Student Rules
*these rules apply to the students of the Academy!
{001} Be respectful to everyone.
{002} Give all your teachers and principals respect.
{003} Respect the school. Do not draw; paint etc. on the walls, tables, ceiling etc. without my permission.
{004} Do not litter anywhere.
{005} Do not trash rooms.
{006} Do not damage school property such as books, computers etc.
{007} No drugs or alcohol of any kind on campus.
{008} Do not joke around about drinking or using drugs.
{009} Follow any rules your teachers have told you.
{010} Watch your tone, attitude and words when speaking to teachers.
{011} You must ask for permission before you do anything you think you could get into trouble for.
{012} You must have appropriate school uniform on at all times during class hours unless you are in your personal room or it is the weekend.
{013} No weapons of any kind will be permitted on campus. Fake or not.
{014} Do not discriminate or harass anyone.
{015} Keep your hands to yourself. This means, do not do anything that in some cases, can be considered "" or "harassment".
{016} Fights will not be permitted. If you get into one, both will be given consequences.
{017} Do not perform anything inappropriate.
{018} Curfew:
{001} You must be as active as you can. Please be on at least 3 times a week.
{002} You must act professionally in your work and words inside the classroom.
{003} You must be able to keep a level of respect up for yourself. You have to be able to set yourself apart from the students.
{004} You must be able to provide the students with a good classroom and education.
{005} You must be able to help me carry out school rules. Make sure the students are obeying all the rules.
{006} You are free to have a relationship, but please remember this is a school and not a dating service.
{007} Keep the PDA on a low. Though you may be open about your relationship, you are teachers and role models.
{008} You are allowed to get married. However, weddings must have an "ok" from me first.
{009} Keep in mind you are teachers and role models and must crack down on the school rules.
The Punishments
**Punishments will range depending on how bad your actions are. Common punishments are as the following.
{001} Detention: Write lines, write an essay, run laps, clean rooms etc.
(Will vary.)
{002} Suspension: Get removed from school grounds for however long.
(Will be sent home.)
{003} Expulsion: Banned forever.
(In other words, you will be kicked out.)
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