college dorms

college dorms



students need a place to sleep too!

na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno the feeling of jeno's hands on his thigh made him gasp in surprise over the sheer pleasure that now rained down on him, crystals of ice cold, yet burning hot desire hitting his back, his shoulders, amd also his stomach.
luckily, jeno was holding him, otherwise, he would've lost balance and most likely fallen back.
deciding he wouldn't make it too easy for jeno to assert his dominance, he pushed and pressed his tongue against the other's hungrily, shameless, yet muffled groans filling the room. jaemin didn't know how much time they had spent simply kissing and touching each other, but it probably was quite a long time. "head back?", he asked breathlessly, relaxing into the shudder his lips now brought upon him, "mh, your bed's more comfortable anyway", he then mutters, "and warmer."
nevertheless, he noticed how jeno was slowly losing control, and just to a bit, he once again rutted forward against his hips.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin his lungs were burning in need for oxygen but the last thing he wanted was to break away, sliding his hands up the back of jaemin's thighs and pulled him impossibly closer. it was maddening, the sensations that crawled across jeno's skin when jaemin lifted himself and held onto him as if it was all that mattered. it filled his head with a certain giddiness that made him dizzy as their breaths mixed, insistent mouths battling for dominance and jeno let a soft groan escape, low from his chest, shuddering lightly when he felt jaemin's icy fingertips against his heated skin. "we should probably head back..." he managed in a breathy whisper that didn't sound too sure and gently pried jaemin's wandering hand from underneath his shirt, his mouth never once leaving the boy's skin as it trailed open mouthed kisses down his nape and settled with a spot to on, patience slowly running thin.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno jaemin started to flail whinily once jeno rubbed at his cheek, the pressure really did feel uncomfortable on his skin - it was just... too much for the poor, sleepy boy squirming in his lap.
"pff, it won't for sure if you don't leave it", he grumbled, impatiently waiting for the liplock he'd wanted to see jeno for all along. and once he finally felt those plush brims on his own, even if it only was the briefest of a touch, jaemin immediately arched his back as he let the toe-curling pleasure rain down on him, eyes glancing at the other through lidded orbs.
once the kiss became more heated, jaemin allowed his eyes to flutter shut, also pushed himself up on his knees a bit, only to deepen the kiss further. he placed his one hand on the back of jeno's head, fingers holding onto the back of his head as if his life depended on it - his other hand now made its way down to slip underneath the thin fabric of his tracksuit top, his tongue twisting and twirling around jeno's restlessly.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin "i don't really mind," /please come over/ jeno slowly pulled away to study jaemin's features, palm fitting over the other's jaw as his thumb gently rubbed at the redness of his cheek. not that it was obvious to the eye in the dimly lit workshop but he had imagined it far too many times to not be able to notice. /you're so adorable when you blush/ "it won't go away," jeno chuckled light-heartedly with all intent to tease, rubbing the pad of his thumb a little harder into the flesh of jaemin's cheek, perhaps only aggravating the redness that had tainted it. by now the flames were slowly dying and it's undeniable how the air surrounding them had gradually become colder. but with jaemin sagging against him completely and those tiers that scorched his skin in the places that they touched, jeno found no reason to resist when he knew clearly that he wanted it just as much. so the first press of their lips was light as ever, as were the few more that followed hinted with slight hesitance before they slowly increased in intensity and soon he was kissing jaemin breathless.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno “but i don’t want to be a bother, not today, at least.” jaemin shrugged nonchalantly, and once he noticed how his attempt to make jeno regret having started to had backfired terribly. he huffed a bit once he felt the other’s hot and above all wet tongue on his skin, slight embarrassment now tinting his cheeks in a pinkish hue. Embarrassed because he knew he must reek of sweat, and the fact that jeno still wanted him close made his heart flutter a little. or was he just being nice? he wasn’t exactly sure, but it was too late for him to possibly be thinking anyway, so he just allowed himself to lean against him, and he also allowed his hands to pull his hip further towards his own, however after a few more moments, jaemin simply turned his head to the side in order to purse his lips at him, pressing a quick peck to his jawline and then his cheek, it was his way to ask for a kiss. heck, if they started to kiss now, they wouldn’t get back until the morning for sure.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin “you know you don’t have to ask,” jeno murmured softly along the other’s neck, lightly nipping on his skin. it could have been the running from earlier but jaemin smelled and tasted faintly of sweat. yet there was nothing disgusting about it and was in fact, simply intoxicating. so much so he would switch majors and get into perfuming just to develop jaemin’s scent. that, or collect the boy’s every drop of body essence by all means. “you asked if i was cold,” jeno reminded, feeling a little guttural in his throat when he noticed the deliberate shifting of the other’s hips. “hm? need a hand?” he welcomed the teasing without fight, spreading his legs a little wider just to accommodate jaemin better in his lap, as his hands on the other’s mounds brought him closer till their crotches pressed.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno oh, now the way jeno was breathing against his neck sent shivers down his neck, and he froze for a moment. ah, jeno knew exactly what he did to him, he always knew how to push the right buttons. “can i come to your room later?”, jaemin asked, his voice somewhat shaky. barely even a whisper remaining of his usually warm and smooth voice. “hey, wait a minute, you don’t even feel cold at all”, he then muttered after releasing an amused grunt. but now was the right time to make him pay for what he did to him just now, and now that jaemin was seated between the other’s legs, he simply moved his hips from side to side a little, pretending to shift into a more comfortable position.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin still, just being in the presence of jaemin didn’t equal to erasing all of the boy’s worries like it had always done for jeno. jaemin could just as much as exist in the same space as him or smile his way without it being actually directed at him and all the stress on his shoulders would magically melt away.
“let’s stay a little longer,” jeno replied softly, nosing into the crown of jaemin’s head as he tossed a few more notes into container to feed the fire. they could think about the rest later, though he’d long decided to give his entire night to jaemin even if the other didn’t ask. it wasn’t really cold when there was an entire heat source right in front of them, but jeno shrugged and gently scooped jaemin’s onto his lap, lightly nosing along the boy’s jawline before planting the softest of kisses to a spot right under his ear. “warm me up, would you?”
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno "oh, oh no, that's not what i meant-", he stammered, surprise clearly lying within the slightly higher his voice had just gone into. he let his thumb rub over the light fabric of his jacket, shaking his head briefly. "just you being here with me means a lot already, i swear."
the way jeno seemed to feel the need to apologize for his cluelessness nearly broke his heart. after all, he felt the same. he mostly just didn't want to put the burden on the already troubled boy next to him. jaemin closed his eyes as he felt the chaste kiss that was pressed to his temple. and as he pulled away, his gaze trailed back to the small fire in the container in front of them, and before his thoughts could trail off, he was pulled close to the other once more, and he turned his head a little to make it easier for him to reach his forehead.
"just sitting here with you like this is fine", jaemin then responded, and he now shifted on his spot to put his arms around the other, his nose brushing over his shoulder. "we could also go back in a bit, once we're done, i mean. and then... hang out, in your room. or in mine. honestly, i don't mind. or, if you don't feel like it - no worries, either." like this, he simply leaned his head against the other's shoulder and stared back at the fire. "you must feel cold."
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin sad wasn't it. it was more of a mix of confusing emotions all at once that he couldn't put a finger on, there just wasn't a name for it but he wished the other didn't have to carry the burden alone and that he'd know what to say... "it's hard not to be when i see you struggling and me not being of much help," jeno leaned into the gentle touch and kiss to his temple, whispering apologetically. pulling away first, he slid his hand down jaemin's arm, resting just at their elbow as he held the boy's gaze that reflected the glow of the flames. damn he was just too beautiful. jeno pulled the other closer to brush his lips to their forehead, just enough for the feeling to linger. "do you want to talk about it?"
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno jaemin let out a quiet, pensive hum, to the question, he could only shrug his shoulder as he simply didn't know what to think about ghosts and such, but wait - was jeno implying that this was a haunted building?
silence had fallen over them, and jaemin absolutely disliked the hint of awkwardness that had risen along with it. jeno seemed insecure, and it hadn't been his intention to startle the other at all. furrowing his brows in worry, he reached out to let the pads of his fingers retrace the line of the other's jaw gently. "you look... sad", he remarked upon hearing the little huff, and that's when he got back up to put an arm around his shoulder and to press his lips to his temple in a gentle manner.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin and he found no reason to deny the crumpled ball of paper handed to him, holding onto it for a bit more as he chuckled lightly to the wink directed his way before tossing it into the container along with the rest that jaemin did. "do you believe in ghosts?" jeno looked back to the other that rested against him, not really minding an answer as his gaze followed the boy's movements where they shifted to place their head on his lap. now he was gazing down at jaemin with worry in his eyes, fingers absently threading through the locks that fell over his thighs. jeno never was good with words and right now he was more afraid to say the wrong ones than anything else. "...i'm listening," jeno offered softly, a quiet exhale dispensing from his lips as he felt a certain heaviness weighing down in his chest.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno "like what? i'm curious, now." he turned his head to face him properly once more. scrunching some more paper into balls, he handed jeno one he'd just made and pointed at the fire. "join me, it's quite fun. and relieving."
he gave him a light wink, then he leaned against the other's shoulder as he kept throwing paper into the flames. and suddenly, the biting coldness from the outside was completely forgotten, jaemin felt warm, not only because the fire warmed him up, no, it also was the way jeno was so close to him. "i want to drop out", he then muttered absent-mindedly before he lowered himself further to rest his head on the other's thigh, yet he kept tossing paper into the fire. "but i can't."
it was something jaemin didn't talk about a lot, and jeno pretty much was the only person he'd talk to about this matter.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin "you would want to reconsider that thought. i fell asleep in here once and had to spend the night alone, it wasn't really the best experience, to say the least. saw and heard things i'd rather i never did," shutting the lights off, he shuddered at the recollection of working on a project from months ago that resulted in him being locked up alone in this allegedly haunted building. maybe jeno was exaggerating a bit, but he was curious to see what kind of reaction he could get out of jaemin from it. as he's gestured over to sit, jeno obediently claimed the spot right next to jaemin, sitting close enough that their the outsides of their thighs were touching. he let there be a moment of silence, simply enjoying the crackling of the fire as he watched the flames at the papers he held out. it was a little different from firing clay, but a similar heat emanated from that, that put his heart at ease and he wondered if jaemin was feeling the same...
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno beaming at the other, jaemin now leaned his head into his touch as his hair's being ruffled up, despite him usually being the kind of guy to run off screaming and whining about how his hair had been ruined. he just enjoyed it when it was jeno, kind of. probably.
"no need to hurry. we'll just see. either option will work, i guess", he responded without thinking about it all too much, and he took a few of the sheets to crumple them up, set them on fire and carelessly throw them into the container once they'd set everything up, and that's when he sat down and gestured at the spot next to him. jaemin knew he'd most likely end up on his lap anyway, he wanted him to come closer now, though.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin the returned peck to jeno's cheek was enough to light him up with a permanent grin plastered across his face. despite wanting nothing more but to just spend the hours being physically close to the other, knowing that they came here with a mission to accomplish, jeno had to reluctantly pull away. he couldn't help but chuckle at the other being pleased about himself for preparing a lighter, finding it extremely endearing hence reaching over to give those dyed locks a quick affectionate ruffle before he felt lips on his cheek once more and he only hummed softly in response.
"the building closes at one, so we ought to hurry unless you intend to stay the night here, jaemin," he whispered softly, bringing jaemin's other hand up as to press his notes into the other's palm. "i'll turn off the lights."
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno jaemin nodded understandingly when jeno explained what exactly was up with the fire alarms in this building, and so he kept looking around, until the he flinched a little from the sound of the heavy container rolling over the floor.
upon feeling the other's lips on his cheek, he simply returned the affectionate gesture, lips pursing just enough to press against jeno's cheek in a gentle manner. despite the other's fingers being quite cold still, jaemin secretly wished that instead of pulling away, he'd pull him closer.

at the mention of a lighter, he was quick to shove his hand into his pocket to pull one out, and then he opened the closed fist to reveal a basic, red plastic lighter to the other. "i'm prepared", he then muttered somewhat proudly, then he pushed himself up on his toes for a brief moment in order to press his lips to jeno's cheek once more.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin he figured there'd be confusion when he brought the other here but to keep clay from hardening during the shaping process, the workshop hadn't been installed with a heater nor heat detectors. "it's actually out at the back but here works just as well," as jaemin took a look around, jeno had pulled out a metal container and rolled it to the center of the room. the helpless look he received from jaemin only urged him to move over and cup the boy's face in his hand, bringing him closer to press a featherlight kiss to the cheek, still a little cold to the touch of his lips. "did you bring a lighter?"
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno jaemin's eyes were still filled to the brim with curiosity as they now shifted all over the place to scan the corridors he'd never seen before, and yet they seemed so familiar him when he imagined hoe they'd look in the daylight. he let out a displeased grunt once the lights blinded him momentarily, and until his eyes adjusted to the light, jaemin rubbed at them slowly.

"it looks so homey", he muttered in response breathlessly as he walked towards the middle of the room, then closer to the pieces that were stacked over others.
"okay, but...", he continued as he managed to catch his breath, "where exactly are we going to start a fire here? is there no alarm or something?" he simply looked up ti the ceiling and checked for fire alarms, however he found nothing and then he just looked back at jeno, somewhat helplessly.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin running in the cold dressed in a simple cotton tracksuit wasn't the best idea as he felt chilled to the bone but it only gave him reason to sprint faster with his friend in tow. past a few doors and a through a few more corridors, they'd arrive at jeno's second home. flipping the switches on, the lights flickered to reveal pottery wheels lined up in two rows, and to the wall on the other side were racks displaying an array of ceramics and unfired clay. it wasn't a very organized presentation, rather just pieces stacked over each other but with more added to the collection day after day, it was the best anyone could do. "it's just coming to me now that, i've never really shown you what i do... but it's, welcome, i guess?" jeno chuckled through his heavy breathing, face flushed from all that running as he reluctantly released jaemin's hand to adjust his own hair.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno brows perked in curiosity once the other mentioned how there were indeed places coming to his mind; eyes sparked along with a rush of excitement. excitement, one that managed to lift his mood, one that made his eyes open up a little wider, one that made him so eager to keep moving, and suddenly, the steps they took didn't feel as heavy anymore as they did before jeno held his hand. indeed, he felt more as if he was flying, even though the other's fingers had been so cold. jaemin could always count on jeno, and he was... just so glad to have him in his life.
they were on the same wavelength, and jeno wasn't one to talk jaemin out of any of his quite questionable ideas, which he was very thankful for. his friendship with jeno was just so rewarding. and with those thoughts, jaemin followed jeno as fast as he possibly could, the bag he carried dangling around freely as he let the other lead the way.
this was one of the rare moments when jaemin truly felt free.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin there was stealth in their footsteps heading somewhere, though with time it quickly turned out to be nowhere and jeno's features contorted into one that's of surprise as he doubted his ears for a while. fire... did he hear right? was this a good idea at all? no. but was it stopping jeno from engaging in the escapade? "i have a few options," he let out an apprehensive laugh, both his hands stuffed into the front pocket of his sweatshirt, tote bag hanging around by his wrist as he shivered slightly from the chilly night breeze once they were outside. being in the department of ceramics art granted jeno access to a building that led to a place where they fired their clay. it probably would be the worst decision he'd to ever make, but there was an undeniable surge of excitement in making all the wrong decisions tonight, that made him look past the all cons of tonight's act. "this way," he breathed, taking into his hand, jaemin's, and with the lightest of tugs, started a sprint towards his department building that was, thankfully not too far away.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno relief allowed him to drop his tensed up and concerned features to relax once jeno agreed to his plan - even though he didn't know what exactly was going to happen. jaemin, however, already had all of the possible scenarious that this could've turned out to - getting arrested for committing arson, or simply them getting too tired to even go back and falling asleep, or one of them backing out because at some point, fire was something jaemin feared a little at some point. well, it wasn't exactly fear. it fascinated him. to a point where he'd rather call it respect than fear. and he preferred to stay away from it. lighters, however, were an exception.
as he walked out of the room, he grabbed a jacket and put it on as they were walking through the hallway, their steps were quiet, because he didn't exactly want to be caught on their mission, he didn't want to explain anything about it to anyone.
once they'd left the dorm, jaemin let out a soft sigh, then he dropped the bag to the ground to direct his attention to his phone. "you know any place to make a fire at?", he asked after a few moments of thinking and tapping at the screen.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin jeno stuffed his stack of notes into the given tote bag. there was no need to look too close to notice the stress lines that had formed across the other's normally youthful face over just a few nights, and the void in their laugh... were concerning but he knew better to ask. how jaemin turned back and gave him that dangerous look all was perceived by the silver haired boy in slow motion, and jeno didn't know what to think of it. but, the excitement of not knowing set butterflies off in his stomach. he couldn't find it in him to say no. after all, jaemin was the only splash of color, and the one streak of light in his mundane and tenebrous life. mayhaps... he, as much as jaemin did, too, needed this escape. "right then, let's get reckless tonight," jeno, with that and a firm nod of his head despite the remaining uncertainty apparent in his eyes, decided to let jaemin take lead for as long as the moon hung visible in the skies tonight. if anything was to go awry, they'll decide then what to do.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno once jaemin had managed to store his pile of papers in the bag, he realized that jeno’s had to fit as well. with a silent huff, the male let his gaze trail over the mess of his room in hopes he‘d find another bag for the other’s notes. once jeno questioned the purpose of their meeting, the other held his breath for a moment, hesitated to speak - that alone should’ve been a red flag. „uhm, well, if I told you, you’d most likely try to stop me.“
he ended his hesitant flow of words with some half-assed laughter, then he just got up to grab a tote bag and handed it over to him.

„we’re getting rid of these. and we‘re leaving now.“
like this, jaemin turned to look back at jeno, a small smirk now stretching over his lips, one that sent a message along the lines of „this is gonna be so fun“ and „i kinda need you to stop me.“
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin as seconds passed with the yellow '1' showing next to the bubble of his most recent text, jeno began to wonder if he'd taken too long to respond that, jaemin had fallen into the crutches of sleep while waiting. but as he heard the locks turn, he lifted his head with the usual smile playing on his lips only for it to diminish as he's met with the other's back and a very sad excuse of a greeting. it had jeno pondering to himself if the cold he had to brave tonight was that of the actual chilliness outside, or the distressing iciness of one of jaemin's many surprising sides. he had hoped it wasn't the latter.

"could have used a warning, you know?" as jeno followed inside, more of the mess that was jaemin's room came into sight but the one mess that actually caught his eye was the dyed pink strands that stuck up in stubborn tufts on the back of his friend's head. if jeno hadn't his hands occupied, one with notes and the other with his phone, perhaps he would have reached over and tamed them down. their gazes then met for moments not quite awkward but rather inexplicable, the brief silence that commences having jeno raise his brows in question. /what?/ "so, mind telling me what i'm getting into?" he shifted his eyes down and held out his notes to the other, not the most organized notes and cleanest handwriting but legible despite the few recent smudges from the droplets that fell from his hair earlier.
na jaemin [A] 4 years ago
@lee jeno jaemin's room currently resembled his mind pretty well - absolute chaos. there were notes and books lying around, and it looked as if he hadn't cleaned the mess up in weeks, but as if he'd only kept adding more and more throughout the days. jaemin was... pretty much done. done with his studies. and this close to consider dropping out. ah, yes, at least once in a month, jaemin considered dropping out. even though he was more of a kind of guy to pull through even when he was on the verge of completely losing it.
he was still scrolling through his twitter timeline when he heard the gentle knocking sounds against the door. immediately, he rolled off the bed and scurried to the door to open it. "come in", he then muttered without any further kind of greeting, a hug, or anything. "hope you won't freeze in that, we're gonna go out", he added as he stepped back into the chaos that he called his room; grabbing a pile of notes, some knitted, some stained from coffee. then he stuffed the pile into a bag and looked back at the other. he seemed to just have showered, his somewhat damp hair looked so fluffy, and he had to try really hard to resist the urge to let his fingers run through them.
lee jeno 4 years ago
@na jaemin
jeno had just done showered and was laying in bed with his hair still damp when he received a text from jaemin to bring over his old notes. he was confused as to why the other would find any use for them but didn't question it and simply did as was told, grabbing a pile of his least favourite subject and headed straight to jaemin's room in a comfy gray tracksuit. upon arriving at the door, jeno lightly rapped his knuckles to the door, simply adjusting his damp hair as he waited.


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fairys 4 years ago
of course this exists
Bao-Bei 4 years ago
Whispers is hyunjin still reserved or can I snatch
sunflower- 4 years ago
hello may I apply as mark lee.
4be3db1a62932740ed69 4 years ago
wtf hfhhj didn’t know this allowed ateez too imma cry
i thought it was just nct
im dumb
popcornyhx 4 years ago
Sending some love from cierra/cici <3
Idk if any of my muses gonna be open but
[comment deleted by owner]
scammer 4 years ago
hello,,, jung wooyoung pls hshshsb
savant 4 years ago
could i have park jisung instead then?
wisper 4 years ago
may i have san reserved for a second ><
savant 4 years ago
huang renjun pls!!
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