
take pictures, read a book,
or just secure some harvests
coded by yxgurt
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
() WAIT INOW SEE THIS school trauma h ow jdksksksk
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
{} I'll make the thing there next o/ kyu over here summoning my school trauma lmao

I think it'll be a good distraction, and a bunch of good new memories. you deserve to have a good time.
snorts, rolling his eyes.
...yeah, you can call me hyung if you want. it might even be funny. go on then, hyung. I'll see you soon.
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
()the plaza sounds perfect yes!! ♡
Man I make kyu so whacked I'm sobbing jsksksksk ty for being patient lol

Mmmm tha is true huh? It is what it is I guess but I'm just looking forward to escaping a bit and I think this little trip might aid that and exploring with you today and trying new things? Grins over at you as he gives a little nudge at you before laughing softly. Want me to call you hyung too? Teases with a small grin as his dimple highlighted from the split on his brims and he chuckles while showcasing two thumbs up. Aye aye, I'd be sure to be comfy too! You too. Smiling once over at you, he gives your hand a little squeeze that was still in his hold before turning off to rush into his room and change into a pair of jeans ripped at the knees and thighs, allowing it to be breezy compared and a sleeveless before shrugging on a loose shirt button down and exposing the under shirt. A choker and specs to go as he looks at his hair and quickly fixes it up, messing it up further but not caring as he walks back out to meet you at the garden to head out to our destination.
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
chews on his lip, wanting to say something, but unsure how to go about it and whether this is even a good time to do so. eventually squeezes your hand gently, intentionally not looking your way so there's less pressure.
I think....if god's so bored that he's intentionally causing problems for us because he's disappointed or upset, we have a bigger problem. that's not how god works, hyung.'s okay to be scared, though. I'd probably be scared, too.
nods firmly, just once, following you back toward the house.
I've always wanted to be a hyung, so I'll take good care of you. make sure you dress comfy when you change, we'll be walking a lot and it's pretty warm.

{} wanna do the exploring in the plaza area?
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
()wjekekek you're so cute haha I'm glad then, I'm sorry im so late :(

Mmmmm I guess so huh? Mmm maybe I just rather not make God angry at me to cause anything again— maybe I think — I just got a lot of fear induced in me at the end of the day.... and thats how I feel all in all like if I — it up. Breathes out. It'll just come back to bite me in the arse. He whispers and peeks at the sky before blinking slowly and nodding thoughtfully as he laughs a little when you agreed about the "" and a happy hum emits before getting up with you and he quirks an amused brow. Well I shall put myself in your trusty hands for today, you'd be the hyung yeah? Haha I think it'll be nice to come out a bit since I haven't gotten out fully since everything. Waves his free hand around, almost flailing it before squeezing your hand in his and tugging you into the direction back to the house they're staying at. Let's just grab some stuff and.... looking down at his clothes, he grimaced a bit. Change to look decent. I'm just... looking homeless pft. So yeah, I'd meet you back and we'd head on over mm?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
{} was a welcome surprise uwu tanku

mm, it would be a waste of energy. for now, at least.
sits quietly for a moment then casts a thoughtful look at you. and maybe a little apprehensive.
camp sounds like it had a lot of rules. getting high and drinking probably aren’t great coping methods, but…. mmm… I guess I don’t really know. I’m not a therapist. but there’s nothing wrong with swearing, I don’t think.
glances to the sky, searching for the cloud in question before laughing, delighted.
it does! you’re right, it does. ahh…
shrugs a shoulder, still studying the cloud , then glances at you.
I know…enough, I guess. there’s a lot of immigrants in cali, especially la, so I had a lot of exposure to the language and culture. it’s not quite the same, but it helps enough to know when I’m being cussed out or flirted with, and to know which liquors are good. we can try whatever catches your eye. new experiences are good for a person, hyung. we can go now. there’s plenty of daylight left. and if we get lost, I can probably find our way home.
beams, head tilting, and starts to stand, pulling you along.
c'mon, let's go! adventure waits for no man.
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
()lengthy stuff is awesome to wake up to? Jdsksksksl crying and all good! Thanks for the heads up tho I'm always in and out too. Goodluck at work bb ♡

I— okay I won't waste energy on feeling sorry for our baby pft. Snorts out a chuckle and glances up at the sky as well, deciphering different shapes and patterns with pursed lips as a soft hum emits. Wait — haha no it's just like not with us being adults and all that shi— cuts himself off and pat his mouth before breathing out. I'm trying hard to follow this stupid camp rules and all that, they said to deal with mental health and trauma and stuff, it's always best to cut out the vices in life but man do I miss splurging and just drinking and getting high yknow? Mumbles softly as he fiddle with your finger once the pink promise was locked and his eyes cast over to the sky once again ad he tries to figure out what shapes he's noticing before pointing at a random cloud and snorting out a soft chuckle. This is horrible in so many ways for even thinking it but don't you think that looks like a pp? Quirking an amused brow at you, he gives you a little nudge before chuckling and humming softly. Truthfully, I don't know about Mexican food or drinks or culture — I'm very.... dumb coming to these new things so you might need to teach me but whatever you want to try I'd be down, I'm all for trying new stuff and exploring options so we can see what food choices they are, and go from there. Wanna go now?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
you can find it cute, it’s okay. don’t waste energy feeling down about it. I’m not.
leans into the touch, humming idly and mulling over his words.
it’s just easier, being positive. I like both, too, so I’ll try just about anything at least once. It would be cool if we could do like—like one of those this or that sessions? where we try food and drink and choose our favorites. probably easier than getting everyone in one place to drink together.
snorts a laugh, lifting his head up first to study you, then to look to the sky. when he sprawls again, he offers his pinky and links it with yours.
it’s a deal, but what rule do you think we’re breaking? sneaking booze? we're adults. and we're on vacation...kind of. if I’m going stargazing, I don’t want to be drunk. if I see something cool, I have to be sober enough to remember it or later I’ll gaslight myself into thinking I imagined it. hmm… yeah, we could get food when we go out. wanna look for some street food, maybe? I've always wanted to try authentic molote and chayote.

{} lmao that was awesome to wakeup to. I'm at work now, so I'll be in and out
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
()man don't mirror idk tf is wrong with me jsksksk
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
()Goodluck at work today and hope you rested well ♡

I— you sound like an animated kid talking about things and I don't know if to chuckle or feel sad and frown. These hyungs... shaking his head at that, he looks over at you with a small frown before reaching out to ruffle your hair gently and emitting a deep sigh. Poor baby fr tho— you're sweet to make everything a positive though, I love that about you yknow? Always turning every situation into something good. Smiles at that before humming thoughtfully as he listened about the different types of liquor. Mmh yeah I figured that much— well, I don't mind the sweet stuff honestly. I like both depending on the mood hah and fruity is delicious too however, either way whatever you guys get I'm down to try and we can all try em out together maybe? Grins over at you and laughs a little at your endearing excitement, only causing him to coo and reach over to pat your head once more — its adorable and he couldn't help it as his gaze softens. Mmh I would love to go stargazing with you silly boy. What else do you do when you go? I mean — leans over and whispers. We could sneak some of the alcohol there if we go for those mixers and no one has to know. Just.. we'd be sure we limit ourselves and no man gets drunk, deal? He asks with a cheeky smile as his eyes meet yours and he reaches out to wiggle his pinky finger at you. What do you say? Break some rules with hyung? And about food — I'm not hungry perse maybe a little but not too much that I'm desperate to eat was asking because we can roam around for mixers and something to eat out? What you think?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
mosquitos don't bother me too much, never have. I'm lucky. and the goats were kind of like dogs? just bigger, stinkier, no paws. and I like dogs. like, there are worse punishments, they were probably going easy on me. but that's okay.
taps his hands against the ground, thoughtful, then shrugs.
they're varieties of tequila. hyunjae mentioned liking darker stuff, and sunwoo didn't want anything that would be too sweet when mixed. I might drink, but probably not tonight. I want to go back for the mixers, first. you can go with me though, if you want. we can explore. I didn't drink back home, I was too young, but I learned a lot about booze anyway.
perks a little, expression and damn near everything else brightening.
yeah? go stargazing with me later. we'll have fun, I swear. it's not too busy here, less light pollution, so we should have a great view. but sleep first, be well rested so you can stay up. and I did. eat, that us. tacos for...lunch-ish. probably just do ramen for dinner cause I figure we'll all just eat as we get hungry. why, you hungry?

{} it's okay, I have work tomorrow, gotta sleep soon too. reply whenever, no worries <3
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
Woah that makes sense with all the mosquitoes too?! Wouldn't want your skin being destroyed in the process and did the goats not bother you too much? Chuckles in amusement as his eyes lit up a little, clearly curious about how much peace you find in such a little and spontaneous thing — what's meant to be a punishment, turned out as something positive for you and it makes him smile at that as he moves to roll over fully on his tummy as well and he kicks his feet out and move his head down to rest on his folded arms as he turned his head to peek over at you. The light breeze blowing his and your hair a little, ruffling the strands messily but it was surreal nonetheless being like this, being here with you and the others. The atmosphere was nice. Those drinks sound pretty interesting,, confusing, pretty all the same. Would you be drinking later? And if you want to go looking for mixers and want company, I got nothing better to do. Shrugging his shoulders, his eyes find your gaze and his lips curl into a small smile. Well stargazing does sound fun and definitely in need of sleep, I finished unpack.... somewhat. Did you eat yet for today?

()also if I don't reply, I passed out ;-; and would reply later uwu
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
well, it was kind of like camping. had a blanket and a lot of ambient noise, and…uh. goats? so camping, you know? I didn’t get to camp a lot before, but it was fun sometimes. I should have slept out under the sky, gone stargazing, but that probably wouldn’t have gone over well.
squints a little, nose scrunching up, then rolls over until he’s sprawled on his stomach and you’re more within reach. grins, lazy and pleased.
hyunjae let me bring home anejo and reposado, dark tequila. good for sipping and mixed drinks. good for traditional margaritas. I want to go back later, get mixers, but tequila’s enough for now. as for my plans… I was going to lie here and enjoy the sun a while longer. warm my bones. hmm, need to unpack, but that won’t take long. food eventually. maybe more stargazing later. maybe just sleep. I was up early. what about you?
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
What did you even do that was so fun to you? Chuckles in amusement before glancing over at you curiously. Mm? Do enlighten me.
Listening to all your adventures his eyes widen a little and he's gawking slightly at all the possibilities that Mexico does have to offer to him and s. Wow okay that doesn't sound too bad at all, the liquor got me a little intrigued though, did you buy any? He asks with a chuckle before nudging you a little with his free arm and laughing under his breath as his eyes flicker to meet your gaze curiously. I'm glad that someone does appreciate my presence. He mumbles with a cheeky grin on his lips, clearly teasing about the other members, knowing damn well they're all the same. So what you gonna do for the remainder of today hm?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
is it torture if I enjoyed it? cause I did. I had a good time, I really did.
cackles softly, throwing an arm up over his face to shelter his eyes from the glare of the sun.
the goats got me up early, so I got to watch the sun rise, listen to everything come alive, start the day. we went to the market for a bit, so I got to look at really good Mexican liquor too. authentic tacos.
sighs a little, not a little bit amused and a lot fond, and shifts so his cheek is more accessible.
I can be cute. I just choose not to be cause no one takes it serious. I did miss you though, it’s good to have you back. mm, I’m glad, too. wouldn’t be the same without you. you and your head or not
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
() no worries and hope you had a good meal :)

Glancing back at the sky carefully, he studies the moving patterns and his eyes squint a little as a soft chuckle emits. The — why did they torture you like that? Who was it?! Jerry? Sunwoo? Shaking his head at that, a soft huff emits. I am glad you found back a proper bedroom and a good bed at least. Tsk. I'm glad you made the best out of it. That's pretty endearing, what fun stuff did you do? Asks curiously and turns his attention onto you, propping his head on his hand as his elbow is resting on the bed of grass only to soften at your words which causes him to coo softly and flash a kind smile your way. Aww you're being so cute now please haha, I've missed you all and missed you a lot too baby ewic. Smiles fondly and reaches over to give your cheek a little pinch. Well — luckily I decided to come because I wasn't sure if to come after all that happened with my... he taps his head gently and chuckles. Or not yknow?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
{} I did thanks :3 just eating dinner. and I read kyu’s lore thanks!

snorts a laugh, turning back to study the sky, looking for shapes in the clouds.
it is a little extravagant, but not always. I mean, I slept in a goat shed last night because the hyungs were being funny. joke’s on them, I had a good time.
makes a face, shrugging somewhat awkwardly.
it’s the same though, isn’t it? kind of. we were already living our lives doing this, what’s the difference? I’m glad you’re here though. missed you. we all did, but I— I missed you.
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
() oh :o I hope you're home safe now uwu

Mmmmm it is it is... I mean I just got here, so it's a little.... extravagant I guess. Didn't expect we'd be on a reality show not gonna lie. He whispers under his breath as if the cameras would pick up everything said and he glances at you with a dimpled smile. I'm happy! I'm glad I'm — well out of camp and here...

()check his profile for reference lol
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
{} s’all good, I was driving home from work o/

mm, la boy and all. definitely feels a lot like home. feels good though, being here with everyone.
makes a confused noise, turning his head to study you.
yeah, I’m happy. it’s nice here, isn’t it? relaxing and having fun. …are you happy?
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
() sorry im so late omg :(

Mmmm that makes sense. Our l.a boy and all. Chuckles as his eyes squint up a little at the glare from the sun and the sky before nodding slowly. It's hot that's for sure. Chuckles and peeks over at you. You look good, happy. I'm glad.
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
sprawls back out, humming thoughtfully.
it's really nice out. feels good to just lie here, sun baking my bones.'s going. kind of like being back home in a lot of ways. what do you think?
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
Yes please
Chuckles and walks over before sliding down to lay next to you and sighs.
Mmmm it's nice out. How's it going for you here so far maknae?
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
lifts head, smiling after a moment.
hyung! hi, welcome. wanna sprawl with me?
ji changminʲᵃᵐᵉˢ 1 month ago
son youngjaeᵉʳⁱᶜ 1 month ago
shuffles outside and sprawls out under the sun.
lee jaehyunʲᵉʳʳʸ [A] 1 month ago
starts pulling weeds.


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