Character Requests:
― All character requests must follow the comment format, and include necessary information to have your request fulfilled, otherwise you will be asked to re-submit the request or be ignored.
⠀⨯ Character Changes - there is no limit, but be sure not to abuse this feature, or it will be changed.
⠀⨯ 2nd Character - Upvote!
⠀⨯ 3rd Character - Blog post!
⠀⠀⠀⨯ Blog post must include: small introduction to your characters, who you'd like to see + why they should join One Star!
⠀⨯ 4th Character - 300 points on all characters + 1 active thread on each character.
⠀⨯ 5th Character - 500 points on all characters + 1 active thread on each character.
⠀⨯ 6th Character - 1k points on all characters + 1 active thread on each character.
Other Requests:
― All apartment rooming requests must be directed to the reception desk room under the housing tab! All other requests can be directed here.
⠀⨯ Thread Rooms - Any City or Complex rooms that you would like added, feel free to post them here, and we will get to them as soon as we can!
⠀⨯ Room Notifs - Forgot to ask for your room notifs off in your app, or would just like them off in general, feel free to ask here.