Roll the dice 3 times.
*Before rolling the dice, please mention which type of ball you're using: [trainer's name] selected [ball type] to catch!
» 1st roll = determines which pokemon you're catching.
» 2nd roll = determines the pokemon level.
» 3rd roll = determines if your catch was successful or if the pokemon has fled.
*When you’re done rolling, please state [trainer fc] has caught [pokemon] after every set of rolls!
The pokemon will differ in different parts of the map and the level of the pokemons will increase throughout the game. You may only catch certain pokemons with certain items (eg, type of pokeball and rods.) If you have advanced beyond that route and wish to go back and catch more pokemons you’re allowed to! Good Luck!
The pokemon will differ in different parts of the map and the level of the pokemons will increase throughout the game. You may only catch certain pokemons with certain items (eg, type of pokeball and rods.) If you have advanced beyond that route and wish to go back and catch more pokemons you’re allowed to! Good Luck!
how to catch pokemon
There are 4 ways to level up your pokemon:
1. Catching the same pokemon » Every two pokemon caught will increase your initial pokemon's level by 1.
eg. jiwoo first caught a level 6 caterpie and managed to catch 2 more caterpies *level does not matter*. Hence, her level 6 caterpie will level up to 7.
2. Winning battles in arenas: defeat your fellow trainers in battle! First to knock out each other’s pokemon will be the winner. The level of ALL your pokemon on hand will increase by 2.
3. Rare candy » available for purchase in pokemarts or at chance rooms. Each candy levels up your pokemon by 1.
4. Dropping off your pokemon at the daycare service.
Note: Max. pokemon level is 100.
how to level up pokemons
*Please refer to the pokemon center to check the health chart*
IMPORTANT: You can only battle trainers who are of the same level as you or are of a higher level.
» You can choose to maximise your party or bring less than 3 pokemons into battle. Decide before the match starts. Once the match has begun, you are not allowed to switch out pokemons in your party with pokemons in your pc storage.
1. To start the match, please begin with: [trainer's name] is ready for battle with [party; pokemon and lvl] against [opponent's name].
eg. jiwoo is ready for battle with lvl 20 ponyta + lvl 15 pidgey + lvl 8 pikachu against jaehyun.
2. You will start with full HP on all pokemons. Take turns to roll the dice to determine the amount of damage dealt. If you'd like to use an item, instead of rolling the dice, post "[trainer's name] used [item's name]". You're NOT allowed to delete any dice roll for reference purposes. The battle will be forfeited if caught doing so.
3. First to knock out all of the opponent's pokemons win.
how to win battles in gym
Each trainer can hold up to 3 pokemons (3 pokemons in a party). The rest of the pokemons are to be kept in the storage pc.
max no. of pokemons you can hold
Yes, once you've reached trainer level 20. You may only trade up to 2 pokemons per day.
» No 3 way trades (trade will involve only 2 trainers at any 1 time).
» Both trainers will determine what sort of deal you want (eg if both parties are agreeable, it's possible to trade a pidgey for a dragonite).
can we trade pokemons
1. Do your daily 'Poke Jackpot'.
2. Win Gym Battles.
» 5,000₩ (Novice level)
» 8,000₩ (Intermediate level)
» 10,000₩ (Advanced level)
» 8,000₩ (Intermediate level)
» 10,000₩ (Advanced level)
3. Selling 'Rare Nugget'.
how do we earn money
1. For pokemons with 2 evolution stages, it will evolve when it reaches level 30.
2. For pokemons with 3 evolution stages:
» It will evolve from stage 1 to 2 when it reaches level 16.
» Evolution happens from stage 2 to 3 when it reaches level 32.
NOTE: Certain pokemons require a *stone (refer to "How to use items in my bag") to evolve so they do not automatically evolve once reaching the stated level above.
how pokemon evolutions work
There will be different balls available for purchase in different parts of the map.
» Pokeball: Can only be used on pokemons that are below level 15. (levels 1 to 14)
*Must roll the number 2, 3 or 4 for the catch to be successful.
» Greatball: Can only be used on pokemons that are below level 30.
(levels 1 to 29)
*For pokemons level 1 to 14, success = roll numbers 1, 3, 5, or 6.
*For pokemons level 15 to 29, success = roll any even number.
» Ultraball: Can be used on any pokemon level.
*For pokemons level 1 to 14, success = roll numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
*For pokemons level 15 to 29, success = roll numbers 1, 2, 4, 5.
*For pokemons level 30 and above, success = roll numbers 3 or 6.
» Masterball: 100% success.
*Each player will receive only 1 Masterball.
*Can only be obtained from Pokemon Tower.
catch rates of different balls
Go to any Pokemon Center and tag Trainer Misty with the item you wish to use and the effect the item has.
eg. @trainer misty level up staryu from level 13 to 14 with x1 rare candy.
eg. @trainer misty evolve eevee to flareon with x1 fire stone.
eg. @trainer misty sold x1 nugget for 5,000₩.
how to use items in my bag
Every 10 post = 1 Level
EG total 200 posts = Trainer level 20
» Novice = trainer level 1 to 20.
» Advanced = trainer level 21 to 40.
» Intermediate = trainer level 41 and above.
Note: not to be mixed up as Pokemon level. Your trainer level will determine which areas of the map you are permitted to explore.
how to level up as a trainer
list of pokemon types:
Bug Type
dark Type
dragon Type
electric Type
fairy Type
fighting Type
fire Type
flying Type
ghost Type
grass Type
ground Type
ice Type
normal Type
poision Type
psychic Type
rock Type
steel Type
water Type
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