
minnie yontararak. [A] 2 weeks ago
lemme know if you ever wanna rp again!
minnie yontararak. [A] 4 weeks ago
i know you mentioned about moving-
if you’re not interested in doing anything with this, though, lemme know!
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
tyt replying!
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
you're just being nice. :^[ KSHSD.
christopher bang. [A] 1 month ago
DFKJHDFGKJGFD IT'S OKAY IT'S ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD AND I JUST SKIMMED IT I'm sure it;s even better once i actually properly read it lmao
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
i'm so sORRY IT .
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
i may postpone the starter until the morning since i'm super sleepy. ><
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
i appreciate that. ;; never any rush from me, either.
christopher bang. [A] 1 month ago
take your time!! there's never a rush with me lol
minnie yontararak. [A] 1 month ago
okay, gimme a min or two and i’ll write up a quick starter!


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