🫧 rated tags

rated tags
for spicy tags :smirk:
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. her response is a cheeky grin, her attention diverting between your own lips as well as your obsidian irises. when you press your thumb on her bottom tier, she has to fight the urge of slipping it back inside once more. can't you at least give me the first letter?
.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ .˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ ¹¹³⁰²³ 37 minutes ago Reply
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. there is no sliver of hesitation when her lips close around the digit, teeth nipping at the pad of it before her tongue glides over the calloused skin. batting her lashes at you, she gives it a gentle . can you unredact?

shameless, aren't you? his lips part slightly when his thumb disappears between your pillowy lips, pressing down against the center of your tongue; when you're done, the slickened pad of his finger glides across your bottom lip, coating it. no... it's a secret.
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. gnarls. (i forgot that this is an actual word)
that's my love language for you. :3c
.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ Why are you like this ahhhhh
Bites you
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. in my hands, i hold each of your scrotum. <3
.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. 6 months ago

@.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ Ugh
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. you gonna give me a pink eye? :pleading:
.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ everywhere.
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. in my mouth?
.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ ..... imma nut rn.
.˚◦○˚ minjeong k.ʷⁱⁿᵗᵉʳ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ wonbin p. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNybSkAJ/
imagine if that was your hand, instead. :woozy:
.˚◦○˚ taehyung k. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ heejin j. jesus christ heejin
.˚◦○˚ jiwoong k. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ mingyu k. With the first rays of the morning sun, they awoke to find themselves alone, and the motive behind this realization was bittersweet. It was a reminder that the love they had experienced was confined to the dream world, and it filled me with a profound longing for our worlds to truly converge. The motive behind this longing was a deep desire for our connection to bridge the gap between the world of slumber and the waking world. Little did we know, the dreamworld wasn't the only place where our paths would cross. A chance encounter awaited us, and the connection forged in our dreams would soon have a chance to bridge the gap between the world of slumber and reality. As days turned into weeks, the dreamer, whose name remained unknown, had left a profound impact on my heart. I longed for the dream to return, for another chance to experience the warmth and tenderness that had felt so real. I wanted to reunite with this dreamer, to bring the connection we shared in dreams into the waking world.

One evening, I found myself in a quaint café, drawn by a serendipitous pull that I couldn't explain. The setting sun painted the sky with enchanting hues as I approached the counter to place my order. Unbeknownst to me, destiny was about to play its hand. In the corner of the café, a figure caught my eye, and the motive behind my gaze was a sense of familiarity. It was as if I had seen them before, not in the waking world, but in the realm of dreams. I watched as the dreamer, unaware of my gaze, sat by the window, lost in thought. The connection I felt was undeniable, and the motive was a feeling that our paths were destined to cross. It was a dream inching closer to reality, a bridge between the world of slumber and the waking world.

With my order in hand, I turned, and our eyes locked onto each other. In that moment, it was as if time had stood still. The motive behind our gazes was an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended the boundaries of reality. The yearning to meet the dreamer, to have our paths finally converge, filled me with anticipation. I made my way towards the dreamer's table, and the motive was anticipation coursing through me. It was as if the dream that had once existed only in the depths of sleep was now taking on a tangible form in the waking world.

"Sweet dreams, my dear prince," I whispered softly, my voice filled with the same tenderness that had warmed their heart in their dreams. The motive behind these words was a reaffirmation of our connection, a promise of love and affection, and a desire to make our shared dreams a reality. In that serendipitous moment, our paths had finally converged, and we were no longer strangers. The dreamer now knew my name, and the love we had shared in dreams had found a place in the real world, where it could flourish and grow. The motive was the culmination of our shared dreams, the realization that our connection was destined to become a reality, and the desire to nurture and grow our love beyond the boundaries of dreams.
.˚◦○˚ mingyu k. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ jiwoong k. Sitting here, enveloped in the warmth of your touch and affection, I'm filled with a sense of profound connection and love. Your fingers running through my hair and tracing my face make my heart race, and I can't help but lose myself in your gaze, feeling like we're the only two people in the world.

Your tender kiss on my forehead, our nightly ritual, is a testament to the deep love we share, even if I don't know your name. It reassures me and fills my heart with warmth and security. Every gesture, like tucking me in with the blankets and the gentle touch on my cheek, speaks volumes of your love and protection.

Seeing your smile as I drift into dreams brings me a sense of peace and contentment, even though I don't know your name. I'm grateful for the connection we share, and your whispered words, "Sweet dreams, my dear prince," touch my soul. Your forehead kiss seals the night with tenderness beyond words, and I can't help but sink into your embrace, cherishing every moment and feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love that binds us together.

As I slowly wake from my dream, I can feel the remnants of the warmth, the tenderness, and the deep love that I experienced with Jiwoong. But as reality seeps in, I realize that it was all just a figment of my imagination. Jiwoong was never there, and perhaps he will never be.

A sense of emptiness washes over me as I come to terms with the fact that the love I felt, the connection we shared, was nothing more than a beautiful illusion. I'm left with a profound longing for something that may never exist, a love that was only a dream.

The morning light fills the room, and I find myself alone, with only the lingering echoes of that dream to remind me of what could have been. My heart aches, and I can't help but wish that Jiwoong were real, that the love we shared in that dream could somehow find its way into reality. But for now, I'm left with the bittersweet memory of a love that was, for a moment, so real in my dreams.
.˚◦○˚ jiwoong k. 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ mingyu k. Sitting beside Mingyu, I position myself with deliberate care, wanting to be as close to him as possible. His presence exudes a soothing warmth that envelops me, making me acutely aware of the depth of my feelings for him. I gingerly run my fingers through his silky hair, savoring every moment as if it were a precious gem. The sensation is nothing short of extraordinary – the strands glide between my fingers like the softest of whispers, and I'm overcome by a profound sense of gratitude for having him in my life.

My fingers continue their gentle exploration, tracing the delicate contours of his face with reverence. As I do so, my gaze remains locked onto his eyes. They're not just eyes but the windows to his soul, and I feel like I'm drowning in their depths. The affection I hold for Mingyu is boundless, and as our eyes meet, it's as though the entire universe fades into the background, leaving just the two of us connected by an unspoken love.

Leaning in closer, I lower my lips to his forehead with a tenderness that speaks volumes. It's a kiss filled with more than just affection; it carries the weight of our shared history and the promise of our future together. Our goodnight ritual, etched in the annals of our relationship, is a testament to the enduring love we have for one another. It never fails to kindle a warm glow in our hearts, creating a cocoon of love and security that we can retreat to.

With meticulous care, I pull the blankets up around Mingyu, ensuring that he's embraced in their comforting warmth. Each tug of the fabric is an act of love, a commitment to his well-being and contentment as he ventures into the world of dreams.

My hand moves to his cheek, and my fingers delicately brush against his velvety skin. The touch is charged with emotion, silently conveying my unwavering love and protection. I want him to know, even in his slumber, that he is cherished and adored beyond measure.

As I observe his serene expression, a smile forms on my lips. His peaceful countenance reflects the serenity that envelops him as he surrenders to the realm of dreams, and it fills me with a profound sense of contentment. In this moment, I'm grateful for the connection we share, and my heart brims with love.

"Sweet dreams, my dear prince," I whisper softly, my voice tremulous with emotion. Every word is imbued with heartfelt appreciation for the love we share and the genuine desire for Mingyu to experience the most beautiful dreams and the most tranquil slumber.

Leaning down, I seal the night with another kiss on his forehead, conveying my affection with a tenderness that words cannot capture. I sit beside Mingyu, cherishing every moment of our connection, and feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the love that binds us together.
.˚◦○˚ heejin j. ¹²¹⁵²³ 6 months ago
@.˚◦○˚ taehyung k. your arms are so h*t and i want to ***** on them and **** them and **** them because they are so ve*ny and s*xy


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jamjari 5 months ago
please ignore first app TT
jamjari 5 months ago
can I have Lee Hayi please!
smolishpotats 5 months ago
Can I have kwon nayeon (nana) please and thank you!
okkotsudon 5 months ago
me checking the list thrice
but do tell me if jake (sim jaeyun) is available
or if I need to decide on another :D
motomami 5 months ago
park jihyo please!
Dontlookforme 6 months ago
kim sejeong plss?
nekojita 6 months ago
kim hyunseung, please!
masagi 6 months ago
sayonarababy- 6 months ago
I'll join soon^^just need to get ready for work heh
loeysoo 6 months ago
Can i get yang jeongin plz? And and... still thinking about whether to try yongha or not D:
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