Species List


// Species List
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, angels are winged creatures from the celestial plane who for one reason or another have left their heavenly home. Their wings can appear in many colors and shades, though always feathered, and they can learn to suppress them into a wing-shaped tattoo on their back to better pass as human or simply to sit comfortably. With strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human they also possess the ability to summon a flaming sword and heal themselves or others. They are ageless and immune to diseases as well as the passing of time once they reach adulthood around 100 years old, from then on choosing how old or young they appear to be. Given that they are from another plane of existence, they are not well-adapted to some of the more mundane things on earth. Angels are weakened by aluminum and can be poisoned by it, even unto death, and are quite susceptible to spells cast by humans using the natural elements of this plane. They can be captured and bound into servitude (though this is illegal in Atlantis) or even temporarily banished from earth by a powerful enough spellcaster. (There is no God in this universe. No creator for them to follow or a divine plan. These angels are not like the angels in religious texts or stories, just the creatures that inspired them.)
These are humans who have made pacts with various elements or creatures that have imbued them with power greater than that of a normal mortal. Sometimes called witches, wizards, warlocks, shamans and more, these kinds of special humans have been around since the dawn of mankind. While not completely immune to the passage of time, most are able to extend their lives beyond 200 years or more with the oldest living caster having been recorded at 487 years. They are highly resistant to diseases and effects of other supernatural creatures but are still just as susceptible to other injuries as regular humans. Casters also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to control, manipulate and produce whatever magical effects they have made a pact with (typically only one or two creatures or elements at a time). If a caster has made a pact with one of the Fae, for example, they have gained the abilities to manipulate magical energies in the same way a faerie would without inheriting that weakness. This does also mean that the caster is also beholden to that fae and has to carry out their end of the bargain to retain those powers, whatever the bargain was. For casters to remain empowered, they must continually have and renew pacts with various elements and creatures or they will revert to a normal human being.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, demons are horned creatures from the infernal plane who for one reason or another left their fiery home. Their horns can come in many shapes, styles and colors though many demons choose to magically hide them from sight in order to appear more human or wear a hat. There are different kinds of demons with some different physical traits and abilities; some have leathery wings, a tail, claws, or hooved feet which can all be hidden by their magic. Some demons even have more than one of those traits. Aside from appearances, they also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human they also possess the ability to summon a flaming whip as well as affect the emotions of humans in their presence in a variety of ways. Their otherworldly aura allows demons to manipulate the feelings of nearby humans, inciting them to lust, rage, sorrow, euphoria or others for a period of time. Each demon tends to have a specialty, typically excelling in only one or two emotions depending on their lineage. Given that they are from another plane of existence, they are not well-adapted to some of the more mundane things on earth. Demons are weakened by copper and can be poisoned by it, even unto death, and are quite susceptible to spells cast by humans using the natural elements of this plane. They can be captured and bound into servitude (though this is illegal in Atlantis) or even temporarily banished from earth by a powerful enough spellcaster. (There is no Devil or Lucifer in this universe nor a God for them to rebel against. These demons are not like the demons in religious texts or stories, just the creatures that inspired them.)
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, dragons are large, scaly creatures that can take the form of a human at will. While in human form, there is a scaled mark somewhere on their body that looks like a tattoo which still emits the energy of their element. All dragons are bound to a single element (fire, water, earth, ice, shadow, wind, etc) and it is generally reflected in their appearance or style regardless of whether they are in human or dragon form. They are immortal, immune to ravages of age as well as diseases, and they can choose to look however old they want. Dragons are highly resistant to both mundane weapons and most magic but are weak to weapons from the other planes (celestial, infernal, and fae). That being said, they are still quite strong and anyone going up against a dragon had better be on top of their game. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to control, manipulate and produce whatever element makes up their being. Their element, while imbuing them with great power, also comes with a weakness to it’s opposing element: Fire is weak to water, water is weak to ice, and so on (A chart wont be made unless we need one so please keep it logical). These creatures need to reconnect with their element every so often to remain empowered, often lining their houses and dens with it and being cut off from the element for a prolonged period of time (weeks) can weaken them drastically.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, faeries are winged creatures from the fae plane who for one reason or another left their magical home. Their wings come in a variety of shapes, styles and colors though they always somewhat resemble that of a butterfly or dragonfly that they can choose to magically hide in a similarly wing-shaped tattoo on their back. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to mildly change local weather and exude some control over plants and animal life. These creatures are immortal in that they do not age normally and are immune to diseases. Given that they are from another plane of existence, they are not well-adapted to some of the more mundane things on earth. Faeries are weakened by iron and can be poisoned by it, even unto death, and due to their magical nature are quite susceptible to spells cast by humans who are tapping into the energies of the Fae plane.
Descendants of the original Atlanteans and/or humans brought to Atlantis by supernatural means, these are the regular people of the country. They have no special powers but also no unusual weaknesses. While some may view them as food or prey, they have the same protections and rights as anyone else. Those who would do them harm without consent risk punishment from the Powers That Be.
These are the rare mixes of the species which inherit both parent’s strengths and weaknesses. Typically from inter-species couplings, their existence elsewhere in the world or other planes isn’t as widely accepted as it is in Atlantis. Living in Atlantis is one of the few places where they are not treated as second-class or misfits because the city itself is such a mish-mash of cultures trying to make peace last and no species is considered better than any other.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, kitsune are fox-like creatures from the wilds who have for one reason or another left their home. Kitsune are shape-shifting creatures similar to weres except that they are mostly able to control their animal sides with both aspects of their personalities living in relative harmony. They too are tied to the phases of the moon with the moonlight being a source of power for them as well as nourishment. The most notable physical aspect of kitsune in their true form are their tails which increase in number with age and wisdom, capping at nine. These creatures can appear as human though reflections and shadows will show their tails despite any spells or attempts to hide them. Drinking or other loss of control can also make tails, ears, and claws appear on the kitsune. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to summon and control fox fire and manipulate the life force of humans or willing creatures nearby (healing them, weakening them, strengthening them, etc by transferring life energy from one to another). These creatures are immortal in that they do not age and are immune to diseases. Kitsune are afraid of dogs, wolves and werewolves who can always tell that they are kitsune; they are natural enemies (dogs hunt foxes). They are also not good at dealing with negative emotions such as fear, hate, or sorrow, easily becoming overwhelmed by them and weakening even to the point of death. The only way for a kitsune to avoid ever being completely overtaken by these emotions is to find another creature that loves them unconditionally and become their mate.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, phoenixes are fiery, bird-like creatures that can take the form of a human at will. While in human form, there is a flame-shaped mark somewhere on their body that emits steam when in contact with water and is quite warm to the touch. These creatures are immortal, with the ability to continually regenerate upon death(even if it takes several hundred years) and complete immunity to diseases. Phoenixes can choose how old or young they appear regardless of their form. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to control, manipulate and produce fire. Phoenixes are weak to iron, the metal sapping their strength or even killing them (if shot or stabbed fatally with it) though it never renders them entirely powerless. While unable to be completely killed, before they are reborn they are completely helpless and unaware of what is going on outside of their eggs thus leading for many enterprising individuals to try and subjugate them in that time (which is illegal on Atlantis). When reborn, they resume all of their normal powers and abilities though they generally have to catch up on everything that happened while they were inside the egg which is never less than a decade.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, sirens are aquatic creatures from the ocean depths who have for one reason or another left their watery home. Sirens in their natural form have a tail reminiscent of a mermaid’s that they can transform into legs when they choose to walk on land. These tails come in a variety of shapes and colors and when they are turned into legs, there are two seashell tattoos on the ankles of the siren; one on the outside of each ankle. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to breathe underwater and bewitching singing voices which can charm and entrance humans who hear it for a short time. These creatures are immortal in that they do not age and are immune to diseases. Given that they are from the ocean, they cannot go very long without returning to water of some kind. Sirens who are kept from water weaken, dry out, and turn to stone until they are completely re-submerged in the ocean or sea.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, valkyrie are immortal warriors plucked from time and space by an unknown force at the moment of death for a mysterious purpose which has not yet been understood. These men and women were once human and had proved themselves to be a formidable force in their area of battle and thus were chosen to become part of an undying army in a conflict they do not know. Once removed from their former lives, all memory of them was erased from their family and loved ones. How they were chosen is unknown but at their designated time of dying, another valkyrie was there to remove them from the normal flow of space and time. Not even the valkyrie who is responsible fully understands how or why they received their instructions, only that at that exact moment they were filled with an undeniable and irresistible urge to carry out the act. Almost completely removed from time, valkyries no longer age and are immune to disease. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human as well as the ability to see into the potential futures of those they come into contact with. Unfortunately, given free-will and the constant ebb and flow of time, it is difficult to be 100% sure that what they see will come to pass. On occasion they can attempt to alter the futures of humans they are close to but the outcome is never guaranteed. These creatures were fighters at the top of their game and have only gotten better since and are thus generally the most impressive when it comes to physical prowess. They also have strength, speed, and senses beyond that of a normal human. Valkyries are often slow to catch up on technological advances and technology often doesn’t agree with them. Something about their energy leads to many electrical and electronic devices simply not working for them or outright frying when held or interacted with. Change in general can be quite difficult for valkyries to grasp as well as a blanket inability to truly feel the passage of time. One week can seem like an hour to them or vice versa, often leading to missed plans and confusion. Valkyrie cannot reproduce normally.
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, vampires are characterized by their need to drink blood to remain young looking and powerful. Equipped with retractable fangs as well as senses, strength and speed beyond that of a normal human, these creatures also have a severe allergy to sunlight, silver, garlic and fire. Vampires were all once human, becoming tainted by a curse of unknown origin by sharing blood of a vampire when at the edge of death. Once the dying human drinks the blood, their mortal body dies and becomes immortal (characterized by the inability to age or catch diseases of any kind). They are no longer living by the normal standard even if they retain all of the memories from their former life and can only increase their number by turning humans (they cannot have children).
One of the supernatural races that inhabit the country, weres are characterized by their ability to change into an animal and human hybrid with the cycles of the moon. Victims of a curse that is spread by any non-lethal bite from one afflicted(only to humans) or born into it, most of these creatures don’t have control over their animal side. When the moon rises, they are forced to change forms and only those who are mated can control what they do in their bestial shape. Weres are fiercely allergic to holly, wolfsbane, and silver to the point of lethality at high enough doses. Wolf is the most common type of were though other animals are also weres such as bears, tigers, and panthers. They typically live in packs, regardless of the animal shape, with the strongest among them assuming the title of alpha. Their second in command is referred to as a beta and any lone wolves are omegas until they find a pack to belong to. While most packs consist of only one animal type, there are some mixed packs in Atlantis. These creatures have strength, speed and senses well beyond that of a normal human while in their wild shape but as a human their abilities are only slightly better. They do age, albeit much slower than regular humans and are immune to diseases. The average were lifespan is a thousand years with the oldest ever recorded at 1200 years old.


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kumiho 4 years ago
Hey there. I was busy and only now noticed that I was kicked from my character, but it seems like I never got any sort of notice whatsoever...
TheKpopRPGlossary 4 years ago

Hello, beautiful admins! Please, please, forgive us, if we have reached out before! We are simply just making sure that we are inclusive of EVERY rp possible in order to be fully thorough and available to the rp community on all platforms! After noticing the lack of open and active roleplay directories on tumblr, here we are. We are The Kpop Roleplay Glossary™ and we are honored to be able to invite you to join us! We would love to be able to assist you in growing your members, promoting your rp, and/or anything else we can do for you. We are here FOR YOU... and we would be extremely honored to be able to list your rp on our roster in order to promote your roleplay. We are unbiased, nonjudgmental, and offer 100% unconditional assistance. Whenever you get a free moment, please read through our rules and when you are ready, please submit your application - you are more than welcome to submit your application via an email address if you do not have a tumblr blog.

The rules: https://thekpoproleplayglossary.tumblr.com/rules
The application: https://thekpoproleplayglossary.tumblr.com/submit

A million +1 thank you's and we very sincerely look forward to having you join us!
~The Kpop Roleplay Glossary (#krpgloss)
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AureliaL 4 years ago
Hey hey! Is this rp still accepting? ^^
b5bd0aeded08c4e83d72 4 years ago
Can I request Lee Hoetaek (Hui) please?
Jhopeexoticvip 4 years ago
May I have Kwon Jiyong added please?
jeonha 4 years ago
a/r kim jongin for me please
Everme29 4 years ago
Lottie Moss please!
ab2b8ad03591c319871c 4 years ago
son chaeyoung please
0b18bc729aa513357aa1 4 years ago
lalisa manoban please
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