Right outside the Home base is a little brush of land - filled with trees and bushes. The rebels have declared this their training range. Within the forest you can find little targets to hit, horses tied to trees, even a small pond where many of the more mental based mutants gather and mediate. It is a place for all rebels to escape and to learn from one and other. This is where they gather during their free time - you can't spend all day in a broken library. So why not venture outside to the one place you can practice hand to hand combat in a meadow and NOT get thrown into jail? Unless...you show someone the way to the heart of the miniature forest. Then you pretty much ruined it for everyone. This is the Rebel Leader's to command, as is the Home base. Whatever he says, goes. Much like the Queen and King, you follow his rules. And he will host the gatherings, the meetings, and he will throw any kind of event he sees fit. This place is located near the Home base, Athena's streets, and the Forbidden Lake.