except, one side is for all the titles (background, personality, etc) while the other side is for the content.
so for example: the chat starts on the left with "background", before continuing with a message on the right with content on the character's background.
so, it'll be magazine-based. when you open the layout, you'll see the cover: an image overlayed with a lowered opacity coloured box. the middle of this "box" is at max opacity to encompass the title of the magazine
then you scroll and the cover will disappear, replaced by the "first page". the image remains, being overlayed by the pages now. each page will contain different information. keep scrolling to turn to a new page.
the back cover can be the same as the front cover, and instead of the title it could either be "the end" *or* ooc information. tbd once we start on the layout and reach that part