✎ library

Here you can study and check out books to read. Just make sure to stay quiet or else you'll be kicked out.
✧ c. arin 2 months ago
@✧ k. yeonhee Today had been a particularly quiet day, even if you consider how quiet libraries usually get. There were less students than usual coming in, and even less needing help, being it with finding a book, borrowing a book, or just asking about random information. Arin wasn't exactly upset at that, as she wasn't very fond of talking with people (which is why she ended up taking the opportunity to earn some money working at the library). She'd just work on her assignments or even read for a while, and the day would go by in a flash.

Today however, she wasn't really in the mood for reading, and was fortunately (or unfortunately) caught up with all her school related work and so needless to say, she was feeling a bit bored. She caught sight of someone on the opposite side of the library, seemingly looking for something, most likely a book, and promptly got to her feet, taking the library directory device she was to use when searching for books while away from the computer, just in case she might need it, and made way towards said person.
"Do you need help finding anything?"
✧ k. junhoe 2 months ago
@✧ l. mark This was not how he intended to spend his wednesday afternoon, and he was certain it hadn't been in Mark's plans either. But alas, they were way out of luck. Despite both their attempts to have the teacher allow them to switch partners, they were denied and hence expected to finish the group project together. Saying it would be quite awkward would be an understatement. They had been actively avoiding each other since they realized they were both taking the same class, and neither had shown interest in trying to, or wanting to, change the fact. Still, he needed at least a passing grade if he wanted to be able to stay on the team and get called up for games, and this project was worth a good chunk of their final grade so he needed to get it done and he knew he needed the help. Walking past the main area of the library without a word to the lady at the front desk, he instead made his way towards one of the tables by the windows and dropped his bag onto the table. Slipping into one of the chairs he leaned back into it and slid his phone out of his pocket, dropping Mark a quick text with the simple word 'here' before pressing back into the main screen and instead logging into social media to scroll while he waited.
✧ p. chaeyoung 2 months ago
@✧ j. jungkook chaeyoung couldn't help but feel a sense of relief from the confirmation. she didn't doubt her ability of recognizing jungkook, yet it still made her happy to be confirmed that it is truly him. "you're welcome, and it's good to see you, too," she responded softly; there was something with how he said it that made her feel delighted, and it was obvious on her expression.

she opened her textbook once more, taking her pen from the side. she had closed it to focus on her conversation with jungkook. her laughter is soft once she heard his question; a whirlwind of experiences reflected in her mind before she finally replied, "it's been... eventful. life has been unpredictable sometimes. though overall, I'm good, and you?" she watched him retrieve his study materials, the determination in his gaze is something that she admired. their conversation progressed, both of them curious over the other, and she hoped that they would discover something new about themselves.
✧ aria 2 months ago

@✧ p. sunghoon her look & vibe: https://i.imgur.com/jHR0cQk.jpeg

not a stalker, no. but aria was rummaging around the entire campus, looking for the library once again - always tending to get lost due to having zero sense of direction! it's embarrassing really and she doesn't necessarily feel like asking for help for fear of being made fun of in some way. so instead, the nerd finds herself there after a good twenty minutes of searching and her eyes finally land on *him.* it's sunghoon - she doesn't know for sure if that's his name, but she has heard the murmurs now and again, coming from girls especially while admiring his looks. she thinks he's cool and she's intrigued by his friendly nature, always blending in and fitting in anywhere he drifts off too. it amazes her and she dreams she can be just like him.

she wasn't expecting him to be in the library of all places but upon looking up from her screen just in time to peek over at the male, he's walking towards her, eyes wide upon seeing the friendly smile - one he tends to give her during roaming around campus since she got here. another thing she admires? he's friendly, he doesn't judge anyone from what she saw, at least he never judged her, being a foreign exchange student and all. "hi!" her voice comes out rushed, maybe sounding a bit too excited which causes her to flush darkly as she clears and shakes her head slowly. "no... i don't mind at all, you can join - I am just warning you, it might be a boring type of company." giving him a lopsided smile, the girl clears her bag from one side to the other, scooting her chair around and nudging her chin kindly to the other on the side of her. "sit... maybe you can help me figure out some interesting adjectives I can use for this assignment," scoffing softly, she breathes out and leans back on her chair, finally getting a bit of a break as dark orbs look over at him curiously - wondering how come he even decided to talk to her of all people. a nerd, somewhat of a loser, someone who's timid and always tries to keep to herself in fear of trouble from other kids.

"what brought you to the library? oh- and I'm aria, nice to meet you, officially." she mumbles with a kind smile as a slender hand crosses over to meet him respectfully.
✧ j. jungkook 2 months ago
@✧ p. chaeyoung jungkook felt a wave of relief wash over him as she greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting a genuine kindness that put him at ease. "thanks," he whispered back, his voice carrying a mix of gratitude and curiosity as he settled into the chair beside her. her calm demeanor made him feel like they were old friends catching up, despite the fact that they hadn't spoken in the last two years. "yeah, it's me," he chuckled softly, the memory of their shared elective bringing a smile to his lips. "good to see you again, chaeyoung."

as he settled in beside her, his gaze lingered on her, absorbing every detail with quiet reverence. the soft cascade of her hair framed her face like a halo, its gentle waves seeming to dance in the subtle library light. a small, wistful smile played on her lips as she spoke, tugging at something deep within him. there was a magnetic quality to her presence, an inexplicable allure that drew him in with an almost irresistible force. it wasn't just her physical beauty, though that was undeniable; it was something deeper, something intangible that called out to him, begging to be explored.

"how have you been?" he asked, his voice soft as he retrieved his notes and laptop from his bag. it was a simple question, but one that held the promise of deeper conversation of reconnecting. as they sat side by side in the library, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something new and exciting or at least, he'd hope so beneath her calm exterior that laid something to be discovered about.
✧ p. sunghoon 2 months ago
@✧ aria leaning back in his seat, sunghoon momentarily squeezes his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose to relieve some tension from his head. he had been staring at a screen for hours, writing the morning away. perhaps it was time to throw in the towel and start fresh tomorrow - it was right around lunch time, anyway. shutting his laptop and standing up from the table, he gathers his belongings to stuff them in his backpack, sling it over his shoulder and slowly make his way out of the building.

just as he was about to make his exit, he passes by a familiar face: aria. he knew her name, seen her around, exchanged formal greetings, even approached her once while she was having a meal, but never lingered long enough to have a proper conversation. sunghoon could use a break, he had the time, and he was curious about her. she definitely stood out, but she seemed rather... reserved. he spun on his heel to then catch up, leaning a bit to catch a glimpse of her countenance as he walked beside her. "hey there!" a smile tugs across his lips, eyes forming small crescents. his tone was warm, genuine, and hopefully inviting. "do you remember me? it's nice to see you again. i apologize if you were busy, but i was wondering if you wouldn't mind some company?"
✧ p. chaeyoung 2 months ago
@✧ j. jungkook as chaeyoung sat engrossed in her studies, her mind delving into the intricacies of vocal compositions, she felt a presence approaching her as the sound of footsteps got louder with every second. glancing up from her notes, a familiar face greeted her. she was not one to forget a face and she immediately recognized him, jeon jungkook, as they had shared an elective together.

her lips form a small smile as she closed her textbook, setting aside her pen. "hey. you're not a bother at all," she responded softly, her voice carrying a hint of warmth that seemed to fill the atmosphere around them. "no one is taking this seat. feel free to join me." she gestured for him to sit, waiting for his figure to settle down. she was used to studying with other people around her, so his presence didn't distract her at all. instead, it only made her feel at ease to have a familiar face accompanying her.

"you're... jungkook, right? I've seen you during theater arts," chaeyoung whispered towards him, her eyes focusing on him to wait for his response. it was evident that she wanted to know him more, and she welcomed this opportunity to make a new friend amongst the many academic responsibilities she has to face.
✧ k. junhoe 2 months ago
@✧ c. arin It was nearly half an hour past their scheduled time when he walked past the glass doors of the university library, immediately making a turn past the empty desks at the front and instead heading to their usual table towards the back where the girl was already sitting. They meet up here two times a week for tutoring sessions, though occasionally they had to cancel or reschedule when the basketball team had extra practices, especially when the competitive season got around.

He didn't consider himself to struggle too badly with most subjects, especially if he put in the effort, which was the biggest problem for him when all he was in for was sports. He knew he couldn't fail his classes if he wanted to stay on the team, and he needed to keep at least upper average scores, and thankfully Arin had offered to lend a hand in some of the subjects they shared. Namely, History of the Arts which was something that had never been quite up his alley. Arin was usually the only one who managed to keep his focus, as they'd known each other for years and were quite close. She knew exactly how to get his attention on it, and she could tell when it was just not working out, which usually ended with them just taking a break or clearing it for the day and using the time to catch up and talk. Not that they didn't do it often, but there always seemed to be something to discuss when they were together.

"Sorry, practice ran late" He offers with an apologetic smile as he drops his bag over the wooden table and allows his body to slide onto the seat next to her. He runs a hand through his hair, which is still damp from his recent shower, before adjusting his position and turning to face Arin. "So, what are the plans for today?"
✧ j. jungkook 2 months ago
@✧ p. chaeyoung the library's grand oak doors reluctantly swung open as he stepped into the hallowed halls of academia. the scent of aging paper and the soft hum of fluorescent lights enveloped him, a stark departure from the pulsing beats of the weekend's parties.

his footsteps echoed softly against the polished linoleum floors as he navigated the labyrinthine rows of bookshelves, each one a silent sentinel guarding the secrets of countless scholars. finally settling into a vacant desk, he let out a sigh, the weight of his neglected assignments pressing down on him. as he opened his backpack to take his laptop, his gaze wandered across the room, drawn inexorably to a figure seated a few desks away. there she was, park chaeyoung, the girl who had once shared his theater arts elective. memories of past encounters flooded his mind, but today, he was determined to break the cycle of missed opportunities.

with a quick sip of water from his oversized hydroflask, he summoned his courage as he rose from his seat and moved towards her, the sound of his footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting beneath his feet. with each step, his heart pounded in his chest, anticipation and nervousness warring within him until finally reaching to her desk before waving his hand to catch her attention. "hey, sorry to bother you but, is anyone taking this seat?" he whispered, only loud and clear enough for the two of them to hear.


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melozennie 1 month ago
[ ◉¯] CLICK ? CLIQUE ! ✧˖° — this roleplay is now closed.
keyboardsmash 2 months ago
jihoon will be leaving, thanks for everything!
faerielights 2 months ago
Fiona barron pretty pls
captaintycoon 2 months ago
can I reserve sato ryuga (japanese actor, known in kamen rider geats)?
captaintycoon 2 months ago
Can I reserve a japanese actor here?
madmarks 2 months ago
it's featured (*⌒3⌒*) congratulations bby!
DNABleached 2 months ago
could i reserve kim taehyung? (i dont think i see him on the list-)
heathens 2 months ago
lemongrass 2 months ago
omg congrats on the feature!! it's time to party!
psycheux 2 months ago
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