‣ factions



Other things that can be manipulated by each respective element, not necessarily possible for every elemental but can be learned.

✦ EARTH:ㅤSand, Glass, Metals, Molten Rock.
✦ AIR:ㅤMost gasses and liquids in vapor form.
✦ WATER:ㅤIce, Blood, and other liquids.
✦ FIRE:ㅤLightning, Energy, Molten Rock.


✦ GOLDMANE:ㅤThe Earth faction, symbolized by a golden lion. Representative colors consist of brown and gold.
ㅤㅤㅤ➵ A proud and wealthy faction from District One. A generally very traditional and rigid bunch—it is mostly the elders of the faction that put great value on their old cultures and ancient practices. Unfortunately, elder Goldmanes can be very close-minded, rejecting change especially when it poses any level of threat to their traditions. They make up a considerable number of the Goldmane population, making their opinions significantly greater than that of their younger members.

✦ SKYPIERCER:ㅤThe Air faction, symbolized by a golden hawk. Representative colors consist of white, gray, and gold.
ㅤㅤㅤ➵ A very peaceful faction from District Two. Generally relaxed and carefree, this faction consists of many wanderers and travellers, and is a haven for those who have nowhere else to go. Because of this, the faction has the highest elemental diversity out of the four. They are the most open and will readily welcome others into their group, even regular humans. Given their predominantly friendly and peaceful nature, most Skypiercers are also pacifists, but not all.

✦ PEARLESII:ㅤThe Water faction, symbolized by a white serpent. Representative colors consist of pearl white, and blue.
ㅤㅤㅤ➵ A relatively calm and carefree faction from District Three. Like the Skypiercers, the Pearlesii are known to go with the flow, much like their element's nature. Though not as open, they still accept other elementals into their group under certain conditions. They are often involved in trading and business and thus can be found in great numbers in other districts for the purpose of it. They are a mostly peaceful faction until threatened. Once scorned, many Pearlesii members have a tendency to hold very long grudges.

 OBSINYX:ㅤThe Fire faction, symbolized by an orange phoenix. Representative colors consist of black and orange.
ㅤㅤㅤ➵ A fiery and boastful faction from District Four. Probably the most prideful faction of the bunch, and for good reason. They are very open to change and readily embrace the unknown. They are the most technologically-advanced faction, and boast much more advancement than the other three combined. However, this has caused the lifestyle in their district to be more hectic, highly competitive, and fast-paced. They are also the most lively faction and have a great number of district festivities and places of entertainment.

 FACTIONLESS:ㅤConsisting of humans and Eons born with two elemental energies. Such Eons will be considered factionless until they choose a single faction to join based on the one of the two elements they possess.


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Keikeu 1 week ago
psst, any wishes?
bananacue 1 week ago
can i reserve kang seulgi please? <3
mamushi 1 week ago
claiming lalisa tonight!
morsmordre 1 week ago
claiming yunjin when i get off of work tonight ♡
fallen_stardust 1 week ago
Ngl it was hard choosing an element for sab djfnjdj
cautionramen 1 week ago
Claiming hyunjin in the morning~
madmarks 1 week ago
this is gorgeous! requesting ning yizhou to be reserved.
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