Keita & Hongjoong's Home

Terazono Keita [A] 2 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong "I just don't want you getting too much sun. What if you got overheated? I wouldn't know what to do..." Admitting the last bit softly, it's a clear sign of the nervous thought process that has taken over my brain when it comes to you and the pups. I can only sigh, placing the towel down on the counter as I watch you - even though I find everything about your belly and waddle adorable, I still catch myself wondering if you should be walking with as big as your baby bump is getting.
"I'll be okay. I want to make it as easy on you as possible. Besides, I'm young and strong, I can handle doing everything by myself for a little longer." I know the due date is coming up quickly, which only makes me more nervous - wondering if we really have everything we need, and unsure of how quickly you'll be able to get back into your normal patterns. If you even want to get back into them, that is. Fully unsure, despite all the books read and advice sought out, if it will be as smooth as others have experienced. I cross to sit on the floor by your feet, cheek resting on your stomach, hands going to rub at your calves and ankles. I nuzzle your stomach, feeling the little figures wiggling beneath your skin, and smile; always excited when it comes to you and our babies.
"Just think - soon enough you'll be able to move around comfortably again. And then you can make me stay inside with the pups while you get out and do enough work to fill up these last couple of months."
Kim Hong Joong [A] 2 years ago
@Terazono Keita I can't help but pout softly at this point, feeling a little upset that I am being made to rest so much. Though I understand why but I still don't like that I can't really do much on my own or move too much. When I hear you come back in, I pout as I stay quiet a bit before I slowly pull myself to stand up, breathing out as I seem to waddle towards the kitchen where I see you. “I am right here...why can't I go outside with you at least? I don't like staying inside all the time...I could have sat in a chair to hold the vegetables for you instead of being kept inside like a doll.” Feeling the triplets move, he moved to sit down on a chair and rub his stomach before letting out a small sigh. “But thank you for working so hard for us...for making sure that we have everything that we need. Thank you truly...I don't know what I would do without you.” Smiling happily as I watch you, knowing you must be tired from doing a lot on your own. “I just don't like you doing things on your own so much...I don't want you to get tired or hurt yourself in any way.”
Terazono Keita [A] 2 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong "Joongie?" I call out, looking for you as I come in from the back, a large basket full of vegetables from the garden in my arms, clothes dirty and face sweaty in the fading late fall warmth. "I managed to get the last of the veggies out of the garden. What else did you need done?" The idea of you being so close to having our pups only has me growing more nervous with each passing day, the size of your belly and the fact that we know there are three tiny bodies inside of your already small figure worrisome to say the least; though I'm just trying not to panic by doing the best that I can to keep you comfy. "I was thinking of pulling out some of the rabbit stew from the freezer for dinner tonight, then you can tell me what veggies are getting saved for the winter and which ones I should prepare for the week." Still talking over my shoulder, I put the veggies down next to the sink in the kitchen, washing my hands and face before doing anything else in the house, not wanting to track too much dirt around so I don't have to sweep again. I take a dry towel and dry off my face, leaning back on the counter and looking over at the basket of veggies, getting lost in thought. I'm just trying to remember the recipes you've taught me, and the veggies that go best with what meals, wanting to make sure that you get enough of all the vitamins that you need - and then even more for our little pups growing inside of you.
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita “I know that feeling, I always wanted to do that as I was growing. I actually almost adopted one a few years back but they ended up finding a family that did want the little girl so they took her.” Sighing softly I rub my stomach a bit before seeming to laugh and shake my head just a bit. “You really like to tease your brother so much don't you? I think it's funny because he teases you back and then you start to turn really red. They do really make a nice couple the both of them, though I haven't talked much to Guk he does seem really nice and like a good family person. I hope the both of them can become happy together.” Standing up, I stretch a bit before going to the window to look at our growing backyard before I seem to laugh a bit. “You know we still have to finish putting in the rest of the fence around the house for the backyard. I know we are safe here but I do want the kids to be a lot safer if they play in the backyard while I am growing. And I am glad we did decide to keep that one big tree as well. It provides a lot of good shade and the branches look strong so we can put in a swing for them when they are older, wouldn’t that be nice?”
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong Almost purring at your touches to my hair, I turn a smile up at you, and nod, nuzzling your round tummy and our tiny little pups in the process. "I've been thinking about it. I think it would be good for us - Maybe not right away, but I want to start really working towards it. Having our own pups, and adopting all at once might be too overwhelming, but we can start making visits, getting to know the kids, building relationships. Yuto made it sound like it was a real problem and it really made me want to go impulsively just adopt them all and bring home a dozen babies to you." Laughs again, this time a little softer, more embarrassed by the weird surge of parental instinct that showed up in that moment and thought - That we could just take in all the pups and provide for them all. Humming at the kiss, I move to get up, sharing a few more happy pecks with you. "You found me though, I just fell in love with your cooking." Teasing you, I smile and begin to clean up the remnants of our meal, packing up the little that's left and washing dishes while I listen to you. "That would be nice, and I'm sure they would love your dumplings, as well as umma's kimchi. He and Gukkie hyung are apparently getting pretty cozy too, he was telling me they are in the process of moving in together. We could tease them for a change."
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita Seeing what you do, I feel confused before I turn a light red and smile gently at you. I lightly run my hand through your hair and give a content sigh. This was heaven to me,  having a family and a mate that loved me to no end and would always want to spoil me. Giggling softly, I listen as you speak before I nod my head as I agree. But I falter a bit when I hear you, looking surprised before I seem to smile even more. "I would love to do that, it's always been something I have wanted to do. But only if you are really okay with it. I know you want to make me happy but I want you to be happy as well. If you don't feel comfortable with it then we don't have to." I reach down and caress your cheek before I move close and kiss you gently before pulling back. "I really am lucky to have met you. Thank you for picking me and wanting me." Squishing your cheeks and kissing your lips a few more times, I let go and grin as I go back to run my hand through your hair. "We should invite your brother and guk as a thanks for all the help we have gotten. He also stops by and checks to make sure I am good while you're at school. I was thinking of making some deer dumplings and serving my umma's home kimchi with maybe some bulgolgi, what do you think?"
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong Fights the urge to kiss away your cute little tears of happiness, much more delighted to see those than the others previously; instead looking towards the calendar I honestly hadn't paid much attention to. "Oh, okay..." Nodding softly, I think about how soon that is and am filled with excitement and anxiety all at once. "That's so soon - I mean, it's good. It's just... It's all really becoming real, you know?" Asks with a nervous little giggle, only managing a few more bites before I push my plate away, instead slipping off my chair to sit at the floor by your side, resting my cheek against your stomach and mindlessly rubbing your thigh. "I want us to have a big family. Once we get through this appointment, we can really start planning, and buying... And then we can talk about how we want to continue building our family. I was thinking about what you wanted... Adopting, maybe an older pup? I talked to Yuto about it. He said that someone in Guk's family looked after orphaned pups, and they adopt them out. They're from other packs, but he said that there aren't really enough families... Alphas don't really adopt..." Looks up at you sheepishly, cheeks a little flush; feeling silly for being so worried about bringing this up but wanting you to know I was trying to do as much as I could to help build the life you want. "Would you be interested in meeting with them to see if adopting is still an option?"
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita Looking at you with a soft smile, I squeeze your hand before enjoying the food and looking at you when you speak. Hearing it all, I can't help but tear up before I give a soft laugh and nod quickly. “Thank you! I just can't help but worry that I might not be good since I haven't had chances to spend around children before too much.” At the mention of the doctor's appointment, I nod quickly before pointing to the calendar I had put up on the wall next to us. “I put a few of those around the house but I did put the appointment then. It's for this coming weekend since you won't have school right? They have a free slot in the afternoon to be able to see us. I am excited honestly! With how big I already am, I know for sure it's at least more than two! Though I do worry about having many newborns I know with your help, my parents and with Yuto being a cool uncle, I know that we will be able to get through all of this.” Once I have my fill with food, I give a content sigh as I rub my stomach a bit to help it digest. “The babies are very happy about the yummy food. Though later I am going to make some homemade black bean noodles first starting with the sauce so I am very excited about that. I hope you will be looking forward to dinner.”
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong Feeling bad for the sniffle I hear; I sit down and reach out to grip your hand gently, trying to make a silent apology while you eat. Rubbing my thumb on the back of your hand for a minute before I start to eat my own food. Nodding absently to the idea of pig food - something I never really thought about before - I can almost sense the change before you start speaking, eyes darting up to your features, cast in dark worry for the sad-sounding thought. "Of course you're going to be a good okaasan, Joongie! You're going to be the best umma ever... Just the fact that you're so worried about it now means that you're going to care more than enough about them when they get here." I give you a strong nod and scoot my chair closer so I can pat your knee, then rub your tummy. "I think you're going to do really well, I promise. You're such a good person already and you do so much to take care of me and our new home, that it will just naturally translate over to being a parent. You shouldn't worry about that... Not as much as you should worry about eating, anyways." Ending on a teasing note, I lean in and peck your cheek. "Are you going to see the pack doctor soon?"
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita Hearing how worried you are, I can't help but feel bad at this point, knowing you are right but I was just excited to work on the garden. Sniffling a bit, I try my best not to cry but fail to stop a few tears that fall. I quickly wipe them away and smile a bit before I begin to eat as I look out towards the garden from the back windows. “They are, I am hoping that everything regrows well here. I finally planted the potato and carrot seeds today so those will be in soon I hope. That way we have some for us but mostly for the rabbits and pigs. I wanted to use the potatoes to make their slop.” I rub my belly as I continue to eat, wondering if I am going to be a good parent to our children. I feel worried that if I have trouble just doing things for myself how was I supposed to care for newborns. “Do you...think I will be a good umma for them? That I will do right by them?”
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong "Joongie..." I can't help the whine that grows in my throat at the sounds of your words - worried that you haven't eaten much yet. "You should have eaten when your umma dropped food off." I give you the cup of water and pour another for myself, pouting a bit. "You need to eat lots to make sure you and the pups have enough energy. Who knows how many are going to be coming..." I begin to pull out the packages of food and heat things up in the microwave for us. I give a small sigh. "I don't mean to be pushy but I want you to take care of yourself... You have to make sure you eat enough to ensure you and the pups' nutrition. Even more since we're both working on the house so much." The pout remains as I bring out a few plates and move food to the table where you are so we can eat together. Not wanting to force the mood down even more, I shake my head a bit to change the subject. "The garden is starting to look full though... It's coming along well."
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita Seeing how you are, I can't help but smile and feel lucky with how good you are to me. Shaking my head I smile at this point as I look at the food before biting my lip a bit. "I didn't think I did have some snacks and my prenatal pills. I wanted to do stuff outside before the sun got high and it would be too high. But now that you are here I can eat since I know you need to eat. Umma made some kimchi but I put it in the fridge since she said to give it a few more days but she did bring over some homemade dumplings and he made some dango for you, told me not to eat them all and leave you some." I smile at you as I see the water and thank you as I take it and drink some and sigh happily. "And I did eat some when you left so it's not like I am running on an empty stomach either."
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong Smiling as I catch you talking to your plants and your belly, I try not to interrupt, finding these moments so precious. Until you notice me, anyways - and at the point, I toss open the door to meet you just outside, hugging you as tightly as I can and returning your kisses eagerly.
"I missed you more. I hate not being around to make sure you take it easy." My hands move down to cup your belly, gently rubbing the fullness as I nuzzle you, smiling so wide at the idea of our little pups. "You are taking it easy, right? The house looks so good... More like home every time I go and come back." Mumbles out the praises with even more kisses, peppered between your lips and cheeks. Eventually letting go of your tummy to take your hand instead, bringing you inside where it's cooler and shutting the doors behind us. Tugging out a chair for you to sit in, I kiss your forehead then go to the fridge for some water. Noticing the packages from your umma, I look back at you. "Have you eaten, my love?"
Kim Hong Joong [A] 3 years ago
@Terazono Keita With you going off to school and my umma dropping by to drop off some food and snacks, I hadn't had to make breakfast that morning. So I found myself working out in the garden, planting some new seeds and some saplings I had saved from my old garden. “You should have more room here to grow. Soon I will have a nice big garden for our family and some extra to feed the pigs when we make their food.” Smiling to myself, I rub my belly that's already showing at this point. “I guess there is more than one in here at the moment, no wonder your otousan is so protective of us huh?” Feelings a bit tired from being under the sun, I get up and dust off my hands when I hear you and I smile as I turn around and see you coming out the back door. “Your back!” With a big grin, I go over to you and hug you before pecking your lips a few times. “Thank you for bringing the paint for their room and I missed you.” Pouting playfully, I hug and nuzzle you a bit more, truly just missing you even though you weren't away for that long.
Terazono Keita [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Hong Joong Keita huffed as he made his way to the land that they had cleared - and were currently revamping. The house was done but the outside still needed some work, and he was bringing home supplies nearly every day. Today he had the paint for the nursery room that Hongjoong had requested of him, finding the last color brought home wasn't quite right once it was painted onto the walls of the bright, warm room. "Joongie baby... I'm home, and I brought the paint." He called out, carefully setting the tin down and taking his school bag from his shoulders, gently placing it on the table in the entryway - just to make sure he didn't kick his laptop.
Moving through the house, he was able to look at all the little things that had been done since he left that morning for school, smiling at himself for all the work Hongjoong had done without him there. Mostly, he was happy to see the tiny details: The way that the dishes were put up. The flowers on the table. Just the scent of the house. Having a pregnant mate who was in nesting mode made for a great help when they were moving, as long as he didn't try to do too much heavy lifting. Keita didn't want to stifle his mate, but he was also terribly overprotective of him and the tiny babies growing within him. As he made his way to the back door, he looked out on the half-built pig pen and rabbit hutch, still empty - He had planned on finishing the construction this weeked with his brother, so they could start raising their own animals before winter hit. The idea alone made his shoulders ache, but it would be so worth it.


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