h o s p i t a l ||

an old abandoned hospital.

the doctors fled as soon as the breakout was announced.

they left the patients in their beds, and now they roam the halls.



Taemin 11 years ago
@Taemin He turned around to survey the room. It was really quite large, he realized. And one of his guesses had been right; it was filled with cages. Most seemed to be empty. There was a door to his right labelled “Storage” where they most likely had kept the animal food, bedding, toys, etc. A door straight ahead of him seemed to lead out to the darkened hallway. The first thing Taemin did after taking stock of the room was closing and locking that door. Feeling quite paranoid in such a large space, Taemin headed over to the storage room. He held his breath, holding his skateboard—still latched onto his belt loop—in one hand while reaching out to open the door with another. He turned the handle and braced himself. Taemin abruptly threw open the door. He waited. And waited.

Nothing happened. He felt around on the wall beside him and flicked on the light switch. The room remained dark, and Taemin felt like smacking himself. Of course the electricity wouldn’t work! There was no one to pay the bills. In Taemin’s neighborhood, his mom had to pay the electricity bill every two weeks. So, this place had been abandoned for at least two weeks. Unless the doctors had left right before the bill was supposed to be paid. Then, it could have been only a couple of days. And that was assuming that the bill was every two weeks. Ugh. He was getting sidetracked.

Taemin wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see. A messily stocked room? A carcass? Perhaps a bloody room filled with torn off human limbs. There was no use prolonging it though. Taemin reached into his rucksack again and felt around for the small penlight he kept in the same pocket he kept his bobby pins. His fingers met a smooth metal cylinder and he pulled out the pen, clicking it on as he aimed it into the storage room. Orderly shelves of food, bedding, and other items met him. He heaved a relieved sigh and stepped into the room for a closer look.

The room was small. The ceilings and walls were in relatively good shape, and the floor was only slightly dusty. There were 4 shelves, one on top of the other, that started right next to the door before wrapping around the room and ending at the other side of the door. The setup reminded Taemin of a very small library. He quietly closed the door behind him, locking it.

Before he looked around the room, he should take stock of what he already had. Then, he would sort out his goals, and look for more things to help him. He had a dirty green hoody, tattered jeans, plain cotton boxers, his beloved matte black skateboard, and his rucksack. He felt behind his ear for a moment and sighed in relief. He had a small plastic stud in the upper shell of his right ear, hidden in his slightly greasy hair, that would spray a small amount of pepper spray if he pressed it twice quickly, and then once more, this time drawn out. He undid the clasp and checked to see if it worked. After all, he had more pepper spray in his rucksack and it was best to check it now than in a dangerous situation where his life depended on whether or not it worked. Click. Click. Cliiiiiiiiicccckkkkkkkkk. He waited and, to his relief, a small spray came out of the tiny nozzle on the side of it. It wouldn't help against zombies, but it would certainly defend him from human attackers.
[post deleted by owner]
Taemin 11 years ago
@Taemin After a couple seconds, Taemin warily opened an eye to inspect the damage. Other than his newly colored hair and skin—white from the dust and plaster that had flaked off when the window ledge came off—nothing seemed harmed. Glancing behind him, he could see that the top of his brown suede rucksack had also been dusted white. He could also see the ledge and window frame down below on the dry ground, splintered in half from the impact. Taemin winced. He didn’t even dare contemplate what would have happened if he hadn’t noticed the weakening wood in time.

Taemin peered down over his shoulder, but in the growing gloom of the evening couldn’t tell if the girl had managed to pull back before she was hit by the wood. Well, no use just dangling there like a flag for all the zombies to see, right? And besides, his arms were screaming at him for rest. Before his stay at the hospital, Taemin could have easily scaled the side of the building. Now, however, his muscles burned and trembled from the effort it had taken. The only reason Taemin managed to hang onto the building when the ledge fell was the sheer adrenaline that had been racing through his veins. His muscles felt really sore now, but—Taemin glanced at his arms—they didn’t seem to have atrophied much. Perhaps he had only been knocked out for a week or so. Or maybe it had been longer, and a nurse had helped move his limbs for him before leaving recently because of the zombies.

That was another point to consider. Taemin frowned in thought as he pushed himself up onto the exposed brickwork around the window, locking his hands into the crevices on either side of the glass pane to make sure he wouldn’t fall. If the hospital had been abandoned because of the zombies, why was he still alive? Not that he wasn’t thankful, of course. But why?

Taemin struggled to remember all the myths he had heard about the walking dead. They were supposed to be half-blind right? But super sensitive to sound? Erhm, you had to knock it’s head off to kill it. Or was it that you had to stab it through the heart? Dismember it? Burn it? Taemin sighed. He had no idea, and none of this was helping him find shelter-- his stomach suddenly growled--or food. Until he got more info, he would just assume everything the media said was true. Meaning… that they would no doubt be flocking towards the sound the frame made when it met the ground.

His head whipped around and he scanned the horizon. No zombies. But the sun was sinking lower and lower, and he was getting cold. The girl—he didn’t even know her name—was most likely long gone by now. He peered inside the darkened room, and could just barely make out a few darkened blobs. They didn’t seem to be moving and, after using his sleeve to rub away some of the grime on the window, he realized they were rectangular in shape. They resembled… filing cabinets? Or cages. Taemin knew that some hospitals also accepted animal patients.

Well, it didn’t really matter, did it? Taemin was pretty sure animals couldn’t become zombies, and it was getting colder and colder by the minute. He was growing tired too. He thought for a moment, torn, before a buffet of freezing cold wind made his decision for him. He reached back into one of the small pockets at the side of his rucksack and pulled out a bobby pin. The latch was fairly simple to unlock, and Taemin stored the pin away before hopping into the room and closing the window behind him, making sure to latch it again. As an afterthought, he pulled the shutters closed.

[post deleted by owner]
Amber 12 years ago
She didnt know what to do. "do you have a base or something? somewhere thats open with more people? We cant kill them by ourselves!" she yelled over the continuous from the walkers, who were ever slightly gaining on them. she had no idea where to run to. She had just woken from a coma and now she was running for her life from a horde of walkers. "what a day" she mumbled under her breath
Minho 12 years ago
Minho stumbles after the girl "y-yah! we have to get rid of them, theyre just going to follow us" He looks back but runs after her "What if they get hyuna" He trys to pull his hand away from her, wanting to turn back and stop the walkers that were advancing on them but he knew he wouldnt be able to get rid of that mant without loseing his life too, and that just wasnt something he was willing to lose at this point, he had people to keep safe now.
Amber 12 years ago
"um..." She bounced up to see the number of walkers. "TOO MANY!" she yelled. "come one! we need to get back!" She grabbed his hand and ran down the hallway. She had cought him offguard, but it was the only way to escape the walkers. It was either run for your life, or die trying.
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho, now sick of trying to reload his pistol gets his crowbar and stats swinging. Hed gotten good at hitting the walkers heads in just the right spot to break their skulls and kill them. He was swinging harder than he had been earlier and his adreniline was pumping and he felt rather invincible. He takes his chance to look over the zombies trying to count them but he didnt get a chance as another walker attacked. "" He grunts as he hits another walker "how many are there"
Amber 12 years ago
Amber rushes to the fire alarm and bangs her axe on it. She couldnt believe her luck. She had just met a survivor and now she set the fire alarm off. Hopefully, if they made it, she could make it up to him. SHe whacked the alarm multiple times, until finally it shut up. The walkers were heading full speed toward them and she swung the axe, slicing their heads off one by one. The number of them was grim, but her confidence reassured her that they would make it.
Minho 12 years ago
Minho curses under his breath then looks at her "Yah get the ing alarm!" He shoots down six of the zombies as they get closer then quickcly reloads his heart pounding hard now, there were so many, he didnt think theyd make it, but never the less he keeps shooting, takeing down a few more.
Amber 12 years ago
"i-i dont know" she stutters. "too many". She looked around for a sharp object as they moan and walk towards them. Finding a axe, she breaks the fire glass. They would have been fine, but immediatly after she gripped the axe, the fire alarm went off. "" she screamed over the loud sirens. The walkers were walking fast now, nearing them. She was dazed; she had no clue what to do. hit the alarm with the axe til it turned off, or kill the walkers in front of her.
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho nods then chases after her, freezing just as she does "... How many" He mutters softly looking from her to the zombies trying to count them, his hand gripping the pistol in his pocket.
Amber 12 years ago
"agreed. Um i think i came from here" she said, pointing to the end of the empty corridor. They walked to the end and turned. "there it is! 13-B. That was my room. i remember now! The narcotics office is somewhere near here" She was running, and turned the corner. But the hallway wasnt empty anymore... Walkers were near the corner, and she saw them catch sight of her. She froze, not knowing what to do.
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho nods "Yeah, come on, do you remember where it is?" He asks grabing the girl's wrist lightly "We get that and we can go back to the others and find Prodigy then get the outa here"
Amber 12 years ago
@Minho "Maybe. Its all fuzzy. I dont remember too much. I think i passed a narcotics office though. It wasnt full, but there might have been some bottles of medication, and some medical kits. We should get them before someone or something snatches them before we get there"
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho grins "Great, i think youll deffinatly be welcomed warmly" He takes te pills and looks at the bottle "Oh good.... these will peobably be really useful" He hands them back to her "see anything else on your way through? Anything at all?" He asks.
Yoseob 12 years ago
I moved closer to the younger kid. "Yah, Hyuna..do you think they're alright?" I was scared, it had been a few minutes but it felt so long.
Amber 12 years ago
"lemme check my bag. I think i took some stuff before i left my room,but i forgot." Amber reached into her backpack and pulled out its contence. A syringe, A bottle of ibuprofin,A package of gauze, A bag of chips, a chocolate bar, and 3 water bottles. "wow. I guess i was smart to grab this stuff huh?" She was suprised of this. She could hardly remeber her room and what she had in her backpack. She just knew that she was lucky enough to have this stuff, although it is probably popular in an abandoned hospital.
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber "Theres others" Minho says, not giveing her more information than that, then he turns to her "Yah, do you have anything like medicine, or food. Anything usefull?" He asks walking along a hall, figureing shed follow him "We need to stock up on stuff before getting out of here... Have you seen anything" He asks, glancing back to her and stoping, hopeing she had at least SEEN something useful.
Amber 12 years ago
trying to shake off her fear, she tuned in to what Minho was saying. She thought she was making some first impression on him, 5 seconds after meeting him she was going phsyco."yeah i guess. So is it just you or are there other people?" she inquired. The bigger the numbers the better, and a large amount of people was crucial. Hopefully, if there was, she would be accepted into the group, knowing that she would have only a vvery slim chance of making it on her own.
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho shrugs "No idea.... i was out in one of the hospital beds, next thing I know is im waking up in a dark empty hospital and there are rotting people trying to eat my face." He sighs softly and puts a hand on her shoulder "Yah. calm down, acting like that will only get you killed." He starts looking around for anything usefull again " happens, i guess you sould just go with it and do your best to survive, dont act a fool and help others to keep your humanity" He nods to himself, not even sure if the girl was listening to him.
Amber 12 years ago
"Amber Liu. 20. What the hell happened to everyone? One minute im in surgery, the next I wake up to walkers at the side of my bed. Yes i know they fit the bill as zombies, but those were unreal. I mean it was impossible for this to happen. Walkers. What next Dragons?!" She was near hysterical before she finished. She wasnt even an adult and she had to deal with this. She didnt even know if her family was alive... How could she survive this place?
Minho 12 years ago
@Amber Minho kept his gun up as the person walked toward him, he hadnt heard her yelling. He clears his throat and lowers his gun slowly "Choi Minho. i dont know why your here, we havent found a way out yet, and yes. soot them in the head, cut their head off, or stab then in the brain... get rid of the brain and they day" He looks the girl over "Who are you."
Amber 12 years ago
@Minho " Who are you? Why am i here. Is there a way out?" She was so confused. Everything was all new to her and the things she had been seeing blew her mind. Myths werent even myths anymore. For all she knew had been proven wrong. Superstitions had come true and she had no clue what to do about it. "those things...walkers... you can kill them right?"
Amber 12 years ago
@Minho "of course why the hell would i be yelling?" She said partially annoyed. How could he think SHE was a walker?? Was he an idiot or something? She walked over him to see who this guy was.
Minho 12 years ago
@Yoseob Minho stands up, looking at Yeosob "Yah you look after hyuna. got it, im gonna go try to find anyting usefull" He puts on a very serious expression. "Guard her with your life, dont leave her here alone, and if anything happens make sure you two keep yourselves safe." He doesnt wait for an awnser instead he heads off, going to look for anything useful, he wasnt sure if he could even find anything else in this place but it was important they got everything they could. He starts looking around for any wepons, any food or medicine, anything that could help in keeping them alive.

@Amber As Minho looks around he hears something moving and freezes holding his gun up and looking around to see a dark figure not too far off, though it wasnt advanceing on him like a walker would, he speaks softly "Yah... are you human?" He felt somewhat stupid asking the question but if the figure didnt answer and came at him he would just shoot it, if it answered well, theres more power in numbers.
Amber 12 years ago
@Krystal Amber stared bewildered into the strangers eyes. "who are you? Are there other people here?" She had so many questions to ask but refrained, for this stranger could be dangerous. Part of her was relieved to find someone, but she couldnt just trust the first person she met. She would have to be smarter than that to survive.
Krystal 12 years ago
@Amber Krystal was walking through the hallways of the hospital again. After finding a boy and watching him fall from a five story building, looking for him and then giving up, she had come back to find more supplies. Where he had gone, she didn't know. Hopefully away, somewhere that he would be able to hide for a while and be safe, especially with his arm in a cast like that. The hospital looked just as grim as the last time, lights flickering and a eerie silence. That was, until a shout broke it. Cursing under her breath, she sprinted toward the voice. Shouldn't the person know that walkers were basically attracted to sound and movement? If any were around, they would come looking here. Skidding through the slippery tiles in her haste, she finally saw a girl. And she was pissed. "Shut up! Do you want to die?" She hissed, hand placed on her small hand held pistol. If she continued shouting, Krystal would have no choice but to shoot her. A strangers life wasn't more important than her own.
Amber 12 years ago
[hai guys! im new so ill just start out randomely]
Amber looked around in the wall. Dazed, she wandered lazily through the halls looking for any sign of living humans, not walkers, which she had had the unfortunate experience of passing by when she was exploring the abandoned hospital. She surveyed the room, and upon looking at a busted up table, she found remains of food, fresh and ripe. "anyone here?" she yelled, pining for a reply. She was so afraid and was about ready to let fear to overcome her. She was just a frail child, and was never left alone. It was hard to get used to her circumstances. When she woke up, all she could remember was screaming in the hall and People running frantically around in the hospital. By the time she had become aware of her predicament, she realized how much she would have to grow up to survive this hell hole her surrounding world was tumbling in. She had to understand that most people were dead...or had become walkers. She had to struggle to survive and put in the utmost concentration just to find food, and there was no one to help her... especially in her present condition.
Krystal 12 years ago
@Taemin ((/just finished my post in the Chamber/ OTL she...has a second personality? xD))

Krystal watched from the corner of her eyes as the boy left toward the window. Why she wasn't just pushing him out into the hallway and letting him be shot while she disappeared, she wasn't sure. Maybe it was the instinctual need to protect someone younger than her? He wouldn't last a day in this new enviroment, wouldn't know how to look after himself. Hell, he didn't even know that there was a zombie apocalypse until she told him. Krystal would stay with him until she knew that he was able to defend for himself, then give him the option of leaving or staying.

Inching her way over to the window, she was able to see Taemin clamber upward with the skateboard attached to his pants. How impractical. Still, it was faster then walking. Struggling to keep an eye on both the door and the other, Krystal finally decided to let him worry for himself and just focus on the threat. Steadying the gun, which was wavering from all the flickering that her eyes had been doing, she slowly took deep breaths and waited. Scraping made her hiss softly. Was he trying to get them caught? Before she could hiss a warning, yells came from above and she stuck her head out the window in order to see wood falling at her head. Squeaking and sticking her head back in, she watched in dismay as it plummeted down.

The noise of the wood hitting the ground made her heart drop. Zombies were attracted to blood, movement...and noise. If any of them were nearby, they would head directly toward here. Cursing under her breath, Krystal looked out again and glared at the boy. He still hadn't managed to get into the next floor? "Hurry up! And stop making noise! Do you want the zombies to come?" She whispered, hoping he would just get through the window so she could go next.


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Derpy-Joly 12 years ago
applied as zelo
redzebra21 12 years ago
requesting amber
imsoawesome 12 years ago
I'm sorry, I have to quit as Junhyung. I wasn't really active ><"
Strawberry 12 years ago
One question, how do you know which area you're in? Like I know bandits are in bandit camp and the family is in the farmhouse, but how do survivors know if they're in the hospital or barren land or wherever?
onlythebest24 12 years ago
Applied for Key~
Taeminah 12 years ago
i applied for Minho (hopefully hes not taken too)
blue77amazing 12 years ago
requested Ilhoon
meltdown 12 years ago
i'd like to request di of rania, please. c:
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