♀ garden

width must be 220 but height can be anything
width must be 220 but height can be anything

all zodiac signs can be on this part of the mansion.

♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong next year, April will be full of celebrations then. first mine, when nabi's and then your birthday
//purses her lips, trying to think of anything weird she likes to eat//
I don't think i have weird food combos. just weird eating habits. when i was younger, whenever we had store bought fish fingers, I'd open them up to eat the fish first and then the breading. or...pizza baguette? I'd scrape off the toppings and eat them first before just eating the plain baguette part. though, that's only at home. I'd never do anything like that in front of other people
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu Next year I'll throw you an suprise party ill even ask wheein for help
*chuckles thinking for a bit*
Hmm to be honest i think carrots and nutella is the weirdest combo. What about you?
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong well we both unknowingly missed each other's birthdays, so it's not big deal. I didn't want to make a fuss about it either. plus...I went away on a trip with Wheein on my birthday
//peeks her eyes open, staring up into the blue sky//
are there any other weird food combos you like that I should know of?
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu Damn if i knew earlier i would've prepare a suprise party
*chuckles before leaning against the rest too looking up to the sky*
It's not a combination for everyone. But i can say i like it hahah
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong so not that long ago. mine's on April 11th
//leaning against the back rest, she tilts her head back a little to catch more of the sun//
that one really is a weird combination. I'd try it if I liked nutella, but I really don't
[post deleted by owner]
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu 30th of april. What about yours?
*nodding my head as i see a butterfly flutter oys wings through the garden and land on a tulip*
That's right. But i think I'll do like it. I mean sometimes i like the most random combinations like carrots with nutella. May sound hella weird but it tastes good
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong I'm okay with birthdays, at least the most important ones. when's your birthday, by the way? I don't think I've ever asked before
//closes her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth from the sun shining down on them//
hopefully. it's more fun to share the things you like with someone you like
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu Same hahah. Though sometimes I'm really bad at remembering things especially birthdays
*leans my back against the bench,smiling softly at the nice weather*
I do like both on their own. So maybe ill like it
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong I'm usually better at remembering what other people tell me, not what I tell them since a lot of times I'm just rambling
//using her hand to dust off the bench, she settles next to her friend, legs crossed//
well...to be honest it's just a special taste. you either like it or you don't. but it helps if you like both things on their own, mint and chocolate
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu Well i can remeber for the both of us
*chuckles as we went over to the bench and sits down with you*
I never ate any chocomint candy that why the combinated seems a lil strange tho if you say it's god tier i gotta try and see for myself hahah
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong right....I remember now. vaguely, but I remember
//chuckles as she motions towards a bench//
wanna sit down for a moment? and I guess i just grew up with chocomint candy so having it as an ice cream flavor never seemed strange to me. it kind of tastes like...fresh chocolate? it's hard to describe. I just know I really like it
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu It was the last time when you ate the cactus popsicle when you told me
*laughs at your reaction, nodding my head*
Yes we should change that haha
I really wonder how im gonna like it. Dont know the thought of mind and choco is weird but im more than open to try it
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong well, at least one person does, because I actually forgot that I told you that already
//snickers before she gasps sharply, clutching her chest with one hand//
we definitely need to change that! chocomint is like....god tier. but only people with really good taste appreciate it. everyone else just doesn't understand the complexity of chocomint
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu *a soft chuckle escpaed my lips taking a glanze over at you*
Of course i remembered~ sorbets are really yummy tho
Did you know i never tried chocomint before?
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong //pushing her hands into the pockets of her sweater, she matches her pace with Handong's//
guess one can't ever go wrong with the classics
heh, you remembered. yeah, I like sorbets, anything fruity, but I like berries the most. I still eat normal ice cream though. I think...if I had to choose an ice cream flavor, it'd either be strawberry or chocomint
♉ Handong 2 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu *smiling i take a look arpund the garder aince its the first time I'm here*
Hmm i love strawberry and vanilla and when i eat ice cream in winter i like chocolate.
You said you liked fruity ones and like popsicles more right?
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 2 years ago
@♉ Handong //walks through the mansion, heading towards the garden with her friend//
what's your favorite ice cream flavor by the way?
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi truth and lies...it's such a complex matte. but it's good you have your own standpoint, your own moral code. as long as you live by it, without forcing it onto other people...because I can't promise you I won't ever lie to you. is that okay for you?
//humming softly, she leans back into the bench, feet dangling less than an inch above the ground, yet still enough for her to rock them back and forth as she watches her friend, laughter spilling from rosy lips as she sat still, allowing the other to put the flower behind her ear//
thanks for the flower. my first gift from you, I'll make sure to treasure it forever. as for what you want, someone who will show you what love is....I'm not sure how well it might work. love, it's just something you feel. it's not defined in an action, in words, in things someone else shows you because everyone else feels differently. they can show you examples of love, of course, but you need to experience it on your own. because love, once you felt it, you just know
//watching her friend for a moment as she speaks up, she too lets her eyes wander to the sky, eyelids soon fluttering shut as she just listens to the warm voice beside her, basking in the sunlight//
I just hope you won't get hurt along the way. you're a great person, I wouldn't want to see someone break your heart
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu I tried lying to myself yes. but didnt work the way I wanted to so.. nope not gonna lie.. what is lie to me.. something someone would say that aint real.. if its part of a joke fine but in serious time if someone made up something for whatever reason its a lie.
*my eyes roam around the garden, then a wild flower took my attention. its a red flower, shining and flaunting its bright red color. I got up and walk towards it, picking it up and turn my way towards you.. smiling I lean over and tuck the flowet behind one of your ear, my smiles became brighter as I return to my seat still my gaze on you
you know shi, im already at this point of my life where I would willingly submit myself to someone who will show me what love is.. a companion, a friend, someone who is willing to stay by myside..
*I chuckled as you pulled your hand and nods at you, looking up to the sky, adoring the bright blue sky
hmmm.. maybe It'll bring more heartaches, maybe I will get hurt more.. but I'll still choose to be so open, Im capable of giving much love.. until oneday the one who will reciprocate my feeling as much as I give my love to her comes.. im willing to give and make people feel they are loved. but you do what you're comfortable.. and yes.. guard one's heart.. its an enemy that attacks us so suddenly.. and if we were hit unprepared my gosh.. what a chaos it will be..
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi so...you've never lied to yourself before? it's somehow hard to belief. but then again, what qualifies as a lie for you? I think we could go on and on and on with this discussion but we'd never reach common grounds, so perhaps it's best to agree to disagree?
//shaking her head slightly with a smile, her eyes follow a pair of birds as they soar through the sky, their flight lines interweaving, almost resembling an intricate dance, before they land on a nearby tree//
you're holding yourself fairly well together for someone who's supposedly a mess. jokes aside, I hope wherever your perfect match is, you'll find her eventually and get that happy ending that you dream of
//curious to see what her friend was up to with the sudden disregard for personal space, she held completely still as their foreheads touch, feeling the other's warm breath brushing her skin//
I won't argue with you about me being lovely, cause I really am. I just can't really imagine being the one that you want. not because either of us deserves better, or because our personalities would clash or something like that. it's just....I don't know. seems rather unlikely. but maybe you're right, maybe sometime in the future things change, feelings change
//letting her hand rest on the other's chest for another moment, she eventually pulls back with a soft chuckle//
that sounds like a very you thing to say. it's also a very brave decision as you inevitably set yourself up to a certain amount of heartbreak. so I'll stick to my draw bridge, leaving it down most of the time. giving people the chance to walk in and out, but also having the choice to draw back when I feel like I need to be more guarded
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu because.. once you lied, even to yourself, how come you'll trust everything, and everyone surrounding you? everything will be a psychological game of who lies best.. a scary game to play indeed.
*look around the area, scanning the place, smiling as I take a deep breath, liking the freshness of the air. I chuckled a little at the mention of being romantic, taps my chin before speaking
nah.. saving someone isnt what I wanted to.. as Im a mess myself.. i just like to believe that someone out there, is my perfect match waiting for me to come and just get her haha.. you know kinda runaway couple of something, us against all the odds..
*through your chuckle a laugh also left my mouth, with our laughters echoing the garden I find to scoot closer to you, cupping both of your cheek and playfully leans in my forehead to yours, before sighing deep closing my eyes
why do you think I wont? Shi? you know you're a lovely person.. so we really never know what might happen in the future..
*finally leans back and fix myself to sit comfortably rest my back as I clasp my hands together and with your touch i look at you, eye to eye we meet
hmm i think.. letting anyone in would be better.. i dont want to isolate myself again.. those who would like to stay... stay.. those who dont, go.. im sure they know that even if they let go.. im still willing to accept them back.. i dunno Shi, drawing bridge and choose just whoever i want to come neat me isnt fair.. so to give everyone a chance to get to know me.. i have to break down my walls..
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi that's because you value honesty rather highly. which is a good trait. I wish more people were like that
//smiling softly, her eyes wander back to the scenery of the vacant garden, eyes tracing scraggy branches against the late winter sky//
for me...I don't like lies. but it also depends on the severity of the lie, how much it affects me. if it's a heavy lie, of course I'd rather someone tell me the truth. but if they decide to lie anyway, I sure hope they can keep it secret, take it to their grave with them. for everyone's sake
//her soft laughter fills the air, filling out the empty space between them//
words spoken by a true romantic. I suppose you wouldn't really like me going on a elaborate discourse why, as much as I adore those movies as they were part of my childhood, the older movies, the whole prince saves princess trope, aren't exactly my first choice if I had to give an example on what true love really is
//turning towards the older woman, she stares for a moment, caught off guard by what she can only assume to be a joke, before lifting her hand to cover her lips as a chuckle emits, which then quickly grows into a full out laughter//
nice joke. like really. truly. honestly. do you really think there is even a teeny tiny chance you would ever fall in love with someone like me?
//listening to her friend talking, she looks at her with adoring eyes before scooting a little closer, enough for her to comfortably reach the older woman as she raises her hand, gently pressing her palm against the other's chest, right above her heart//
you're doing fine. you're already a good person. and you know, everyone builds walls for a reason. they're there to protect your heart, after all. you don't have to tear them all down to let someone in, it would leave you too vulnerable. instead, build a draw bridge. it's okay to be cautious, but from time to time, just let that draw bridge down and invite someone in
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu I'd rather be hurt with truth that comfort with lies. I mean i'll try to understand the truth.. even if it'll take me long to know.. as long as its the truth. I never wanted to get lied to.. it'll hurt me so much
*looks at you, brows perking up when you chuckle and a faint smile creeps into my lips as well
even so, that's the lesson you gotta learn from disney, after you get the love of your life.. how would you handle things.. people can tell you different advices but then.. are you still going to choose happily ever after or let go.. i dunno.. its just nice to see disney movie from time to time.. you know.. appreciate the simplicity that love can conquer all
*watch your every movement and nods as I listen to you
hehe yes we all never know.. we might also fall in love with each other or naah haha
well im friendly.. but i shut everyone into the friend zone.. not letting anyone come near my heart.. I used to have walls.. a high wall one cant break..
but I made it fall on my own.. i have to..
cause i might lose everyone if its stays.. yeah i want to become a better person.. right..
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
of fudge
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi sometimes it's hard being honest, though. people have all kinds of reasons to lie, some better than other. it doesn't justify the lie, but it makes it easier to understand their motives....
//wondering how their conversations always took turns into deeper topics, she shakes her head with a chuckle//
but the happy ending is just that. it never shows life after getting the prince or princess or the guy or the girl. they don't show the hardships of keeping a relationship, of marriage
//holding on for a little longer, she eventually lets go//
you can never know. whoever it might end up being, I'll support your love
//furrows her eyebrows as she stares in disbelief, unable to imagine her friend anything but the friendly and open little hamster that she got to know//
that's...hard to believe. but I'm glad you're opening up to everyone. it just means you're growing as a person, becoming a better version of yourself, don't you think?
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu right..we never praise if we dont mean it.. man dont start with the white lies.. the worst.. dont want any kind of lies.. like just say what you want straight to my face..
*looks at you before nodding at your words
well.. at least in disney everything ends up in good way..
or something haha
*chuckles at how serious we are with this promise
nah.. it wont be.. nope.. but imma stay single for awhile.. if someone can sweep me off of my feet.. then someone new.. im opening up myself to everyone.. if you have come here earlier.. you will be shaken to your core how easily I shut down someone..
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi I guess I'm honest most of the times. because there's no point in giving praise when you don't mean it. that's my problem with white lies. on one side they can make someone feel better in that moment, but if they find out later on, they might get hurt even more.....
//releases a soft sight//
why's everything so complicated? that's why sometimes being antisocial isn't too bad either. at least you don't have to constantly worry about other people's feelings
//smiles softly, adoration shining in her eyes as she watches her friend//
disney movies area great. but I don't mind the toxicity in other ones either. they just show love in all its facets, a depiction of reality. because if real life was a disney movie, everyone would always have a happy ending
//turning her wrist, she brings their thumbs together until they lightly touch//
that's quite unfortunate. but I'm sure it's not the last time you will ever confess your love. either you work your way out of the friendzone and tell them once again. or perhaps...someone new
♌️ Moon Byulyi 3 years ago
@♈ Zhou Shiyu cause you are sincere when you tell me that and not just because were hyping the moment? you know..
*fidgets my fingers as i look at em
yeah haha.. like romance movie.. a good one though.. is interesting but if its too full of toxicity meeeeh.. ill just change it to disney movie
*turns to you and lace my pinky on yours
well.. I already confessed and was thrown to friendship zone soo i already made fool of myself haha
♈ Zhou Shiyu [A] 3 years ago
@♌️ Moon Byulyi what makes my praise more special, though?
//looks over to her friend, genuinely curious//
mmh, I can kind of relate. I love watching romance movies, no matter how cheesy they sometimes can be. but just to see two people fall in love is just magical
//shrugs, although feeling a bit better after speaking about something she had carried with herself for so long//
I will...and you should too
//turns towards her friend, holding out her pinky//
I shouldn't be the only one making a fool of myself confessing my love so promise me, you will as well when you found the right one


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DreamlessMaiden 1 year ago
Still open?
Keikeu 2 years ago
psst..are you still accepting here???
Keepyouwarm 2 years ago
Sorry but Seungwan is going. Thank you for having me. Let's meet again next time
SubaruFan123 2 years ago
can i please be Avril Lavigne please
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 2 years ago
Congratulations you finally got the star!
northpaw 2 years ago
eyes the rp
it is really the strongest yuri au in rpr history c:
-Mansaeng- 2 years ago
a & r Moon Byul-i please.. thank you
anastacius 2 years ago
Can you add and reserve jennie kim for me pls?
Taeminsbestie 2 years ago
Hi! Can I have momo?
mmaddyy 2 years ago
HII Ryunjin pls
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