☁ restaurant

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engfa waraha 1 year ago
@Jung Hoyeon () its fine dont worry xD

Only? Come on lets eat something more delicious, hoyeon. Since its my treat for being late
*loooks throught the menu, only yo set my mind on some steak and steamed veggies on the side*
You know eventhough we always bicker i kinda missed this
Jung Hoyeon 1 year ago
@engfa waraha () :’) I thought you hadn’t replied yet fml

* she could feel the woman’s soft touch and even though she was upset, punctuality was something that she had ingrained into her from both her upbringing as well as her past relationships even with the woman in front of her. With a click of her tongue, she shook her head and looked down at the menu she had been staring at for thirty minutes *
I might just have the potato and leek soup with a small salad .
engfa waraha 1 year ago
@Jung Hoyeon * a small smile formed on her lips showing her dimples qhen she saw your tinted cheeks. Reached out her free hand she gently took a hold of yours and caressed the back of your hand with her thumb*
I wouldnt say its helping im just stating the truth
And i know and will probably be late again next time but that doenst mean it needs to ruin our evening
*letting go of your hand she finished her first glass then tilted her head*
So what would you like to eat, yeonnie?
Jung Hoyeon 1 year ago
@engfa waraha * her eyes looked at woman in front of her, her eyes squinting at the woman with frustration before she rolled her eyes and shook her head with a sigh. The comment making her face turn a faint pink colour before she scoffed *
Engfa… stop that… you’re not funny and this isn’t cute… you always do this… and now you think flirting with me is gonna help the situation. Why the hell did you ask me to dinner if you were going to be late?
* she asked with a sigh before she hiccuped up *
engfa waraha 1 year ago
@Jung Hoyeon *she thanked the waiter as he poured me a drink as well. It was much needed when your temper showed. Sipping on the glass i rolled my eyes and matter of habit ran my hand through my hair*
Well if i told you my phone was out you wouldn't believe me anyway right?
So why even bother explaining myself
*she leaned back on her seat. Eventhoguh she hated admitting it you looked hot whenever you were irritated by me. Maybe that was one of the reason i was always this late*
But you sure are hot whenever you're mad at me, yeonnie~
Jung Hoyeon 1 year ago
@engfa waraha * as she finished her second glass and began getting her next one poured for her, she saw her, her ex. The woman who knew just how to make her head ache and her blood boil in an instant when it came how not punctual she was, how they always ended up fighting and then somehow ending up together… and now she was here making more excuses *
Right, the traffic, or your watch wasn’t working, or your phone wasn’t working, or maybe there was a parade in the middle of the street and you got caught in the middle of it right ?
* her voice filled with irritation as she rolled her eyes and sipped her third glass *
engfa waraha 1 year ago
@Jung Hoyeon ..
*mumbkes under my breath as i looked at my watch. 30 minutes late.. ih i could already hear your voice scolding me . With a roll of my eyes i finally arrived at the rsstaurant and stepped inside*
Oh there you are
*i ran a hand through my hair as i made my way towards your table, sitting down on the chair opposite of you*
Before you say anything i may have got lost in track of time while getting ready
Jung Hoyeon 1 year ago
@engfa waraha * her lips pressed against the wine glass as she looked down at her phone to see the time*
Wow a new record… thirty minutes late.
* she whispered softly as she looked down at her wine glass, her second glass going down slower than the first. The way she had to tell the waiter five more minutes for the fifth time only made her want to drink more *


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emptyhead 1 year ago
do you guys accept trainees mostly active on insta?
Tatertot 1 year ago
Can I reserve diana korkunova please uvu
ItadoriYuji 1 year ago
Hello can I add and reserve Kim Chan Mi? (Chungha) pls <3
lilbabyghost 1 year ago
Can I reserve Wang Yiren, please?
[comment deleted by owner]
seungjjang 1 year ago
may i reserve lee seungah (mijoo), please?
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 1 year ago

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nemoli 1 year ago
can i reserve twice's im nayeon, please?
-macabre- 1 year ago
minnie yontararak pls
Ashley23 1 year ago
Can I reserve Ashley Vee the model please?
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