Hallow's Eve

trick or treat!


     It is time to Party






created by pixels
Edited by Hobibuu
Written by hobibuu and bowrair

Hallow's Eve


You earn the right to party hard!


The trial(s) have ended, regardless of the outcome, you are invited to the party.

It's Hallow's Eve, a time to celebrate the inversion of reality. So pick your outfit, for one night you can be anyone and anything, and dance the Monster Mash! Just make sure it's not too revealing. Afterall, this is still a Private University.

The rules are simple, In this room, you can expect your fellow hosts to interact with you and each other. Maybe even a bit of light drama to entertain yourselves? So enjoy your reward as you congregate with the people around you.


***If you ended up only trialing one room and want to try one other room, look for Lord V and approach him with the password 'trick or treat'.


kim ∶ taehyung [A] 9 months ago
[] forgive me if I rambled ]

*land mine along land mine or not, he chose the subject of the deceased loved one not as some garish distasteful display of ingenuity but because that is the only example you were aware of where you had fallen in love with another more than the other that was yours to begin with. He couldn’t utilize any of the experiences he had that you didn’t have as an example, obviously. Nor is it like him to be sensitive over deaths in that way. He paid his respects in another way instead. But it always seems like everytime you feel the two clash, it is because you are expecting him to live up to some loving standard. Nothing lord V is doing and has done has truly been with good intentions. To think so is to have a false image of the man you fell for. Falling in love with the image of your ideal lover than how truly immoral he is. As for the times when he felt the two clashed, it would be those times too. Why won’t you give up your life for him. Why won’t you leave the world for him. Why won’t you give up your fate for him. All of which were not healthy in the slightest and yet, even by reiterating these, they never sounded like they would ever be. They were all selfish demands to make sure you stayed under his thumb. That is the obsession which he calls his true love for you. Not love at all in human eyes as it was completely possessive rather than self-less*

*when you held yourself, he stepped forward to enclose you in his arms. But before he could, you spoke and his eye twitched at the words you uttered for that taehyung. You’d love that human more than him? He would’ve much preferred you loved his younger self more than him rather than such a mismatched version of a Taehyung. That way at least one way or another you’d fall in love with a future lord V. Especially, given how that Taehyung did something no Taehyungs ever chose to do. To omit themself from reincarnation altogether. As brave and admirable as when lord V would agree it was, it was also cowardly and opposite to his own goal. That combined with his desire to monopolize your heart made it difficult for him as he held himself back.*

*those soft gestures from before? He held you like you were fragile and would break in his arms. Because hoseok’s do* you seem to always look back on such a scene with passion. Might I interest you in me shedding light on the scene? *then he stares into your eyes* I may have loved many others and yet none have yet satisfied me or even lasted beyond the moral realm. The only one who did was not a hoseok and by the end, that one was not fit to rule alongside me. You have endured more and more that I am quite surprised- especially as you are so sensitive and grow easily uncomfortable with situations yet stay. But I’m pleased to mention, you are one of the most caring ones I’ve met. Strong yet kind. I wonder if that is the exact formula I had to search for.

Hoseok, I have been searching for you for thousands of years. Yes, it is true that if you fail, I can start my search again. But hoseok, I have been doing this for /years/ now. Do you not think I too have grown atired by the search? *shakes head* no, I’d rather not have to work so hard only to try all over again as my foolish servant has done. I will have to if you leave. However, I truly would rather not.

*he thought back to that moment* when you had chosen to forget me that first time in your original world..choose ignorance and live as an oblivious human citizen, I truly felt that way. Maybe that feeling would leave in time or not. But at least at that time as I retired to rest in my original world, I had chosen something akin to death as I cannot die. To sleep a very deep sleep and not awaken until a long while.

*he purses his lips* you do not need to love the other versions of Taehyung like that idol one, that son, etc. But this host is special. You do not need to love him as you do me but it would be best if you do love him, Hoseok. Because he is truly me in the beginning. It somewhat saddens me that by you rejecting him you are hinting that you would not have loved me as me. Unless…you are saying this? That you only love the me that’s learnt to be meek and caring around hoseoks and willingly accept being punished by fate rather than the side of me who was unapologetically myself? *his eyes showed with pain* worn down and oppressed rather than truly all of me? *it hurt to think you only loved him because he learned to be polite to cater to humans rather than his originally unhinged self. Like you picked the more ideal lover of the two though he was nowhere near ideal.* you remember that favorite memory of yours ideally as me respecting you. I remember it as knowing how to handle a hoseok before breaking him. When my hoseok was still struggling I held him just like that as well as he lay lifeless in my arms for a few seconds. Because that is what I was doing; holding a breaking hoseok in my arms again.

*looks into your eyes with more determined ones* I cannot speak as him but ideally, if you even remotely want to be cared by me, “loved” as you put it by me, then you want to be loved by my younger self as he and I have the same pasts but different futures. Yet again, you are aware by now that I have time and time again tested others for this reason, yes? I have even tested my servant jeongguk’s lover, too. Every one of them has fallen short at loving our pasts for our future. They all loved our better versions instead of the immoral beings we used to be. Our beasts that are still a part of us. I was aware that lover would fail as he looked at my servant with such ideal eyes and yet the kid was vehement about testing his lover up until that point. He saw everything he had worked hard to maintain crumble in his eyes. Just because he put blind trust and faith in the human version of “true love.” You as well. Were you not quite terrified of my beast? I never stated you cannot test me either. Had I known you wouldn’t have rejected him, there might have not been a reason to do all this. And yet, the unpredictable occurred. You rejected my past self. You accepted the deceased Taehyung, you accepted this future self of mine- and yet you rejected my past self. You cannot tell me you don’t see the pattern here? That you’re loving an ideal version of me yet again not me? Now because of this lack of hindsight, I have no choice but to make this a test for you to acknowledge and love my past self, too. Only then will I understand *by now, was aware that you will accept dating taehyung. He smiles lightly, only briefly acknowledging it though not sure you’d be aware.* I am aware of what you have now done in the future. Thank you, I do hope you fall for him as well. Maybe not as strongly as you love me as I want to cage your heart. But just enough to acknowledge my past self as someone you would actually have been romantic with. Thus, all of your versions will be able to love all original versions of me in any light.

*he presses his lips to your knuckles* my plan is simple, Hoseok. Yet overreaching. As long as you are able to love all of me, you /will/ be my bride and help me rewrite our fates.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 9 months ago
*Life with you had a certain push and pull to it. Hoseok learned this relatively early. There were compromises, there was progress and there were a fair few setbacks as well on both sides. Now, as he stands here and listens, he couldn't help but feel pulled in all directions. Stretched thin with each sentence. As if there were a landmine after landmine, blowing and flooding his mind with noise, or more precisely — memories. When you brought back Taetae, something inside him flipped. It hurt, and he flinched slightly. He wanted to remember him, but he didn't want you to use him as an argument. *

You do like overcomplicating things, my Lord, but still missing so many facts. All this mind reading and yet… here we are. *He tilted his head to the side, his eyelids closing as he gazed over the stone floor. His body sinks slightly, as if he was trying to comfort himself a little. At that very moment, he looked lonely and cold, sad when he thought about his late lover.* I fell in love with him, way before I was even aware of fate or your existence. He will stay in my heart, and live there with me until the very end. Forever. *That solid statement gave him a leverage. To look up and meet your eyes again. To gather and hide away all the precious memories of the man he once loved, so he could focus on a man he loves now. * You loved so many before me, and there is a chance you will love more later on. I am, after all, another Hoseok you meet in your eternal life. It is such a normal concept for you, to love them all. *His fingers shook in your hold, as the self-doubt at the raw edges of his confidence. * I fell in love with you because you touched my heart so softly while everything around me was loud and overwhelming for me. I will always remember the warmth of your cold hands. The softness in your unmoving eyes. Your calm voice. *He caught and held your gaze, disarming in its intensity. So honest and open, so sure.* I never intended to love other Taehyungs. I will like them, I will care for them, but I will only love /you/. They can find their own Hoseoks, fall in love with them and love them. But I am yours and you are mine.

*His hands itched to touch you again, but he needed you to understand first. * I like your young self, I care for him, I found him interesting, he is special, and I would like to get to know him better, but he wasn't the one holding my heart so gently for me. He already knows who is the perfect fit for him, as do I.
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
*he didn’t expect you to quell the pain in his nonexistent heart, no. The fact you cannot care for his younger self even a little said enough to him. But neither did he expect you to try to placate him either. Therefore, because of the fact you did try to explain it to him when he didn’t expect you to, he only answered just as coldly and in pain as before* I am fully aware of your host, beautiful. I think even my host is at least slightly aware that you as hoseok and your host are not the same. And yet younger version or not, you are still my hoseok and I am your Taehyung. In every reiteration of ourselves. Am I not right? Whether that is just a slight change in our story like one alpha beta world and another. Or a stark change. You are still mine and I am yours. It touches my nonexistent heart that you desire to be loyal and yet to me, it is inevitable you will care for every version of me you will meet. I have stated this time and time again that there will be a time my host and I will end up caring for each others’ hoseoks. Yet rather than accept it, you are insisting your loyalty to your own Taehyung.*

*If we’re going by such logic, Hoseok, you should’ve only loved your Taehyung and your Taehyung only from your world rather than fall for me. Because that was the Taehyung who was made by fate to love you. From the very beginning, you are the first one who cared for a Taehyung who was not your own too. And though I’m very relieved that you cared for me when you did, I cannot bat an eye on what that means wholly. It means you have the potential to fall for any Taehyungs regardless what world they originally came from. And me- I’ve been what humans call an “open book” about everything; I’ve fallen for multiple hoseok’s/others’ lives not of this world. Whose to say my younger version could not do the same?*

*as for the reason, you are aware that it is because you are a hoseok, I even looked your way correct? Therefore, don’t dismiss anything just because you are a hoseok and he is a Taehyung and vice versa. It is a bond not built on true love but what you and other humans would call obsession yet I call love from the very beginning. You still have that right to allow yourselves the ual nature or not but as a Taehyung myself, I’d implore you to not just dismiss any of us as one thing and one thing only. Especially, someone who was truly a younger replica of myself. We are still very similar yet chose to emphasize different aspects of ourselves given our experience levels. And he is still the one who agreed to give you me today when this is his day just as much as it is mine. As finally a Lord V.

*he stares into your eyes when you ask him who he wants which he finds illogical* should you not be asking my host this, not me? I have not developed any feelings for your host…yet. Notice though I said yet. I’m acknowledging and accepting that possibility. This is no question for me, beautiful.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 10 months ago
*The happiness caused by seeing you dimmed. He sighs, gently rubbing the inside of your hand with his thumb. It was a small, caring gesture as he collected his thoughts. There was a misunderstanding, a worry you skipped over. All this time, he was desperately missing you and now when you could be here next to you, he hurt you by wanting to be loyal. He felt lost, and it took him a moment to answer.* He may be your young version, but Hobi is not mine. He is different, his own person with his own story and character. *He reminds you with a bitter smile.* He wants me just because I look like Hoseok. Not because he actually knows anything about me. Is that fair? I do like him, I grew to like him. I watched him for so long, But I would rather not be treated like a toy, I am a person, my Lord. Person who loves you and cares for you, is it so wrong of me to try to stay loyal to you? When I respect myself, knowing I deserve to be treated better, not letting him treat me like a doll with Hoseok face? A good ? It wounds me to know that you aren't concerned with that part. *The smile disappeared as he looked down at your chest. He was serious, with a sadness mixed with loneliness in his eyes.* I won't lie. I like Taehyung. But I love my Lord. I promised myself to you. Yet, perhaps I am not the one you want. Maybe you want Hobi instead? Tell me, my Phantom, what do you want? Who do you want?
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
*your folly was expecting happiness from the one and only despair itself Lord V. Him looking so melancholic was natural. Yet those eyes had more emotion than his own even if barely present. They were still cold and no one else could have recognized the difference except for his lover himself, you who knew and were familiar with his cold expression to differentiate between his usual cold and his pained cold one. The entity’s eyes barely relaxed in relief when you consented to the dance. Yet even he did not predict you would ask him so directly why his eyes had such an expression. The entity’s eyes looked straight before looking down into your own.* some days I feel I am not one part but two parts of a whole, Hoseok. Just as similar to your original world, I do sympathize with my host. Though I more so do now because he is truly a young version of myself. My hoseok being unable to love another me… *he nods answering before returning to focusing on our dance.* you did beautifully, beautiful *he refers to your outfit.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 10 months ago
*Hoseok barely even reacted to the light, he was so used to being in a spotlight in his past life, so this was nothing new. He stares at his lover, noticing the slight change. Using his bond, he reached out, and his expression shifted to a confused one. He expected something different. At least slight happiness, after all they couldn't be with each other like this for so long. Hoseok took your hand, moving closer. His gaze never left your face, as if he wanted to know what you were thinking.* You may, always. *It was the answer, as he let you lead him, matching your tempo. He loved dancing with you, yet now it looks like it was only causing you pain.* Why do you bear so much pain in your eyes, my love?
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
*he just smirks as he drinks his self-spiked drink, snorting to himself. He lets the two have their moment while rolling his eyes*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago

*then when eventually He took hoseok’s hand, a similar song to the very first song played. Except this time it was with the voices as the entity pulled Hoseok, leading the other out of the crowd before coaxing the other to dance with him* may I have this dance, beautiful?

kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
*by the end of the song, the other entity’s blue eyes looked icy into your own as the music repeated “I am your Angel of music. Come to me Angel of music” ominously despite the cold hand reaching for your own. But only you would be able to see the sudden pain his eyes had barely. As if you had already burned the same hand that was reaching out for you. a hint of the same hurt eyes that Taehyung had during the trial.*
Memory Recorder [A] 10 months ago

[nonsense. This is the correct time to have hoseok take a spotlight as an admin host who contributed to our Halloween event. So: ]

*as hoseok walked in, another song had played for the entity as the two talked. But then abruptly on Christine’s part, the spotlight waded towards you before settling on you. It showed the beautifully dressed host. The light shone vividly highlighting each of a man who looked like hoseok’s features in a way a normal human could not. It was like both hope and light filled the ethereal man. And yet the other entity slowly approached that hoseok as if beckoning the other away from the security of hiding in the crowd.*

Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
Our first event together… *smiles looking beyond in warmth*
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
*grins and hugs hoseok* eh? That bastard’s night? *snickers shaking his head* nah it’s yous’ both. Technically , mine too…but I’ll be starting more later when the party really gets going *snickers with a knowing wink* I’m part of the entertainment if you get what I mean *laughs* but yeah, it’s our first official Halloween together with actual real life mofos
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 10 months ago


*Hoseok entrance wasn't grand or spectacular. He didn't dare to take a spotlight from his own Lord. He slipped into a room like a shadow and stayed in them for a while, slowly walking forward to stand next to Jeongguk, whose hand he squeezed in greeting. * Hello Guggie *He whispered, giving him the warmest smile. The golden dust on his cheeks glimmered under the light, and his whole persona looked radiant, as if he were glowing on its on. On the back of his suit jacket attached were wings made of soft white feathers that reached down to his calves and swaying with each movement. He chuckled at Jeongguk words, the end of his hair sparking with gold.* Let him be, it is his night. *He gently nudged Jeongguk with his elbow, before his eyes focused on his Lord again.* He looks astonishingly.
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
*snorts as he’s already leaning over the drink table, sipping something he had spiked with a bit of alcohol in his pocket* and I thought /I/ was a show off ha
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago

*walks down the stairs as the familiar music plays, clad in the usual raven colored golden suit and jacket. Unlike Taehyung, this entity's eyes were piercing blue as He walked down the stairs. The expression this man if you could call it a man wore was icy. As if one glare could tear through the weakest of gazes* Welcome to your Hallow's Eve event. You may call me your Lord for the night. *the entity stated in a deep ocean-like voice. And yet not a smile traced its extremely other-worldy and intimidating features.*

[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
ohp- it’s time *snickers as a new song plays, changing the atmosphere from party-like to eerie*
Memory Recorder [A] 10 months ago
*the songs continue to play some great hits until the clock strikes 12am*
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
I-I ain’t ing worrying for you, w-what do you mean psh! Check that ego *suddenly becomes tsundere defensive insulting mode* but aight…I’ll see you soon I guess
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
I will have my turn, how surprising that you worry for me *smirks* besides…my beautiful is not present and yet I met him. My heart has pounded and for that, I am quelled for now.
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
*widens eyes* ! I just /had/ to *rolls eyes* fine fine. Trust me, I’ll make this party a ing banger. How long now? You good tho? With this? *says feigning unconcerned despite his concerned eyes*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
Do I care…? *he sighs and nods* since you seem free, you should pick the music for the party. I’m sure that’s also part of your role here?
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
But nah, I can’t remember? *waves ghostly hands* I can’t wait for this ing party though, maybe I’ll entertain a few people *wiggles brows* if you know what I mean
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
*snickers* get it? Cause *waves hands* the dead? Don’t worry, when He comes I’ll reveal my actual costume *winks*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
*looks at jeongguk unamused at the costume* is that /really/ your costume? Wait- you did not take part in the event?
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
Oh hey- you’re here, need help? *snickers walking in with a smile. With the white paint and dead eyes, there was something unsettling about him too, yet quieter*
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago

*appears in another cheap yet almost silly looking costume. What the was he supposed to be? A reaper? Whatever it was didn’t matter much to Jeongguk clearly*



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YouDidWell 7 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 8 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 9 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 10 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 10 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 10 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 10 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 10 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 11 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 1 year ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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