IC Room

Christopher Bang [A] 1 year ago
@Hwang HyunJin “Sure that sounds like a plan alright, I am looking forward to it.” Smiling at him, he couldn’t help but grin a bit as he saw him blush. Looking at the young boy, he just smiled softly at this point and chuckled even more. “I am glad that you like them so much. Though if I am being honest I make them a lot better. I will invite you over to my place to cook you both a nice big breakfast. The kids often like to come over to visit from the pack when I dont have work so I usually have some form of food cooking or baking. Plus all the kid's plates and stuff like that plus a few high chairs too,” he said with a small nod of his head.
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang Eating he nods with a smile looking over at you and he helps his son eat..” that sounds like a good idea .. maybe we can make that list when you come over tonight over beer “ he grinned .
His eyes meet yours causing him to blush some what hearing his son blabbe and speak in his little baby language to you laughing .
“ Are you telling Chris you like your waffles ?” He smiles at his son watching him move in his high chair excitedly
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin Watching the both of you I can't help but find it cute, wondering if this was how most of your mornings with him were spent. Seeing you finally dig in, I start in on my food, humming happily at the taste. "It really is good, its run by a nice couple who has a dog that usually walks around the place though right now I think the dog is out for its walk." Sipping at my coffee, I grin when I see your little one picking up food with his hand to stuff into his mouth. "You know we should make a list of all things you need, including clothes or toys or things like that. I know you are new and it's not something you are used to being we like to help out here."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang “ that sounds like a perfect idea “ he smiles looking in your eyes as he looked at his sons and helped him cut up his waffles for him to eat..” anything that would help is fine , I can help around town too if needed “ glancing at his food he smiles ..” this looks delicious “ grinning he reaches for his coffee taking a sip. He then began to eat some of his food humming in delight loving how good the food tasted
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin “Oh, then we should sign you up for the food program benefit that we have. Basically, it gives you help for about six months to a year. Just mostly until you can get settled onto your own feet of course before the spot is given to someone else that might need it,” I explain to you, feeling worried about you. “And as for a job I might know of one, the patrol team is looking for a secretary to start as soon as possible. We have a packmates mate who is pregnant and is going to leave for a few months since they are human and it's hard on him. Just need someone to do basic paperwork and whatnot, maybe make a morning pot of coffee each morning but that's about it.”
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He felt comfortable around you , you didn’t judge him or looked at him as a bad parent for his circumstances..” I-.. I appreciate it Chris “ he smiled looking down then looked up at you nodding ..” I do have to do some shopping.. I’m low in income .. I was wondering if there’s a place to work here.. maybe I can work here at the dinner..” he smiled looking around .
Then looking at your eyes still he blushes abit when he hears the waitress come up to them with their meal
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin Nods a bit at this as I give you a reassuring smile, not wanting you to worry. “It's going to be alright, we can make an appointment for sometime this week, tomorrow if we are lucky. You have done your best for him, you have made sure he has stayed happy and healthy and that is what any person could ask for a child.” Smiling, I release your hand and look you over a bit, just wanting to make sure that you were alright. “How is the situation at home with groceries and things like that, do you need any help with that.”
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang Hyunjin tilted his head to the side to meet with your eyes as he felt the squeeze making him blush slightly his eyes never leaving yours his heart skips a bit ..” he- ah ..” he clears his throat squeezing your hand back softly ..” sense he was born “ he spoke in a sad tone ..” you haven’t crossed any lines.. it’s fine ..”
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin “Everything is going to be okay, you will be safe here so dont worry about anything.” Reaches out and gives your hand a small squeeze before smiling and seeming to laugh softly as I see your son happily coloring away. “Things may have been hard for the both of you up until now but he seems very happy and very well-loved. I think that is all you can really ask for. And sorry if this seems rude but when was the last time he has seen a pack doctor? I want to make sure that everything is okay, dont think of it as me implying anything…sorry if that was over the line.”
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He smiles as he walked beside you settling the baby bag beside him hooking it on the chair as he pulled it out and helped his son sit down strapping him to the baby chair .
Glancing at you seeing you blush a little causes him to blush himself lowering his eyes smiling he sits beside you ..” I’ll have the same as you “ he grinned ..” but with a cup of coffee please “ looking up at the waitress . “ For him, cut up waffles please some bacon strips “ he speaks ordering his son food ..
Looking at you he slides his hair strands behind his ear
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin At this point, I can't help but blush but also feel happy to see that you are relaxed and enjoying yourself as well. Going in through the doors, I ask the waiter for a table and smile as we are given one right away. I ask for the crayons to be brought and grin softly as I open the pack and hand the crayons to your little man. “Here you go bud, color and be happy yeah? I am sure your umma will order you really yummy food.” Getting the menu, I thank the waiter and ask the time before smiling at you. “Go ahead and pick whatever you want okay? I will get my usual jiggly pancakes with a small order or french toast with hashbrowns and some sausage on the side.”
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He smiles looking at you nodding .” Did you hear that ?” He asks his son seeing his son giggle and clapping . Sliding off his seat belt he gets out of the car to open the passenger sit and I strap his son .Picking him up he grabs the baby bag sliding it in his arm looking at you with a smile .. “ I’d like that.” He replies as he looked in your eyes deeply walking beside you .
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin Hearing you I can't help but worry before I slowly nod my head. "Sure I can come by again later for sure." It wasn't much longer until we arrived and I parked the car. Smiling, I do my usual routine and get my chair out before getting in and smiling as I look at you. "Here they have brown paper over the table for kids to draw, so it should be fun for him."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He looks at you with a weak smile as he rushes his loose strands behind his ear listening to him …” I-. “ he bummed pressing his lips together glancing over his shoulder looking at his son smiling at him he looks over at the alpha beside him…”I’ve been on the run for a long time” Looking at him he looks over at the road enjoying the scenery.”I’ve almost died a couple of times ..” he closed his eyes taking a deep breath..” it’s a topic to have .. maybe you can .. come over tonight .. the bayou is near the house.. we could drink some beer and unwind “
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin "To be honest a lot of our pack, the older people that is, were rogues at one time before they formed their own pack. And over time we became how we ate today. We know people aren't rogues by choice so we do our best to help out," he explained to him. "I am not sure what is troubling you but we will protect you both and hopefully you can call this home in the future. The school here is good and we get along really well with the humans."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He gets in the car adjusting his seat belt looking over at you he grins..” I’m still surprised .. you’re pack allowed us to live here “ he spikes in a soft tone looking over at you with a smile and then looking out the window letting the breeze hit his face he closed his eyes slightly..” it’s nice to finally have a place to call home..”
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin With a smile I move myself into the car before dismantling my wheelchair and folding it up before putting it behind the seat. It always took a bit but soon enough we were ready to go. "Come on, ready to eat and let the little man draw?" Once you're safe, I pull back and drive off, putting some light music on. "It's very kid friendly and even has a small playground for them to play in plus a decent sized ball pit."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang Smiling he walks with you holding his son listening to you ..” I’m sure we’ll love it Chris “ pressing his lips on his sons temple ..” won’t be dal “ he could hear his son giggling as they approach the car. He opened the back door and set his son down momentarily to adjust the carsit to the car making sure it’s well placed he then picks up his son and straps him in . Before closing the door and helping you .
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin Nodding, I look at the time and know which place to take you both to. When I see you come out I smile and grin some. "Alright let's go then, I hope you like the place we go to." Smiling gently I wheel myself out, taking the diaper bag as we head to my car. It takes a bit, but I put the bag in the backseat before looking to you. "I promise I drive fine, and I will go the limit since we have your son in the car okay."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He smiles as he watches your interactions with his son. As you place him down he picks him him up holding him on his side giving a little nod..” thank you , Christopher , we won’t take long “ with saying that he walked down the hall to gather some things fixing up the baby bag and right after fixing him self up he let his hair down from pony tail looking at himself in the mirror rushing his hair back to see if there is anything else he had to do with himself .. once he was done he dressed his son and not shortly after he walked back to the living room to you ..” we’re all ready “
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin Looking surprised, I smile at this and nod lightly as I pick him up and sit him on my lap. "Here you go, save this for after lunch." Smiling, I look at you and nod my head. "Surr, you two can get ready and then we can take my car. Though you would have to bring his car seat." Tickling his side, I grin as I put him back down. "Take your time getting ready, no rush."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He looked in your eyes as he smiled holding his son ..” go on Dal..” he urged gently smiling at you ..
Dal walked up to you reaching for the er smiling sweetly at you making grabby hands to be picked up ..
Looking at the action he smiles and meets with you making eye contact ..” ofc we can that sounds like a great idea and lunch in town sounds good .. it would do good going out don’t you think dal ?” He asked his son as the toddler clapped his hands in agreement.
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin "Ahh thank you." Sipping it, I hear the little feet and turn a bit and laugh softly at the cute little boy that I see. "Why hello, aren't you a beautiful little man," I say with a soft smile, taking out a er from my pocket. "The kids here like to ride with me so much that I end up carrying these. Oh, these are sugar-free but still really good...can he have it?" Smiles as I hold it out, letting you take it and grin as he seemed to be happy. "As to what you want to be done here, why don't you make a list and everything so we can have a general idea of what to do after all the other work?" Looking at my watch I see it's a little past lunch which makes me hum a bit. "It's just about lunchtime, what do you say about going to eat in town? Or would you like to order something, it's my treat since I did offer after all."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He blinked and smiled feeling calmer listening to your voice as he smiled opening the cabinet reaching for a glass and pouring some water ..” a glass of water coming right up “ he grinned ..” that would be nice I’m sure he’d love to make new friends ..” as he spoke to you he here a cry form the living room and small steps coming to the kitchen ..” speaking off” he soften his expression ..” umma “ he called out
Kneeling down he opens his arms as his runs into his arms ..” hey sweetheart “ he smiles looking at you then at his son ..” hey this is Christopher can you say Hello” his son turns around and waves in a shy manner .” H~Hello! “ he beamed at you
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin "Alright then I will speak with him tonight and we will probably be over in the next few days to help. There is a few money who love doing yard work that I know would love to help. A few just happen to have children as well so maybe they can bring them over?" Looks at you with a soft smile and seems to laugh a bit. "You don't have to be nervous you know. And just some water if you don't mind. And though you haven't joined our pack yet, you are living on our lands which means you will be protected by us all. So if you do need help don't ever feel shy to ask."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He smiled .” Oh let me help “ he walked behind your chair and gripped the handles to help you inside guiding you through the house before letting go to walk around to face you nodding rubbing the side of his neck ..” his napping right now “ he pressed his lips together with a gentle grin across his face ..” I appreciate it really.. it’s been rough for us .. “ he hummed trying not to let dark thoughts or hurtful memories surface ..” anyways I- “ he blinked a couple of times ..” that sounds perfect , bed rooms , bathrooms and kitchen should be work on first I agree ,” he glanced at you then over at the kitchen .:” would you like anything to drink ?”
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin "I can do help with the painting to a degree," I say with a soft laugh before I look around and make a few mental notes. "I will go back later to my alpha and explain to him and he will find the right people to help you. He also told me that you had a little boy right? We can even get them to put in a fence and maybe a swing on the big tree in the back. Huh? Oh, sure thanks." With a smile, I wheel in and do my best to make sure I don't knock into things as I see that the inside is better but does need to be updated as well. "I think what would be first would be the bathroom, the bedrooms, and the kitchen right? Everything else can come second."
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang He looked at you and smiled rushing the strand of hair behind his ear nodding .. he stepped out and slip his hands in the back pocket of his jeans ..” Nice to meet you Christopher , I’m Hyunjin and I really appreciate it .. thank you for letting me and my son stay here “ he smiled ..” well it would be nice to have some help restoring the place maybe painting it and getting it back in good shape “ he grinned ..” would you like to come in ?”
Christopher Bang [A] 2 years ago
@Hwang HyunJin I smile as I nod my head, finding you rather cute. "Ahh hello and sorry to bother you when you are busy. But we're the local pack that keeps the peace in town," I begin to explain. "Wanted to come and check and see how you were settling in. And to see if there was any help that you would need? I am Christopher by the way, what should I call you?"
Hwang HyunJin [A] 2 years ago
@Christopher Bang After being almost 8 months on the run he had found a shelter for him and his son . He couldn’t imagine himself being on the run endlessly without a home . He was grateful to had found a place to call home .
Rushing his fingers through his long locks he put his long locks in a messy pony tail as he had just come from outside from doing some yard cleaning . Checking on his little one he smiled watching him sleep peacefully.. tilting his head he herd the knock on the door .. Turning his heel he walks to the door opening it greeting the alpha before him ..” hello”


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