me: *has to go back into work tomorrow to possibly deal with the same at 11am in contrast to today's 11:30am*
work, minutes ago: *calls me* Hey, can you come in at 10:45am instead?
me, feigning enthusiasm: Yeah! I can definitely come in tomorrow at that time!
For only 3 hours the work felt never ending. All the more reason I'm leaving. My other job as an assistant manager doesn't have me doing half of all this.
Do one thing, get told to do another, can't go back to the first thing, but the moment I do it's back to doing the other thing. Oh, my shift ended? Brb gotta go do this new thing. :skull 3x:
Was I on the verge of a mental breakdown? Maybe. It just occurred to me that one of my biggest peeves is being disrupted from whatever task is at hand.
W h y is it that when I want to do something productive at my first job, everybody else has been assigned and I'm left with standing around on the sales floor BUT when barely anybody is working the same times as me, I'm assigned to do everything???
You treat someone so well and go as far as enduring the worst of hardships with them, but the moment it all becomes too much you get faulted as the worst person to exist.
Allow me to start this off by saying that this is not at anyone in this rp. Right then, it's either you keep me blocked and stay mad or you unblock me and get over your months long tantrum. Emotional immaturity at its finest.
Nobody should have to endure something that leaves you unreasonably depressed and too weak to sit up at the end of the day. Being tired both mentally and physically is one thing, but that ain't it.
To tell you honestly, I don't think my body will ever grow accustomed to sheer exhaustion. My mom says differently because i'm " not used to it ", but i've been burning myself out since high school. Don't tell me i'm " not used to it " because technically I am and it's really not good for my overall health. Mad respect for you, Ribai.