item glossary
Please refer to this room for all the items available in Game On! Description and usage explained here.
Pokeball: Every trainer starts with this basic pokeball to begin their journey of completing the pokedex. Not the best but good enough at your novice level.
Great Ball: As you progress through the game, you'd find these up for purchase in poke marts! These are more durable than pokeballs, suitable for stronger pokemon.
Ultra Ball: This is the sturdiest ball for catching pokemon *that is available for purchase.
Masterball: The best pokeball type in the game! Every trainer will obtain only one masterball, found in the Pokemon Tower. This ball guarantees 100% catch rate.
Safari Ball: Not available for purchase. This is only given to you when you enter the Safari Zone, and can only be used within the Safari Zone.
Potion: Restores 20 HP on your selected pokemon. Only used in battle. Could be purchased in certain poke marts.
Super Potion: Restores 50 HP on your selected pokemon. Only used in battle. Could be purchased in certain poke marts.
Hyper Potion: Restores 200 HP on your selected pokemon. Only used in battle. Could be purchased in certain poke marts.
Rare Candy: Increases your pokemon's level by (1). Could be purchased in certain poke marts or obtained from chance rooms.
Nugget: In need of some money? If you've chanced upon a nugget and got lucky enough to obtain it, sell it to Trainer Misty for 5,000₩
Moon Stone: A type of stone that will only evolve the following:-
Nidorino, Nidorina, Clefairy and Jigglypuff.
Fire Stone: A type of stone that will only evolve the following:-
Growlithe, Vulpix, Eevee.
Leaf Stone: A type of stone that will only evolve the following:-
Gloom, Weepinbell and Exeggcute.
Thunder Stone: A type of stone that will only evolve the following:-
Pikachu and Eevee.
Water Stone: A type of stone that will only evolve the following:-
Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu and Eevee.
Old Rod: Not for puchase; obtained once you've reached Vermillion City. Can only catch Magikarp.
Good Rod: Not for purchase; obtained once you've reached Fuschia City. Able to catch a wider variety of water type pokemons.
Super Rod: Not for purchase; obtained once you've reached Route 12-15 and caught at least 1 Snorlax. Catches rarer and higher levelled pokemons.
Bicycle: Obtained once you've reached Route 2 & 9! Used for faster travels (or if you want a bike date yk winkwonk)
Fresh Water: Helps your pokemon quench thirst and restore 50 HP. To be used in battle. Only available from Celadon dept. in Celadon city!
Soda Pop: Helps your pokemon quench thirst and restore 60 HP. To be used in battle. Only available from Celadon dept. in Celadon city!
Lemonade: Helps your pokemon quench thirst and restore 80 HP. To be used in battle. Only available from Celadon dept. in Celadon city!
Dome Fossil: Obtained from Mt. Moon only! Changes into Kabuto.
Helix Fossil: Obtained from Mt. Moon only! Changes into Omanyte.
Silph Scope: Obtained from Team Rocket's Hideout (Silph Co.)! This item will allow you to see and catch ghost type pokemons.
Coin Case: Obtained when you've reached Celadon City's Game Corner! Before you play the slot machines, a coin case is required to store your coins.
Old Amber: Obtained once you've reached Cinnabar Island. Changes into Aerodactyl.
Poke flute:Obtained once you've reached Lavender Town! Required if you're trying to wake up a snorlax to catch.
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