❥ Stripper Room (4)


Stripper Kai & Stripper Fei's room.

Head Stripper Key [A] 10 years ago
@Stripper Kai [H] At first, Key was too focused on what he was doing, too focused on sliding Kai's throbbing length in and out of his mouth, wanting to bring the boy so much pleasure, that he almost didn't notice the other's body tensing up. Only when he heard Kai's sultry moans and his breathless plea for Key to stop did the stripper quickly pull away, not wanting things to end quite so abruptly. He didn't know Kai had been enjoying that so much. For a moment, Key caught his breath, his red lips, as his eyes swept over Kai's body beneath him, the skin flushed and glistening with sweat. He chuckled and playfully shook his head, as if he were disappointed. "You enjoyed that so much, didn't you?" he purred, leaning over Kai again, bringing their lips dangerously close together. "Why don't you show me...how much you enjoyed it?" With a smirk, he kissed Kai once on the lips, tasting them like chocolate, before he crawled away from the other stripper and rested against the headboard of the bed, daring Kai to come get him, to do whatever he wanted with Key.
Stripper Kai [H] 10 years ago
@Head Stripper Key As he finally felt Keys hot cavern engulf his length, the stripper let out a long though quite soft moan, gripping the sheets next to his body tightly in an attempt to restrain himself from bucking up. Even if the small, conscious corner of his mind he knew he himself /hated/ it when others decided the pace - that, and the stripper knew it hurt like hell. Suddenly Key started to moan. Kai moaned in response, louder this time, his whole body suddenly suddenly shivering, eyes rolled back in pure extacy. . Key was hardly /doing/ anything, and he... ! It was so, so fast, but Kai already felt the bottom pit in his stomach tighten, and he knew he was close already. "K-Key, stop," he breathed out, probably hardly audible. "I-I'm close..." The stripper tensed his muscles, trying to procrastinate it; he did, but he had no idea for how long he was able to hold on.
Head Stripper Key [A] 10 years ago
@Stripper Kai Key loved this; he loved everything about this. He loved the way Kai was falling apart for him, so in need of him, his body nearly trembling just from the lust he felt. And at this moment, Key knew he would never get enough of Kai. He knew he was in the same state as Kai, driven insane by desire, unable to resist much longer. He watched the boy's beautiful face for another moment, watching the way those expressions twisted with pleasure, before he slid Kai's member deeper into his hot mouth, even harder, his head just barely bobbing up and down. The lust was pulsing through his body now; his own member was painfully hard and swollen. He moaned again, sending vibrations down Kai's length, his hands caressing the boy's creamy thighs.
Stripper Kai [H] 10 years ago
He said it. He ing /said/ it out loud, so Kai expected the head stripper to move on. Instead Key pulled away, resulting in a groaning Kai that fisted his hands on the sheets. "ing tease..." Come on, come on, come on, was all that ran through his mind. Yes, he was desperate. Yes, he was needy. Yes, he was as . He even began to tremble slightly, forcing himself to not do anything he'd later regret. He just wasn't sure if he was able to control himself much long- As Kai felt the others mouth around his length again he let out a relieved sigh, immediately followed by a sharp intake of that same breath. The stripper couldn't help but glance down once. Right after he regretted it, the sight turning him on even impossibly more, and as he tilted his head back he couldn't hold back a low moan escaping his lips.
[post deleted by owner]
Head Stripper Key [A] 10 years ago
@Stripper Kai The reaction from Kai was almost better than what Key had been expecting. His voice was so breathy, his moans filled with so much need and desperation, turning Key on so much that he almost couldn't control himself. This was just too y. He smirked up at Kai as he heard the boy begging for him, taking his mouth off the boy's member, his hands caressing his creamy thighs. "Shh, baby, there's no need for such begging," he teased, placing a kiss to each of those thighs. "I didn't know you wanted me this badly, but if you insist..." He chuckled again before moving back to Kai's , this time sliding it further into his hot mouth, closing his lips around it and just a bit harder than before. Key moaned softly to himself, loving the sweet taste of Kai, glancing up to watch the other stripper's beautiful face.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key The heat didn't stop, only increased, their mouths clashing and both pleasuring the other. It was so sinful, so deliciously sinful. That's why he accidentally let out a small, almost desperate sound when Key pulled away, following the others movements with his upper body, panting as he could only stare at the head stripper. Kai leaned down on the bed again as soon as Key began to work with his pants, and gladly he helped by raising his hips somewhat off the bed. The stripper let out an audible breath as wasn't restrained anymore, and again there came an undefined sound from the back of his throat as he felt hot air blown against his rock-hard length. He realized what Key was planning, and //, he didn't there there was ever another thing he wanted this badly. He wasn't able to reply yet, though, tilting his head back in extacy. "K-Key," he managed to speak, almost too lust in their private world of lust and desire to even answer. He was forced too, however, as Key didn't continue and was waiting for an answer instead. "I /need/ you," he thus said, voice hoarse and rough already. "Please- Key!" Kai was reduced to begging, but really couldn't care less at this moment.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai As their mouths met again, Key kissed Kai as passionately as he could, their teeth bumping together and their tongues rubbing together. He was desperate by now; the pressure on was driving him insane, such a sweet sensation that he needed more and more of. The head stripper rocked his hips gently, creating delicious friction against Kai's hand as his own hand still d the boy's own hot . This was heaven for him. At this moment, he could think of nothing he wanted more than Kai, this beautiful angel, as if he would never belong to anyone but Key. Suddenly, he pulled away from Kai, rocking back on his knees, smirking down at the boy beneath him, with lips red and hair tousled, such a gorgeous sight. Key his own lips as he peeled off Kai's pants, leaving him fully , his finally free. "How much do you want me?" he purred, leaning down to breath hot air against Kai's . He chuckled, glancing up the boy's face. "Tell me, baby~ I want to hear..." His tongue s out to the boy's . "Just how much you want me." Gently, he took the tip into his mouth, softly, his eyes still glancing up to Kai's pretty face.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key The dark haired boy smiled widely at the others words, breaths soon following each other up faster because of the sensations Key caused to run through his body. "What word?" he managed to say, still admiring the others body with his hands, slightly gasping when the stripper hit a particularly sensitive spot - his . He let his hands be guided into the others boxers, soon taking over the control and softly grabbing his length, sliding his thumb across the slit. He couldn't help but smirk, keeping his hold on the loose, just wanting to tease the other a bit. Suddenly the new stripper gasped, taking in a sharp breath, as he felt Key's wet tongue playing with his ; unconsciously he tightened his grip on the others hard length. His back arched up somewhat from the bed, hips being moved in Keys direction, a small, desperate sound escaping from his parted lips. was throbbing and Kai really couldn't think anymore; where for a second he felt like he was in control, now he really didn't know - and didn't care - anymore. Wanting the other to feel the same way he slowly began to pump the others length, his other hand moving up to move Key towards him into another heated fight of their tongues.

[Not proud of it, but it's long ago OTL]
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai The head stripper chuckled as he heard Kai's breathy words, muffled slightly from the kisses Key was placing along his neck. "You can have me anytime you want, baby," he purred into Kai's ear. "Just say the word...and I'll be yours~" He leaned away for just a moment to let Kai shed his shirt before coming back down and latching onto the boy's collarbone, kissing and softly, leaving faint teeth marks in a few spots, wanting to mark this y boy as his and only his. Nobody's but his. His hands began to explore Kai's bare torso, feeling every perfect curve and contour, caressing his cute fuzzy happy trail, before moving back up to one of his dark s, brushing his thumb over the sensitive bud. He could feel Kai's own hands down around his hips, playing with the elastic band of his boxers, just making him even more . He wasn't thinking rationally; he was controlled by the lust he felt, reaching down to grab one of Kai's hands and gently slide it into his boxers, wanting the boy to touch him, to please him. Key left his collarbone and trailed kisses down to his other , softly and slowly running his wet tongue over it, swirling it in gentle circles. His hands were unbuckling Kai's belt, ping his jeans and slipping his own hands inside to fondle the boy's , wrapping his fingers around it.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key Kai's gaze was locked on the figure before him, now slowly approaching. He couldn't tear his eyes away - he seemed to have that problem more lately - and didn't even get to reply to the head stripper's words. Not that he knew what to reply to that, because Key was damn right about that. Of course the new one complied easily, lying down down at Key's movements, his breath already speeding up again in bliss. "It's a shame I'm no master," he managed to breath out just before he felt Keys lips against his. He couldn't stop a soft moan escaping his throat, the hotness of the kiss and the pressure on his crotch combined were too promising, too addicting; without even realizing it Kai moved his hips up somewhat to meet Key's, though carefully. He pulled away slightly. "Because then I'd be able to book you every night." On Keys command he began to take off his shirt, though he had to break the contact for a second to actually be able to. Carelessly tossing it away he leaned in to catch those lips again, eagerly, letting his hands travel down the dancers smooth, beautiful skin. There was no guessing why Key was the head stripper of the place; Kai doubted if it was possible for /anybody/ to get better than this, and he himself couldn't even hope to get into the same range as the head stripper. And apparently Key was careful with his body; as much as Kai noticed (which wasn't really much right now) he hardly had markings on his skin, nor any other signs that this was a daily business for him. It was perfect. Already having deepened the kiss, he let his tongue explore the others hot cavern for a bit, before softly on his tongue; just for a moment, because then he pulled away just enough, smirking against the head strippers lips. With a quick snap he had the elastic of Keys underwear snapping back against the skin, though not hard.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Key narrowed his eyes slightly, still smirking as he began to approach Kai again, taking slow steps. "Don't act like you're not impressed," he purred with arrogance. "And don't act like..." He climbed onto the boy's lap again, leaning down to whisper into his ear. "You aren't just as as I am right now." Key placed his lips to Kai's neck, trailing warm kisses along the skin, grazing his teeth over a patch every now and then. His body rolled softly against Kai's, coaxing the boy to lie down, pushing him gently onto his back. Key was on top of him, his lips now capturing Kai's lips in a deep, heated kiss. Their hips were still grinding together, and Key gasped softly into Kai's mouth as he felt their obvious s rub together. Strong pleasure coursed through his body. His hands ran along Kai's perfect curves, stopping at the hem of his shirt. "Take this off," he whispered before kissing him again.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key A small smirk appeared on the stripper's face as Key missed the rhythm of the song for just a second before he was able to catch up again. He loved the way Key reacted to such a simple touch, immediately creating images what would happen if he'd touch him on some more sensitive places. The stripper's hands running down his body, combined with that addicting pressure against his crotch, made him practically go crazy; and when Key even squeezed his clear bulge, the new one couldn't hold back a soft moan of just pure want and need. The more disappointed he was when Key got up, though he rubbed against his crotch for one last time, before he completely walked away. It gave Kai some time to catch his breath - he hadn't even noticed it sped up in the process - but though he was given a little break, he couldn't do anything else as just stare at the stripper. "You know how good it was," Kai simply replied, blinking a few times as realization hit him again, kind of pulled him down to earth. His breath that had just started to show down, stopped when he heard the others next words. What's next? Kai's mind ran back to just minutes ago, though it felt like hours. "Whatever you'd like," he repeated the earlier words, voice slightly hoarse. Despite of his state he was able to pull of a smirk. "From what I see... I'm not the only one," he finally replied, chuckling a bit.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai When Kai's hands touched his bare skin, Key nearly lost his mind. The boy's touch felt so hot; so pleasurable. He shuddered with bliss, losing his rhythm for only a second, before he continued dancing in Kai's lap. He rolled with body into the boy's hands, while his own hands trailed over Kai's body, touching every curve and contour, imagining what it would feel like to touch his skin. Key could hardly wait. He grinded harder into Kai's lap, as he felt their s rubbing together, one of his hands coming down to cup Kai's bulge. He squeezed it softly, smirking at the boy, before he leaned away and turned around. He dipped into Kai's lap one last time, rubbing against again, before the song ended and Key strode away to turn off his phone, still swinging his hips the entire time. After a moment, he turned back around to face Kai, loving the expression on the boy's gorgeous face; his flushed cheeks and hooded eyes. The stripper smirked. "How was it?" he purred, cocking his head. "From the look on your face, I assume you enjoyed it. And I bet you're going to enjoy what's next...even more." Key could already feel straining against his g-string, so by the thoughts of all the sinful things he could do to Kai.
Stripper Fei 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Hi~! I'm your new roommate
Stripper Fei 11 years ago
Pretty room~!!
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key Kai just nodded wordlessly and stepped back as Key began to dance, his body moving seemingly effortless in the rhythm of the song playing. He couldn't take his eyes of while the head stripper showed his expertise; he was good, /too/ good, and though the new stripper sometimes let his gaze travel down, when he looked up there was always that intense stare of the stripper in front of him. For a moment he drowned into that stare, not even noticing the shirt that was lifted up; but soon the contact was broken by the fabric, and the male couldn't help but wet his lips at the gorgeous skin now revealed. Soon his lips were parted again, as Key came closer, literally danced against him. He could already feel his pants become tighter and tighter. ", Key," Kai groaned, the stripper already being settled on his lap. His became even painful against his pants; he didn't think /anybody/ had this effect on him so quickly, so unbelievingly fast. He couldn't help the soft moan escaping his lips, his hands now moving to hold the stripper's hips - he didn't know if he was allowed, seeing he himself never liked it when costumers touched him while dancing, but he had to touch the guy, he /needed/ to feel his hot skin beneath his fingers. "Key..." he spoke again, almost grunting, without actually a reason- just the others /name/ on his tongue felt good.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Oh, this was perfect. Kai was already so , Key could tell just from the look in his eyes. He was wrapped around Key's finger and as soon as he finished this little dance, Key would get exactly what he wanted. Perfect, indeed. Key found one of his favorite songs to strip to on his phone an placed it onto a nearby dresser, smirking as he heard the music start. "Enjoy~" he whispered to Kai before stepping away. Key began to dance, moving in rhythm to the slow song, swinging his curvy hips, running his hands over his own body. He kept his eyes locked on Kai as he slowly ed his shirt, peeling it off and tossing it to the side. Now half-, Key moved closer to the boy and began dancing against, using him as a pole of sorts, grinding his hips and rubbing his body against Kai's. "Sit," he purred, pushing Kai onto the bed. Key slipped off his tight pants before straddling the boy's lap, rolling his hips again, his own hands still caressing his body, his head tilting back with pleasure.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key At Keys words, Kai already began to lose hope, thinking that the head stripper would turn down his proposition. "Well, why not?" he still tried, softly groaning when he felt Key's fingers play with the hem of his pants and boxers. . If the stripper would continue this way, Kai wasn't even sure he was /able/ to dance anymore. The new one gave a curt nod, a smile quickly spreading on his face, because hey - Key said yes! A shiver ran down his spine, feeling the others breath against his ear and Keys lips so lightly touching the skin next to it. He didn't even need to think about the answer he had to give. At this point, he really couldn't turn back anymore. "Deal," he thus replied without even thinking for a second. He really didn't know how the blonde had been able to control him so quickly, to leave no room for even /thinking/ about resisting - not that he wanted to, but it if Kai could think right now - which he couldn't - he would've been /scared/ by how quicly Key had him wrapped around his finger. Violently the brown haired male bit his lip, holding back a sound that threatened to escape his lips as the blonde touched his , even giving it a soft smack. .
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai As Kai turned the tables on his plan, Key arched a brow, leaning away from the boy just a bit to look into his eyes. "You'd like me to give you a private show?" The stripper was smirking, coy and y. "You think you can have the privilege of a private show from the head stripper of this place?" Key ran his hands along Kai's body, dipping beneath the waistband of his pants and playing with the hem of his boxers. He was weighing the idea in his mind before finally he chuckled and leaned forward again. "Fine, I will. But on one condition." He dropped his voice to a whisper, his lips moving beside Kai's ear, brushing ever so slightly. "When I finish dancing for you...I get to do whatever I'd like with you." He moved his hips to gently bite Kai's neck, leaving a faint mark behind. "It's only fair, wouldn't you say, baby?" Key chuckled again as one of his hands trailed down to cup the boy's bottom, giving it soft smack.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key "I know," the new stripper smugly replied, smirking a bit. He tilted his head somewhat as he watched Key coming closer, not able to tear his eyes away from the quite captivating presence. He couldn't even shrug his shoulders at the question, completely caught by the way the other male was walking, watching him - even the way he /talked/ was.. Addicting. "It wouldn't be the first time I'm giving away a show," he just answered. No. He wasn't nervous for his shift tonight. Kai's gaze went down when he felt the head stripper's hands on his body in an almost admiring way. He looked up as the said male began to speak again, though he wasn't able to fully ignore the hot sensation his hands left on his torso. His lips turned upwards into a crooked smile. "What about we keep that a surprise, and /you/ give the private show? I might learn some tricks from you," he smirked, resting a hand against the others lower back, parting his lips when Key bit his earlobe.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Key chuckled as the other introduced himself, springing up to bow and everything. He admired his manners...almost as much as he admired his body. "It's nice to meet you, Kai." Key loved the way that name rolled off his tongue. He found himself wondering what it would be like to moan it. "You are very handsome, Kai. I'm glad you decided to join us here~" The head stripper subtly locked the door behind him before starting forward, swinging his hips slightly, his eyes still locked on the boy's. "You know, your first shift at the club is tonight. Are you nervous about it?" Key had reached the boy by now and with a chuckle, he gently placed his hands onto Kai's body, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt, caressing every curve and contour. "Your body...is so perfect," he murmured. "Why don't you and I have some fun first...to ease your mind about tonight's shift? You can give me a private show, so I can see just what my little y stripper has in store." His hands s around Kai's hips and pulled the boy against his body, his lips moving to gently bit his earlobe.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Head Stripper Key Kai was currently lying down on one of the beds, arms folded behind his neck while he just stared at the blue ceiling above him. He had just arrived a couple of hours ago, and while his stuff was already packed away, he felt anxious enough to start walking back and forward in the room. The main question that ran through his mind was if this was the right decision. Sure, he had been a stripper for such a long time already. Still, if it wasn't for his financial problems he wouldn't even think of joining such a mansion. Though the dancing would be the same, there was one big chance going on, and that was that he didn't get to choose the people who were allowed to touch his body. As a stripdancer he had less 'clients' than the other dancers he knew; simply because he thought it was dirty to sell your body that way. And /if/ someone actually succeeded in persuading him, it was his own choice, and not anybody else's. He still had the power. Now he wasn't sure what to expect, and that scared the new stripper, to be honest.

Suddenly, his attention was catched by knocking on his door, so the chocolate-brown male turned his head to look at the now opening door. For a moment he raised an eyebrow - wasn't it normal to actually wait for an answer before barging inside? His expression didn't change much as he heard the stranger's greeting, only now rolling his eyes. "Hi, mum." Baby? Seriously? Kai blinked when the feminine male actually introduced himself, and immediately he got up from the bed to stand up and bow to the other male. "I'm sorry, Key-ssi. Yes, I've heard of you, but I don't know the same counts for me. I'm Kai." A small, apologetic smile was tugging on his lips as he - now curiously - watched the slim male in front of him. So that was the head stripper, hm? Well.. He surely looked like one.
Head Stripper Key [A] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai One afternoon before his night shift at the club, Key made his way through the mansion to one of the new strippers' rooms, one of the new strippers that he had yet to meet. He usually kept track of all of his new coworkers, but this one had managed to evade him. Not for long. Key wanted to meet this boy before his first shift at the club tonight; he wanted to explain things to him, to maybe...show him the ropes of his job. Hopefully, by example. Key smirked to himself as he knocked lightly on the door and pushed it open, finding the boy inside the tidy room. He was alone, fortunately, and Key quietly closed the door. "Hey, baby." He smirked at the boy, running his eyes up and down his body. He was gorgeous, y, with long legs and a perfect body built for dancing. Key bit his lip just thinking of all the ways he could play with that body. "I'm Key, pretty much the boss of you. I'm sure you've heard of me...haven't you?"


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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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