✎ 2nd Floor

2nd Floor
2nd floor of the mostly core dorm buidling. In addition to the mostly sophomore floor, there are study rooms and hangout spaces here.
coded by yxgurt
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
@Memory Recorder Correction

After Hobi’s “Hoseok was a good boy, playing into your game, without single complaints, and enjoying every second of it.”

[S E D U C T I O N]

{the original record was missing many details. These details are lost to time and can only be inferred now.}


*he continues to watch you and what you’ll do as he fit more of his fingers, truly checking how far you’d let him take you* No. is a means to an end. And yours is such a delicious end I yearn to taste just once. *he smirks back in reply to your teasing comment* but this…I am testing your waters. How deep will you allow me to sink into your mind… *he states as his fingers stop drawing and his lips return back to your mouth* how far will jung hoseok willingly go for the desire of pleasure. *and his words would be correct- except for the fact he didn’t know he’d yearn to taste you even more after the first time. And yet again as you interrupted his cleaning of your mouth to kiss him, he groans in want* hoseok-sshi the things you do to me…*then he wonders if he should go ahead and stretch you with the rest of the saliva on his fingers or wait until you were mentally ready for him. , he truly wanted to do so but alas, he could tell you were taunting him even with uneven eyes. You seemed determined but he could look past to what you kept speaking of before. Your first time would mostly be in the bedroom so he waited, not doing too much internally to you but getting you excited externally. He pauses to answer* hm…now that’s an idea I do not mind *he grins against your lips* the thought that I am the one who can only make you like this, so wanton of you hoseok-sshi… *he d your chin. Then he stops teasing and gives you the rest of his lips*

*when you tried to find your balance, he automatically placed a hand around your waist to help steady you until you let go. But he found himself wanting to stay a bit longer in protecting you, holding you even like that. He rips his mind away from the thought only to amuse himself when you forgot your bag. He reveled in even your quiet laughter as you quickly found your bag. His grocery bag with coke and chips was long forgotten along with his manga he had left behind on the second floor, probably dropping it when he rushed to take you over the first time in impulse. He suddenly felt like he had forgotten something but when he saw you rebounding towards him, his lips returned into a slight small smile. Whatever it was must not be important. Right now hoseok was the only one he could truly see as important. How adorable…he thought as he saw how you eventually caught back up to him and even hugged his arm. In any other circumstance he would’ve rejected the clingy nature but considering it seemed more like your excitement for him to take you. Well. That only turned him on as he his own already feeling dry despite very wet from our kisses lips while leading you. He blinks confused when you call it a cave*…hm I suppose. It is much more quiet here. No one could hear us unless they eavesdrop intently *he smiles with an almost awkward smile, his teeth slowly exposed that most humans would liken to a red flag of one kind*

{the rest lost so here is the abbreviation

Taehyung was most definitely amused that rather than using his jacket cloth like a normal individual, hoseok had used the drawstrings. Very impractical but he found it yet endearing at the same time. It was clear you lacked practice. He did not predict that you’d trip over his Xbox and books as well. When Taehyung heard Hoseok utter the phrase “It's not a corpse, that's great,” Taehyung’s eyes suddenly grew darker and cold as if Hoseok knew.

But Taehyung smoothly played off this fact by making the idea of having a corpse a joke- which was not really sane of him but he did so anyways. Something similar to “what are you assuming? That I would have a dead body?” He was still debating in his mind if the jig is over and he may have to kill you, too when suddenly, he noticed those complaints as you sit on the ground so vulnerable. Adorable. He was taken in and without thinking, he gently bent down and carried his hoseok in a bridal position. After Taehyung hugged that adorable hoseok close to his chest, he gently placed the bruised man on his bed.

But in a way, it was an opportunity to tend to the object of his focus. Like a deer. And with that, Taehyung had told hoseok to “Wait here and don’t move too much. That was quite a tumble, beautiful.” before he excitedly made his way to the storage closet where his first aid kit was held. But then he had noticed the other object in his closet. His baseball bat. His mind returns back to the despair and darkness he had always known until he snaps out of the haze and returns back to you happily, making sure to not smile so obviously as he had been before after he left you on the bed.

Once back, he told you to push down the cloth off your injury then he took his first aid kit and pulled out a pair of gloves, getting ready to tend to his adorable and vulnerable dear. It excited him. If he could have his own wounded bird in a way, you wouldn’t be able to fly away and would forever be dependent on him.}
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
@Memory Recorder Correction

After Hobi’s “Taehyung’s lips were like a cool rain during a hot summer day, pouring over his skin, and each brush making him shiver.”

[S E D U C T I O N]

{the original record was missing many details. These details are lost to time and can only be inferred now.}


*if you felt constant pleasure being overwhelmed by every touch he had over you, he himself continued to feel wave and wave after relief as you cleansed his dark soul. Darker than you’d truly ever know. When you kissed him, you were sweet. When you embraced him you were loving. Even the way you continuously reacted to his hard and intense movements was full of compassion. You even sensually hugged your legs around him once he pulled you up roughly. If he had given you the desire to truly be consumed and rewrite your whole programming out of lust, you had given him the desire to truly be embraced. In both pleasure and soft passion. Like the true mother or older brother he never had. Well…a figure of one he’d to reach that sense of being washed over. Being truly kissed by you like you mean it. While his was still an incessant obsession of a kiss with how he ate your lips and tongue*

*Taehyung stares at your lips as you his finger. How such pretty lips did such a dirty act. Just for him. Only him* not in that sense. *he chuckles as he moves his fingers in and out of your lips, adding one each time to see how many he could fit in you* I referred to the fact you only /appear/ to look innocent, beautiful. He started to swish his fingers in your mouth until he took them out then spread them for you to observe how the strands of saliva slide down his hand. Then he kisses one of his coated fingers before placing them onto your lips, running past your lip corners to make a saliva smile of the joker almost. Almost because you didn’t look like anything like a joker. You looked like a y vixen well-spent from pleasure* you make it very difficult to hold back. *then he kisses your saliva covered lips* I cannot wait to you

*You were weak in his hands but you still managed to try and respond to his overwhelming presence. Even when you were the one who told him to touch you on your neck and he did exactly that with the choking, you still managed to widen your eyes at him in curiosity. Did he interpret wrong? He thought this is what you meant. But as he squeezed a bit harder before letting go, he revels in the way your tears threaten to come out of your eyes. But you did not kick him. You just stared back with as much pure faith in him. And trust. He released his grip as you answered to his position. He was awed by that. Even the females were always too scared because of the rumor that they secretly would be terrified that Taehyung would eventually go too far. Even those who did not know about the rumor were clearly frightened but stayed for the face. He kissed at your neck where his hand squeezed you as he ed even more to reward you in a way* in due time, my beautiful… *but when he ed once more, his lips still on the place he had squeezed your neck, he felt it. So you /were/ truly . No wonder you were so affected by everyone of his movements. He had to smirk. How…convenient. For him. Not for you. But he won’t speak to it just yet until you have no way to deny this fact. It should be very obvious by now that sometimes he does withold information with the intent of using it against one later*

Still, when you don’t hesitate to tell him exactly what you want, he pulls way from your neck to stare at you. Then his smirk returns in amusement. Others would hesitate given he had power over them. But you didn’t. How…interesting. He parts his lips* very well *and with that, the hand around your knee returned your legs back to the ground.* follow me… *then he took your wrist and held it in his gentle but firm grip as he started to walk towards the end of the hallway. He had purposely picked the dorm room that was furthest away from the elevators. That way he had to worry about less disturbance. You could even liken the scene to when the phantom had led Christine down and down towards his cave as Taehyung also looked back to make sure you did not run away. As And that way no one could hear him either. He pulls out the key from his pocket and hands it

{When Taehyung pulls out the card that served as a key from his pocket and hands it to you, he utters something similar to “go ahead and do the honors.” Taehyung in his amusement wanted to see how you would enter his room as the enticement of your essence only grew stronger and stronger. The card key slot was like a hotel room door key as that was one of the renovated parts of this dorm building as opposed to the rickety elevator}
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin BUT IT’S SNOW

*yusss. Yes to food! Jungkook has never been a picky eater either so literally anything can satisfy him. Though of course, as a growing boy, he’d always prefer meat. The only thing he probably is pretty bad at is waking up. He can be pretty grumpy or vengeful with stuff like that or just completely dead asleep. And now he’s gotten more comfortable with you, you saw it more. The way he’d /really/ be like rather than his playing up the honors student personality.*

*he blinked in confusion but is already chilled by your warm hands. By now he’s gotten used to your comforting ways though even he remembers his ticklish nature in addition to him just stiffening when you touched any part of him. He just smiled at you all oblivious with your concern before grinning.* let’s go!

*he grins excitedly when you sing with him before pointing out how you sing* wow jimin you’re off key *he teases grinning though with a softer tone since again, he doesn’t tease you too much. Well…just yet. He still didn’t understand what kept making you call him a bunny* hm? Is it bad? Bunny? Where do you-u keep getting that from? *But when you scold him and pull him back from the fun, he huffs as you start dressing him up, he quickly hopping into his clothes.* fine… *his lips purse into a pout as you slowly but surely add more and more onto him. While he alternatively and impatiently keeps asking* now can I go? What about now? Now?

*he laughs lightly at how you look* you look like a ball of rice *he lets you wrap his scarf around him then started walking* now? *and you finally say ok, he bolted out of there with him loosely gripping your hand so you wouldn’t need to join if you didn’t want to take that much time to do so. And when he made it to the outside, he barely felt the usual tellings of the. No cold nose. No foggy breath.* look jimin! *he takes a snowball and starts to pack it together silently and with an evil grin on his face. Albeit /too/ silent.*
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk .

*Jimin was a caring, loving friend. So, when he wasn't busy forgetting about his own body needs, he likes to care for his friends. Feeding you was always nice, since you were always ready to discover new junk food or food in general. He calls you a 'hungry beast' for a reason, but he also doesn't mind.*

*Jimin winced, hearing the slight crack in your neck when you moved your head so violently. His fingers instantly moved to touch it and check out if it's not broken. Although he was quite used to your cracking bones, sometimes it was too much, even for him. After he quickly checked, he looked at your face, with a soft fond grin. Your big eyes watching snow with such an excitement and disbelieve, and when you stuck your face into glass, he snorted.* It is! That's why I woke you up!

We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me whyyyyy? *He sang back, with high melodic pitch and started laughing, yet when you started to pull him outside, he stopped you, quite firmly in place, using almost all his body weight. Damn it! Why did you start working out?* Bunny wait! I will not have you here with pneumonia, come on! * Jimin pulled you closer, almost forcefully putting a black beanie on your head, and quickly picking your favorite, comfortable sweats. * Put it on. I want to build that snow man, and I want a snow fight, and we are making snow angels! But you need to dress up warmly. *His commanding hyung side was on, as he also pulled his own, warm and comfy sweatpants, and hoodie, under the jacket. Colorful beanie on his head, and matching scarf. He patiently waits for you, with your scarf ready to be wrapped around your neck.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin BUT IT’S SNOW

*and he would’ve loved something like that. Waking up to his Hyung obeying his every desire. He would feel like a king with a servant. Breakfast in bed would’ve been amazing. But sadly, because this has been going along for a bit now, the staying up playing the game, eventually, you can’t keep letting the kid go. And with the sudden snow, though it was for a completely different reason, you didn’t.*

*jungkook grins catching jimin in his arms. He was about to reach for your sides to tickle you only for you to repeat your snow announcement- this time to jungkook’s awake ears.* why bunny- no way! Wait what- *he snapped his head to the outside as he realized he was being a bit too loud.* it’s snowing… *he said more silently but amazed.* With a quieter voice, he stood in awe at the window before running close to it to stick his face against the cold glass with his wide in innocence doe eyes.* Hyung it’s s-snowing!

*then he turns to you and grins at your sing song voice before trying to sing with you* I never see you anymore, come out the door, it’s like you’ve gone awayyy *he sings before scrunching his nose at his cringe with that bunny grin. And maybe he’s dumb or just not thinking and impulsive but now he’s pulling you outside with his hand pulling your chubby fingers in his pajamas and his own warm but chilled a bit from the snow body. This time, because it was just your fingers, he didn’t use his strength so if you didn’t want to come with him yet you could refuse or pull him back.*
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk BUT IT'S SNOW

*Jimin as a gamer himself was familiar with a withdrawal after a whole night of gaming, and usually, he would, you sleep it off. He wasn't a cruel monster. In extreme case he would even go out to bring food and then wake you up, but not today. Today he discovered snow, and his entire soul and body needed to share this happiness. He was just so delighted, as if snow removed every problem and sadness from his soul. * Too early to function bunny! But you have to!

*Jimin jump off your bed in a fit of loud, vicious giggles, trying to escape your touch to avoid the revenge. In no wail. You caught him, holding him close as he tried to wiggle himself out of your arms. Once again, with no results. Ugh huh, ever since you started working out you grew stronger, and Jimin found himself loosing more often. There was definitely something y about being manhandled but not right now.* Bunny! Snow! Look outside! *He pointed his finger at the window, with a big happy smile.* Do you wanna build the snowman? *He asked with his melodic voice.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin *jungkook woke up groaning from a very long gaming session last night to his happy Hyung. He was messy so the clothes he piled on his bed had sat on the floor once it was time to sleep. By now he had grown comfortable with being a bit more messy. Definitely not something his parents would’ve liked though. He groaned hugging his pillow as he layed on his chest, muffling his voice in it, slightly annoyed for making up early but still too shy to call the other older out on it. He still wasn’t completely himself yet. Still, completely a deep sleeper, it took a ton of tries for jungkook to even wake up. He turned his head to look at you while squinting* what time is it…? *he asked in his husky voice*

*but right after asking it, he returned back to his bed, already easily falling asleep again! *that was until something icy sloped down his back. His body jolted at the feeling, quietly but quickly getting up to find and have his revenge to whoever did it. His squinting eyes were big and doe eyed again but awake as he checked who was the culprit and started walking closer to you once he figured out it was you.* oh you’re going to get it now, jimin! *he informally threatened as he slowly approached you, moving side to side just in case if you escaped the other way. A thin but bunny smile was on his lips until he tackles you, crashing his chest with yours while grinning. By now jungkook had started making a big deal of working out for who knows what reason so though he was still skinny and didn’t have abs just yet, his arms were strong enough to hold you down.* got ya!
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk BUT IT'S SNOW!

*It wasn't a secret that Jimin was a huge winter fan. Mostly because of the snow. Everything looked beautiful, covered in white fluff. He didn't mind cold, and constant humidity. It doesn't matter.*

*He woke up early, wrapping himself in a blanket. His plan was to work on another painting for at least until noon. Since it was Saturday, he didn't expect Jungkook to wake up earlier than that. The boy needed his rest, and Jimin didn't mind. There was enough time for him to bother him later. Yet, when he looked outside, he was speechless. Snow! A thick layer covered everything, and it was still snowing. Jimin let out a silent cry of joy and threw himself on Jungkook's bed, shaking him up.* Wake up you lazy bunbun! It's snooowing!

*The boy ignored his effort, simply curling more under blankets. But that wasn't enough to stop Jimin. He quickly turned back, and ran to the window, opening up. He formed a semi hard snow ball, and quickly came back. Devil grins on his face, as stuck his hand, and a snow ball, under blankets, and under your pajama shirt. That, surely will wake you up.* Wake up, Kookie!
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [1/2]

*when his new roommate finally decided to show mercy as he laughed while gaining his breathing back, jungkook calmed down as now his roommate was smiling down at him. Even if you couldn’t see his eyes, he could see yours from this new angle. It made him cough just a little as he choked lightly on his spit. Is this normal? Is his roommate really a guy? Somehow the way the ceiling light ricocheted off your hair made it hard to really make sense. If it wasn’t for your small but unusually intense eyes and the very pronounced Adam’s apple, jungkook would’ve easily thought you were a girl. He didn’t know many either but he had a good idea watching shyly from afar how pretty girls were. Your voice didn’t help him either. And can a guy really have such luscious lips?*

*but before he could think anything more, now sitting up he was suddenly astounded by the new thought you brought to his head*…we…can try all of them…? *he asked in quiet but bewildered excitement. Never in his life did he ever have such an experience or freedom to have options for food. Whatever was in the pantry or whatever his mom would make would be all he was getting. And some of those options were a bit too healthy. That’s another reason why he enjoyed going to others’ houses. They always had delicious junk food he could snack on without any upper limit. That and his friends’ moms always treated jungkook to delicious snacks. But because he had a larger stomach than usual and high metabolism, you’d quickly learn soon, jungkook would be able to do just that; try every food that was offered to him. He wasn’t much of a picky eater either.

*when you pulled him to the window, he answered quickly, a bit confused but letting you guide him. He trusted you.* I’m in the honors school with a- a pre-med major in biology *but as you dabbed at his face, he felt the cool touches melt away all his worries. He lets you continue only to turn red when you suddenly compliment him out of nowhere. Especially with that face of yours.* oh um… *he fidgeted as you fixed his appearance* ok-kay no to husband sn-snatchers! *he says nodding softly only to widen his eyes when you start to touch him and now strip him* Hyung…! What- what are you do-

*but when you explained yourself with his black mop of unstyled emo hair parting across to reveal more of his face’s softer features and then ed his shirt only to even pull it out of his pants near his crotch- which was a complete breach of privacy to jungkook’s suddenly twitching - he nods with a shy answer trying to calm down * o-oh…o-okay… *he helped you with the black jacket by getting up a bit then smiling towards you with his doe eyes and relieved bunny smile in full display* do…do I look good, Hyung?

*when you started to strip and make changes to your outfit, he quickly looked away to give you your privacy. Though he wondered how you looked underneath that small but muscular looking frame of yours. If he was skinny himself from the tennis matches and running he did with his brother in camp during summer (yet another attempt to keep jungkook and his brother well-rounded as students by, you guessed it, his parents) during the summer, your body was somehow slightly tiny but much more muscular than his own growing but bare muscles. Eventually, when you’re ready, he turned to you and was slightly amazed. Trendy looking. His roommate looked stunning. Suddenly, he was awed. Maybe he should do something more? He didn’t want to not feel worthy of being next to you in front of others.*

*But before he could think more on it, you said something that peaked his interest. A sudden sly smile traced over his thin lips. A slight smirk* so Hyung if I ever said, “you are very small” or “where’s Hyung, I can’t find him. He’s so small.” *he pauses as if letting you realize he was already calling you short indirectly by adding that too long of a pause. For some reason he wanted to see you react to him.*

*He grins innocently with a slight tilt of his head, feigning a questioning face that was very obvious he knew what he was doing with that thin lipped smirk.* … Is that bad? *it’s almost like his personality suddenly shifted. As if indirectly teasing you, made him gain confidence and stop stuttering. And in a way, it did. It was hard not to be intimidated by an older roommate who not only talked the part, but also looked the part. You were loads more confident than him. But if he could even make you react a tiny bit off he’d be satisfied.* Oh since you’re so small, Hyung, should I stop the honorifics and call you jimin? Or jimin-sshi? *he smiled teasingly with a bit too doe-like innocent eyes for what he was doing.

*He stood up to follow you, slowly returning back to shy and nervous* oh um o-okay I don’t mind if it helps. Um thank-thank you for calling her handsome again *he’s not really sure he is handsome though, his comfidence in himself shot. But he didn’t want to stir up yet another session and burden you further with anymore. You’ve already done a lot for him. He couldn’t thank his new roommate and now Hyung enough.*

*Until he laughs softly once he stands up. Standing next to you, despite your more muscular frame, he could finally see how small you actually were* haha! Hyung, actually /you/ look…look like the freshman instead! How much is that? *he says accidentally backing you against a wall so he could level his hand forward, his bunny teeth grin in full display as he didn’t focus on what the rest of what he was doing, his chest slightly pressing against yours with his a bit ed shirt revealing more of his skin. If you tippy toed, he would just grin and straighten his body further before only slightly raising himself on his tippy toes. He looked at the gap in his measuring while backing away grinning at his hand for accomplishing such a great task. He was laughing so giddily under his breath at it. Then he turns to grin to you, showing the result to you* this much height difference, Jimin Hyung. *well the good part is he’s memorized your name by now. Though now you had another problem to worry about.*

*once things calmed down, he returned back to the obedient and quiet dongsaeng. He barely talked but he did question why no one fixed the broken vending machine on the first floor of the building. Our dorm building looked modern enough. This was his second option after the honors building he was still on waitlist for. Jungkook didn’t mind though. He secretly didn’t want to be in that other building anyways.*

*If he’s always surrounded by nerds, college will be just the same as all his previous years. Studying all the time when jungkook himself never needed to do as much as his parents expected him to do. Sometimes he’d study just to look busy even though he had everything memorized. And like any quietly rebellious child, he too used that time. being careful not to get caught, for other distractions like video games, movies and even . Even though he didn’t do anything or flirted with any girl, he was always curious about the taboos like , girls and etc. Being in a dorm full of nerds like him would never allow him to feel the freedom most students would feel aka the “college experience” everyone, even media talked about being the best part of their life.*

*Not to mention, the honors building itself looked old inside and out when his family came for the campus tour while applying for colleges and universities that fit their bracket. The dining hall near the honors dorm building was very well done and modernized though compared to our own dorms’ one but what was a few more minutes of steps to him anyways? It would keep his blood pumping.*

*once we got outside and passed groups of people who were relaxing in the park or laughing and talking so casually, jungkook turned quiet and removed his arm out of yours to not draw any attention, suddenly conscious of himself as well as was awed by them. It really looked like in the movies. That lush green grass. The sparkling lake. There were even a few guys who were also playing their last rounds of frisbee. Just like in the movies. With his parents, he couldn’t look at everything in habitual worry that if he showed too much interest, his father would catch on and verbally bar him from participating in whatever attracted his attention by insulting that activity as a waste of time. So now with you, he looked longingly at everything.*

*He wanted to try everything. He wanted to be friends with everyone. But he definitely wanted to try everything he saw. Like that karaoke booth, those club meetings posted on the bulletin boards. Salsa dancing could be fun. Oh and painting. Oh and cooking. Even if he’d be terrible at it, he’s sure it would be an experience. If he was a girl, he’d definitely want to join the sorority for free cupcakes. Oh and joining that fraternity that was hosting some other events too. That’d be fun too! It was really like jungkook was living his first life. Everything and anything amazed him and beckoned him to try. So this is freedom? He could get used to feeling like this. Jungkook’s walking relaxed with you as he kept walking next to you without returning to hooking his arm with yours.* wow I didn’t know know college night life was like this
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [2/2]

Oh ok Hyung, this makes more sense. I thought the dining hall had that many ramen *he laughs softly. By now, we had walked past our dorm and even the others near this side of the campus. Jungkook trailed slightly behind just taking everything in until he heard words but was too awed to realize what was going on. But when he saw your body visibly stiffen, he glanced at you then the group of people. Drama? But he just wanted a good time with his future best friend. Tomorrow he would have been ready to meet bullies and the like. Not today. He already had his crying bout. But as he saw the group of people in the night, he takes a second glance. Wait…he swears. His eyes widen in recognition at the smooth long brown hair cascading down her shoulders.*

*It was her. From that campus tour when he was alone during the freshman event and had trailed further away a bit lost. Back then the sun was shining on her glowing face as jungkook with a goofy expression on his lips asked for help related to getting back to the event. Unlike the other females who were just walking and talking, she was the only one who smiled and listened. Even the dead of night he could never mistaken her small face and pretty frame. Now jungkook’s eyes trailed to her pale fingers. They were holding onto something. Is that…it was. Another man’s hand. She seemed to recognize him too though slightly taken aback by jungkook’s appearance lacking glasses and that emo printed shirt that looked like it came straight from hot topic with dark blue jeans and those nikes. Jungkook was now wearing a neat button shirt that was untucked with a black coat around the other’s waist. She laced her fingers even tighter to the other’s hand while staring straight back at him with those stunning soft and double lidded eyelids. Jungkook’s stomach twisted as his brows furrowed in anguish visibly before ripping himself from the thoughts and turned to focus on you. It helped him.* Hyung? Are you okay? *he tried to also get your mind off of it indirectly by pulling you back to his world*

I’m not sure. I don’t think I’m interested in any fields. They all look really great.*he smiles though he could still feel the tension. It felt like you were forcing yourself to move on fast. Suddenly his confident Hyung looked so fragile. He wanted to do something. Anything. But his shy self was preventing him from thinking on the spot so he kept nodding and smiling and answering* can I not just try all of them and then see? *maybe it was that event but it made jungkook hyper aware of every woman looking at him after that. We’re they looking at him? Maybe he shouldn’t dress like this. It clearly must’ve looked like it didn’t fit his style. He sighs through his nose and mouth habitually at the feeling of discomfort until we finally were alone.*

*once we made it to our streets, jungkook let the quiet and a bit weirdly tensiony atmosphere settle. Even if you talked about who knows what, it was clear it affected us both.* I still want pork ramen *he orders and as we settle down again, he coughs softly under his breath and clears his throat as he looked at the menu. Then out of nowhere, he commented.* even painted, your would be shorter than mine *he a brow challengingly towards you with that strong smug smirk as he tilted his head to poke out of the menu he was holding up in front of his face before the waitress came to take it away, exposing his two front teeth with a nose scrunch.*

[perfect! We actually went further than expected. But that’s good]
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk ROOMMATES

*Jimin was not the one to judge people for their emotions. He was always considered one too. Impulsive, with temper, but also not afraid to show that he is happy or annoyed. Which his mother wasn't happy with, and made so much effort trying to get it under control. Especially during business meeting when he was supposed to look like a perfect hair. That was a way before the understood that he will not be one. Instead, they end up with young Jimin, teasing their quest and their children if they were there too. Causing more trouble than good, and never changing. Even later during his high school years. Some loved him for that, some avoided him like plague, some just ignored. But he was knows as Jimin the troublemaker. True with his emotions and never hiding his true intentions. *

*Was he excited over the idea of having roommates? Of course, but maybe a bit scared, not sure who will he end up with. Jeongguk was a perfect match so far, shy and probably easy to manipulate into late night gaming sessions. Jimin was actually aware that he can't just throw this poor boy into deep water, but he would like to think that will be able to get along. His maybe a bit shy laugh was enough to satisfy Jimin needs, and he let him go. He was smiling down at him, at the side of a cute bunny smile.*

Hmm... yes! Pork ramen or any other ramen you would like to try! And we can buy pizza, and something to drink, so we can have our first bounding night as roommates, and tomorrow I will show you the campus and all the buildings you could possibly need to know. What major are you? *He gently pulled your body up, bringing you closer to window, to see your face. With a tissue he dabbed your face, and then focused on your shy and a bit red face.* You are quite handsome, ah... you will be popular among girls, but do not let them catch you. They will use you for fun, especially ones walking around in big groups. We are calling them the 'husbands catchers' and you want to stay away from them. *He instructed while tearing down your styled hair and creating an artistic mess. If you have any boundaries, well... Jimin shall break them all right away. This way you both will feel more comfortable. He ed two buttons of your shirt, and also pulled it out of your pants, nodding to himself. The material was a bit wrinkly so to fix that, he pulled his big, black hoodie and tied it around your hips.* Okay, now you look like a typical college student and not scared and lost first year. *He patted your shoulder lightly, and then quickly fixed his own appearance and on his head he slipped a beret and sunglasses, and sweater over his shirt.* We are looking good roommate! *His smile was blinding as he tried his best to make you as comfortable as he could.* I'm Jimin, yes 'the Jimin' and 'the Park', I'm sure you will hear some gossips about me so yes that's me. You can call me anything BUT! small. If you do, you are sleeping on our doormat. *Of course, he was joking, since his blinding smile was obvious, and when he shook his head, the earnings in his ear shined.*

I won't get bored, don't worry. I actually never had a roommate, like ever, so I am not quite sure how it will work really. But we can set our own rules and boundaries right? We can both cry on each other shoulders, and I will probably pain you a lot. You know art major, and you have nice face... *His talkative self quickly explained to you how perfectly charming is the shape of your nose, or that shadow under your lower lip, and how much he would like to draw it from a different perspective before he caught himself, clasping his hands together.* Sorry... You see I can be a bit crazy over art so try to stop me next time.

*He picked his wallet and phone, and of course key card to dorm room, and then he hooked up his arms with yours pulling with a soft giggle out of the door, and outside. During his walk, he explained how each floor has their own vending machines, but the first one is often broken, and third has the best type of salty snacks. Jimin showed you lobby, and explained how night hours works, and where you should go if you need any help from building administrator, before he pulled you outside. He was talking a lot, but every time you tried to say something he quieted down, listening intently, and letting you take your time. Encouraging you to ask all the questions.*

Okay so, the main dining room will be over there, but I will take you to a place not far from campus, when we can eat the best ramen. It is a popular spot, but every table is secluded. We will take one on the back so no one will bother us. *He talked, and you could see how his eyes slightly narrowed at the group of people who passed you both. You could also hear the voices and something that sounded 'poor guy, the Park got him, bet he will paint his for class project'. If Jimin heard that too, he didn't look offended or embarrassed, he picked up the conversation as it was, smiling and telling you all about science and sports clubs, and then asked which fields you were interested in, and that how the whole walk over to the restaurant went. Inside he greeted the waitress with a smile, taking the two menu tables and leading you into the back, to other, more quiet room, and then sits down.* I will go and order for us, I know you want pork one, but check the menu just to be sure you didn't change your mind, I love their spicy chicken soup, with homemade noodles.

[there it is, if it's still bad, sorry]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [I have more to say about this lack of a reply but I’ll say it to you directly. It’s about the lack of flow in this rp even for their past rp when jungkook and I are not able to take the lead bc of his circumstances and self ]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin *And maybe that’s good that you and jungkook were from two very different worlds of affection. Maybe it’s exactly what jungkook needed and maybe that could be something you would teach him. But in the same way, there must be something he could teach you too. Something you could gain from him. Otherwise, it could indeed feel like this young middle class man was a burden- at least that’s the basic common sense for it*

*Jungkook blinked through the fabric of the blanket in confusion and amazement. Did he hear right? You’re not letting him apologize for even burdening you with his crying? Not only that but you said it so confidently he’s never met someone so very sure of himself to talk to a stranger like that. Was it his age? But hm even if the roles were switched instead, he, as a conservative, would have considered it an action he probably wouldn’t handle and would feel burdened by himself. So that can’t be why. Yeah…you were just different, he concluded He’s confused but leaves his analysis at that, nodding quickly as possible. Silently he wondered if he was your first roommate too. The way you talk seemed like you were excited about even having a roommate in the first place. But were there people like that? Probably the very extroverted ones but if it was up to him, he’d prefer only having a roommate if he can still live like he’s living by himself. He’d hate to have to compromise. If you do make him, that’ll be a hard experience for sure.*

*but before he could think anymore, he felt the action through the blanket, stomped his foot as he tried to cover himself, biting down on his lower lip as he arched his body. Sensitive. Biting his lower lip down to suppress, he gave up as his sweet shy breathy voice grew a bit husky as it belted out restrained laughs.* ha…Haha! Aha! *he laughs unable to stop himself from being tickled as he hugged himself and his skin where the sensitive blows had been dealt. His back kept arching until he laid fully onto the bed from the overstimulation. By now the blanket had fell down with him, still covering most of his reaction except for the toothy loud bunny smile that broke between his thin lips* okay h! Okay you can…!

*his chest rose and fell until jungkook finally recovered and you finally let go. Even right now, with his family and everyone in his life, jungkook still didn’t believe any human or humanity in general had the inherent desire or capability to want to hurt others. Maybe that’s his smart brain talking but he believed in humanity; it was only the others’ backgrounds and circumstances that could influence another to do bad actions. Humans themselves weren’t actually bad nor good at birth. That ideology is probably also why he still really loved his family even now and why he never had any grudge against any of his bullies from high school. Maybe it was weird. Maybe it was his innocent doe eyes. But he really didn’t see any reason he’d ever want to hurt or take from another; he considered doing anything so purposely like that just pure evil and sin. And he believed it wholeheartedly; no human could ever be that selfish. He forgave, he forget. So after you forced him to in a way to accept your affection, something he still didn’t believe he deserved, he easily grins and let’s you in, turning hopeful and optimistic. Not loud yet but already trusting even if shy. Shy but believing you had no wrong intentions towards him just that quickly.*

*his doe eyes glowed in excitement for food.* Ramen. Oh…Pork ramen? *he says thinking to himself with a slight tilt of his head then brightens his eyes up at you* C-can we have pork ramen? A…and pizsha? [pizza through his strong lisp] *he just looked at you like you were so cool and confident, so flattered* you want to know all of that about someone like me? Wow…thank you *his smile spread wide on his lips* okay I’ll tell you whatever I know…! *he nods as avidly as he can before he stops* um…! *he realized he completely forgot the basic information he should know about you from his shyness before. Suddenly he’s embarrassed as his cheeks flared.* I-I’m sorry I forgot your name, Hy-Hyung. *And he didn’t know how to cleanly explain that he was too busy focusing on everything else so he forgot it- all without sounding rude or like you don’t matter or like he’s a very incoherent speaker- which he’s none of those. So he leaves it at those words hoping you didn’t doubt him. It’s just hard to remember a name when meeting a person for the first time in general for him since his mind is busy taking the rest of them in. And you were definitely very unique so it took longer to take in all of your strong presence. So much so he forgot what you said first.*

Y-yes! *as someone who never had any real friends who supported him, it sounded like the best dream come true. He wanted a friend and you had easily made him want you to be your friend. A type of friendship he always wanted but never had having to be stuck in the books. It sounded exciting. Coming home to his best buddy, going around and laughing together or staying in and playing his plethora of video games. Not worrying about having to keep you by doing your homework- though he probably would if you asked since he wanted to do everything to keep you. But just that idea of having a roommate to watch his favorite anime and movies with. Well as long as you liked the stuff he liked. And at night we’d talk about deep stuff like our plans for the future, maybe comment on bringing each others’ childrens’ to play dates. Jungkook read and watched about so many instances of the best buds in college. He just never thought he could have that too.
But now… it seemed so close. His own fantasies he planned to live vicariously through others and just media were finally coming true for someone like him. Maybe college life wouldn’t be so bad. Especially if he can make lifelong best friends like you. But yet again, all he said was a few phrases, not adding more but you could see it in his excited doe eyes as he held your chubby hands* I-I want my very own friend! I-I’ll try to do the best I can for you so you won’t get bored of me, Hyung!

*he didn’t see anything but what lay ahead of him with red rosed glasses, not even realizing another human could have much darker problems, just so excited and now so embarrassed but happy and relieved you didn’t think twice about it. Playfully but shyly and in a playful serious expression with those bright eyes, he swung a hand up to salute you* yes sir-r! Where should we go sir! I-I don’t know which d-dining hall s-sir!
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk *Jimin has always been a warm, sticky dumpling, like his brother would call him. Because the older would always scoop him up for hugs (and he was the smaller on too!). Kisses his mama's cheeks, and hug his father quickly. Ever since he was a small boy. Even in his rebellious phase, he always made sure they know how much he loved them. He was aware that affection, and so open and honest make people uncomfortable, but he also learned that after some time, people are getting used to it craving it even more. *

*So should he hug this poor scared kid? Probably not, but he also knows that this is something he would need in this situation. Warm support, and chicken noodle soup! /Jimin-ssi, you are genius baby!/ *

Oh no, we are not apologizing for anything, I'm your roommates for good and bad! I shall take care of you! * He laughed, poking your sides, and looking for all ticklish spots, to bring your smile, and make the atmosphere less tense. He may dislike your strict family, but you looked like a good kid, so he must try his best to cheer you up. This is not the end of the word. This is just the beginning. *

Okay, I have an idea. I will treat you with ramen, or anything you like, and we can talk while we stuff our faces. Get to know each other a bit more? We shall suffer in this room together during every exam season, so I would like to know what is your comfort food and what should I bring with me, to smooth your stressed spirit. *Smiles, squishing your blanket self lightly, to encourage you a bit. * I mean you can always say no, but that will hurt my poor heart and soul, so please say yes?

*But then, your poor stomach answered for you, and Jimin grinned, giggling, and squishing you in his arms once again.* Betrayed by your own physiology! But I need to take care of your need roommate! No starving on my watch! * Funny Jimin, you are usually the one who forgets about food and eating in general.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [ROOM MATES]


*jungkook’s father was pleased when he saw how slightly well off you seemed by how clean your side of the room was and the minimal but clearly quality decorations you had placed. Granted, he was not fond of the wealthy businessmen who were fed by a silver spoon either- being a hardworking man himself. But at least you wouldn’t be poor and get his son into drugs- like all poor humans would do in his mind. Rich was better to him than not. But given that him and his family were upper middle class, it is obvious that jungkook’s father was not born into the wealth either. He had to work his way up and expected his family to continue that legacy.*

*but actually, as rude as you think it is, this typical behavior was expected from jungkook’s father as a devout Christian, upper middle class parent himself. Clearly, by now you should have realized that this university was not your typical university. Especially with its private Christian denomination. Yes the institution did allow non-religious students in but that was clearly a facade too. It was obvious they did so to cash in on others who’d be willing to do so. Afterall, it seemed like a very reasonable business move in order to gather more support from more people to keep the university running- even if being situated in a still suburbanly Christian county meant they didn’t need to really for now until urbanization really took over; which might be a couple of tens or hundreds of years from now. It made sense though since a few hundred years before now, this university only accepted Christian males. So small but very subtle and extremely slow steps towards progression.*

*it might go unnoticed for the very naive but pretty much all the students of this university already knew about this hidden culture. It was deep in their blood. Even jungkook knew why his family chose this university for him. It was not only highly prestigious but also, because it was private, it could still mandate its own core curriculum in a way. It didn’t have to follow the secular practices the governments enforced on public universities. It could truly remain isolated and untouched in the suburban countryside. In addition to the benefits of the amazing campus life like the large dining halls, perfect gardens, the glittering lake, lush green grass, and clean neat sidewalk paths, students were expected to attend classes outside of their major as a standard of “higher level learning.” For example, they had to take credits in a physical activity class, take something in the arts, take topics like ethics and political theory, a social science as well. Pretty much be a well-balanced student. All by the end of their graduation. Not only that, but students were curiously required to take credit in religion classes, even if not in Christianity, and were expected to attend chapel, which was very similar to attending a shorter timed church. The non religious could use chapel as “reflection time” while suspiciously still singing hymns from a book.*

*You’d think that the students here would complain at how obviously biased the whole system was towards Christianity. But the students here never changed. So why would they? How could they see that difference?*

*Many who attended and were the biggest benefactors were rich high class humans from a legacy family. Their great grand father attended, then their son and their son and so on. Before they enrolled into the university, they’d attend a private elementary school and private high school before easily enrolling into this university with their parents’ money and the legacy support. That way they were already accustomed to the “higher level learning” curriculum. So this was nothing for them but a playground. The rich women wearing large t-shirts over their questionable shirt shorts and sipping Starbucks were there to meet their “life partner” and marry them as a rich housewife and trophy wife who wouldn’t have to lift a finger for the rest of their life. “Ring before spring” as the freshmen woman would call it. The rich men with their khaki pants or khaki shorts and neat polos or button shirts throwing frisbees were there to fool around and have fun before they have to take over their father’s business and be a devout husband. As long as either of them didn’t fail their classes, it didn’t matter what grades they’d get. University was just a way to learn under the secure and watchful eyes of God. Some even paying their way through.*

*The upper middle class though were slightly different. They enrolled because the university’s programs were top knotch and if they graduated from such a top university program, their future was pretty much guaranteed. Even for the ones who were close to failing because of the difficult curriculum they had to somehow keep up with. Most upper middle class students did not have the advantage of learning from their parents legacy or working through a private elementary school to a private high school to get used to such “higher level learning.” Some were well adjusted as they had experience coming from a private high school at least. And the other half were well off but were seen as the top in the public school they attended. So yes, it would be hard in the beginning coming from more of a standard curriculum to suddenly learning about literature and ethics and balancing everything like the high class could. But after a few mistakes here and there, in the end this class of students too were smart enough to keep up after the arduous time of accustoming- mainly during the freshmen year. Afterall, they had to be to even get their application accepted among the many who enrolled fighting for their spot. So they needed to be willing to pay and they needed to be smart or they needed to be smart enough to pay through scholarships. But yes, in the end, even for them the classes and culture tied to religion were all just collateral they had to live with until they graduated. They would be too focused on the struggle of graduating to worry about such things as planting those religious seeds. Even for the non religious ones having a few questionably overly religious experiences, wasn’t much in terms of their own means. It’d be worth it in the end. As long as they even barely passed, they’d succeed in life- just because the name of the university was that high.*

*not to mention, most of the times, similar people tend to favor being around people that are similar to them. So it was not long before this university became one big Christian school ground for most who were devout. And well, yes the university might’ve lost a bit of money doing so at that time, but because the surrounding suburban area was still so densely Christian, they did not lose much to stop with their secret ideology and lack of true diversity. So at this time, with such a skewed distribution and no outside interference, this private Christian university and its people in it had no plans to change anytime soon. Students only complained about having extra or super hard classes to take, not the fact that it was so religiously embedded into their culture to take them or not. That was the least of their concerns for a highly religious populated university*

*the same is true with the family you have seen as they guided and sometimes helped jungkook situate everything into the form. The perfect family. Striving to be the perfect followers of God. But also upper middle class meaning they had to work to be acknowledged.*

*Still, you’re right. None of knowing this culture would ever truly excuse jungkook’s father’s slight towards you.*

*It was expected for students to have pastimes. Not to mention, his son jungkook, had to as well in order to even be accepted into the pre-med major. He had to show balance in both academics and extracurriculars. Even volunteer service. Only then did he finally get accepted into this university despite his already very high grades. Also how could jungkook’s father know what major you were? It wasn’t like it was written on your desk. Rather than the fact you could be an art major, jungkook’s father looked more disdainfully with a slight grimace at the picture of a woman. That drawing was almost like ography which was forbidden. But at least it meant you were not gay so that was a hidden relief of his. As a conservative parent, he had his own qualms about exactly how “accepting” this university was to the general public. No offspring of his would be so ed. It would bring his name to shame.*

*even when jungkook bowed slightly towards you very shyly, he quickly looked away at your warm and a bit too welcoming smile. Your brightness made him feel awkward as he shifted in his stance then walked to follow his parents’ commands. He didn’t have enough time to be awed by how a guy (were you even a guy?) could look chubby and adorable with just one smile or how suddenly he wanted to pull on his roommate’s chubby cheeks to how far it could stretch just to see if it was possible. When he saw that the bed he wanted was empty, Jungkook was relieved. Maybe he was lucky. He had the bed furthest from the window. He may not be a complete extreme night owl but he preferred not being near the sun. He was definitely not a morning psrsonEspecially on days where he’d run want to run through the newest area or update on his video games. Those until the morning of the next day when a new area or update dropped.*
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [2/2]

*Still, when you agreed and even offered to tour the younger, the father was pleased with you. “That’s great to hear. I’ll trust you’ll keep jungkook in the eyes of God then. He does not like to focus on his studies like his older brother.” But now that he was pleased with your answer, he did ask regarding the drawing. “Ah is drawing one of your favorite things to do? Son, what is your major-?” *but before the man could continually assert himself with you, jungkook’s older brother called “hey dad, can you check if jungkook’s bunk bed looks right? I’m not sure if we might need to lower it or something. Jungkook you wanted to sleep raised right?” That was able to cut the dad off. “It was very nice to meet you, young man. I’m sure we will see each other another day. Thanksgiving is coming up so you are welcome to visit us even if I am out of town then.” Then the man turned to jungkook with a sudden colder glare behind the smile. “Jungkook, listen to your brother. He knows better than you.”

*jungkook expected if he got caught, that he’d be teased just like his older brother did, telling him not to cry under playful pretenses. In his parents’ eyes, his older brother behaved like the ideal caring brother. But alone, the other would either insult the younger to make themself look good like he could be jealous of jungkook’s freedom the younger was not aware of. That or he’d not talk much to the younger at all as if jungkook as a brother didn’t actually matter. It made sense since Jungkook’s brother was the eldest and so had all attention on him. Both the good and the bad. If jungkook had a strict upbringing, his brother had both strict and helicopter styled parents, even monitoring the older brother’s apparel and friends- all with a warm smile. While his parents always indirect insulted jungkook for not listening when he rebelled in small amounts by staying late with his nerd friends, they made sure his older brother did nothing in front of them that was wrong. In a way it was a blessing all eyes were on his brother rather than him but jungkook just felt not loved. It felt like his parents barely cared for his own efforts when they’d praise his brother for something even smaller. So brotherly love in addition to parental love- basically affection in general- was never expected nor ever given. Especially for jungkook’s own life. Even hugging another. Especially men. Guys just don’t hug*

*that is why now as that chubby smiling man came closer to jungkook’s body, after only ducking his head further into the blanket covering him, the younger suddenly stiffened in the other’s arms. His tears stopped for a split of second realizing he was embarrassing himself. But at the sudden warmth and affection, he could feel his lip trembling. Suddenly he was very thankful for this blanket. You didn’t see his humiliating crying face and the blanket acted as a barrier from an actual heart-warming hug that could really break him down into a true bawling state at the overwhelming warmth of his trying to stay strong and unemotional heart.*

*jungkook could only bite his lower lip in guilt. This clearly fit intimidating man with those small eyes didn’t deserve awkwardly having to hug someone who was pretty much a stranger in your eyes. Guilt was overriding his tears in fear. He could only feel more and more like a burden. And who knows. You could easily use this against him with time. But then he heard that same intimidating man’s voice so close to him. The softest highest pitch voice with some hidden power behind it. This older student had such an interesting voice. It was like a child’s. Suddenly, he didn’t feel as intimidated by you despite your muscular build. He looked at you even if it was through the blanket that he couldn’t see anything. Even his guilt from before started to subside, slowly being replaced by curiosity for whoever this guy was randomly offering to take care of him while sniffing under the blanket. He’s heard about how being roommates made people best friends even after college but this was different. He didn’t hear about a roommate having to take care of another. Was this what roommates did here? No, he’s smarter than that. You were clearly unusual. But he found that even less intimidating.

I’m sorry *If your voice had a hidden power, his was soft and a bit breathy but also a different innocent type of allure. Even with the subtle lisp. But he didn’t really explain why he was sorry. Sorry that you had to come over here and be burdened with comforting him. Or the fact he’s a guy that’s not supposed to cry crying in front of another guy who probably also doesn’t cry. It was awkward. It was jungkook without the dazzle of his family.*

*after a while jungkook had fully calmed down. He didn’t know what to do. Should he walk away and somehow act like he was before? But that would seem ingenuine after you just told him you’d take care of him. Did you expect him to talk even more to you suddenly? But that seemed off for the crying state he was in before too. Exactly what was he supposed to do? Just keep sitting here and crying? No he couldn’t do that either or you might regret taking care of him. He didn’t want to be a crybaby next to you either. The younger rubbed at his contacts while sniffing a bit and then his stomach answered for him. Ah he’s so glad you can’t see his clearly pink cheeks from humiliation.*
Ghost of Past [A] 1 year ago

Jimin found himself weirdly excited about incoming year. He wasn't sure if college will be from him, but he weirdly managed to adapt, and quite enjoy it. Not every course and lecture, especially when he needed to follow a specific style, and stick to it instead of exploring and experimenting. But still, it was much more interesting than he expected it to be. He had fun during parties, meet many people, bad and good. Have few new friends, unfortunately no one who he could call close, but he was hopeful still. His dancing group was amazing, and actually on his level, so he finally feels like he was developing.

Yeah, life was pretty good now. Even his anxiety gave him a break, a long and nice one.

He stopped outside his dorm room, eyes narrowing at the name stuck next to his. So he finally had a roommate. He smiled to himself, opening the door and pushing his big suitcase in, following it. Somehow he managed to fit in door frame with his big, heavy bag hanging from his shoulder, box in his hand, and another big art suitcase. Being an art student wasn't easy, so that's why even if he was always late, he did his best to be early in dorm, so he could settle everything that needed to be settled before a potential roommate.

And to choose the bed he prefers, of course. (natural light and you know?)

Luckily he was first, so with an evil grin he picked the bed and desk closer to window, and then after exactly ten minutes of contemplating why he has so many things, he started to unpack. Which didn't take too long, just a few final touches in a colorful poster he hanged above his bed, with pictures. Then his comfy pillow and one small plushie, and he was done. Proud of himself he curled on his bed, and started drawing, colorful pencils all over his bedsheets. He tried to create a bit eccentric portrait of a woman, trying to make her have more than one perspective. Like an illusion, and that's how his new roommate and his parents found him an hour later. He greets them a bit absentmindedly, far too focused on his work to care. Also giving them a space they possibly need to say goodbye just in case. But for some unknown reason the father tried to talk with him. Asserting his dominance and power, like all his family's business partners. Which annoyed him very quickly, especially when he could clearly see the supposed to be hidden disgust on that man face, when he realized what Jimin's major is. He was looking down on him now, just trying to be polite. Only if he knew that he is looking at the first son, from one of the richest family in Korea. That made him chuckle. Jimin hardly ever use his family status, he did not need it, but it would be nice to rub it all over this buffoon face and see the reaction. Judging someone after seeing only a small chunk of their life was stupid, and it showed how limited a person is.

He raised his eyebrow up, hearing his words, and then he finally looked at that poor, scared kid. His new roommate and push himself to smile. The best, cute and sweet smile he could manage.
- He will be just fine. - (without you all over his back) - I will give him a tour later, so he won't get lost. - He nodded a few times, feeling sick from fake politeness and then finally they were gone. He sighs with relief, sitting back on his bed wanting to go back to his work, but a very quiet sob catch his attention. He looked up at his sad roommate. It reminds him of small kids in daycare, crying after saying goodbye to their parents. He sighs once again and picked his favorite colorful, blanket and going over, to throw it on boy shoulders, making sure it also covers his face. Then he sat next to him, arm around his frame as he brings him closer, trying to comfort him with his presence.
- You are going to be fine kid, I'm Park Jimin, and I will take care of you. Don't worry. - Why he said that? He wasn't sure, but something in boy's eyes pulled him closer.
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
@Memory Recorder Correction

After Hoseok’s “Hoseok couldn't breathe. His lungs were filled with something akin to liquid fire”

[S E D U C T I O N]

{the original record was missing many details. These details are lost to time and can only be inferred now.}


*it was sudden. Even for Taehyung. He had already started to seduce you. He was on top of you and everything. And as if you suddenly changed your mind, you ran. You ram as fast as you could away from him. You had to have pushed him off you too. He couldn’t remember because he was still dazed in shock by the rejection. And what you said after with choking you didn’t help at all. It was rejection. Plain rejection. Even if you played along and even flirted with him about meeting up in the library afterwards, you seemed the type to reject someone without verbally showing any true resistance or “no” like he’d have preferred. He didn’t like when others thought he could not handle a simple no. So after his initial anger at himself that returned after he finally got away from you to think carefully, he continued to wait for the elevator then when it opened for him, let the elevator slowly racket its way to the second floor. Even if a bit rickety*

*he did not know however that you would have only reached the second flight of stairs by now. With his hood down finally, he stuffed his hands in his loose pant pockets before walking out. Only to stop. In confusion. Anger. Lust. Desire. It was all coming back through his body again just like our first meeting a few minutes ago. But this time, knowing exactly what he was missing, it made the wave of emotions stronger. All of them. Anger too. Luckily, his hair covered most of his eyes but he can only hope you did not see his complete face as he tries to discretely slip his hoodie back on, a blank expression on his face but a new apprehensive fear in his eyes as he walked forward to stand next to you. Even before you asked him to help, he had already rolled his eyes before he quietly volunteered by standing there close to you. Rolling his eyes because he knew you must be playing the damsel in distress and he knew he had fallen for it. Albeit too close that we were side by side thanks to Taehyung’s hand in his pocket allowing his bent elbow to touch your side. What an old vending machine. He’s only ever seen the advanced ones. He thought they had already done away with these faulty ones. He can only guess it must be the same reason that the elevator has not been renovated yet. After he quietly observed what you’re doing, right after you hit your water hard, he placed his arm in front of you, indirectly stopping you from kicking or hitting it again. He didn’t like seeing you injure yourself* if you have attempted enough, move aside. I need a drink as well

*then he kept staring at the vending machine with such intense blank eyes as if willing for it to break. Which he could’ve easily done. But that’s behind the point. He’d rather not pay for the destruction of property if he can prevent it. Then he pulled out his wallet from his hoodie pocket before he took out a gold card. This card was like no card ever. Then he swiped it along the card reader before pressing the code “A4.” Then as the machine started to whir to life again, his large hand d at the glass* if you want to reach your goal, you must… *his large finger slides next to the bottle in A4 and then your water bottle showing indirectly the path that the bottle from the A4 will take* know for certain the precise parts to manipulate *now the A4 bottle had fell down and easily knocked the water bottle out, causing both to fall inside the opening. He leans down and pulls out both the coke bottle and your water bottle, handing it over to you* in order to obtain what you truly desire…

*then as he handed you the bottle while looking directly at you, his eyes catch the random larger expanse of skin. Without controlling himself, his eyes shamelessly glide down to your chest which was properly exposed now. What happened during the time he had left and present? Surely you did not do this on purpose? You rejected him, not he. So right now he did not want to attempt anything. Still but angry at you, he turns his hooded face away, his lower lip to himself at the image of your body he had seen*

{when taehyung heard the fact he was “ing handsome” from Hoseok’s lips, Taehyung did something similar to the following actions }

*pursing his lips, breaking out into a dry smirk before stating “ah so you have seen it. Then this won’t be necessary anymore.” Even going as far to pull down his hoodie. He ruffled his hair with a dry grinning smirk of something akin to disappointment on his lips as he stalked forward towards hoseok until he was consuming the other’s body. Then before devouring everything of the older, Taehyung began to smirk and explain how.* you would not resist me now right? *He added because of his face. Then without any warning, the younger pressed the older against the wall. He slid a tongue against Hoseok’s wrists that were in pain from hitting the vending machine. Then his tongue moved up to actually attack Hoseok’s neck before whispering against the other that he wanted hoseok.*
[post deleted by owner]
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago


*jungkook always dreaded leaving home for college. What could he do living on his own? How could he survive? Spoiled? After studying for grades, just a bit. Rich? No. Upper middle class. Yes. Even though he hated it, he was always so used to his parents telling jungkook all of his expectations. All of his life was planned by them. And though he was never the favorite son, that award going to his older brother, he always strived to impress. He got the best grades in his class. Was always number 1 on all the exams. Not only that but he was the perfect god-fearing man just like his parents expected of him. He didn’t smoke. He didn’t curse. He regularly went to church every sunday with his family. Jungkook didn’t even date nor dare to flirt with any girl. He did /everything/ to make his parents proud of him. He did everything to make his parents love him. Because he loved them a whole lot- even if in an unhealthy way. Especially when they’d scold him for not being as good as his brother or not studying enough.*

*But now those same parents were saying bye to him. Were abandoning him to this Christian university. He really didn’t want them to leave. He didn’t want to be alone again. But they were already overstaying their welcome. It was now the evening of the college freshmen move-in day. The family had to go. His older brother laughed while slapping jungkook’s back with a rough hand “don’t be such a cry baby, come on man up! Real men don’t cry. Stop being weak. You’re a real man right? This is a new start for you, jungkook. From now on youre gonna be a doctor. You’ve finally made your parents proud. Now work hard but don’t play too hard alright?” Jungkook nodded to them as his mom and father also gave their farewells with a curt nod. His father did not say anything. His mother commented a “stand up straight and make sure to make us proud.” Jungkook nodded, wanting to hug them as they got on the old elevator but his brother was right. There was no room for tears. While biting his lower lip, he watched as the only family he knew left him.*

*all he had was his family. None of his classmates came to send him off either. But it made sense. He was much younger than his classmates. Skipping grades in school meant he was picked on a lot by the older students as a nerd. Especially by the jocks. But he did make a few friends with the other older geeks. Probably they were using him for homework answers but at least it was better than being at home all the time. Sometimes he’d stay longer, enjoying how his friends’ moms always made sure to take care of jungkook- especially when he knew that afterwards his father would point the fact he stayed out too late and repeat that jungkook is going to work at a rotten job if he doesn’t focus on his studies rather than those friends. That he would be poor if he didn’t focus. But even the few friends he had, had already distanced themselves by then when they learned jungkook was on the fast track path to graduate high school early.

*so here he was. Again. Alone in the hallway as he saw the elevator close. Then once it did, he burst into tears as he treaded back to his room. His vision was a water pool of a mess as he glanced at you. Once he made it to the room, he wiped at his eyes before sniffling then opening the door with his key card clicking. It took a few tries because of the blurred vision as he tried to calm himself down. He didn’t want to give the impression to his roommate that he could be easily picked on- even if he was. Crying is for the weak, he repeated like a mantra in his mind he learned with his family.*

*all he knew about his roommate was the quick but dismissive bow he made to the other as his family trailed behind him to inspect the dorm he’d be staying in. The younger was much more scrawny than your more built frame. His black hair shaped his young face nicely while also covering some of his eyebrows. With his hair down like that and his constant deer in headlights expression, he looked extremely young despite being 18 at that time. The other had the widest puppy doe eyes compared to your own slanted ones. Before you could talk more to him, which he would be nervous to respond to anyways, his family had called him to come and setup his already very minimal furniture. And he did without giving you another word. His family though definitely did talk to you with a suddenly nicer address than they’d do for jungkook. “Oh you must be jungkook’s new roommate. Please make sure he does not fail his studies.” “Our jungkook needs the best environment around him so he can succeed. I trust you will not hold him back.” Jungkook’s father subtly threatened jimin.*

*that was at that time when jungkook’s side of the bed was lively. Now? It was dead silent as jungkook could feel another wave of sadness fill his heart. He already missed his family so much. But he can’t cry. Not when you were in the same room as him. But he can’t help it. Wave after wave of sad and loneliness filled him. He missed them. He missed them. It was so cold. While still trying to bite back the tears as he sat on the bed, he couldn’t catch the ones that rolled off his reddening eyes and nose. He just hope you didn’t look.*
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
{scene travels to the campus library as a new rp}
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
[S E D U C T I O N]


[most likely this rp is done but pls do let me know if it’s not. Since I’m still transitioning]
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
[S E D U C T I O N]


*you may barely have touched him today but every time you did, he felt warmth cradle wherever those slender fingers were placed. Had he known this was your plan all along. To make him touch you instead of you continuing, as long as he had enough distance away from you, he’d berate himself for being so taken by such a messy submissive. He preferred things clean and cut. Controllable. But he could only surmise by your playful giggle as he d you. If he knew, he’d whisper in your ears with his deep voice, ‘what a lewd expression hoseok. Have I already made you like this with just one night? What a dirty submissive you are, showing how much you yearn for master. So well.’ But he could only chuckle against your ears, enjoying how your giggles resounded and gasped as he d your length. But despite how y it was, the fact you didn’t just bend to his will once he was taking you over and making you feel so good, made him think twice.*

*Despite still being very y, clearly, you were not his ideal pet-wise. Pliant submissives who wanted to be fragiley taken over by the lion that is taehyung were just the best. The idea that he could break a submissive until they only showed their basic primal instinct as prey. An innocent and needy prey that would moan uncontrollably to their animalistic predator that was their master. Still, he supposed this was yet another reason you could never be more than just a night for him. As much as he enjoyed the bratty submissives, if it was much too difficult to break them, though it fed his manipulative side to keep doing so, it could not feed his ual craving in the end. And despite his fingers pleasuring both your front and back so well, he could tell as well. You were holding back. When he looked back on last night you were so loudly and enjoying being devoured so good. Today was not that case. As you smiled up at him, he could read your facial expressions. It was as if you were telling him ‘you ed me, so what’. He disliked when subs did that. Still, he was pleased that you did obey him, even when you were clearly playing with him. With his displeasure, he made sure to finish you off the walk away from you without anymore than another word.*

*And well. As much as he could take his time and really break you again even if not for ual pleasure, It was not his place anymore. He couldn’t command you to push yourself to be vulnerable for him. This was just a reward for you for pleasing him last night, not something for him anymore. And in a few hours once he or you’d walk out the door, you would sadly have to discover what he discovered in you last night alone. Who knows, maybe you’d never truly understand the hidden potential you had and continue to date others without being truly satisfied ually. That was the poor life of closeted submissives. Thinking they could please themselves with dominating their lover when their hole would be twitching for more. To be ravaged and pushed down harshly with a heavy weight on top of them as their hole was violated. They’d either break up with their lover or cheat, thinking it was just not working out. Sometimes even after months come back to Taehyung professing their so-called “love,” thinking they were always in love with him and not because of the - as many ually undeveloped and devout Christian humans mistaken. But Taehyung knew their real craving. He knew what they really wanted. And so he was always a willing dominant as he had the opposite craving, too. Hearing loud screams and shouts or whimpers muffled in pleasure against the pillows as natural submissives’ bodies asked, no /begged/ to be feasted on like a scrumptious platter he could not get enough of.*

*of course, he did not do that to you last night as he did not want to displease you the first time. You were clearly only getting your bearing wanting to a stranger and wrapping your mind around the fact you were going through with such a risky behavior. So he only opted to use a bed and chose missionary position, the most vanilla for you despite still ing in you in the same manner he did for his natural submissives. Only for his truly trained submissives could he show his own true potential as a dominant. ing them into the sheets, tying them, bruising their wrists. Blindfolding them. Public . NTR. Personal Use themes. Public ion. Even switching from the vanilla missionary bed position to more positions like doggy style, on the cold floor, against the shower wall, riding him anywhere too to wait or him ing you anywhere too to wait. You name it. Choking was only scratching his surface. And his well-trained submissives were so willing to explore all of that with the trust they placed in Taehyung when using their safe word.*

*Because you only just had to deal with the shock of having with a stranger, though, it may take much more time for you to notice many of the inherent sub qualities you had last night. But, though very rough, he did see potential in you. And if you ever would come back and let him, he would be willing to help you discover them as well. If you didn’t come back, or maybe even found another master to help you explore it instead, well…that would be fine too. He’s not particularly attached to you yet afterall. He never usually was.*

*well that’s until he kissed you for no ual pleasure at all and felt your body melt in his. At your compliance, he sunk his tongue down to graze yours as his kisses only grew more and more hungry by the second. Especially when you gasped. Clearly by the way you gasped during a kiss, even without him doing anything else to you, he could tell you were the romantic type of sub. He smirks against your lips in desire. So y. So beautiful. At your shaking hands, while quieting his own deep pants, he took your dainty wrist in his large hands and just held it, staring into you with furrowed brows and eyes that were willing away the mask you’ve created. He breathed deeply staring into your eyes from above. Your shaking was growing a new desire in him. The need to protect. The need to not let the world touch you. Suddenly he didn’t like the idea of another master hearing such gasps from his submissive’s lips. Those heart shaped lips are his. He continues to hold your wrist firmly to ground you while staring intently into your soft eyes. He wanted to kiss those eyes-*

*no. This is it, Taehyung. You must not continue this, he finally snapped himself out of it. After your hands calmed down, he let go. He treaded as far as he could mentally into his mind as if he was burned. But no matter what he did now to push you away from him, he had already marked his fate when he kissed those lips. He shouldn’t have done that. He shouldn’t have kissed those sweet lips that were not his anymore. But he did. And now even if he was quite a bit away from you as he sat observing you eat, his craving for this human had increased considerably. Even more than before the kiss. He wanted this human for himself. Only for himself. Because of the sudden dark thoughts, he quickly distracted himself with his phone as he texted his pets asking for their availability tonight.*

*But nothing this awkwardly tall otaku sophomore could do would help him anymore. He had already drawn his fate; he would no longer be satisfied with letting you go. He just didn’t know it yet. How truly intense his craving was for the older. And it may burn tonight at the library if he cannot touch you again. As if some cruel joke of showing Taehyung what he cannot have. But because he was not aware of such a fate right now, he thought of how to be satisfied, mistaking the desire for lust. He’ll do all it takes to get you out of his mind. As long as he can reach one of his pets or indulge in someone else until then he should be fine he thought naively. And then as he finally made his way to the door properly dressed, he snapped.

*what an angelic face with such painful words. He only remembered he was reaching down for his dresser, which was shorter than his bed’s raised frame. He chose to have his bed raised when he entered this place. It always helped his long legs stretch better. But now it was a detriment to his falling frame. He wasn’t exactly sure when and how it happened but suddenly his tall but slender lean body with no power except a human’s own’s weight shifted. It was good he caught himself using the dresser but still. Instead of a cold hungry gaze, his eyes filled with panicked confusion as he tried to grip onto anything with his long legs and lower back to stop the fall. His elbow and forearm was pushing back against the shorter dresser to hold himself up from completely falling off the bed. As you got up, he stared at wherever, his eyes fell blankly. It was his dead and cold blank stare- without the especially cold part. What…happened…? He could hear you say something but in his clearly half falling off state, he barely paid attention. Most certainly some excuse to run away. Yet again. Was he being… rejected? Two times in a row by the same person? This was unprecedented. To be rejected. But also be rejected by the same person.*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
*Then he jumped lightly when you called him like a dongsaeng again, quickly moving back up again. It pierced through his thoughts of confusion as he slowly starts to sidle himself up using the dresser and his legs as support in dongsaeng-like panic, obeying you quickly like one. He nodding avidly with a mumbling “you go first, hyung. I’ll see you tonight.” Once he was halfway there, he didn’t answer you when you seemed to want him to join you. Even when he told you to leave, he did so robotically as if it was programmed into him rather than thinking. But if he could actually think, he really would have said to leave him alone with a cold glare. He was still too preoccupied in his internal world as his brown locks fell down his face, covering some of the confused look in his eyes. With his hair covered like that, he looked like a kicked puppy. That’s why he couldn’t even respond with a grimace to the fact you called him a baby boy. He was barely thinking about what you said. His thoughts were filled with the fact he was rejected and the panic of falling off the bed completely. So as he was stuck in his own world he let you walk off to your class.*

*after he heard the click of the door close, he continued. Once he was half way there, using his abless but toned stomach, he tries to pull himself up before lurching his back shoulder onto the pillow and slowly inching back onto it while struggling. He panted as his thick bony self fell onto the bed. Now he was relaxed. Finally he could think. He stares at the ceiling while slightly breathing as thoughts from what just happened ran through his mind.*

*This is why he’d usually break a shoulder. The first thought. But he didn’t do that this time because he was never planning to kill you from the beginning. He just really wanted to you forever and ever. His fault for letting his prey go that easily. He should’ve broke your shoulder the first chance he had gotten. He thinks glaring towards the ceiling unemotionally. A few of your tears and broken bones from his own hands could not taint you /that/ badly. Afterall, what’s the use if even someone as perfect as you left him?*

*But as sudden as the first thought came, he realized he was acting like you were his when you never said it. That’s right…Not even once you agreed. It made him remember his own promise to himself. The second thought. That he would never fall for a human because it frightened him what someone like him would do. Someone who was better with staying in the fantasy world. Fantasizing the worst things with his 2D Waifus without being rejected or being smitten like 3D people foolishly were. And here, even though he couldn’t remember his thoughts anymore from at that time, he remembered the action. He remembered yearning to touch the coarse thread for not just a victim in blood but to a victim in as well. That was a first for him. That wasn’t normal. He should not have done that. Why did he do that. He’s becoming crazy! Taehyung rubbed at his eyes through his long hair. Like those foolish people who think they’re in love but they’re not! It’s because of hoseok with his soft smile and warm touch. And- That’s right, it’s not his fault. It’s hoseok’s fault! It’s all hoseok’s fault for coming into his life and messing him up!*

*He sighed at his large bulge. That’s right. He was rejected. Outright. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but his. The next thought. Rejection. Or was it even rejection? How could it be rejection if he should’ve known? That’s right. We only agreed he’d make your first time with a stranger pleasureful. It was so he could help with a subject you were struggling with for your project. A subject that he knew much about. Nothing more, nothing less. He could feel his body numb at the realization. He should’ve stopped after the after pleasure like usual.*

*The feeling of frustration fades away as he exhaled sitting up, still quiet, as his brown locks cast down his eyes again. But this time he felt like his normal state again. Emotionless. He supposes then he should stop too. And he /will/ stop. Like usual, after tonight’s helping session, he’d return back to his way of life. And you yours. He pulls out his phone as he stands up, biting his lower lip as he checks for his other pets if they’re free in hopes he finds someone who could at least give him head to warm his in class at the back of the lecture room. Then afterwards, he’d reward the other by hiding his pet under one of the desks or the bathroom stalls and ing them senselessly. It would be a good Thursday evening for him. And he’d be all emptied out before our meeting so he wouldn’t have to worry about his wandering hands or eyes traveling to what was not his*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
[S E D U C T I O N]


*Hoseok couldn't peak into your mind, and see your reasons. He could only have guesses about them, but something in your face expressions just weren't adding up. He couldn't put a finger on it, and knows exactly, but he was aware that you weren't telling the truth, simply avoiding it. Why? Maybe you think that it will please him? But on the other hand why would you even care about his feelings? Having no idea and being unable to tell what's going on in your mind, he simply nodded and dropped the topic. *

*Just like you were careful with Hobi getting too close too fast, that Hoseok on the other hand was testing his own limits. He was shameless, , and needy, not scared of his needs, voicing them out loudly, for you to hear. Of course his own touch wasn't half as good as yours, but he still enjoyed himself. Having that glint in the corner of his eyes, like a challenge for you, to see how long you will last without touching him. And you didn't disappointed him the slightest. He giggled when you slapped his hand away, and moaned softly when you replace it with his own. Which is exactly what he wanted, and you quickly fall into his trap. As he could get off now with your help, which was even hotter, and satisfied his lust. * Maybe I do? *He said, but let you guide him, obeying when you told him to beg, so he did, ing into your hand making lewd noised and pleads. But he did in a way that still gave him some control, not submitting fully, so you could have something to work with later. Asking for things more quietly and not voicing openly what and how he wants to be touched, with a teasing glint in his eyes. Letting go of his game in the last moment. *

*Kiss after kiss you keep taking his breath, and whined softly, when you took over again. He rose from his sit slightly, so his chest could be a bit closer to your body. He needed these kisses. It started with lust and raw desire from you and now slowly turned into something else. Just a tiny bit gentler, and he pulled on your hair when the tug in his heart made him gasp. He never kissed anyone like that, and when you finally moved away, letting him go, he felt the cold and loneliness slipping into his being. His hands were shaking and his pupil was dilated so much that his brown eyes turned black. He couldn't say anything as he looked at his own hands, the way they trembled, and he touched his lips with his index finger. But a few seconds later all this was gone, replaced with a smile, all his focus now on the food.*

*What he did not expect was the sudden change. He was slowly learning how to read your very subtle changes, and the more you wanted something the more cold your whole persona turning. Which could probably scary a normal person, but not Hobi. It was fascinating to see this slight changes and deep impact you carried with your action, first with the kiss and now with this, and he played your game well.*

*His own hand followed yours, and when you pushed yourself on him, stealing another raw, brutal kiss, he held your wrist firmly, like he wanted to have something to hold on, as if he could stop you. Waiting for a right moment, to catch his breath and say something, as he didn't do anything to obey you in any way. The opening happened fast, when your attention divided, focusing on something next to his bed, and he pushed, hard enough to made you fall back, it cost him greatly, as he bites his lips, when his hips screamed at him, but he did it, he used the moment and pushed you off to the side. When the pain slowly drifted away he rose, giggling.*

Oh, no no no Taehyungie~ You had your chance to your hyung just few minutes ago, and you wasted it, you do not deserve another, for now. Your alarm indicates that there is something you need to do, just like me, so you need to wait a bit longer, to get what you want now. *No, this was no longer your pet, this was Hobie hyung to you. He slowly and gently moved away, and finally stands up, frowning when he felt the pang of pain. Not minding his body, he stretched himself carefully. He looked down at his hips, touching the skin, and whined, cursing under his breath. He picked up his sweatpants, pulling it up and almost falling again, before he turned to face you, his chest still bare, covered in fresh hickeys. * What are you waiting for baby boy? You need to go to your lectures too! As a hyung I need to make sure you are getting the education you signed up for.

*He picked his hoodie and zipped it up, and then with a painful expression picked his bag up, and threw it over his shoulder, phone in hand, ready to go, but obviously waiting for you to join him. His expression relaxed, and happy, as he smiled at you.*


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YouDidWell 7 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 8 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 9 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 10 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 10 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 10 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 10 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 10 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 11 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 1 year ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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