
kim yoohyeon. [A] 3 weeks ago
oh gosh- i’m so sorry for your loss. :^[
i was just checking in, so…i would still like to rp!
take all the time you need, though. ><
paing takhon. [A] 3 weeks ago
/hey sorry for disappearing without any notice. i’ve been dealing with the sickness and death of a loved one recently. Its fine if you dont want to continue this rp now :’)
kim yoohyeon. [A] 1 month ago
hi, just checking in!
are you still interested?
kim yoohyeon. [A] 1 month ago
no problem at all. :^] never any rush from me!
if you wanna start, that would be fantastic!
paing takhon. [A] 1 month ago
Hey sorry for the late reply. Thanks for making this space again. Do you want me to send the starter first?
kim yoohyeon. [A] 1 month ago
we can discuss anything else here if we need to!


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