Landi Ceremony





alex landi 4 years ago
Hey guys, if you'd like to sign our guestbook letting us know you were here, please do. Feel free to leave a message as well!
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi Mmm I love how that sounds. *nods my head in agreement, sneaking in a few more kisses before i reluctantly pull from your hold, taking your hand into mine as i lead you back over to our driends*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok I love you Hoseok Landi. Now.. we should join back with the rest of the crowd~*grins and kisses your lips lightly*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *rubs my hands over your back slowly as i nod, looking up at you with a soft smile* Love you Alex Landi~
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *hums as I a bit of icing off my thumb before wrapping my arms around your shoulders, leaning down to kiss the top of your head* Together forever
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi Honestly, the best day of my life. *carefully cleans off my fingers before tossing the napkin in the small bin under the table. slips my arms around your waist, pressing my cheek gently into your chest as i smile* officially my husband~
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok The best day of my life- *chuckles softly as I let you clean me up before grabbing another napkin and getting your face clean and tidy as well*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *laughs quietly and nods my head, pulling you down again so we can kiss for a few moments more before i reluctantly pull back and grab a couple of napkins, gently cleaning your face up as I smile* I'm so happy, babe. today has been incredible
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *hums happily when you hold my cheeks, not caring about the mess as I kiss you a bit more before letting out a loud laugh* I could say the same for you~
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *swallows my mouthful quickly as i let out a soft laugh, holding your cheeks in my cake covered fingers as i kiss you back, still laughing quietly* you cheeky little ~ *mumbles quietly before I kiss you again, pulling back so i can admire you icing covered face with a grin* totally suits you
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *laughs when you smear some on my cheek, making sure to get some icing on your nose before chewing and swallowing what what shoved in, leaning down to kiss your messy lips without a care in the world*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *gasps in surprise when pretty much the entire slice of cake is shoved into my mouth, mentally telling myself i'm a moron for having not expected it. i'm quick to retaliate, not wanting to miss my opportunity and i quickly push my hand forward, trying to get most of the cake into your mouth and not all over your face as i laugh with my mouth shut, trying to chew on the cake quickly*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *grins and shrugs, holding out your bite with an innocent smile before leaning down for mine. yet just as you're about to go for it, I shove most of it in your mouth and shut my eyes in preparation for your retaliation*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *gasps playfully as i glance up at you* I would never lie to you~
*watches you happily as you split our piece in half, taking my side carefully and lifting it up* is it? Why? *gives you a curious look as i tilt my head*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok Well, you don't have to lie to me.
*laughs softly and watches over your shoulder, cutting out a big piece for us but splitting it in half before setting the knife down and reaching out to take one piece and wait for you*
It's a good think we bought these suits, huh?
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *smiles happily as you move behind me, leaning into you a little before i let out a loud laugh*
Okay, okay. I promise I won't squish it in your nose! I'll feed it to you super carefully.
*blinks as we line the knife up, carefully slicing into the cake with you*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *blinks at the knife, quick to move behind you as I wrap my arms around your smaller frame and place my hands over yours to steady it*
Don't squish cake in my nose.. or I might aim my snot rocket in your direction~
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *lets you drag me over to where the cake is, looks over the cake in awe, shaking my head a little as i glance up at you* I almost dont want to cut it it's so pretty looking.. *holds up the knife chanyeol gave me just before we came over, smiling at you* let's cut it together, husband~
alex landi 4 years ago
*Hoseok threw the bouquet and the lovely miss Sori caught it~**
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *glances down at what i'm wearing when i hear you comment about the jackets, laughing out loud as i shake my head, rolling my eyes playfully* wow, we are so en smooth- *grins as i watch you slide across the floor, tugging your jacket off to toss it aside, in earths direction, hoping he figures out fast enough that hes supposed to catch it. my lips pull up into a bigger grin when i see you're ready, moving across the dance floor quickly to meet you. wraps my arms up around your neck once you've lowered me, smiling against your lips* Nailed it~
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *smiles as we dance along to the music, realizing about half way through that my jacket was definitely too small and yours just a tad bigger. biting my lip I lean in close to rock my hips against yours and whisper in your ear* We're wearing each other's jackets-- *lets out a laugh before nodding at your question, pressing a quick kiss to your nose before turning away with a grin. much like Swayze, I make a grande gesture of sliding across the floor on my knees to make some room instead of jumping off a stage but it looked about the same. jumping onto my feet I turn to you and curl my index finger for you to come running. as soon as you were close enough, I grabbing your hips and put myself under you, lifting you up without a hitch and even turning in a small circle before bringing you down against my body with a playful growl before landing a hard kiss on your lips*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *turns my attention to you once the music starts up, sometimes moving to guide you if you struggle at all, but mostly letting you dance how you want, more than happy to just let go and have fun with it. it was our first dance as husbands and i didnt care if it was perfect or not, as long as we were doing it together. i get a little nervous as we get closer to the lift we wanted to do, noticing your focus was definitely only on me and i grin, raising an eyebrow playfully* gonna lift me~?
alex landi 4 years ago

@jung hoseok *grins as we walk in, standing prouder than ever to have you as my husband. standing next to you, I wait for the song to start before taking the lead. my steps weren't perfect, but anyone didn't stare at our feet the entire time wouldn't notice. as the track played, we mostly did our own thing besides the few key movements from the movie. the lift was coming soon, but I couldn't keep my focus off of your beautiful face as we turned the dance floor into our own playground*

For reference to any of those seeing this later;
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *enters the reception area quietly, glancing around a little shyly. runs my free hand through my hair again, my cheeks flushed as i glance up at you* you ready for this baby?
*asks you softly before i drag you over to where the DJ is set up, letting chanyeol know we're ready for our first dance down as i give your hand a gentle squeeze*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *grins slightly as we make it just out of view from everyone else, only to bend down and pick you up bridal style to run towards our limo that'd we'd be taking after the reception*
You think I'd let you get away looking that handsome without taking off your clothes? You've got another thing coming, Mr.Landi.
*chuckles and sets you down to open the door and scramble inside with you for a quickie*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *lets out a soft noise of surprise when i'm suddenly being dipped backwards, my arms moving to wrap around you tight as i kiss you back meeting your level passion. straightens up a little dazed for a moment before i laugh softly, my cheeks burning as we head back down the aisle, tugging you in for a few more sweet kisses as we make our way to the reception*
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *giving my attention to the gentleman as he completes our ceremony. I'm turned to you just in time for the kiss. I could feel you were timid in such a setting but at this point? Even our parents knew we'd be banging so it wasn't the time to hold back. wrapping my arms around your smaller frame, I stepped forward to dip you back for the most passionate kiss of our lives until now. it lingered for a good moment before lifting you back up with a wide grin. taking your hand in mine, we turn towards the crowd to start our walk out and into the reception area for our new lives*
jung hoseok [A] 4 years ago
@alex landi *watches you adoringly as you carefully remove the rings from the pups, taking the one i will give to you and closing my fingers around it carefully as you take my hand up. meets your gaze with a loving one of my own as you speak, my breath catching in my throat when i feel the ring slide onto my finger. quickly takes a hold of your hand when you offer it to me, smiling as a few more tears slip down my cheeks that i don't even bother to try and wipe away*
*gently slips the ring onto your finger, glancing down to make sure i got it right before i look up at you again, exhaling slowly*
This ring, a gift for you, symbolizes my wish that you be my husband from this day forward.
*my eyes never leave your face as he finalises the wedding with his final words;
"You will be reminded each day of your commitment to this marriage with the wearing of your wedding ring.
Words are powerful but fleeting. The wedding ring, therefore, becomes the enduring symbol of the promise we have just heard. Alex and Hoseok, you have formalized in our presence the existence of the bond of love between you - vowing to be loyal and loving toward one another. In expressing your affirmations, you have pronounced yourself husband and husband.
I hereby declare Alex and Hoseok to be husband and husband each to love, honor, and cherish the other for the rest of their lives.
Please embrace and kiss for the first time as united individuals."
*brings one of my hands up to rest on your cheek, rising up onto my toes a little to press my lips gently to yours, my tears now flowing freely down my cheeks and it feels like my heart is literally exploding in my chest*
[post deleted by owner]
alex landi 4 years ago
@jung hoseok *my breath was a little shake when I heard your reply, the smile on my face just as bright as the day we say I love you. my head snapped toward the officiator as he spoke about the rings. my heart suddenly sped up, knowing this was the last thing in the way of planting a wet kiss on your lips and calling you my husband. nodding my head eagerly. I reached down to pat Mickey and Ninja on the head before taking our rings. I handed you the one meant for me before taking your left hand and slipping the ring on your fourth finger while looking you in the eyes*
This ring, a gift for you, symbolizes my wish that you be my husband from this day forward.
*looks down for a second to make sure I didn't mess up before gently waving the pups off to the side so I can offer my left hand to you as well*


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