₄ city

city of yunping
yunping city - a city on the south of city of yunmeng. known for having cute cafes and popular date spots.
coded by yxgurt
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ It's definitely a plan! You can't run away from me!
/he chuckles happily and immediately flip through the menu/
Mmm.. Imma have a pancake, followed by ice cream oh! And mm.. Maybe some juices.. So I'll have wine later!
/he grins/
Qinghe doesn't have cafe? What does qinghe have?
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@☾∙lan zhan ᵒ That sounds like a plan, zhan.
/hums softly before he shakes his head/
There's no cafe in qinghe.
/begins to read the menu/
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ /he hums and grins brightly passing the menu over to San/
Then it will be a fun omega date between us!
We got to eat good food, buy nice clothes, make ourselves pretty and y~!
/he looked at San with a bright smile/
Are there such nice cafes in Qinghe too? I tried sneaking in once but I didn't get to explore as much..
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@☾∙lan zhan ᵒ /is pulled by zhan and now he is inside a cafe/
/he looks around before sitting in front of zhan/
/he shakes his head/
I have no mate, zhan. I can come here alone.
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 2 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Oh!
/he thinks a little before pulling San into a cafe that he went once/
Then let's have something light and not spicy!
The pancake is really nice here
Oh! And this cafe is known for their lover set~
/he chuckles and immediately pull a chair for San to sit down then he sat opposite/
You can come here with your mate! I'll sneak you in here~
医∙nie san ᵒ 2 years ago
@☾∙lan zhan ᵒ is the flavour spicy? i cannot handle spiciness that well.
/san let zhan holds his hand before he nods his head/
let's eat first. by evening, we can have some alcohol.
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ Ah! Yunmeng food flavour can be really strong so some people might not like it, but I will say its really good that's why
/he pats his hidden stomach/
I eat a lot~!
/he grins widely and immediately hold your hand/
Let's go! We can go to a cafe! Their food is really good! Or would you like to go to a more traditional food inn?
Do you wanna drink alcohol? Or is it too early?
医∙nie san ᵒ 3 years ago
@☾∙lan zhan ᵒ /follow zhan's lead quietly/
i never had yunmeng's food.
/says as he looks around the view of yunmeng's city/
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙nie san ᵒ /he immediately cling onto your arms and lead you to go to yunmeng/
you know yunmeng's lotus are really yummy!
oh the food are the best
oh! and you know how gusu has so many rules, but their wine is the best of the best!
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ /he suddenly stopped when Jisoo jumped in front of him, he walked slowly to the wolf, and ran his fingers through the soft fur with a smile/
You win, my sun
/he said and then pressed a kiss to the wolves' head/
I won't run again, so you can change back and then we'll go find a place to take photos
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ /the omega was confused when he no longer saw his beta/
That'a weird..he was just there a moment- oh !
/he laughed while running away from the large wolf, holding his bags to his chest and cackling like a crazy person/
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ You better get used to it because once we're mates you're stuck with me for life
/he giggled and stuck his tongue out playfully/
Come and catch me~

OOP too slow
/the omega teased and called out for the beta/
Come on Soo-Ah. You're too slow~
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Did you really think I wouldn't? Just because you're mine doesn't mean I can't make you fall harder
/he hums/
Yunping, of course
/he laughed and bumped his Beta's hip/
Come on, let's go find that bridge
/he let go of Jisoo's hand and darted off into the crowd/
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ I don't think Yunping is more beautiful then you though
/he winked playfully and smiled/
Let's go explore the 2nd most beautiful thing after you
/leans his head against the Beta's shoulder as they walked/
Oh!I understand now, it would be a hassle to have to keep taking it out of the case. I should have thought about that
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ If the bridge can't be found then we'll find somewhere else. I know there's plenty of beautiful spots in Yunping, I'm sure we'll find one
/the omega smiled lovingly towards the Beta, nodding in response to his question/
Somehow we got lucky enough to get a perfect day. Not too hot or too cold
/he suddenly stopped/
Soo-Ah, if you're worried about your camera how about you put it in the camera bag I got you?
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ /he gently takes the Beta's hand into his hand, leaning his cheek against the Beta's hand, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again, smiling at Jisoo lovingly as he nods/
I'm willing to go anywhere with you Jisoo
/he giggled and pecked the Beta's lips once more before letting go and allowing Jisoo to lead him out of the alley/
Let's go find a bridge~
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ /blinks a few times before nodding, giving a shy smile/
Yeah, I'm into impact play not only to another person but also someone doing it to me. I have a whole side of myself that I've been too afraid to explore..since I couldn't be with anyone
/his eyes fluttered shut when he felt the kiss to his collarbone, slowly opening them again as his shirt was pulled down, his arms quick to wrap around the Beta's neck, and pressing a quick peck to his lips/
You'll get to see it again later, but for now let's go exploring
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ I'm not going to deny that, I very much do enjoy flicking you and slapping you because it gives me an excuse to kiss it afterwards
/a soft cried escaped him as his sensitive s were played with, his hand tightened around the Beta's arm/
Stop playing with me, Soo-Ah
/he removed Jisoo's hand and pulled his shirt up, showing off the lilac sheer bra with small embroidered flowers, it did nothing to cover his s but it did look really pretty/
What do you think Daddy? Do you like your gift ?
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ /he lifts his hand up and points a finger at the Beta/
You better not, or next time I'll flick your forehead much harder
/he grins/
You know me too well, I'm holding back until the end of the day. After the sun sets, I'll pounce on you
/he hissed softly as the Beta's hand slid into his shirt and the light caresses to his skin were driving him crazy. A low moan escaped him as Jisoo massaged and tugged at his s, his hands quickly going to grab the Beta's forearm, not to stop him but rather to encourage him to continue/
I picked it out with you in mind, Daddy
/he whispered and flicked his tongue against Jisoo's own, a soft drawn out whine emitted from him as his other with played with/
Mm don't tease me too much or I won't be able to stop myself..Daddy
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ And I'm just saying, I'll definitely be coming through that door since I have a key.
/looks at Jisoo blankly and suddenly flicks the beta's forehead/
Don't say something like that, I don't want to think of what could have happened. I want to focus on the present and what we have now.
We're both wearing nice clothes so I was afraid we'd get on them. That's why making out is a better option, for now at least
/he took the beta's hand and cupped his own with it, the fabric of the lingerie brushing against his s, he moaned as he slid his tongue around the Beta's own/
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Even if it wasn't open, you gave me a key. So either way I'll come in
/looks at the beta and shrugs/
Mm, I'm not sure. I probably still would have fallen for you somehow. We're fated mates after all
/he cupped the back of jisoo's head and tried to kiss him more but the beta pulled away again, he grumbled in annoyance and pouted his lip/
We aren't going to have Soo-ah, can't we just mess around a little bit before going on that adventure?
/he leans up and whispers in your ear/
I'm wearing lingerie under my clothes, just for you
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Mm, it's a large library. So maybe, or I'll just study in your room with you, doctor
/gives a small smile and nods in understanding/
Like I've said before, we're fated to be together. The first time you complimented my baking, that was when I started liking you.
/he moaned and panted against the beta's lips, his arms looping under Jisoo's to hold him closer, as jisoo pulled away, he tried to chase his future mates lips/
I was thinking that I really really wanted to kiss you. And maybe a little more than that, regardless if someone might catch us
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Hey, I'm usually really careful, I just had a lot on my mind at the time. You took such good care of me at that time, I know you'll take even better care of me during the tests
/he grinned playfully/
You know, not all Beta's want to be with omega's. Some want to be with alpha's. I didn't care either way, I just wanted you regardless if you wanted me
/clears his throat/
Sorry that sounded extremely possessive and you aren't an object, you're a person
/he glances around before grabbing the beta's hand and pulling jisoo down an alleyway, stopping when he thinks they are far enough from the main street, he shoves the beta against the wall and kisses him passionately/
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Lune shook his head "It's not for my family, not this time at least. I'll let you be the first one to try my dish when it's done." He replied cheerfully and looked at the beta "Besides that, I'm getting ingredients for the other culinary students since they asked me to" he softly giggled and tucked his hair behind his ear. "I like it, being called Moon. Tomorrow is good with me"
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Lune wasn't expecting the reaction from the other, but he also couldn't help but smile at Jisoo. "I was thinking of adding some ginger and fresh vegetables with it, possibly a little bit of garlic as well" Lune said while listing off the idea he had planned in his head. "I've never been called Moon before, but since you sweet talked me enough, yes, I'll be your muse"
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ "I was going to make chicken and dumplings in a soup form but now I'm not sure if I should do that or stick to desserts" Lune shifted back and forth on his feet shyly, "thank you for saying that Soo-ah" he smiled and then his head shot up with wide eyes "Me? But I'm not that interesting, I'll still help you if you want it but I think you could find a better subject than me"
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Lune smiled warmly and took Jisoo's hand while shaking his head "It's okay, I think I was just too focused on picking out the best ingredients, I didn't even smell you" he giggled and squeezed the older males hand. "So did you find the inspiration you were looking for?"
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ Lune's eyes widened and he quickly moved his hand and went to swing his small delicate fist at the stranger. "Jisoo?! You scared me!" He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding "I thought you were one of those creepy alpha's that prey on helpless unmated omegas. I nearly hit you, I'm sorry"
爱∙jiang lune ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@医∙jiang jisoo ᵇ The kitchen rarely ran out of ingredients but since they had far more cullinary students than they were expecting, they had bought too few of the ingredients. Lune knew that he would need more ingredients so he decided the best choice was to make his way to the market where he stood now, smelling and looking over each fresh produce before paying for it. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to find no one there, that was strange..? Maybe it was just an accident..he paid it no mind as he continued along each stall purchasing what he needed for his future dishes.


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Kim4Shim 2 years ago
hello~ huni~
ImmortalShizun 2 years ago
Sorry Zee is taking his leave. My muse has downed lately
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Lee Taemin pls pls
TaeKook 2 years ago
Can I join
HaoTaro 3 years ago
Hey luv. I'm gonna take my leave. My roleplay muse is honestly completely gone. I really lived being here. Everyone was wonderful!!! But life just has me too busy to be on rpr. I love youuu. Good luck!
Angelic_tears 3 years ago
*plops down* hello~ can I request for a character reservation?
vanitas 3 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
↳ ☁ ɢᴜsᴜ ʟᴀɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 5
 ▸ β - 1
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 3
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☼ ʟᴀɴʟɪɴɢ ᴊɪɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 0
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☘ ǫɪɴɢʜᴇ ɴɪᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 2
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 6
 ▸ Half-blood - 2
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ❆ ʏᴜɴᴍᴇɴɢ ᴊɪᴀɴɢ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 3
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 8
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ✦ ǫɪsʜᴀɴ ᴡᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 2
 ▸ β - 4
 ▸ ⍵ - 4

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 4
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 1

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 12
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
** in need of more lanling jin pack members!
spearminty 3 years ago
i did not realize caps lock was on oops
a-anyway can i get eric sohn as a nie omega *dabs*
huniverse [A] 3 years ago
pls add and reserve yibo :DDDDDD
ashflower 3 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Jaehwan as Jin Jaehwan?
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