about the room
for absolutely unhinged in-character discussions.
Please refrain from one-on-one discussions in this chatroom and use the tags room if you'd like a personal discussion with someone by asking the person you're talking to [want to move to tags?] or if you want to spice things up ic, ask them for their number so you can move the discussion to the text room.
please also refrain from ooc discussions in the rated chat and use brackets to indicate ooc information. if an ooc discussion happens to break out, please use the brackets to ask to move to the rated ooc room.
Please refrain from one-on-one discussions in this chatroom and use the tags room if you'd like a personal discussion with someone by asking the person you're talking to [want to move to tags?] or if you want to spice things up ic, ask them for their number so you can move the discussion to the text room.
please also refrain from ooc discussions in the rated chat and use brackets to indicate ooc information. if an ooc discussion happens to break out, please use the brackets to ask to move to the rated ooc room.