⠀» plots + connections!

plots + connections!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

kim eunji ᵇᵇᶜʰᵉᵉᵗᵃᶻ 11 months ago
title: editor
↪ any age
↪ any gender
↪ must be a youtuber
‎ ‎ ▶ eunji is [character]'s lead editor for their youtube channel. she is known for her animated characters she uses in her edits. she branched out into streaming after some time as being an editor.

title: invited to party
↪ any age
↪ any gender
↪ unlimited spots ; must play dead by daylight
‎ ‎ ▶ while dead by daylight can be played solo, it is much more fun to play with others. [character(s)] will always get an invite from eunji if they are online.
yang jeongin ᶠᵒˣᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 1 year ago
⠀― band : singer
⠀⠀→ age : 22 - 26
⠀⠀→ gender : any
⠀⠀→ info : you, jeongin and a bassist have a band together, with a general rock style of music, though you guys aren't well known the three of you play at local places that are willing to host you guys, and you have a small group of fans (even if they are the close friends of the three of you)

⠀― band : bassist
⠀⠀→ age : 22 - 26
⠀⠀→ gender : any
⠀⠀→ info : you, jeongin and a singer have a band together, with a general rock style of music, though you guys aren't well known the three of you play at local places that are willing to host you guys, and you have a small group of fans (even if they are the close friends of the three of you)

⠀― childhood friend
⠀⠀→ age : 22 - 24
⠀⠀→ gender : any
⠀⠀→ info : you and jeongin grew up together and naturally you guys are super close! pm to discuss your relationship!


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leftballsack 11 months ago
kim sunwoo + the boyz + smurf
_rainy 1 year ago
kim chaewon + le sserafim + chichi
emptyhead 1 year ago
kim eunji + alice + bbcheetaz
hyperstellar 1 year ago
hwang hyunjin + stray kids + princefury
Zanyzap [A] 1 year ago
⠀» now open! to reserve please comment in the format : [ chara name + group + gamer tag ]
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