also know if you have complaints or need someone to talk to, if Kyuhyun is being a brat again...

✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP "Yes, sir." Zhou Mi chuckled and took the papers and keys from the vice president as he stood up. "Time to make some /friends/." Zhou Mi sighed and stretched his neck in a circle. "You wouldn't believe how boring men on a military school are. Even too scared to screw each other because of 'consequences'." Zhou Mi scoffed and shook his head. "One year... I'm glad it's over. See you around, Mr. Lee." He waved casually and left the office to go to his dormitory.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi Hyukjae nodded then shook his head slightly after a thought. "Hm, nothing else that's changed drastically really that needs to be said. You should meet him, he can be a little more civil than he used to be but I think that's thanks to the friends he's made before even though they've moved onto other places." He'd shrug, chuckling lightly handing Zhou Mi the dorm key and some time sheets. "Here you go~ I assume you still remember your way around? The guy seems pretty nice so you should get along with them just fine to be honest."
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP Just as he guessed, such a shame. His memory was bad, he couldn't even remember that the headteacher and Vice had been a thing back then already. He sighed and nodded. "Okay, then, anything else I should know? I should meet this Kyuhyun guy, though. Is he a student, too?" He asked curiously, a grin playing about his lips. "Kim Jongwoon, okay. I hope I will get along well with this guy."
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi "Myself and Hae are still a thing, Heechul I believe is also in one? The punishments themselves? Not changed," Hyuk mused, giving a small smile, he'd shrug a shoulder at the question. "He's just a bit bratty at times, still has a bit of a mouth on him...often leading to trouble. I swear he still does it on purpose at times." He shook his head a little and looked at the room lists. "Ah Kim Jongwoon is your roommate, there was another but they've moved to another area already, shame really."
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP "Oh? Which teachers are in a relationship? Any changes in the punishments itself? If not then I will probably just get into detention as much as before." Zhou Mi grinned and his lips. "No, doesnt ring a bell. Must I know anything specific about this Kyuhyun guy? And who will be my roommate?" Zhou Mi asked curiously although still leaning back lazily. Mr. Lee could possibly be in a relationship judging by how the other didnt even try flirting with him or judged his more handsome appearance - not at all.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi "They shouldn't, but, if there's issues then you can tell me and I'll fix it for you, okay?" Hyukjae smiled widely at Zhou Mi, chuckling as he printed off some sheets and stacked them neatly in front of himself on the desk. "Not even Kyuhyun? You're lucky then." He joked and shook his head. "Hmm, are you planning on getting into detention much again?" He asked with amusement in his tone. "If you are then it's worth noting that there's been a slight change in how that works. Those of us in a relationship won't necessarily carry the punishment out, could be another teacher that deals with you."
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP "Great, I was hoping for them not to collide." Zhou Mi said with a grin and hummed in thought at the next question. Then he shook his head. He never had interacted much with students he thought, or at least not enough for them to stay in his memory. "I sadly don't remember any of the students. I think I have had too much detention for that." Zhou Mi grinned and bit his lower lip at the thought.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi Eunhyuk smiled a bit and leaned back in the chair, quite happy to have a conversation with Zhou Mi, it'd been a while so why not? He'd nod at the question. "Of course you'll be able to do that, it's all your choice of course." He beamed brightly at the mention of the headmaster. "He's fine, just busy with work stuff. What students do you remember?"
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP Zhou Mi sighed and nodded but quickly played that disappointed over with joy again as it felt good to be back and he hadn't even expected to be missed. "So, will I be allowed to enrol in all my chosen classes? How is the Headmaster doing?" Zhou Mi shifted a bit in the seat to make himself more comfortable as this was going to be a longer chat between them two.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi "Yep, we're all still here really, no management really changed." Hyuk smiled widely and lightly chuckled at the words, nodding his head a bit. "Of course you've been missed. It's nice to see you back of course." He added while bringing up details he'd need while sorting the dorms out. He'd hum at the name and shook his head sadly. "Ah, Mr.Lau, I believe he left a few months ago now? If I remember correctly it had been a transfer, it seemed a little sudden too." He noted the other's tone and offered a sad smile. "I'm sorry Zhou Mi"
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP "Mr. Lee!still here? Nice to see you. How have you been? Missed me much?" Zhou Mi grinned wide as he flopped down on the comfortable chair in front of the vice principals desk and crossed his legs. "So I'm returning as you can see and I changed a few of the classes I wanna pick. I havent seen Mr Lau on the list, you guys emailed me, though... is he not here anymore? Did he get transferred to somewhere else?" Zhou Mi asked with somewhat disappointment lingering in his voice. Him and Mr. Lau -how to say nicely- had a special relationship and he thought the other would be waiting for him.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 4 years ago
@Zhou Mi Hyukjae was once again taking care of an overflow of paperwork, changing the information where it was incorrect and signing things that had to be signed before today was over. He was beginning to question why he had taken on the load himself instead of asking Heechul for help, he wasn't about to let himself ask for it now. He'd heard about a student who'd be returning to the school and he was eager to see just who it was, he'd not have spoiled the surprise for himself just yet by looking at the information on students just yet. He'd look up at the door hearing the knock and hummed to himself before smiling widely, noting the appearance which had his memory jogging. "Ah! I recognise you, Zhou Mi, right?" He asked just to be sure that this wasn't some lookalike standing in the room.
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
@Heechul_VP(SH) @Eunhyuk_VP (Anyone who's free)
✦ Zhou Mi [H] 4 years ago
Zhou Mi whistled as he walked coolly down the hallway. He is wearing a pair of neat pants and a black dress shirt that was ed slightly and had his sunglasses hanging. It's been one year since he last came to a class, so he had to re-register. Everyone had know him as the flirty troublemaker and he was looking forward to who actually remembered him. His parents had taken him off the school for one year to visit a military school in China which hadn't changed much about Zhoumi, he just got a broader chest, more muscles and an even more stubborn mind. He arrived in front of the vice principals office and knocked on the door, not even waiting for an answer but just stepping in.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Park Chanyeol "It's nice to meet you Chanyeol, you seem like one of the nice students already." Hyukjae merely looked somewhat amused, he was certain that it wouldn't be the last student to choose not to call him by a name everyone used. He'd be quick on bringing up the information he needed on the computer and got the key from the drawer to hand it over to Chanyeol along with the usual timesheet that was given as well. "You'll be in Dorm 4 and you'll likely have a roommate soon since I'm waiting on some other student to turn up at some point. Will you need help finding the dorm?" He'd ask while folding his arms on the desk for a moment.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Park Chanyeol Hyukjae stood from the desk having just put the last of some paperwork away to answer the door. Upon answering he'd offer a smile to the student and gesture for the other to come inside and take a seat. "Hello, one of the new crowd? It's nice to meet you, I'm Lee Hyukjae... though everyone around here calls me Eunhyuk. Come on in."
He'd head back on over to the desk once the student was in the room.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Zhou Mi Hyukjae looked up from the usual work on his desk, humming lightly before calling out towards the door. "Come on in, door's open."
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Henry Lau Hyukjae offered a smile and nodded his head. "That's a good thing, some students don't want to take the time to find their way around first. To be expected though, I suppose. You know if you need help at any point then you can reach us through the message board we have, right?"
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Henry Lau "Nice to meet you, Henry. I'm Lee Hyukjae, many just call me Eunhyuk around here, just a moment and I'll see what dorm you'llbe put into.." Hyukjae replied with a smile, taking a moment to look at the room listing and took out a key to a dorm, handing it over to the student along with a time sheet. "Dorm 3, you'll be with two other roommates, have you been finding your way around well enough?"
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Henry Lau Sitting doing his usual work at the desk, Hyukjae looks up at the knock on the door, assuming it was one of the new students they'd been expecting. "Come in," He'd call over, automatically bringing up the files he'd need.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Lee Jihoon "Alright then, don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any. Most of us teachers can be contacted over the college's chat app if you need us." Hyukjae gave the student a smile as well as a nod. "It's no problem at all, I hope you settle in well."
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Lee Jihoon Giving the student a smile, Hyukjae hummed lightly and nodded. "Great, I'll just grab you a dorm key then..." He'd quickly look up the system for the arrangements and noted what room the student would be in. "Here we are, room three with Minho, at least you won't be alone." He mused and rummaged around the drawer for the key, handing it over to the other with a timesheet. "There you go, will you need any help finding the dorm at all?"
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Lee Jihoon Hyukjae looked up from his computer to the door, offering a smile to the student. "Hello, one of the new students I'm assuming?" He'd ask, offering the other to take one of the seats.
✦ Choi Minho [A] 5 years ago
@Heechul_VP(SH) Minho nodded his head when he heard the male greeted him. "Ah... Thank you, I hope I will to." He smiled as he retrieved the keys from the older. Minho bowed to the other before bidding goodbye as he stepped out of the office. "Oh... I forgot to ask his name." Minho chuckled before shaking his head as he head to the dorms.
Heechul_VP(SH) [A] 5 years ago
@✦Choi Minho Heechul straightened up his posture when he heard the knock on the door and waited for the student to come inside. He observed the latter as he was headed towards Heechul's table. "Hey, I was informed that you'll be arriving today. Welcome Minho. I hope you'll enjoy studying here." Heechul said before handing Minho the keys to his dorm. "Here's your key, you don't have a roommate yet, so you'll have the dorm all to yourself. For now." Heechul hummed before smiling at the tall student.
✦ Choi Minho [A] 5 years ago
@Heechul_VP(SH) With a duffel bag on his right hand, Minho knocked on the door written 'Vice Principal Office '. He waited for a brief moment before entering the office. He glanced around and noticed that there was a person sitting behind one of the desk before he decided to go and greet him. "Good afternoon sir, I've come here to get my keys. Uh... My name is Choi Minho." The latter stated and wait for a response.
Heechul_VP(SH) [A] 5 years ago
@Eunhyuk_VP @✦Choi Minho Heechul was informed that there will be a new student arriving on campus later, so he's here, grumbling and sitting behind his desk waiting for this student. He may be a vice principal, but sometimes he doesn't like the work that comes with it, only sometimes.
[post deleted by owner]
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Kim Ryeowook Hyukjae smiled widely and shifted from the chair at the other's words. "You're very welcome, Ryeowook and sure thing, it doesn't bother me at all. It's part of the job, so I'd be more than happy to help out with that. Come on, I'll show you... the two roommates you'll have are also helpful so don't feel too shy to ask them, even if one of them is a bit bratty." He chuckled and picked up the office keys on his way from the desk, gesturing Ryeowook to follow as he made his way over to the door to head out.
Eunhyuk_VP [H] 5 years ago
@✦ Kim Ryeowook "That'd be right, come on in and have a seat, I'll get you that info right now," Hyukjae replied, bringing his hand back to his side and would shut the door once the student was inside the room, going back over to his computer to look at the windows he'd brought up earlier, humming as he scrolled through the lists. "Well, looks like you'll be able to fill the last spot up for dorm 1." He mused, digging through the drawer at the desk to pull a key out and hand it over to Ryeowook, also giving him a timesheet for classes. "Would you like me to show you where to go?"


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Silvershipper 2 years ago
Na Jaemin please
54a3ad0aa9bba99f6a3e 4 years ago
Lee Sungmin please
TaeKook 4 years ago
czan I get One of the Maknae line of BTS please
rennuelaw 4 years ago
Tyrone Smithers as my second pls
Pressdeletus 4 years ago
núrlybek khamit pls
Angel110 4 years ago
Angel110 4 years ago
Oh no my mini isn't available anymore T^T
Angel110 4 years ago
Ahhh it's been so long!!!!
WritingismyPassion 4 years ago
chanyeol taking his leave
WritingismyPassion 5 years ago
Park Chanyeol for me please, thank you
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