Tao sighed and stood up from his spot, he wouldn't be able to enjoy if he were to only look around like a creepy dude. But who cared? He had sunglasses on. He shrugged and started walking to the dock, wanting to see the fish near the shore. Nobody cared for what he does as a wushu teacher. They would always try and make fun of wushu by doing some random martial arts, as they would call it. He was fed up and decided not to tell anyone what he does for a living. He'd just say either a barista or a DJ, but that didn't leave him to have friends. "I guess I'll be all alone again.." He leaned against the railing and sighed, watching as the fishes swam away, chasing each other around.
@Nichkhun *leans forward and looks at the sunset over your shoulder*
Whoa, you're right!
It's really beautiful~ *smiles softly as I look at the setting sun*
@Nichkhun *chuckles, poking your cheek*
You're such a kid, oppa
*shakes my head slightly and loosens my grip on you*
Your name is really hard to pronounce *sighs*
@Nichkhun Y-yah!
*wraps my arms around your neck tighter*
Okay, okay! I won't call you ahjusshi anymore, promise! *nods repeatedly*
H-hor..ve.. What? *blinks*