✎ cafe

All students run on coffee and spite, right? Maybe get yourself a little treat while you're at it.
✧ h. sohee 2 months ago
@✧ p. jihoon Sohee can only look on at the younger with slow, blinking, owlish eyes. How can someone be this enthusiastic and eager to talk away the time, even do everything as sohee just sat there like a 'dark, alluring' princess of some sort. The description courtesy of the cute kid that scampers off with a shake of her head. "Cake for lunch, sheesh. He's so... go lucky... go happy." the joint that's hidden in her jacket pocket she tugs it out briefly, spinning it around in between her forefinger and middle, wondering momentarily what was jihoon trying to say. Looking over at the kid as he ordered their menus, she glances at the joint once more, her nostrils flaring a little and her tastebuds watering dynamically at the thought of placing the stick in and taking a much-needed pull. Her eyes slip shut as a soft groan of dismay emits. An addict indeed. Her body slumped against her seat, thighs spread slightly under the table — a much more boyish way of sitting than the dainty, girly type. She's no princess by any means and she doesn't plan on acting like one, even if the younger is far too kind for her to get their things ordered. Waiting for Jihoon to come back to their table, she tugs out her phone, shooting her best friend a quick text in hopes of hanging out somewhere in the city tonight. Wondering if Jihoon would be into the dark side of the nightlife or not. Maybe sohee can be the one to ease him into trying the devil's lettuce if he agrees.
✧ p. jihoon 2 months ago
@✧ h. sohee i think everyone is beautiful in their own way, you just happen to have this dark allure about you, i think its great!
/chuckles softly kicking my feet back and forth softly as i look over the menu tilting my head from side to side
ohhh you smoke the devils lettuce? no judgement here, ive always wanted to try it out, but im a bit
/whispers with a playful grin raising a brow
that sounds good! i think im getting a chai on ice, and a slice of strawberry cake
oh my mouth is already watering
ill definitely let you pay next time noona! ill make sure its an expensive place
/teases with a cheeky smile
ill go place our order up front, you wait up okay?
/scoops up your menu and skips to the register to put in our order
✧ k. yeonhee 2 months ago
@✧ p. sunghoon yeonhee breathes out a sigh of relief when sunghoon recognizes her. wait, is she worried that he forgot about her? she takes in another breath and shakes her head, stopping any kind of thoughts from forming in her mind. noticing how he stuttered and apologized to her, the smile on her face is back again, her voice is ever soft as she assures him, "don't be sorry, it's okay. I'll prepare that order in a few." the price pops out on the screen in front of him and in the next minute, she takes the card from him to swipe and complete the payment.

though their talk doesn't end at that, her ears perk up at his voice, listening to every word. the clock that hangs on the wall parallel to her reads that her shift will be done in a few hours. "2 hours," she utters to him, their eyes meeting. her hand moves to return his card and she continues, "I'll be done in 2 hours. will you be able to wait that long?" she faces the coffee machine, her fingers are precise and at ease, and her smile grows once she's done with the preparation. it still brings her satisfaction when she sees her creation, no matter how simple or intricate they may be. "enjoy your coffee, and we'll talk later, sunghoon."
✧ h. sohee 2 months ago
@✧ p. jihoon "you think that i'm stunning?" this causes the older woman's brow to quirk in a hint of amusement, yet a little bit of content because she doesn't necessarily mind the compliment - maybe she likes it a bit too much - more than she'd let on. however, it only shows in the way her lips tremor to quirk up a bit and she cannot help but chuckle under her breath. "that's quite interesting, normally I come off as being scary or just a residing face. stunning is a new description if you ask me." nodding her head at his offer, a small hum elongates as she looks at the menu curiously, scanning every option while reading it in her mind and pursing her lips out thoughtfully. "I think i'd need some bitter as coffee to wake me up, I feel really exhausted, maybe it's because I didn't take a weed break... mmmh i'd have an espresso maybe and hm hm hm a sandwich? chicken and mayo? what are you in the mood for kid? also, I don't like that you're paying and I'm older, so let noona pay next time, deal?"
✧ p. jihoon 2 months ago
@✧ h. sohee /shoots up out of my seat as i can see you approaching, my hand also shooting up in a warm greeting as i wave you over
hi sohee noona!
/giggles dropping my hands on my head and playing with my pigtails as i make my way to take my seat once again
you think so? you look stunning as ever, im glad you could make it
/smiles widely pushing a menu towards you
oh that would be great, get whatever you want, its my treat to day
/nods firmly before looking over the small menu my eyes wandering to find something sweet
✧ p. sunghoon 2 months ago
@✧ k. yeonhee the ring of the bell atop the door resonated in sunghoon's ears as he set foot into the cafe, the smell of coffee immediately putting him at ease as he takes in the rather charming atmosphere. he loved cafes as they're his favorite place to study at - it was always less crowded than the library and, most important of all, he had easy access to caffeine. caffeine became a necessity, especially after pulling countless all-nighters for coursework and exams.

he wasn't paying attention to the counter in front of him as he walked, eyes darting around the establishment, until his name was called with a voice that filled him with a sense of familiarity. he felt his heart stop, head turning to meet the barista's gaze. sunghoon carefully studied her features, collecting his thoughts in a moment of silence between the two. "... huh?" his lips parted slightly, his heartbeat picking back up. "yeonhee?" he was confused, excited, and most of all nervous. they had not seen one another in years, sunghoon swore she would have long forgotten about him since he moved. she's changed so much, but he's spent so much time looking at her when they were kids that he could recognize her anywhere, no matter how much time has passed. "s-sorry! can i just have, uh, a regular hot coffee? no cream, no sugar." he quickly fished the wallet from his pocket, promptly pulling out his card to hand it to her when she was ready. "yeonhee, i... when do you finish your shift? can we talk?" he mutters while pointing at an empty table behind him. "i can wait for you. i have a lot to study anyway."
✧ h. sohee 2 months ago
@✧ p. jihoon The notification from her phone alerted the older that the boy reached the Cafe which causes her to release a faint hum before pushing her phone back into her front pocket of her black, ripped jeans. Her flannel shirt opened and her black strap top hidden under, a hand running through her wild strands while it's blown with the wind as she approaches the quaint, little Cafe close to the campus. Once entering, dark eyes glance around curiously in search for the younger male and once she spots him, her hand lifts to lazily wave at him before walking over and settling down across from him. "Hi jihoon-ah, don't you look all cute today," her face may look expressionless but her voice is tinged with amusement as she eyes his cute pig tails sitting upon his head. "Want to snack on something while we're at it?"
✧ p. jihoon 2 months ago
@✧ h. sohee /smiles at my phone before pushing it into my pocket, my book bag swinging beside me as i make my way across campus to the cafe across the street
/my pig tails bouncing on my head as i basically skip towards the shop. swinging the door open as ive arrived first and making my way inside to grab us a table near the window

[text to: sohee noona <3]

}im here inside!
}i got us a table by the window
✧ k. yeonhee 2 months ago
@✧ p. sunghoon the morning is just as busy at the café where yeonhee works part-time. as much as she loves to use her free time for rest or study, it is her choice to do this type of work. thankfully, the scent of the freshly brewed coffee that filled the air is more than enough to wake her up. with the wonderful aroma of the pastries and the light chatter of the regulars, they create a comforting atmosphere that she wanted to bask in forever.

yeonhee's hands are only precise with their job, her fingers dance to an imaginary tune as she prepares the café's signature drink. after serving it on the counter, the smile of the customer says it all and she returns it with one of her own. her head turns to the door as the familiar ring of the bell signals another coming in.

"good morning and welcome!"

the greeting leaves yeonhee's brims by default as her voice speaks out softly to the person. they lock eyes, and in that very moment, it is as if time had stopped. she blinks slowly, letting the realization sink in. sunghoon, her childhood friend, stands there just as surprised as her. memories of their childhood flashes through her mind. she's happy to see him, knowing that he's well with one look. after a second or two, she snaps out of her trance and pushes the glasses back up to her face. "sunghoon, I- um, what would you like to order?" she asks him, work mode starting to take over her body once again.


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melozennie 1 month ago
[ ◉¯] CLICK ? CLIQUE ! ✧˖° — this roleplay is now closed.
keyboardsmash 2 months ago
jihoon will be leaving, thanks for everything!
faerielights 2 months ago
Fiona barron pretty pls
captaintycoon 2 months ago
can I reserve sato ryuga (japanese actor, known in kamen rider geats)?
captaintycoon 2 months ago
Can I reserve a japanese actor here?
madmarks 2 months ago
it's featured (*⌒3⌒*) congratulations bby!
DNABleached 2 months ago
could i reserve kim taehyung? (i dont think i see him on the list-)
heathens 2 months ago
lemongrass 2 months ago
omg congrats on the feature!! it's time to party!
psycheux 2 months ago
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