Lottery Room

The rules are simple, roll the dice twice and see what two numbers you get. If you get the two lucky numbers of the week, then you will win a whooping 2500 activity points to spend on anything you want! If you get the number but in the incorrect order, then you lost 1250 points. If you get two completely different numbers, then you will just get 400 activity points. You may only roll twice each day.  // credits of this goes to this roleplay.
ex. the lucky number of the week is 72 and myungsoo rolls a 5 & 4, he gets 400. however if soojung rolls and gets a 2 & 7 in that order, she loses 1250 and if sunkyu rolls and gets a 7 & 2 then she wins 2500!
lucky number 44
Taeyeon / 23 . Kai / 14 . Taemin / 42 . Key / 54 . Hyuna / 35 . Key / 61
Yixing / 26 . Ailee / 31 . Suzy / 64name / # . name / # . name / #
name / # . name / # . name / # . name / # . name / # . name / #
roll only tiwce per day ( which means one roll per number ). please read the rules for this or you will be ignored. also, everyone automatically starts with 500 points. Also to make things easier here, so you can know when the new day starts, we will go by midnight of this clock.
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Midnightb2ty [A] 9 years ago
--infinitelove 10 years ago
Admin Hyuna is going to leave this place..
i'm sorry everyone...>_<
i hope the other admins will continue making this place active..
VIXXSTAR 10 years ago
Cn I apply as Tiffany since she is inactive?
Loner_Kei 10 years ago
Applied as Kai.
SweetSinner 10 years ago
Sorry yuri is leaving
Neptuniap4a 10 years ago
Can you add Bohyung from Spica as vampire?
SweetSinner 10 years ago
Applied as Yuri
SweetSinner 10 years ago
Can you add girl's day's yuri as a human?
camelkevin 10 years ago
i'm sorry but Sunny is leaving...
i'm going to clean out my characters and start new ones
naevis 11 years ago
Gain left. Was inactive for too long. Sorry!
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