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hwang yeji 2 years ago
@moon gayoung ● ●
୧ ♡ ୭⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Dark nights, pouring rain, the thunderous booms that hits home, Yeji swears to god that if she wasn’t in a mere sixteen year old girl’s body she would have hurt him! Hurt him so good that they won’t have to be held hostage by the steploser of a dad her mother managed to hitch. Sure, they got a nice house, big and luxurious, but what does that mean when you can’t even have enjoyment of the finer things in life? Especially, when the man nitpicks everything you do? That’s how sixteen year old Hwang Yeji is living her life. She’s the new girl in town, having been picked up from the other part of the country and sent to another, thanks to her mother being whipped head over heels for a man who hates her guts. Starting a new school was always challenging, however, upon entering the school grounds the following there, it’s as if Yeji has met the `light` in her dark tunnel; that being her life. Now, Yeji hates jinxing things and making a mess out of what destiny may hold for her. After all, her grandmother always taught her about life and how destiny holds a vice-like grip over us, but the young girl believes that if she puts her mind to it, she can alter her destiny, she can change it for the better. Her mind is an open canvas and she is allowed to draw whatever road she wants to go down and enter into the greater things in life. Hence, she’s around Gayoung more often than none, they hit it off pretty well in their first week spending time together and Yeji doesn’t want to toot her own horn but she knows without a doubt that she would be the most loyal friend the other would ever have.

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In time to come, as months go on, the two girls only get closer and there’s nothing strange or awkward between them, instead, there’s a deep fire ignited and showing off the strength of their bond. `Best friends for life.` That’s what Yeji always says to Gayoung, “friends are the part of the glue that holds life and faith together.” Upon saying this time and time again, it became a thing between the two youths, her eyes finding the pretty girl next to her and Yeji’s eyes crinkling at the corners, shining in mirth and pure unadulterated happiness that yes, she has found someone she can bare her soul to. Someone who understood her, someone who comes to her aid if needed. When at home and her step-loser of a dad rages, she calls Gayoung over and they bond over so many things, talking about boys, their favorite movies and series, playing games, listening music together, dancing and being dorks and simply having fun. Even though, Yeji has her problems and she’s suffering from mental issues due to emotionally being treated like crap at home, doesn’t mean Gayoung doesn’t have her fair share. Yeji has been for her as much as she can be, the young girl baring her soul to her at her weakened moments. Sometimes they’d cry together and curl up with one another in bed, hugging each other as if their lives depended on it, snot marring their pretty faces as they comfort each other in the way they only knew how and learned from one another.
● ●
End Of Flashback

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ `A good friend is like a four leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.` Yeji always stood by her words from a teenage girl even into the future as she stands at an unknown bar; age 22, looking around helplessly, feeling out of bounds and out of sorts, her mind raging and running back to that one girl, one person who knew her so well and comforted her in any situation! Moon Gayoung. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀୧ ♡ ୭


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artisan 2 years ago
kim sunwoo pls!
wonholic 2 years ago
kim jisoo pls!
velourouge 2 years ago
hello, may i please reserve actress moon gayoung? ♡
b01c2c525dc935984cb3 2 years ago
could i get kang yeosang and lee siyeon pls
ardere 2 years ago
hello, i was wondering if i could get some help with face claims? i was thinking:

+ lee juyeon
+ kang taeoh
+ seo kangjoon
+ jung jaehyun
+ jeon jungkook
+ kim jongin

please help. thank you.
5cd972f5c1dd1116c93c 2 years ago
Hwang Yeji pls love, thanks.
euphrosyne 2 years ago
i dig this aesthetic
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