Welcome to Pallet Town! Your Pokemon adventure starts here! Here's your trainer card.
» Starter Pokemons:
They will each start at level 6. You may pick only ONE pokemon and you cannot change them at any time throughout your journey.
1. Bulbasaur
2. Charmander
3. Squirtle
4. Pikachu
» Pokeballs:
Roll the dice to see how many Pokeballs you're starting off with!
Please remember to respond back to the tag once you've chosen a starter pokemon and rolled the dice. Comment with: [trainer name] is starting with [starter pokemon] and has collected the pokedex with [#] pokeballs!
Please do not chat in this room.
Please do not chat in this room.
▶ Roll 1 = 1 Pokeball
▶ Roll 2 = 2 Pokeball
▶ Roll 3 = 3 Pokeball
▶ Roll 4 = 4 Pokeball
▶ Roll 5 = 5 Pokeball
▶ Roll 6 = 6 Pokeball