³ jennie

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jennie ⋆ kim 2 days ago
@lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ there's something so intoxicating about how he gazes upon her— how he tries to control himself even though she could easily see the way he grits his teeth, the space between his brows wrinkling in concentration, and the subtle curl of his fingers inside as if he wants to make sure that he reaches the deepest parts of her. it excites her— coaxes her into keeping this information to herself, curious about how far he could keep this mask of composure. with a soft sigh, flushed cheeks seeking the warmth of his hand, she turns around and faces him, tongue at the wetness on her bottom lip once he retracted his fingers. i think i like the picture you have in your mind, yes. she replies almost shyly, the corners of her lips tugging up into a simper as her slender digits make quick, precise work of ing his jeans. she remains silent after that, ping him and pushing the hard material down until it’s pooled around his thighs. once her palm outlines his beneath the soft fabric of his boxers, she hums, pushing him back a little so she could get on her knees in front of him. you're hard. she murmurs, gazing up at him with faux innocence that contradicts the way her fingers hook at the waistband of his boxers, freeing his from its confines. she takes no time wrapping her fingers around the shaft, giving it a pump, then tracing the slit with her thumb. she makes another noncommittal hum. have you imagined what it’d feel like inside me?
lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ 3 days ago
@jennie ⋆ kim the silent challenge in her look charges the air electric; restless, cracking at his composure. his jaw clenches at the pliancy on display, gaze tracking each miniscule change in expression. mm, what a good girl. his voice is a low, hypnotic whisper, thumb gliding easily between suctioned lips. swiveling, exploring the warm expanse. the digit slides easily against her smooth tongue before slowly withdrawing, index and middle fingers now prodding and pressing down onto the flattened muscle. collecting the slivers of saliva pooled around the corners of her lips, he spreads the slickness across her pillowy brims with smoldering eyes. put those kitten lips to better use, on your knees. talent such as yours shouldn't be wasted on mere fingers, hm? he clutches a handful of raven hair away from her cheeks, neck angling for him to have a better look. this doll face would look even prettier with my resting against it. get me wet and hard enough to you with.
jennie ⋆ kim 3 days ago
@lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ with the way her face had gone warm and flushed, one would think that she stood under the unforgiving rays of the sun without any protection— but it was sorely his doing, and she's left astounded by how much he could stir something inside her with only mere touches and a few whispered words daring her to revoke. however, this only fueled her need to match him in this sensuous dance, dark irises staring up at him through her lashes as her tongue swipes at the pad of his thumb. i mean everything i say. she tells him she closes her lips around his digit, teeth biting at the base for a brief second, before on it— taking him deeper. not once did she ever take her eyes off of him.
lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ 3 days ago
@jennie ⋆ kim it's exhilarating, the way her chest rises and falls beneath his touch. desiring to make her feel the full weight of his presence, he presses his hips flush with hers, hands no longer roamingㅡ now they claim. fingers advance further up the expanse of , thumb rubbing deceivingly delicately from side to side, the delicious throbbing of her raising pulse kindling desire. taking what's given to you?.. nips of smooth enamel and tongue trace her earlobe, every movement slow and deliberate. it's dangerous to put that kind of power in my hands. his fingers raise to clutch at her chin, thumb circling around glossy lips. alternating between light and harsher pressure as he toys with the pliant brims. let's test that oral fixation of yours. show me how you'd use this pretty mouth. the pad of his thumb intrudes in one motion, parting her lips with a husky murmur.
jennie ⋆ kim 3 days ago
@lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ the initial shock of having him so close gradually turns into appetency, his large form completely covering her entire frame when he crowds her into a corner; and the position they're isn't lost to her, his response to her imagination from earlier so ingrained in her system that it still leaves her hot and bothered. inhaling deeply, her hands closes into tight fists, eyes staring at the space in front of her as she tries her best to remain calm and unperturbed from his advances. yet. she even musters a coy (yet crooked) smile. well, since i was the one that dragged you here, i'd give you the honors to pick one. it's only right in the grand scheme of things.
lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ 4 days ago
@jennie ⋆ kim quite a few. which one? closing the distance, he cages an arm around your slim waist from behind. large palm splaying across your stomach, trailing down to knead at your upper thigh, pressing to slot you between his legs. might take us all night to touch upon each of those things. his other hand loosely circles the base of your neck, keeping you in place for a low, impish hum to fan the shell of your ear.
jennie ⋆ kim 4 days ago
@lee ⋆ jaehyun ʰʸᵘⁿʲᵃᵉ so. about that thing.


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realgnotos 17 hours ago
Hi hi Johnny Seo please
-diluc 22 hours ago
heyyyy can i have jung wooyoung again ♡
justjae 3 days ago
Hello song mingi pls
chiikawa 5 days ago
zidian 1 week ago
Is this were I had my yeji —?? I can’t remember
bonheur 1 week ago
tbz sohn youngjae aka eric. please?
minity 1 week ago
hi hello ??
merlot 1 week ago
tbz lee jaehyun (hyunjae), please.
nemonemo 1 week ago
choi yena please!
Percocet 1 week ago
lee chaeyoung (isa) pls!
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