1. Bulbapedia
Here you can find information about specific PKMN stats, movesets, evolutions, and more. A very reliable and comprehensive guide about the Pokeverse!
Here you can find information about specific PKMN stats, movesets, evolutions, and more. A very reliable and comprehensive guide about the Pokeverse!
2. Pokedex |
If you don't want to navigate Bulbapedia, just click this link and type in the name of the PKMN you want to learn more about!
If you don't want to navigate Bulbapedia, just click this link and type in the name of the PKMN you want to learn more about!
3. Pokemon Egg Groups (for breeding)
A useful guide for finding if 2 Pokemon are compatible for breeding. The right side navigation has different groups and a Pokemon in a certain group will also list if it belongs in other groups.
If you have no idea who to choose as your starter Pokemon in the application, check this guide out! It's the 3 starter Pokemon from every region and you can pick whichever one resonates with you. If you don't like any of these options, messaging the admins for suggestions is always a solution too!
Coded by missaffxtion