「 ᵎᵎᵎ 」races

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below are the three types of human races in the roleplay and informationa about them. you can also see their availability.

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In addition to breathing underwater, Thalassans have something similar to a sixth sense. They are able to sense the presences of fish and other thalassans nearby, but just like for us land humans, not always is it super sharp and not always does it work well.

Thalassans are a race of humans known to be entirely blue eyed. They have varying shades of it, yes, but all thalassans are born with blue eyes and sometimes blueish tints to their skin. There are 3 common shades and one rare one with Thalassans:


Common. The darkest eye color known to thalassans, but one that immediately tells people they were close to the surface/sun around the time of their birth. It is the second most common eye color found in this race.

Coral Blue

Most Common. The second darkest color, but most common in thalassans. These thalassans are typically born closer to the surface, but still very much in an underwater settlement, which is a little ways down.

Sunlit Surface

Less Common. Despite its name, which exists because of the actual color, Sunlit Surface is a less common, but still common enough color for thalassans. Typically those who were born in a settlement but closer to the ocean depths have this for their eye color.

Aqua Mist

Rare. People with the last color (aqua mist) are typically albinos, but those who aren't are viewed as having been touched by the spirit of Galene. Some view this as a curse, and some view it as a blessing, but most know that if you have this eye color, you probably were born deeper in the ocean.

Eye colors aside, thalassans are still very much like the humans we (the roleplayers) are. To quote a very famous band: "Not much has changed, but they live underwater."

ACCEPTING: 20 Thalassans — 10 Men, 10 Women total



Because they are not very well accepted by either side and fraternizing between Thalassans and Terrans isn't very well received, Halflings are somewhat rare to come across and stay alive. They're typically the first to be shunned and outcasted from their communities, so they tend to die off more often than the pure breeds.

Same as Thalassans, halflings are born with the ability to breathe underwater. Whether or now they keep their nemi is up to you, but some are careful to keep theirs.

Also like Thalassans, they have a special eye color.

Halfling Grey

Most Common. Not all halflings are born with this eye color, but a vast majority are. Some halflings can be born with thalassan colored eyes, or terran colored eyes. Just depends on their genes.

ACCEPTING: 6 Halflings Total — 1 Man, 2 Women spots left

* NOTE: Halflings will still have to declare which side they identify more with. Please just state you are a halfling in your profiles.



Terrans are just like us in real life. They live and breathe the air and mostly exist on land. Some terrans live out on ships like pirates, some travel a lot in the ocean in general, but they all can't live underwater without some kind of life support keeping them alive. There are developments being done in order to make that fantasy a soon-to-be reality, but for now, most Terrans are stuck chained to the ground, with the exception of visiting the Bridging Amphitheatre.

ACCEPTING: 20 Terrans — 10 Men, 10 Women total


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melozennie 4 months ago
ahhhhhh i'm here
but now i'm having trouble deciding between jaemin or haechan as a terran beach volleyball player
themis 4 months ago
can i re-apply for erik and calypso? but can calypso’s fc be changed to kim jiyeon (bona)? ty!
synodic 4 months ago
squirts 4 months ago
may i hav chuu -
collision 4 months ago
breedable 3 years ago
oh. this... this is Y
primavera 3 years ago
is my kida also still there ;;u;;
also the layout is so lovely!
levanter 3 years ago
pokes my fingertips together
is caspian still there somewhere and could i perhaps get him back if so
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I know you get these comments a lot but the main layout made me bust a fat one.
kodachrome 3 years ago
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