⋰ infirmary

the infirmary is mainly operated by the children of asclepius and apollo to provide healthcare and medicine to demigods who may have been injured while training, during an activity or pulling a prank on the ares cabin. it is fully stocked with medicinal supplies including ambrosia and nectar for the more serious and close to death wounds.

on the first floor, you will find the emergency room. the second, short- and long-term patient rooms. the third is the workers lounge and the fourth and final floor is the apothecary and stock room.

the infirmary is a long and low cabin made out of support beams and logs. rather than walls and windows, you'll find cream fabric swathes to keep out the wind and provide fresh air for the patients.
j. jaehyun ( H 31.08 - 31.09 ) 3 years ago
@m. win [For some unknown reason I managed to be quicker than I expected lol I hope you can work with this, it's a bit of a mess though ;-;]

A buzzing sound echoed through his head as his whole body pulsed from pain. His mind was locked in darkness reliving through the events of their quest, the monster had attacked them out of nowhere, they had not at all expected that a creature like that would ruin their quest on the last few steps to victory. Why? Why? Why? Everything could have gone well if only they hadn’t been one of the worst teams the camp had ever seen. Yibo knew that it was partly his fault, his recklessness on the one hand, not working together with Hongjoong after what had happened between them. Gods.

The pain was still as intense as Yibo’s mind seemed to be awake but his body didn’t cooperate. The monster had managed to damage his body quite a lot, he felt unable to move any of his limbs and his body must have been covered in blood and bruises. The monster’s paw had hit right across the face and Yibo was sure that even he himself wouldn’t be able to recognize himself in the mirror by now. At least a glance into a puddle of water had revealed that during the right. ing hell---the place where all this had turned into catastrophe, had him nearly dead.

His mind had gone through a blackout, locked him in his own prison. Yibo screamed in his head but couldn’t get himself to open his eyes, to wake up from his unconsciousness. If only he hadn’t had that vision, if only he hadn’t gone on that quest. Maybe it had been his own stupidity, after all it was his first summer at the camp. How could he have expected to actually survive a quest like that with not having any experience at all? Of course he had trained but he maybe it just hadn’t been enough, hadn’t been the right state for him to go through this.

Suddenly something changed. His thoughts vanished into a cloud of dizziness as the pain his brain throbbed more and more. Yibo’s body squirmed lightly as the pain got more present. There was another sensation, something damp pressed to his head. “...” He groaned as he tried to move his body into a position that would feel less painful but he couldn’t even move a few millimetres. His eyes fluttered open but he pressed them shut again as seeing the light was unbearable. “What...what happened..?” His thoughts, his internal monologue had fallen into oblivion, any memory connected to the quest had suddenly vanished and for a moment Yibo didn’t even know who he was. As his eyes finally got used to the light, he saw a man looking down at him, however, the mask hid most of his face. It didn’t help Yibo the slightest to figure out just where he was. Gods. All he wanted was to fall back into unconsciousness.
m. win 3 years ago
@w. yibo it wasn't all that shocking to find himself another borderline lifeless patient to occupy one of the infirmary's beds. really, it was almost routine at this point to nurse them back to health and get them back onto their feet. what really made him glance over and double take was the irritating pain on the back of his head as a faint memory played dimly in his mind. he scoffed as the irritation slowly but surely bubbled, expecting to erupt to frustrate him even more. what was he trying to remember?

he turned back to his clipboard to look over his chicken scratch of notes that he was able to take when his body was discovered and bought back. failed quest, nearly dead... he could gather that much from how terrible of a condition he was in. he had a lot of work cut out for himself, he thought as he took a seat on his office chair to type away on his laptop with the very little information he was able to obtain. his features were unrecognizable but he really didn't mind. the clothes he soaked with blood was proof enough that he was camper. he lifted the pen he was holding and tapped it against his bottom lip. he sighed as he threw it against the desk, abruptly standing to continue on with his work.

win slipped his hands into some gloves and positioned himself beside him. he rolled the tray closer then dampened a clean towel in it. he was able to stop the gashes from producing more blood earlier but there was much more work to do. he lifted the patient's arm and started wiping away some of the blood, then damping it again, then wiping. what kind of idiot would get themselves in this much harm? good thing he wasn't about to find out, he was pretty much unconscious since he arrived at the infirmary hours ago and he was expecting to be like that for a while. besides, the last thing he wanted was something to distract him from his work.

he huffed into his mask as the water quickly became pigmented. he drained as much blood as he could onto the bowl then made way to the sink conveniently nearby for him to get himself some fresh water. the infirmary that was so quiet aside from the clattering of equipment was then filled by the loud sink hitting the bowl. he hummed dissatisfied with the harsh contrast but continued cleaning in order to fill it.
j. jaehyun ( H 31.08 - 31.09 ) 3 years ago
@m. sana Repeating himself seemed unnecessary. Sana would believe whatever it was that she wanted to believe, there was no point in making her believe just what had happened. Not that he cared anyways, or at least he told himself that once again. It was just Sana, right? No one that mattered in any way, right? The list of people he cared about was short, almost non-existent, there was no space for her to be on it.

What? Did his brain play tricks on him?

Yibo stopped moving altogether, for a moment it even felt like he couldn’t breathe. Had she actually just asked him to stay? No, it couldn’t be, why would she? This was all more than unexpected but the tug as his sleeve was real and so must have been her words. Yibo turned around lightly to look back at her. He scanned all her features and tried to figure out just what had gotten her to act this way. Was it some sort of prank? All of this?

“Why?” Nothing more pressed past his lips at first but only a few seconds later he felt the need to elaborate his question. “Why do you want me to stay with you?” ‘You hate me’, the words were stuck somewhere in his throat and he decided not to voice it. It seemed to take her a while to find her own words but he waited patiently as if he was glued to the spot. This was by far the strangest situation both of them had ever been in together.

“Why would you pass out again? Wasn’t it from hitting your head too hard?” He asked though it was rather thinking out loud to himself than expecting any answer from her. Yibo was close to snorting at her comment about how he would have no one to bicker with. As if that would in any way be appealing enough for him to take care of her. Though, her begging intrigued him mainly because he hadn’t expected her to be this desperate and go as far. “Fine.” With his free hand, Yibo grabbed onto Sana’s wrist to have her let go of his sleeve. Nonetheless, instead of letting her go his hand wrapped around hers. “I won’t carry you again but you can hold onto me just in case. Do you want to have a medic check on you before we leave?”
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
@x. minghao [] mmkay, replies will be on the shorter side cause, like, i can’t really write too much without taking over the whole scene and i don’t wanna do that lmao

“Mmm, you really wanna spend the night listening to me throw up?” Jeongguk laughed “So romantic” He teased as he leant in to kiss Minghao’s cheek, right under his eye. “Shame that we need to keep it down, you sound pretty when I touch you” He purred, a ball of heat simmering in his gut, playful Minghao was such a turn on. His right hand drifted down to the hint of bare flesh peeking through Minghaos shirt and pants, dipping just barely under his waistband to massage at his hips.

“Remember to tell me if anything hurts, ok? I’ll stop straight away.” “Gonna make you feel good, baby, you deserve it”

[] rest in pm uwu
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
@j. jeongguk // we stan, and just soft boi hao ig

Again, his expression seemed to soften as he chose not to comment on how he had almost died and instead, curled closer to his best friend to reassure him that he was physically there. He may still be recovering in a sense, but he was alive, and he would get better. He had his father to thank for that. Although, the thought of his father had his cheeks flaring, freckles glowing a bit with his sudden embarrassment that he quickly hid the best he could against Jeongguk's shoulder. He could practically hear the Sun God's laughter ringing in his ears.

Minghao's own mortification at his nosy father was enough of a distraction that he unfortunately missed the way Jeongguk's expression crumpled, but the gentle press of their lips together seemingly brought him back out of his head, and he reached up with his free hand to brush dark locks form the other's forehead. Once they parted, he shifted a bit to press soft kisses wherever he could reach without stretching too much, lips stretching into an amused grin. "Yes, doc, I'm sure I'm okay. If it makes you feel better, I'll let someone else take over my archery lessons the next day or so. Mm, I'm sure I've sounded worse in the past," Hao mused back, a huff of laughter rising from his lips as their noses bumped together, "Ah, that makes sense. I'm sure I'm well on my way to recovery. I'll be all glowy and sunny again first thing in the morning, bet."

He rolled his eyes a bit and clicked his tongue when the other didn't let him move to check out his leg to make sure it was taken care of like he had said. Just because he was injured didn't mean he was going to neglect checking in on his best friend. Who would stop the from over exerting himself? Yeah, Hao wouldn't be paying Hades a visit anytime soon, too attached to living.

Still, Minghao made sure to be patient with Jeongguk, knowing he'd be in a similar position if their roles were reversed. Honestly, he'd probably be worse, just because he /knows/ how much the son of Poseidon pushes himself to the edge, so rather than argue that he was fine like he might have done with one of his siblings, he settled back down like he had been told, the slightest of frowns gracing his lips. "That's good. I'll beat you up the next time you do something like that again. I understand that our situation sort of called for it, but the only burn you're allowed to get is a sunburn from spending too much time outside," he huffed, unconsciously relaxing and softening under each kiss that was pressed against his skin, "Well, I guess I'm not going home then, because it's a bit pointless when I heal best sleeping next to you. Hope you don't mind company in your room."

The son of Apollo made a mental note to whoop Jeongguk's when they were both feeling better. For now, he was just grateful that the other had actually told him upfront instead of him figuring it out later, and he knew deep down that he probably wouldn't have made it without his friend pushing himself past his limits, even if he didn't want to admit it.

As the conversation shifted, though, he could feel his face slacken into an expression of incredulous disbelief before he was tittering with a bout of laughter, nose and eyes scrunching with the action. "Mm, maybe? They'll definitely work on it after if it hasn't been done already. You're right we didn't really get to finish, and I think I deserve a reward for those epic sword skills I displayed back there," he hummed playfully, trailing the fingers of his free hand over the planes of Guk's chest with a grin, "We can attempt to be quiet?"
j. jaehyun ( H 31.08 - 31.09 ) 3 years ago
@m. sana [] I'm sorry it's ver lacking, I hope that you can still work with it though somehow my brain wasn't creative fsdgadsg

Caressing her arm while staring down at her sleeping body felt as if he was lost in some sort of trance. Yibo’s mind jumped around like crazy shifting from one event to another, each connected to the memories that he had of Sana. Was it worry? Did he care? It couldn’t be. All he wanted was to not have anyone think that he would have let the girl he fought with from time to time die out of sheer hatred. In some sort of way everyone was responsible for the others in the camp, he couldn’t have anyone turn against them. What if they would have seen him leave her lying that by the amphitheatre? Clearly, it could have caused him quite some trouble. It were excuses like that with which he tried to justify his behaviour to himself.

Yibo was pulled out of his trance by the groan and movement coming from the bed. He made no move to pull his hand away at first, only as she jerked her arm away did he to drop his hand onto his knee. “Wow, that’s how you thank me for saving your life?” He retorted. His own gaze turned into a glare that he directed at her. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back into the chair. “You were the one laying there passed out in the amphitheatre. Do you think it was fun carrying you all the way here?” He groaned. It was unbelievable that Sana acted as if this was his fault.

“The medics told me to watch over you until you wake up so it seems like I can finally leave.” He said as if it had been a big hassle to him to spend his time in the infirmary with her. It hadn’t been but Yibo couldn’t actually show that as Sana would use that information to annoy him in whatever way possible. Deep down he still felt responsible for her well-being after finding her like that, the medics were still not around to check on her and most have been busy with whoever else was injured. Still, staying would give off quite the wrong impression especially after her accusation that he had done something to hear.

“I’ll let the medics now that you woke up so that can check on you.” He told her and then got up from the chair about to leave.
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
@x. minghao [] i guess tired izzy means soft and serious mode JK =u= enjoy heartfelt and grumpy JK commentary rather than teasing uwu

“You almost weren’t, you dickhead” Jeongguk replied sarcastically, clambering onto the cot. It was a bit of a tight squeeze but with a little manoeuvring, they ended up facing each other with Guks arm tucked under Minghaos head. The sudden change in position had his mood plummeting as he felt a wave of nausea hit him. Guk cleared his throat, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

Jeongguk frowned despite Haos reassurances, looking down at their hands to hide how his face crumpled. He felt his very soul had been battered, and Minghao, Gods.. It didn’t matter that Minghao was right, that nobody could ever promise to be perfectly safe when outside the camp borders, it killed him to know that everyday could be the day that he lost him. Unable to help himself, Jeongguk moved forward press his lips against Haos— just a soft peck, nothing more, nothing that betrayed the nausea he was feeling nor the sudden need to consume everything Minghao had to offer, to take advantage of his near death escape. “Are you sure you’re alright? You sound awful” Jeongguk whispered as he pulled away, bumping their noses together. “They told me you’d be in here for today but.. If you seem better by tonight, you can go home.”

He grimaced when Minghao suddenly moved, afraid of the stitches holding the small but terrifying deep wound together would snap.

“Hey, stop, stop, you’re gonna hurt yourself, I just got you back” Jeongguk hissed though there was no venom in his voice, he brought Minghao back down to him with a huffed, mildly ticked off. He was getting irritated, not a particularly good sign. He breathed in deeply through his nose, swallowing thickly as he felt his stomach lurch. “Sorry, sorry, my leg is fine, I, um, had to wait til this morning cause any more ambrosia and I would have burned up.” He eventually said after a pause to regain his thoughts. Guk had already suspected a migraine was on it’s way when earlier, he’d seen static after sitting up but he’d hoped that he would’ve been able to stave it off for another night to spend time with Hao.

He squeezed his best friends hand, bringing their intertwined digits to press his lips to each knuckle on Haos hand; finishing with a soft kiss to his pulse point. “I’ll, um, probably stay here tonight though, in another room. I kind of pushed myself too far with getting you back here and I’m starting to feel sick.”

Migraines weren’t a new thing for him to deal with or Hao to witness though it was rare for Guk to tell the other male when he felt one coming on. This time he did because he felt guilty that he wouldn’t be able to give all his attention to Minghao in a few hours. “Reckon these curtains are enchanted to keep the noise down yet?” Jeongguk snickered, propping himself up on his elbow “Cause if you’re up for it, I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of not puking my guts out later tonight” How y.. talking about vomit. “We didn’t exactly get to finish what we started in the creek”
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
@j. jeongguk // issokay bb i have no idea what i'm gonna type out but harry styles is vibin me through

As the groggy fogginess from being asleep or borderline comatose began to fade from the front of Minghao's mind, he started to register exactly where he was and why he felt so...ty. He blinked for a moment against the light of the room, trying to adjust before his gaze was filled with a frantic waterboy that had his expression softening a bit. A frown settled on his lips at the other's words, though, guilt settling in the pit of his stomach for making his best friend worry.

"I..I said it would be okay." He spoke, having to clear his throat a little, brows furrowing with discomfort at the cracks in his voice, but he allowed Jeongguk to move his hands around. He knew sometimes words weren't enough to confirm that everything /was/ okay and not just an illusion of the mind. Many dreams of watching the other demigod get hurt and having to rush to make sure he was intact had made Minghao patient to things like this. He wasn't usually the one to be in the injured position, but if he had to choose between himself and the boy clutching his hands so tight, he wouldn't have to think twice before doing it again.

He hoped the smile he had offered was as reassuring as he wanted it to be as he ran his thumbs against the son of Poseidon's cheekbones, wishing he could that worry up like a sponge so his friend wouldn't have to carry that burden. Jeongguk looked as if he had been crying, and it /hurt/ the son of Apollo, more than any monster could hurt to inflict on him.

Minghao released a soft breath that he had been holding as he listened to the other talk, scooting over the best he could on the cot so he could pat the tiny remaining space. "C'mere, Guk. I'm okay. I'm right here. You can't get rid of me that easily," he joked despite how tired he knew he sounded, "You and I both know I can't promise that, but I'll make sure I'm more prepared next time so we can avoid it." It was the best he could offer in terms of consolation. They were demigods, after all, and there would be times that Minghao was sent on quests that Jeongguk couldn't follow him on. The outcomes of those quests couldn't be determined until they occured, so he wasn't going to do something as silly as make a promise he couldn't keep.

"Besides, it'll take more than some scorpion poison to steal me from you. Who would stop you from doing stupid to get yourself killed, hmm?" He teased lightly, moving one hand to lace their fingers together and pull him a little closer and stretching a bit so he could squint at his leg. "Did you get your leg looked at? I swear to the gods if you've been in the infirmary and haven't gotten properly looked at, I'm going to get up and beat your myself."
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago

Minghao slept through the entire night. Jeongguk had fretted and panicked over every laboured breath he’d took despite reassurance that if Hao was going, um, the d-word, it would have happened already(honestly, AJ could have been nicer about it but whatever). His fever had spiked early the next morning and Jeongguk had placed a cold towel across his brow to try ease some of the heat. It was sometime around 8 am when Hao started to sound normal again, Jeongguk barely had time to lean down Minghao was opening his eyes(he prayed to the gods that nobody saw him fall onto the ground from shock).


His relief was palpable as he jumped up, clasping Minghaos hands in his own, bringing them to his lips as he muttered a thank you prayer to whoever deserved it. “Thank the Gods, I thought—“ Jeongguk faltered, his voice cracking “I thought you were gone” He finished weakly, bringing his warm, /alive/ friends hands to cup his(JK) cheeks. Thinking about how close he was to never feeling that touch again almost had him sobbing.

“No homo but, babe, you scared the living outta me” Jeongguk chewed on his lower lip, nuzzling into Minghaos palm with a tremble in his voice. “Promise me you will never, ever do that again”
j. jaehyun ( H 31.08 - 31.09 ) 3 years ago
@m. sana Tiredness radiated from his eyes as his steps carried him towards the amphitheatre. Even with it only being afternoon, it had been too long of a day already for him to actually still be bothered with anything. Yibo had hoped that around this time of the day he would have the spot to himself but it all came different than expected. His eyes widened in what could have been called shock though he wasn’t the type to deal with emotions as such. However, his steps got quicker, his speed intensifying as he rushed towards the body lying there. . Out of all the people in the camp it was the girl that he didn’t want to be associated with, the one that since day one had decided to bother him in just any possible way.

“Sana.” He reached out with his hand to shake her shoulder lightly but nothing happened. Was she...? Suddenly his heartbeat rose throbbing up to his throat as he leaned down to check if she was breathing. “God, Sana, what the hell did you do this time?” It was more so spoken to himself as her unconscious self could not hear him anyways. For a moment, Yibo still panicked, no one was around that he could call to help him so there was nothing he could do but scoop Sana up into his arms and carry her away from the amphitheatre. His movements were quick but careful as he tried to sustain her head while still being quick enough to reach the infirmary in almost no time. ing hell. Even though he detested Sana, there had always been more than just quarrels, moments in which he actually seemed to care the slightest for the red-haired girl. No matter what their exact situation was, he just couldn’t have her die.

As he reached the infirmary with Sana in his arms, Yibo quickly told the medics what had happened. They instructed him to carry her into the emergency room and then told him to leave which he did not at all like. For some unknown reason he wanted to stay close to her, to protect her. Why did he suddenly care? It was only because she was hurt, at least he tried to make himself believe that.

Yibo didn’t know how much time passed but soon the medics returned with Sana on a gurney. They carried her into the short-term patients room for her to rest on one of the beds. He only listened to half of what the medics told him as his eyes were glued to the bed in which Sana now lay. “Can you stay by her side and check on her until she wakes up? We have another patient to take care of.” One of the medics told him and Yibo only nodded in response. Deep down he knew that he would have stayed anyways but at least now he didn’t need to go through an internal battle whether he actually would. He took a chair and placed it next to the bed so that he was able to watch over her. The medics had long left but he hadn’t noticed anything that was going on around him. His fingers mindlessly d over Sana’s arm as he watched her breathe hoping with each passing second that she would wake up soon.
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
@j. jeongguk Minghao hardly had time to focus on his abnormal labored breathing as he was suddenly engulfed in his friend's arms, nearly toppling over with the force of the other's body, but he just laughed along with Jeongguk, eyes forming crescents as leaned into the touch against his cheek. "Remind me to take more sword lessons." He exhaled a sigh of relief, freckles glowing a bit as his cheeks warmed at the compliment. The son of Poseidon always seemed to have that sort of effect on him no matter what the situation was. The archer fell into the kiss easily, the familiar glint in Jeongguk's eyes all he needed to know to meet him halfway, lips parting to take the other in and hands clutching the front of his wet t-shirt to hold him close, sword forgotten.

Each word that followed had breathy laughter falling from Minghao's lips, which he was sure was from all the kisses he was receiving despite the heartbeat he could hear thundering in his ears as his hands trembled where they clung to wet fabric. "Your leg needs to....heal first..." He had to pause to catch his breath between words, his chest feeling tight and his limbs growing heavy.

His brows furrowed as he was asked if he was alright, spots dotting his vision as he swayed a bit in his friend's hold. A tingling numbness he hadn't noticed with the adrenaline rush was starting to spread across his abdomen, and he felt feverish as he leaned against Jeongguk a little more. "It'll be...okay..." He slurred a bit as he pitched forward, vision going black as he fainted with the other's arms.

The entire time he was passed out Minghao felt like he was swimming through darkness, fear gripping his heart, because no, damn it! He refused to die from something as stupid as a scorpion stinger because douchebag award winner Kyle had to stab his soulmate and Minghao was the one to search for him. Gods, he was going to make that son of a gorgon eat dirt and his fist when he woke up. Well, that would be one his list of things to do. First he was going to kiss Jeongguk silly, because he knew the other was worrying and probably crying and gods his heart /hurt/. Kyle and monsters and he wanted to be ed by Jeongguk not stuck in (hopefully) the infirmary.

Hao wasn't sure how long he had been out for, but there was a glimmer of light at the corner of his peripherals. It always stayed just out of his line of sight even as he turned(?), was he even turning? Regardless, he couldn't reach it or touch it, and frustration welled up inside him until there was a warmth that wrapped around him like an embrace, and a voice sounded, "A secret between us. I can't do much." Instinctively he knew who it was whispering to him, gratitude sitting heavy on his chest. "He's a keeper, by the way."

With those words and embarrassment, his eyes snapped open, crossing to process the sudden brightness and to register just what was blocking his vision as he groaned and attempted to move away from the weight against his forehead, frowning as his limbs didn't quite respond as quickly as he'd like them to. "ing tartarus."
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
@x. minghao Now that he was somewhat back in the game, Jeongguk didn’t need to worry too much about protecting Minghao as he turned to face the other scorpion. With a tug, Jeongguk pulled up a hefty amount of water to coat his arms like tentacles a-la Katara from that one time he and Lisa had watched Avatar. The clang off metal against exoskeleton was lost behind him as he whipped his razor sharp fake tentacles(faketacles?) at the skeleton, the giant bug screeching as he pushed the thing back, cracking the hard armour to expose soft flesh. “ugh, gross” He sniffed, making a face as he sliced through the weak points he had formed in the armour, the scorpion splitting clean in half.

His tentacles dropped as he looked back at Minghao, panting but pleased, when he saw his friend waiting for him.

Jeongguk tackled Minghao, laughing with his best friend as the scorpions started to disintegrate into vapour behind them. “We did it! I can’t believe we actually did it!” He crowed, drawing Ming into a the bro-est of bro hugs. “Gods, you are ing amazing” Jeongguk knew he had that all-familiar glint in his eye as he cupped Minghaos cheek with one hand, not pausing for a second to press their lips together. Still high off of adrenaline, he parted Mings lips with his tongue, setting the pace as hot and frenzied, his other hand clutching at soaking wet fabric to press their bodies impossibly close. Jeongguk gasped when Ming did the *bleep* thing he liked, snorting as their kiss faltered, slowing until they parted with a wet pop.

“ ‘m definitely gonna take you to pound town tonight” Jeongguk grinned, wiping away some of the grime from Minghaos cheek. “You’re so lucky we’re surrounded by the remains of giant dead bugs and my leg still hurts” JK didn’t take any notice of his friends pulse beating rapidly, pressing soft kisses much sweeter than his hungry ravage from earlier, though he still felt like a heat was simmering in his gut, ready to boil over at a moments notice.

Jeongguk only pulled back when an unusually bitter taste flooded his mouth, frowning as he took in Minghaos suddenly less than stellar appearance. “Hey.. Ming, are you ok?” Minghao was covered in a light sheen, and he swayed in such a way that it sent alarm bells ringing in Jeongguks head.

“You’re looking kind of green, buddy” Jeongguk said with a nervous laugh, pressing his hand to his friends forehead. Minghao was burning up, faster than what could be considered normal and when Jeongguk said he looked green, he literally meant green. The corners of his lips were the shade of pine trees, the rest of his face pale and covered in a cold sweat despite his fever. Something was very, very wrong. “Minghao?”

Jeongguk swore loudly as the other male suddenly pitched over into his arms, his breathing sounding dangerously shallow. “Minghao!” He instinctively closed his arms around Ming, turning him over to realise that he’d fainted. Jeongguk shouted his friends name, terrified at how.. how /dead/ he looked, slapping his cheeks lightly. “Oh gods, oh gods, this isn’t happening” He scanned every inch of Minghao until he came across the blood stain in his shirt, bile rising in his throat as he lifted the fabric to reveal a poisonous looking stab wound; blood congealing thickly around the wound, the skin almost black as green veins spread across his abdomen. Minghao had been stabbed at one point and he hadn’t said anything.

Son of a gorgon, if he didn’t get back to camp now, he’d die.

Jeongguk lifted Minghao into his arms, water rising around his ankles to spur his legs into action; pushing him to run faster than if he was on dry land. He did not stop running as they passed through the tingling camp border, not when he stumbled out of the creek onto grass, not when the crowd of CtF players shouted his name, he did not stop until he had first into the infirmary; yelling for help, screaming for it.

He didn’t protest as Chaeyeon from Cabin 24 took Minghao from his arms and further into the infirmary but he did fight back when somebody(he didn’t pay attention to who) tried to force him out. “Like tartarus I’m leaving, that’s my best friend!” He snarled, shoving the camper away from him. Jeongguk pushed himself into the semi-private room until he was by Minghaos head and out of the way of the campers working to fix his dying soulmate.

“, if you ing die, I am going to go to Epirus to drag you outta the underworld myself, you hear me? Don’t you ing die on me, I need you with me” Jeongguk sobbed as he cradled Minghaos head in his heads, pressing their foreheads together.


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eternalsnow 3 years ago
taeyeon is leaving, im getting too busy im sorry
eternalsnow 3 years ago
can i reserve kim taeyeon? but is application for apollo closed? ;-;
rasengan 3 years ago
a+ r bea kristi please
2870c5e8bf680c224ec5 3 years ago
can i reserve kang yeosang?
wassowasso 3 years ago
peachygods 3 years ago
kim jiwoo aka chuu of loona pls?
3b60e8a3106c242e80d7 3 years ago
cho seungyoun por favor
-firstoption- 3 years ago
han seungwoo pls
-jewel 3 years ago
I... this concept.. its too good to be true, I must join but as who...
pxssionfruit 3 years ago
cracks knuckles.
give me sana back
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