film set.

Location: white room
baek seongha.ˢᵏʸ [A] 1 week ago
The entire ordeal was bright from the start, and it wasn't just because of the studio lighting or the cheery attitude of everyone in the room. It was a moment worth celebrating. A bright smile floated onto Seongha's face as he shuffled into position, clapping his hands cheerfully and joining the festivities with a proud glimmer in his eyes. He could feel the rush—it wasn't the same as the adrenaline from his old routines or even the electric surge he had felt during his first time on stage, but it was a roar of emotions all the same. Despite what that tiny, doubtful voice in the back of his head said, he knew he deserved to be here just as much as anyone else. Even with his short training period, he'd made it. Seongha promised himself he would work even harder to prove that he belonged, not just today but for the long future ahead. "Spectra will make sure to shine brighter than ever," he cheered, looking directly into the nearest camera, the weight of his determination evident in the sparkle behind his smile. As he glanced around the room—at his fellow members, the cake in the center of his view, and the glittering debut party banner hanging proudly—he knew this was just the beginning.
park taekwoon.ˡᵉᵛᶦ 1 week ago
Perhaps he felt a bit overstimulated, or maybe this party was the confirmation that all of his dreams could come true; regardless, he was uncharacteristically quiet throughout the party. He put on a smile and put on a show for the camera, but there was little he added to the conversation aside from moments when the entire group would speak as a whole--like their introduction. It all felt surreal--like a dream that he couldn't wake up from. As the cake was being cut, he plopped down onto one of the sofas next to Taeyang and rested his head on the younger male's shoulder as a means of wanting a tender moment, but also in the hopes of garnering fan attention. Reaching up a hand, he ruffled up Taeyang's hair to make it fluffy and bouncy in a teasing manner.
vincent lee. 1 week ago
"Happy debut! Spectra forever!" vincent chanted along, throwing his hands up, made some nonsensical happy noises, clapped the hardest as he eyed the cake. it was pretty. really pretty. which made him crave him real food and not the sugary sweet dessert. he loves sweet things. but after all the hard work and maintaining his weight for so long for the debut, he was ready to indulge. he spied the camera shifting to him and yeonjun who was next to him. time to win some brownie points. the real one. he slung an arm over yeonjun's shoulder — had to be on his tip toes, damn the height difference — and with a cheeky smile he uttered softly, "you can have the cake. but go out to eat with me." it's not that his dislikes group hanging but he needed the quietness and not the constant chatter. he kept the energy up throughout the debut celebration, enjoying his cup of soda more than the cake.
hwang hyunjin.ʰᵒⁿᵉʸ 1 week ago
Typical to his nature, Hyunjin found himself silent as they were funneled into the room. His face was blank, lips in a natural pout as he took note of the set up. As per usual, he was half way through fully spacing out when he was nudged accidentally by someone getting comfortable. Like the snap of a fingers a thought popped 'Fix your face'- advice he'd been given not too long ago. A small, gentle smile formed as he put up a mask. It wasn't as if he was unhappy, it was quite the opposite. Hyun was just.. quiet, to himself and kept his emotions locked away while his mind was busy racing for inspiration. It took less than a second for him to gather just what was happening as his arms lifted in cheer along with everyone else. He even gave a little bounce from foot to foot, trying to show more excitement to match the other's energy as they celebrated their debut.
nunew chawarin. 1 week ago
Nunew entered the film set quietly, his slender frame blending into the background as he lingered near the back. His steps were soft, deliberate, and his eyes flickered around the room with a mixture of curiosity and nerves. It was all still new to him. He had only been a trainee at this agency for a short time, and everything felt a bit overwhelming. His language skills were still developing, and on top of training, he had to navigate learning a new way to communicate. He barely knew anyone here, and his timid nature kept him from jumping into conversations. So, he stayed back, offering polite smiles and small nods whenever someone glanced in his direction.

But then, his eyes fell on something that made his heart skip a beat—there, on the table, was a cake. The quiet tension inside him loosened just a little. His face lit up instinctively, a small, excited smile tugging at his lips. He bit down on his lower lip, trying to hold back the urge to rush over and grab a bite. He knew better than to act impulsively. He didn’t want to make any mistakes.

So he stood still, his eyes occasionally darting toward the cake, his fingers fidgeting by his sides. But his gaze lingered on the dessert.
lee donghyuck.ʰʸᵘᵏ 1 week ago
Donghyuck walked in about 15 minutes early and was walking in while on his Nintendo Switch, because, as always, he wanted to pass the time by doing something at least. As it got closer to the filming to start, he put the Switch away in his bag, set it to the side, and walked near s saying hi to each of them and bowing to the staff on-site too. His hands were shaking a bit from the first time being recorded on video and even more so, a bit excited that it was for their fans and their debut!

Looking at everyone else, he let the rest of his group give their introductions and he decided to start talking and rambled for a bit, "Uhm yes, hi there to everyone watching, I want to thank our members and the staff as well, for allowing us to debut and for working hard together, we promise to bring happiness to all of our fans. Spectra fighting, we hope to meet you guys soon!" Donghyuck felt like a big weight was off of his shoulder after he was done speaking, and he let out a little sigh, the hard work will begin soon.
kang taeyang. 1 week ago
Taeyang shuffled along with the groupmates being ushered by the staff. He took his position where they wanted him. There was shyness to Taeyang but he was determined to have a good time. Or at least pretend to. Eyes took in his surroundings. The set is passable even the cake on the table. Put on a smile, right. So Taeyang did and appeared cheery along with the other groupmates. "Thank you to Spectra fans and we want to bring in more for you in the future. This is only the beginning! Happy debut~"
lee yeongho.ˡᵉᵒ 2 weeks ago
leo stood near the center of the set, his eyes flicking between the crew and s. the studio was filled with cozy decorations and warm lighting makes he feels the excitement and responsibility. as the leader of spectra, it was his job to keep the group's energy and ensure they were comfortable in the middle of chaos of their debut party. while his face remained calm, leo could feel the weight of this moment. he and s worked hard for this day, and now that's finally happening, everything had to be perfect. he straightened his posture and occasionally adjusting s outfits and offering a quiet words of encouragement. he was truly happy with their first milestone to debut. his eyes softened when he saw the cake and the debut party banner. it was surreal , a moment that they all dreamed of. but as much as he was proud, leo was also in high alert. his leadership instantly kicked in , constantly scanning the room to make sure everyone is in place.

"happy debut day spectra! may we keep going until forever !"
choi yeonjun. 2 weeks ago
Yeonjun’s hands scrabbled to find purchase in Vincent’s clothes, shoving the Canadian to the side so that he could get a closer look at the cake, eyes practically sparkling at the sweet treat that awaited the group. “Dude, dude, dude,” he hissed quietly, speaking to his best friend in English while the staff tried to get all the boys to calm down and get ready for the video, “I’ll do your chores for a wee- Happy debut! Woo!” He’s a little late the chant, throwing his hands up as the rest of the group erupts around him. He’s bummed that he didn’t get to finish his bribe for Vincent but- oh well, let the festivities begin! “Spectra forever!”
kim taehyung.ⱽ 2 weeks ago
Taehyung slid into his selected spot comfortably, his body hidden beneath an oversized sweater as he eyed the strawberry cake model on the table with hungry eyes; lips somewhat pouted as he imagined just how good a strawberry cake would taste right now. His gaze darted up when they were signaled to start, a big boxy grin forming on his face as he held his hands up and brightly spoke, "Happy debut Spectra!"
bonbon. [A] 2 weeks ago
With a room full of high and low lightings, all focusing on a particular direction, the set up imitates a simple living room of an apartment, giving it an illusion that the members are staying together in a nice dormitory. The staff and crew were busy making sure that the tapes are rolling, the members are dressed and the simple decorations were extensive on camera. With a huge banner with the words “debut party” taped to the “window curtains”, a strawberry cake model sits at the centre of the table. Mixing into the crew, Bonbon watches from the side to take several behind the scenes media of the group as they start their schedule.


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smoothbrainediggy 1 week ago
Jeon Jungkook please!
mahogany [A] 1 week ago
.. is this already full?
Lucifers_Indulgence 1 week ago
Can I reserve Ahn Seongmin please?
cautionramen 2 weeks ago
May I reserve hwang hyunjin please?
Pandoria 2 weeks ago
can you add and reserve Nunew Chawarin for me please? :3
snowrose 2 weeks ago
may i please have lee donghyuck (haechan) of NCT added and reserved, I love the concept! ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶
SeHYUNG 2 weeks ago
Let me grab Kim Mingyu please
SeHYUNG 2 weeks ago
Interested in joining, just pondering a faceclaim.
ysage 2 weeks ago
lee jaehyun (hyunjae) pls.
disclaimer 2 weeks ago
Park wonbin please
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