*laughs* aigoo~ I was just kidding! *pecks your nose lightly* I'll only ask you to cook and feed me and... stuff that you would do normally as a couple~ *nods*
*smirks* It's it then~ for a whole day, doing all I ask you to. *nods, leans closer and whispers at you* maybe even ask you to be my ___ slave~ *teases you a bit*
*resumes to walk over the music express, smiles at you* I'll always be there with you, Jongie~ always always and always! I don't even knwo why I bought you that bunny... since you won't need it. *shrugs, intertwines our fingers*
Talking about death... are you okay? I mean... you seemed pretty scared up there... *stops again and pulls you for a tight hug* I was never going to let anything happens to you.