⬙ forest

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an area filled with tame and wild animals perfect for hunting. though, not as dangerous as the wondering woods, we still advise you to tread carefully inside。
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 she had lost too much blood as the assailant got her vital part, her once blackened sclera and icy orbs turned back to her human state as well as her blonde hair turned dark brown. minjeong couldn't move her body as if her soul slowly leaving it, however, she witnessed ten mercilessly killing each one that was left alive within the forest.

ten took the young witch back to the cabin and administered first aid to stop her wound from bleeding, however she felt cold from inside out. this feeling she never experienced it, as if she was going somewhere else. then she saw both of her mother and father in front of her, waiting...

minjeong tries to reach them but her mother uttered something, 'this isn't the time, minjeong.' she told her before everything went black.

while ten was treating the young girl, red ice starts to form from within her wound, stopping and clotting the blood from spilling over.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 Was it nervousness? Or was it his overthinking? Perhaps it was both. Whatever it was, Ten could not shake off the feeling of something bad ready to happen.

They were glad that the attackers sneaking up on Minjeong had been dealt with. They thought that was the end of it. They focused back on the few mercenaries and witches still remaining.

It was at that moment, when Ten looked away and allowed his guard down, that it happened.

Ten could feel the sudden drop in energy. They noticed the surge of power around them was declining. Their heart was in their throat as they turned around.

There Minjeong was, on the ground. Hovering above her was the culprit, blade tainted red with her blood. Crimson was spreading rapidly on the forest ground.

However, all Ten saw was his cabin — a whole century ago, the dingy structure barely illuminated by an oil lamp.

And there, lying on the ground, crumpled and pale, was their mother, eyes wide and void of life, lips parted and blued.

Ten did not realise the mercenary that was going for his head — did not notice the thump of their body and the rolling of their head. Ten was not aware of his body moving, horrendous screams of anguished creatures slain before quieting. Ten seemed to be on autopilot, ravaging the little assailants left in the battlefield.

Very quickly, silence blanketed the forest. Ten stood beside Minjeong’s body — but very soon, they fell to their knees and brought the girl into their arms.

“Minjeong,” whispered Ten, closing his eyes as he listened for a pulse.

It was faint, but it was there.

“I got you,” murmured Ten as he brought Minjeong into the cabin. He created an ice wall around the cabin — it would melt overtime, especially when the sun rises. However, he hoped this would buy him enough time to treat Minjeong.

So, they got to work treating Minjeong’s wound, applying the minimal first aid knowledge they had.
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 before the three enemies could attack her, a large ice monster that looks like a yeti devoured the three enemies. she looked at the other enemies, who were horrified by the power she's carrying, they pushed her into this. now they have to pay.

"a monster..." minjeong cracks a laughter, a cold, chilling laughter. "i'll show who's monster." her blackened sclera and glowing blue hues could say she's at the end of the stick. "you parent murderers!" then she summoned more ice monsters, the dwindling enemies couldn't help but to feel helpless and questioned how much power this girl holds.

her training might be paid off but her power isn't complete yet. she could see some of her ice monsters mauling injured mercenaries and witches, this made her smile to the suffering of those who made her suffer. minjeong laughs maniacally at them, "you all deserve what you have done." she spoke.

however, she felt a sharp pain from her back, and the blade went through her stomach. her eyes widen in shock, blood starts to pour out before the assailant withdraw the blade from her. minjeong groaned and kneels, she could see her own blood pouring out before falling down on the ground. the assailant raised its blade triumphantly with her blood, showing them they had slain the monster who was just merely a child, scarred by them, taking her parents' lives from her.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 As more opponents appeared, the more aggressive Ten became. From knocking them out to severely injuring them, it wasn’t long before they got their hands dirty. A mercenary lost their legs, a witch lost their eyes — the witch was becoming more ruthless in their attacks, not bothering the severe damage they dealt on the assaulters for their lifetimes.

They still refused to take anyone’s lives, ears drowning out the pained wails of all the individuals they hurt.

The sudden rush of power prompted Ten to look at Minjeong for the second time that night. Their eyes widened as they took in the sight. They recognised that appearance — they saw it the few times Minjeong became extremely serious during their trainings in the past.

“You can’t be for real,” muttered Ten under their breath, shielding themselves from the surge of energy surrounding them.

At least their opponents were dwindling — the attackers falling faster than the backups could arrive. They just needed to clear out the waves of assailants until they could catch a break and make a run for it.

As Ten knocked out a screaming witch who lost their arms, they whipped around to ensure Minjeong’s state.

That’s when they saw it — a witch and two mercenaries sneaking up on Minjeong while she was focused on the enemies before her.

Ten screamed, “MINJEONG, BEHIND YOU!”
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 minjeong tries to fend off the attacking witches and mercenaries, "how..." she groaned as tries to knock one mercenary with her weapon. "how did you find me..." she starts to create more monsters out of ice and starts attacking the other mercenaries and witches. one assailant was going to pounce on the vengeful witch but she got the upper hand before creating another ice spikes from the ground.

then she sees ten fending off the other witches and mercenaries, her eyes widen, her worry starts to resurface. they get outnumbered as more assailants were around them, she doesn't want him to get dragged on her own problems but now they even infiltrated their home. minjeong couldn't keep up the pace, she's not concentrated enough to handle her enemies at once as she worries about him. she created more ice spikes around her to act as a defense but more kept on cracking the ice around. she kept building up more ice around her, however exerting too much may lead on using her own life to the extent.

the people around her, starts yelling and spew words on her, she starts to remember the past.

'you should have been dead! you are a wretched vermin! you are a scum to the society! you should have never been born! you are a disease! you are... A MONSTER!'

she snapped.

her once black hair turned platinum blonde and her white sclera turned black as her icy blue orbs glowed in the dark, she roared and the ice spikes surrounded her exploded around her. resulting to some witches and mercenaries losing their lives.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 Ten sat on a colourful cloud, floating above the black water. Beyond him was the vast ocean, the sea blending with the dark sky.

As they ventured, they heard a distant noise. When they looked around, there were barrels idling in the water.

Ten frowned as they neared one of these barrels. They squinted at the label, trying to make sense of the words.

When they realised what the barrels were, it shone brightly. Ten covered their eyes as a loud bang went off—

The witch snapped their eyes open, jolting upright in their bed. The cabin shook with force, like a battlefield was happening on the very ground the construction was built upon.

Ten rolled off their bed and stumbled out of their room, still disoriented from their sleep. The moment they laid eyes on the commotion, they sobered up.

Minjeong was in the middle of the battlefield, fending away mercenaries and witches with her horde of ice monsters. One of the assailants seemed to notice Ten and tried to charge at them.

With a flick of his hand, the attacker stopped in their tracks. Ice sprung from the ground and wrapped around their ankles, immobilising them. When the assaulter lifted their head, they received a punch to the face.

Ten watched as the assailant crumpled to the ground, knocked out. He did not like killing, mostly because it was tedious to deal with a dead body. He quickly turned his attention back to the other attackers, who seemed to notice his presence.

With a huff, Ten joined the fight, flicking ice dust into mercenaries’ faces before whacking them over the head and discombobulating them.
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 once minjeong was done with her third attempt, she put the last potion on a small vial before placing it on a container. after that, minjeong proceed to clean the flasks she used before cleaning her own room. she saw that ten already turned the lights off from the kitchen and she went back to her bed. minjeong lie down on the bed before closing her eyes, wanting to sleep as she should be.

however, they never knew that the mercenaries already found where minjeong was hiding. they proceed on entering their home, one of them signalled the witches to come before looking at the window, seeing that the girl was already asleep.

they went inside and waiting for the right time to strike, as soon as the grandfather clock dinged on 12 midnight. the mercenaries starts to attack the sleeping girl. as soon as their blades were inch closer to her skin, minjeong's eyes open with her icy blue hues, summoning a large ice monster to deflect the attack.

everything happened so fast, the last thing minjeong knew was her room getting destroyed and she was standing outside of the cabin. she coughed at the dust that came from the house, she saw the enemies around her because of the moonlight that shines upon them. so they knew she was alive? no... someone knew she is alive after all.

minjeong saw her arm getting a cut from one of their blades, she glared at them and summoned ice spikes from the ground before drawing out a long ice shard from the ground and prepared to fight the mercenaries around her.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 Silence quickly enveloped the two at the dining table. This did not bother Ten however, who was used to the quietude. While Minjeong went ahead to work on her assignments after dinner, Ten treated themselves to a second serving.

No need for idle chatters. They just go about their day without interfering the other. Unless it is of utmost importance, there is no need to trouble one another.

When Ten was done with their meal, they brought their dishes to the sink where they washed their own plates and Minjeong’s. After drying the utensils and keeping them, the half-blood called it a night.

They spared Minjeong’s room a glance before killing the lights. The girl was already a grownup, she didn’t need Ten to remind her of sleep.

With that, Ten settled in bed and closed their eyes, falling deep into their subconscious. They wouldn’t expect what happens next.
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 she looked at the stew when he served her some, she nodded as the other told her there's more over in the stove not to far from them. minjeong starts eating the stew with her spoon, even though the stew is still hot, she eats it whole. minjeong doesn't bother by it, she doesn't like her food getting cold by how cold their cabin is. minjeong nodded as she was reminded by the other about her assignment."

once she's done, she took the bread to and picks up her own plates and utensils before putting them on the sink. minjeong took the bread and starts eating the bread, not bothering to tell the other that she's done eating before getting her bag of ingredients and walked to her room. she starts to do her potion making assignment.

in her room, she has dozens of flask she could use on her assignment before she starts chopping and grinding up ingredients until she starts to stir them. first attempt was unsuccessful but the second went through, before she put the potion in a small vial. it is a focus potion, a type of potion that can be use to strengthen an witch's power and exerts strong attacks towards enemies.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 Ten hummed as they poured two cups of water, bringing them to the table. “Stew to eat with the bread. There’s some carrots, potatoes and meats.”

They handed Minjeong one cup before taking their seat, drinking their water. “There’s more stew in the pot over there—” they gestured idly to the referred subject, “—if you still want more.”

Ten placed their cup on the table before picking up a bread, plucking it into a smaller bit to dip in the stew. “Just remember your assignment.” The whole time they spoke, they didn’t glance at Minjeong once — it’s habitual for them, always avoiding eye contact, only ever sparing some during serious conversations.

It’s okay though, that’s just how their relationship worked.
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 she placed the bag of ingredients on the side when the other announced that tehy would be eating dinner early, minjeong nodded at him before walking to the dining room and sat on a chair. she was asked by ten if she wants water which she nodded again, "what did you prepare?" she asked him as she prepare a napkin on her thigh in case some food remain falls to her beautiful dress. minjeong looekd at ten with a cold stare as the other won't bother by it.
❛ ☼﹕ten l。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 ten was just done preparing dinner. it wasn't anything special, merely a simple stew to eat with bread. hearing the signature four knocks, they brought the dishes to the dining table while the person allowed herself entrance.

they didn't need to check the identity. only one person would knock on their door four times.

"you're just in time," commented ten as they gestured to the bowls and plates. "i was done cooking. we can eat now."

sundown was an hour or two ago, so it was relatively young into the night. still, ten knew minjeong needed to work on her assignments. the earlier they had their meal, the better.

"do you want some water?"
❛ ☼﹕minjeong k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕ten l。 "death cap, check. morphine, check. small vial of tree sap, check." minjeong muttered as she read the list of items she needed for her assignment back in academe, she went to illias by night to gather the missing ingredients for her homework. minjeong is studious and very meticulous when it comes to ingredients, however she'd rather not share some unique ways to make potions to her 'so-called classmates' who were amazed by minjeong's talent on potion-making. however, she failed to noticed the lurking witches who had knew her since they thought she was dead, and they want to kill her for good.

once minjeong gets inside of the forest, she knew her own path leading to a cabin where she lives with her adopted father, ten. minjeong knew her way despite the darkness of the area, she reached to the cabin and knocks on the door four times instead of three, indicates that it was her who entered and not someone else. "i'm home." she uttered once she goes inside the cabin with a bag of ingredients she needed.


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grandemint 1 year ago
this is c
TheHermit 1 year ago
Hey, could I get Yoon Sanha reserved please? Thank you!
-euphoria 1 year ago
just stopping in to say that i think this a lovely roleplay ; i just happened upon it from the "may i have this dance" advert ( the graphics were absolutely stunning ) and i can just tell how much work was put into compiling that notion ( and the rest of this roleplay ). i haven't been on rpr in quite a while, but it's always a pleasure to peak and spot places like this. wishing you the best with this place, darlings.
[comment deleted by owner]
northpaw 1 year ago
hi! may i reserve kim jongin please?
xingqiu 1 year ago
hi! can i reserve kang seulgi please?
kareni 1 year ago
can I get christian as a witch please?
dubudam 1 year ago
hello hello .. may i reserve lee juyeon of the boyz please ? :")
popmycherry 1 year ago
I changed my mind… Kim Chaewon, please~
Alastar 1 year ago
Can I reserve Kim Chanmi please
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