This is where all the meetings take place. Where all the members sleep, eat, and discuss with each other. It's located on the outskirts of town ; as close as someone without proper authorization can get to the gates. It used to be a beautiful library, but over the years it became overgrown with trees and wild life. Since then, the Rebels made it their home - passing it off as if it was still abandoned. No one walks in here through the front doors - if you want to get into the base, you have to come in through the rooftop. Once inside, you'll be in the grand room. There are three hallways just for bedrooms, one kitchen, one dining area, and one meeting room. The Rebels often retreat here but be careful not to lead any kind of spy of assassin to the base - you could compromise it and be declared a traitor. Who knows what would happen to you, then. Not to far away from the Home base is Athena's streets, the Training Range, and the Forbidden Lake. Come and go as you please!