/leaves a big plate of food and an extra bowl with chicken and a note that says: "Fried Rice with Chicken. Made by V. Please, enjoy :) ifyoudieitsnotmyfaultilearnedhowtocookitontheinternetBLAMETHEINTERNET!!" and walks out of the room/
Hello??? I'm at here...*annoying* Heechul, just close your goddamn eyes when he's changing..*look at Taemin and smile sweetly* baby...umma know you guys are boys...but...*blink* I let Onew appa to tell you..*pat your head*
@Heechul & @Taemin conversation is off! *afraid* Heechul, remember my words *look at Taemin* and baby~ *smile* just keep yourself with a full clothes..*smile*