- Cyno's Dorm

• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • Cyno chuckled as Tighnari more. " Only by you, you know that" he leaned closer to kiss him. " Your dumb pup" he groaned a bit feeling the light tug on his hair. " But after all you know you love it, having control" he let his hands roam again, lifting Tighnari's shirt to undo his pants. Taking Tignari's , he it, still playing only with the head. He underneath and all around. With his tongue, he traced the veins all while keeping eye contact with Tighanri. "so y everywhere". Putting Tighanri's in his mouth, he slowly moved up and down. It took half of his length to reach the back of his throat. Cyno gagged a little yet he loved it. His back arched with pleasure but stayed quiet. He pulled his out and dripped spit on it, lubing it up so it could go deeper choking himself once more as tears formed. He kept it there and then pulled it out his hand still rubbing it. "" he mumbled. It felt illegal to be doing this in the classroom but just looking at Tighanri took that all away." Feels like I'm confessing all my kinks out here in front of you" he chuckled his lips before went down on him again, deeper this time. His eyes began to water once again. Spit fell out of his mouth and onto his hand but he stopped and lifted Tighnari up on the table smirking. Pulling the other's pants down, he spread his legs, his finger gently rubbing Tighari's hole and then entering one finger at a time. " I just want to pound into you making you come in pleasure until the only word you know is my name".
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ 'Shh.' Smiling faintly against his lips, Tighnari was happy to put it in the past and move on from it but apparently he wasn't going to get a choice, not that he was complaining. Returning the kiss, he knew he could get carried away pretty quickly but needed to remember where he was; that didn't stop the whine when the kiss was broken. 'Cy, we're still at school..' there was hardly any force behind the words, not with how his thighs tensed and he was suddenly making himself comfortable against the edge of the table. The hybrid let his head lull to the side, fingers going into Cyno's hair as he held back any sounds that bubbled up from the attention. 'Is that why you don't listen?' He questioned, teasing though, 'You're that desperate to be degraded?' He couldn't lie and say he wasn't more or less thrilled hearing the confession, his fingers curling just a little tighter in the latter's hair. 'I knew you were a dumb little pup.. but, I can't say I'm not surprised.'
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • Cyno's mind was in clouds as Tighnari settles down on his lap and gave him a kiss. It calmed him down more knowing that Tighnari understood him. " I'm sorry about earlier..." he whispered against his lips. " ill talk more" he hugged him tightly before kissing him again this time longer and more passionate. " Nari, I want you" his hands moved around Tighnari's thighs giving them gentle squeezes. He looked at Tighnari's eyes as he lifted his shirt and leaned in to kiss his chest, the skin a bit then moving to his s and them just a bit rough. " you know, maybe I'm the one but I always loved when you boss me around or just" his cheeks turned red as he confessed " when you yell at me....its weird" he chuckled softly.
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ Looking over him, he couldn't help but sigh. Tighnari was always honest and very blunt and he knew not everyone could handle that but it was easier than possibly miswording himself. 'I just don't want this to be treated like.. some high school fling,' he finally said, carefully sliding his bag back off his shoulder and onto the table, 'if you want to try something.. I need to know it's going to be taken seriously and.. and you have to talk to me, not assume things. I know I can be difficult to read but I'll never get upset about you talking to me, Cy.. even if you have to just ask what I'm thinking, I'll be more than open to tell you. And, yes, you have every right to be just as upset as I am.' Shifting his weight within the others hold, he managed to settle on his lap, gingerly cupping his cheeks. 'You're going to annoy me and make me upset and agitate me, we're both human and it's going to happen whether we like it or not and I'm going to piss you off and make you sad sometimes. Don't.. don't say it like we need to be perfect, okay? When those things happen, we'll work it out.. but, you've got no reason to be afraid.' Shifting slightly, he lifted Cyno's chin so he could place a soft kiss to his lips. 'Just talk to me and I'll do the same, okay?'
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • Cyno kept quiet and even after Tighnari stooped he kept quiet and didn't look up. " Okay I get it, you drilled it into my head many times now ". he knew he should probably keep his mouth shut after all but he couldn't. This miscommunication wasn't clearing up as much as he wanted it to. "You are an adult, yeah I know....i got it" he stood up from the chair glaring a bit at Tighnari but then his gaze softened and he sat back down feeling defeated. He held the fabric of Tighnari's shirt. "forgive me Nari..." he moved close wrapping his arms around his waist and nuzzled him a bit just before looking up. " I won't try to hide it again or do anything that makes you angry or annoyed, I just was a bit afraid I guess" his grip tighten a bit. " please" he whispered
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ He could have stopped and listened but he was agitated and he hated feeling that way. He at least prided himself in being mature enough to leave a situation before it turned into something it shouldn't have and with how he wasn't very shy with his words, he would have said something. Tighnari put it behind him and returned home, greeting a few other teaches and things on his way; he only needed to change and once he arrived, it didn't take long. Being a professor meant doing things and talking to people he honestly didn't want to do or speak with, so meetings were never his Forte. It was long, dragged out and he wasn't entirely sure why he was there considering it didn't involve him, his curriculum or his class but he was thankful when it was over and everyone filed out of the room.

Tighnari didn't like being cornered and that's exactly how he felt upon hearing the door lock. He decided to stay silent, letting the younger go on and on about whatever he needed to, to get it off his chest. He didn't enjoy spontaneous confrontation nor did he enjoy being forced to speak about something he, himself, wasn't ready to discuss and it showed. 'Are you done?' It was a simple question but his irritation was clear as he got up and began packing his things. 'Did I ask you to go slow with me? Because, all I'm hearing is that you're doing these things for me when I never asked. So, yeah, when the guy you like was entirely into being with you while you were /drunk/ then decides to delay things when you're sober, gives off a lot of red flags,' he began, arranging the things neatly into his bag, 'I said sneak around because that's how you made it sound. Am I wrong? Because, you surely didn't want me being seen with you. And you're /more/ than welcome. I genuinely don't care who you feel the need to date and keep it from everyone but I won't be one of them. Do you think, even drunk, I thought no one would see me? Please. It's a ing college campus.' Tighnari was doing everything he could to stay professional as he spoke, the curse coming out without a thought as he was letting his annoyance get away from him. 'I told you that because I was in the middle of teaching you, I was working and apparently, I'm doing a horrible job because you haven't learned how to listen, yet because 4 meters was the length of the root system, Cyno. Regardless of how I felt for someone, I wouldn't date anyone that needed to keep our status in the dark. I'm not your teacher, I'm not your principle - I am nothing to you on these grounds besides an occasional tutor which means nothing, as anyone else could do the same thing, therefore I have absolutely nothing to be concerned about when it comes to being seen with you.' Shaking his head, he pulled the bag over his shoulder and finally frowned. 'You will not come in here and make this all seem like my fault because I wasn't going to let you make decisions for me and if you /ever/ speak to me like that again, I will gladly shut you down. I won't forgive you for deciding what's best for me or whether I want to go slow or not; if you hadn't forgotten, I'm grown and older than you. Out of everyone on this campus, I might be the only one genuinely mature enough to know what's best for me, so don't you ever dare try to decide that again, do you understand? I'm not a child and I refuse to be treated like one.' He'd had far too many experiences being treated as such and he'd grown to easily resent anyone who tried along the way.

'If you want a second chance that bad, fine.'
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • As Tighnari began speaking, Cyno panicked quickly chasing after him but the door slammed in his face. " ...." he hit the door with his fist before opening it up to chase after Tighnari. " Nari, stop !" He shouted as he ran down the halls. He didnt know what to say if he caught up to him but he wasn't going to let this pass. " let me remind you that you were the one that left me hanging.... " he stood there catching his breath. " sorry for being so careful.....and plus I never said you were more desirable drunk the hell...." he shook his head. He didn't know what the point was trying to talk to him knowing that Tighnari would not even care to listen. " Fine! Don't listen to me....do whatever you want...." he lowered his voice as he turned around to head back to his dorm as he mumbled under his breath. " whatever....I give up...first I try to ask him on a date results rejected...now I try to be careful but no " he closed his door and slid down sitting on the floor. He didnt know what to do or when was there going to be time to talk to tighnari.

Taking a shower to clear his mind was the idea but it didn't work as Cyno sat there on his bed with his hair dripping wet. " what did he mean by sneak around with someone else....who else is there" he groaned conflicted on of he should go look for Tighnari or just wait it out but the thought of looking for Tighnari to talk to him was the first so here he was waiting outside the conference room waiting for him trying to form an apology. " Tighnari just....speak to me" he glanced back into the room waiting. He wait for a few minutes standing up but then he started pacing as he felt more anxious about this whole situation. Soon after,he saw people leaving and made his way inside the room locking it. " you and me need to talk now because if we let it continue then it's going to get worse" he made sure nobody was near the door before speaking. " so I try to be careful but then you went off telling me that you were more desirable drunk....the hell did you get that idea? Or "go sneak around" like you said, are you calling me a playboy or a boy or whatever is that what I look like you ? Well thank you for that " he stepped back a bit feeling more angry than before. " what do you want me to do? Put a ring on your finger and be like look guys Professor Tighnari is my boyfriend....you know I would love to make that official and yell it out to the world but you dumped me so yeah" he sat down on the chair across from Tighnari looking at him frustrated because of not being able to see what was going on in Tighnari's mind. " two days ago you were talking about personal space " 4 meters" but now you don't care who sees us or who hears about us....I don't understand " he leaned back. " I like you Tighnari, I actually madly in love with you" with that sentence he looked back at Tighnari and walked over to sit near him. " I... im so deep in this love puddle that I didn't realize that I hurt you with my actions..." he reached for Tighnari. " please.....forgive me if I hurt you...I didn't mean to" he felt even the slightest hint of happiness just having Tighnari pay attention to him. " just one chance to make it up to you"
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ Tighnari was more than content to make up for his drunken display the previous night and if he was honest, despite his head hurting, he was eager to do so considering he'd only thought about it a million times. He was positive that thought fueled at least half of his ability to make it to his dorm in such a state while the other half was hell bent on a "romantic" confession. When he was stopped, his ears drooped and he couldn't help but frown; so, he was willing to go along with it when it was spontaneous but not when offered? Considering who he was and how he thought, the fennec read far too deeply into those words and kind of closed in on himself. He kept quiet for the most part, not budging but not exactly complying to the affection. The more the latter spoke, the more he was put off and regretting his choices.

Bringing his hands up to Cyno's chest, he stopped him and stepped away, looking at him with a rather unreadable expression. 'So.. am I more desirable when I'm drunk, or something? Because, from what I can remember, you were more than happy with the idea of screwing me.. but, now that I'm sober and wanting to do something with you.. it's different?' Tighnari didn't exactly care whether they ever had an intimate reaction or not, he wasn't going to base anything off of it but it still hurt. 'And.. why are you trying to be careful..? Am I supposed to be some secret?' He wasn't getting upset, no, he was getting mad; he didn't express too much, too often but the latter always wanted him to be more open. 'I don't care if anything draws attention to us? If I was willing to come here and confront you about it, why would I care? Cyno, I'm not your teacher or your counselor- I have no reason to hide.' Shaking his head, he just began his way towards the door to leave; 'But, if this is how its going to be, I take back everything I said and did last night. From now on, I'll just be your tutor. You can sneak around with whoever you want.' By the time he finished, he was already in the hall, pulling the door shut behind himself; he didn't care who saw him.
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • " But you dont owe me..." his words were left in the wind as Tighnari's warm touch held his hand. At that moment Cyno thought how lucky he was to be even doing this with his crush. His cheeks were red as he loved the sudden attention he was getting from the other. Of course, he knew the risk Tighanri was taking but he decided not to let any negative thoughts ruin this moment. " Since you have a meeting....how about you make it up to me later?' he wrapped his arms around tighnari kissing his neck gently not wanting to leave a mark although he was dying to do so. " we can hang out here in my dorm and cuddle?" moving his head a bit, he kissed the side of Tighnari's ear. " I don't want you to be late for your meeting also the other students move around during this time so we need to be careful" he released tighnari to turn on the shower to warm up the water. He leaned against the wall watching the other. " I'm curious as to why you drank so much and still managed to get up into my dorm" he was about to smile but he didn't after all last night's fight was more of Cyno's fault since he might have scared Tighnari in the position that he is in right now with his career and such. " you have let me known....i would have understood although i really wanted you to enjoy the garden, your ears when you are talking about something you love is my favorite thing" he reached out to him holding his hand to pull him closer. " I want to take this slow....not rush you so I won't do anything you wont like that draws more attention towards us" he kissed his forehead.
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ He nearly jumped out if his skin at the sound of the males voice, blinking a few times to collect what was happening before looking at him. Reaching out, he brushed his thumb over the wound, frowning slightly; 'Sorry?' He hardly remembered it but he still felt bad. Tighnari had a habit of biting and bruising in general but at least he was conscious in doing it on a normal basis. His eyebrows pulled together as it felt like the world was going a hundred miles an hour and he was stuck in second gear. The question didn't register at first but he found himself leaning into him, still more confused than he wanted to be. 'Did I.. like.. just show up and jump you..? Did I even.. say anything before hand?'

'No.. no, I have a meeting,' he gathered the most he could about his day, remembering only that. However, he really didn't feel like leaving the latter's side, especially not knowing what he actually did. He decided to let it go, for now, and get to his feet, sauntering after him despite the throb in his brain. 'You're rambling,' he pointed out, head tilting a little, 'let me shower with you?' It wasn't actually a question because they both knew he wasn't taking "no" for an answer. 'Considering what I do remember.. I owe it to you, to at least help out.' His gaze flickered down to show what he meant before he was gentle tugging the latter with him. Maybe a shower would clear his mind and let him breathe a little better.
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • Early in the morning even before his alarm rang, Cyno felt the movements of Tighnari and his voice. Soft and deep " Morning..." he wrapped his arms around Tighnari's waist nuzzling his face against his chest. He smiled softly as he leaned up to kiss Tighnari's cheek before flopping back down to the bed and closed his eyes. " My lip hurts...you bit me hard with those sharp teeth" he joked a bit as he rolled to his side and sat up on his bed sighing a bit as he felt tired from the whole week but now it was Sunday and he had all day to spend with Tighnari. " Do you want to shower? I'll shower first " he turned around and pulled Tighnari closer to him smiling like a dork as he realized it wasn't a dream.

" Will you be free all day today?" he finally stood up stretching and walked slowly to the bathroom. He would be lying if he didn't have a raging as the last night's events put him in this situation. He hid it by using a towel " I'll be out quickly and umm you can um just hang out here or I can get you some water to calm your headache because you know you drank a lot last night and you just like fell asleep". he chuckled nervously as he rambled off talking nonsense.
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ The taste of blood was the only thing that brought him to his senses, over his lip and blinking at him. Tighnari was, in every sense, a completely different person in that moment, and it was painfully obvious. However, he couldn't help the droop of his eyes, his breathing getting easier; he didn't exactly have control of his actions as he dozed in and out of consciousness. He wasn't sure where his energy had gone, honestly but he also knew he wasn't never too good at holding his liquor; he was a lightweight. It wasn't long until he was out entirely, snuggling up to the latter with zero knowledge of the consequences he'd be facing when the sun rose.

Morning was one of Tighnari's worst enemies, despite his profession, he hated being woken by the sun.. and a pounding headache? He sat up far too quickly, ears nearly straining with how straight they pointed up; he regretted it immediately. It took him a few seconds to regain his senses, keeping his eyes closed and thinking; he hardly remembered leaving his house and the last thing he recalled was kissing Cyno. Wait. He paused and finally looked around, gaze falling on the sleep male. ',' he muttered, looking around to gage what had actually happened. He felt sick to his stomach, his skin ached and God, he felt gross. He hated alcohol.
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • Cyno winced a bit at the sharp canines surprised yet at the same time he knew it wasn't going to be humanlike bites. Suddenly feeling the harsh bite, Cyno pulled back and placed his hands on Tighnari almost laughing. "Nari" he wiped his lips a bit and laid Tighnari down still laughing a bit as he caressed Tighnari's rosy cheeks and covered him up with a blanket. " Silly fox...thinking you could beat the alcohol" he whispered. Not long after, he laid down next to him cuddling him a bit. " I waited for this...and you finally are in my arms" his hands never left the other male's face as he spoke in the darkness just seeing Tighnari's face with the light of the moon shining through the curtains. While looking at Tighnari, his smile grew, and not long after his eyes felt heavy and with the warmth of Tighnari, he fell asleep.
• tighnari • 1 year ago
@• cyno • ˢʰ 'Your fault,' he muttered, putting the blame of alcohol and ty emotions on him like he didn't put himself in the situation at all; he would avoid apologizing for that as long as possible. Tighnari made easy work of mapping out the latter's neck, making sure to leave indents of his sharp teeth and a bruise over the prominent Adam's apple. Had he not been semi drunk, he would have taken the words as an easy pass to more or less ravish the younger but he couldn't get his hazy mind to really response to what he wanted. The warmer and more hungry he got for him, the heavier his bones got and the sleepier his mind was in following. He did his best to keep up, taking the comment to push his hands under Cyno's shirt, weakly attempting to get it up as he iniated another kiss, this time biting a little too hard at his lower tier.
• cyno • ˢʰ 1 year ago
@• tighnari • " well first you aren't in your right mind but I'll make sure you remember everything in the morning" he gave him a small kiss on the cheek before watching and moving his head a bit to let Tighnari kiss his neck. He completely melted into his touch and kisses. " touch me more" his voice came out in a small whine as his hands touched Tighnari's back and chest craving for him even more that he had him here in his arms. He would have never imagined Tighnari sitting on his lap.


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bananacue 2 years ago
hiiii can i reserve for arlecchino please? :D
seunghan 2 years ago

do u just apply to characters or.... do i still hv to comment *^*
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